NuCore members
Professor Tom Joyce
Professor of Orthopaedic Engineering
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- Address: Stephenson Building
Chair in Orthopaedic Engineering
This Chair is supported by an endowment from the William Leech Charity.
Tom Joyce is a biomedical engineer specialising in the design, testing, analysis and evaluation of artificial joints including hips, knees, shoulders and fingers. He works extensively with industry and clinicians in order to inform and improve future designs of artificial joints. As a professional engineer he takes an interest in patient experiences with joint replacements, particularly where these fail in-vivo.
He takes a holistic approach to engineering, feeding his research into teaching and supervision of students. He undertakes and oversees research into engineering pedagogy and has published in this area.
PhD Biomedical Engineering, University of Durham, UK
MSc (Eng) Tribology in Machine Design, University of Leeds, UK
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds, UK
Previous Positions
Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG), Galway, Ireland. 2004-2005
Senior Research Associate, School of Engineering, University of Durham. 1997-2004
Action Research Training Fellow, School of Engineering, University of Durham. 1993-1996
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Member of the British Orthopaedic Research Society
Member of the UK Society for Biomaterials
Honours and Awards
2020: One of only two UK nationals selected for the orthopaedic panel of the EU’s list of experts to aid with Regulation (EU) 2017/745 concerning medical devices
2018: Research on spinal rods featured by BBC. See ‘The therapy tested on pigs and corpses’.
2016: MEP-Scientist Pairing Scheme. See
2012: Telegraph:
2012: Appeared before the Science and Technology Committee of the House of Commons to offer evidence in support of their investigation into medical implant regulation in the UK and EU
2011: National Teaching Fellowship
2010: Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Teacher Award.
2009: BORS/ORS Travelling Fellowship allowed me to attend the ORS and AAOS meetings in Las Vegas before visiting five leading US orthopaedic research centres and showcase his research at these venues.
2008-09: ExxonMobil Excellence in Teaching award.
2008: Pulvertaft Prize awarded by the British Society for Surgery of the Hand.
Research Interests
I would be happy to hear from potential PhD students, who have funding, and who are interested in any of the following areas of research:
- Biotribology
- Design, testing and evaluation of artificial joints
- Wear testing of biomaterials
- Metacarpophalangeal and first metatarsophalangeal prostheses
- Explant and retrieval studies
- Metal-on-metal hip prostheses
- Patient experiences of joint failure - website - twitter
In addition, I am happy to consider applications in the area of Regulatory Science. This could be cross-disciplinary work in the important and exciting area of Regulatory Science.
Esteem Indicators
I was quoted by the BBC as part of their investigation into failures in medical implants
My piece in The Conversation September 2017:
Two recent book chapters. Biopolymer tribologyT J Joyce. In The Handbook of Polymer Tribology, World Scientific, 2018, 122-168. A hop, skip and a jump – towards better wear testing of hip implants, S L Smith, T J Joyce. In Mechanical Testing of Orthopaedic Implants, Elsevier, 2017, 183-206.
I appeared in this piece on the Telegraph website regarding issues with metal-on-metal hips:
Appeared before the Science and Technology Select Committee of the House of Commons in May 2012 in respect of their investigation of medical device regulation.
Organised the event 'Lessons Learnt: preventing future artificial joint failures' at IMechE, London, April 2012
Invited expert opinion on metal-on-metal hips in news and investigative TV programmes in UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia.
Invited lectures in 2010 at the 1st International Conference on Orthopaedic Biomechanics, Clinical Applications and Surgery, Brunel University; and at the IMechE seminar 'the changing role of engineers in orthopaedics' London'.
Co-editor of the book “Biomaterials in Hand Surgery”, published by Springer.
Guest editor, Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 2009, Special Issue on medical engineering education.
Invited keynote lecture at the 8th World Biomaterials Congress for the session ‘Biomaterials in Hand Surgery’ in 2008, and invited keynote lecture at the 2009 joint meeting of the British and American Societies for Surgery of the Hand.
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board for The Open Educational Journal.
Reviewer: Innovation and Technology Commission of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; EPSRC, MRC; ARC; Action Research; Leverhulme Trust; Wellcome Trust.
Invited papers for the Journal of Hand Surgery, British and European edition, and the journal Expert Review of Medical Devices.
Invited lecture at First Biomaterials in Hand Surgery meeting, Rome, Italy, June 2006. Invited lectures at Leeds Orthopaedic Biomechanics courses, Leeds, 2006-2011.
IMechE Tyne and Wear panel Chairman. Treasurer of IMechE North East region.
Current Teaching at Newcastle
MEC1010 Design and Manufacturing I (30 credits) Module Leader
MEC 8054 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (20 credits) Module Leader
MEC 3022 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (15 credits) Module Leader
I am the Degree Program Director for the MSc in Biomedical Engineering
MEC3096/8 Individual Projects (30 credits)
MEC4095/7 Final Year Group Projects (40 credits)
MEC8095 MSc Projects (60 credits)
BGM3039 Medical Biotechnology (20 credits)
Design for Industry (15 credits)
CME8118 Stability and Sustainability of Materials (10 credits)
Past Teaching at Newcastle
MEC2007 Design and Manufacturing II (20 credits) Module Leader
SFY0011 Applied Mechanics (10 credits) Module Leader
MEC8017 Bioengineering (15 credits) Module Leader
MEC3013 Bioengineering (15 credits) Module Leader
BMS3014 Biology of Ageing (20 credits)
MEC8031 Critical Analysis and Communication of Research (10 credits)
MEC4095/7 Final Year Group Projects (50 credits)
- Dolfini A, Scholes SC, Collins J, Hardy S, Joyce TJ. Testing the efficiency of Bronze Age axes: An interdisciplinary experiment. Journal of Archaeological Science 2023, 152, 105741.
- Toh SMS, Ashkanfar A, English R, Rothwell G, Langton DJ, Joyce TJ. How does bicycling affect the longevity of Total Hip Arthroplasty? A finite element wear analysis. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2023, 139, 105673.
- Kandemir G, Bowey A, Jensen C, Joyce TJ. Explant analysis of a Discocerv cervical disc: A case study for a ceramic-on-ceramic cervical disc. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2022, 135, 105473.
- Chacko Rajan S, Bretcanu O, Deehan DJ, Joyce TJ. Comparative retrieval analysis of contemporary mobile and fixed unicompartmental knee bearing designs. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2022, 127, 105076.
- Russell SP, Broderick JM, Dawson MJ, Johnson RJ, Joyce TJ. Retrieval analysis of the PRECICE OPTY-LINE magnetically controlled realignment nail: A report of two cases. Journal of Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery 2021, 8(3), 293-303.
- Kandemir G, Pitsika M, Nissen JJ, Bowey A, Joyce TJ. Retrieval analysis of an explanted Mobi-C cervical disc replacement: A case study. Medical Engineering and Physics 2021, 90, 54-65.
- Rushton PRP, Smith SL, Fender D, Bowey AJ, Gibson MJ, Joyce TJ. Metallosis is commonly associated with magnetically controlled growing rods; results from an independent multicentre explant database. European Spine Journal 2021, 30, 1905-1911.
- Harsha AP, Wasche R, Joyce TJ. Friction and wear of two polyethylenes under different tribological contact conditions. Polymers and Polymer Composites 2021, 29(5), 393-404.
- Ramirez-Martinez I, Smith SL, Trail IA, Joyce TJ. Wear behaviour of polyethylene glenoid inserts against PyroCarbon humeral heads in shoulder arthroplasties. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2020, 103, 103553.
- Joyce TJ, Smith SL, Kandemir G, Rushton PRP, Fender D, Bowey AJ, Gibson MJ. The NuVasive MAGEC Rod Urgent Field Safety Notice Concerning Locking Pin Fracture: How Does Data From an Independent Explant Center Compare?. Spine 2020, 45(13), 872-876.
- Rushton PRP, Smith SL, Kandemir G, Forbes L, Fender D, Bowey AJ, Gibson MJ, Joyce TJ. Spinal Lengthening With Magnetically Controlled Growing Rods: Data From the Largest Series of Explanted Devices. Spine 2020, 45(3), 170-176.
- Rajan SC, Bretcanu O, Deehan D, Joyce T. Retrieval Analysis of Two Contemporary Total Knee Designs: Influence of Femoral Component Roughness and Type of Polyethylene. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2020, 104, 103620.
- Kandemir G, Smith S, Andrews J, Bowey A, Joyce TJ. Retrieval analysis of an explanted NuNec cervical disc: A case report. Biotribology 2020, 24, 100150.
- Kandemir G, Smith S, Chen J, Joyce TJ. How does lubricant viscosity affect the wear behaviour of VitE-XLPE articulated against CoCr?. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2020, 112, 104067.
- Bhalekar RM, Smith SL, Joyce TJ. Hip simulator testing of the taper-trunnion junction and bearing surfaces of contemporary modular metal-on-cross-linked polyethylene hip prostheses. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 2020, 108(1), 156-166.
- Kandemir G, Smith S, Schmidt I, Joyce TJ. Explant analysis of a Maestro™ wrist prosthesis and calculation of its lubrication regime. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2020, 110, 103933.
- Ramirez-Martinez I, Stea S, Joyce TJ. Analysis of the surface topography of retrieved metal-on-polyethylene reverse shoulder prostheses. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2020, 234(12), 1353-1362.
- Harsha AP, Wäsche R, Joyce TJ. Wear of Biopolymers under Reciprocating Sliding Conditions against Different Counterfaces. Polymer Engineering and Science 2019, 59(11), 2356-2366.
- Kandemir G, Smith SL, Joyce TJ. Wear behaviour of CFR PEEK articulated against CoCr under varying contact stresses: Low wear of CFR PEEK negated by wear of the CoCr counterface. Journal of the Mechanical Behaviour of Biomedical Materials 2019, 97, 117-125.
- Bhalekar RM, Smith SL, Joyce TJ. Wear at the taper-trunnion junction of contemporary ceramic-on-ceramic hips shown in a multistation hip simulator. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 2019, 107(4), 1199-1209.
- Ramirez-Martinez I, Smith SL, Joyce TJ. The effect of combined loading cycles on the wear of reverse shoulder joint replacements. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2019, 94, 201-206.
- Maniatopoulos G, Hopkins C, Joyce TJ, Brittain K. Framing the failure of medical implants: Media representations of the ASR hip replacements in the UK. Health Expectations 2019, 22(3), 518-527.
- Rushton PRP, Smith SL, Forbes L, Bowey AJ, Gibson MJ, Joyce TJ. Force Testing of Explanted Magnetically Controlled Growing Rods. Spine 2019, 44(4), 233-239.
- Rajan SC, Bretcanu O, Weir DJ, Deehan DJ, Joyce TJ. First tribological assessment of retrieved Oxinium patellofemoral prostheses. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2019, 90, 665-672.
- Kandemir G, Smith S, Joyce TJ. The influence of contact stress on the wear of cross-linked polyethylene. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2018, 232(10), 1008-1016.
- Joyce TJ, Giddins G. Sites of fractures in explanted NeuFlex® silicone metacarpophalangeal joint prostheses. Journal of Hand Surgery: European Volume 2018, 43(10), 1083-1087.
- Smith SL, Kennard E, Joyce TJ. Shoulder Simulator Wear Test of Five Contemporary Total Shoulder Prostheses With Three Axes of Rotation and Sliding Motion. Biotribology 2018, 13, 39-41.
- Langton DJ, Wells SR, Joyce TJ, Bowsher JG, Deehan D, Green S, Nargol AVF, Holland JP. Material loss at the femoral head taper: A comparison study of the Exeter Metal-on-Polyethylene and contemporary Metal-on-Metal total hip arthroplasty. Bone and Joint Journal 2018, 100B(10), 1310-1319.
- Langton DJ, Sidaginamale RP, Joyce TJ, Bowsher JG, Holland JP, Deehan D, Nargol AVF, Natu S. Aseptic lymphocyte-dominated vasculitis-associated lesions are related to changes in metal ion handling in the joint capsules of metal-on-metal hip arthroplasties. Bone and Joint Research 2018, 7(6), 388-396.
- Joyce TJ, Smith SL, Rushton PRP, Bowey AJ, Gibson MJ. Analysis of explanted magnetically controlled growing rods from 7 UK spinal centers. Spine 2018, 43(1), E16-E22.
- Langton D, Ahmed I, Avery P, Bone M, Cooke N, Deehan D, Duffy P, Foguet P, Green S, Holland J, Jafri A, Longstaff L, Lord J, Loughead J, Meek D, Murray H, Nanu A, Nargol A, Scholes S, Waller S, Sidaginamale R, Joyce T. Investigation of Taper Failure in a Contemporary Metal-on-Metal Hip Arthroplasty System Through Examination of Unused and Explanted Prostheses. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 2017, 99(5), 427-436.
- Scholes S, Hunt BJ, Richardson VM, Langton DJ, Smith E, Joyce TJ. Explant analysis of the Biomet Magnum/ReCap metal-on-metal hip joint. Bone and Joint Research 2017, 6(2), 113-122.
- Ashkanfar A, Langton DJ, Joyce TJ. Does a micro-grooved trunnion stem surface finish improve fixation and reduce fretting wear at the taper junction of total hip replacements? A finite element evaluation. Journal of Biomechanics 2017, 63, 47-54.
- Ashkanfar A, Langton DJ, Joyce TJ. A large taper mismatch is one of the key factors behind high wear rates and failure at the taper junction of total hip replacements: A finite element wear analysis. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2017, 69, 257-266.
- Langton DJ, Sidaginamale R, Joyce TJ, Meek RMD, Bowsher J, Deehan D, Nargol A, Holland J. A comparison study of stem taper material loss at similar and mixed metal head neck taper junctions. Bone and Joint Journal 2017, 99-B(10), 1304-1312.
- Kennard E, Scholes SC, Sidaginamale R, Gangadharan R, Weir DJ, Holland J, Deehan D, Joyce TJ. A comparative surface topographical analysis of explanted total knee replacement prostheses: Oxidised zirconium vs cobalt chromium femoral components. Medical Engineering and Physics 2017, 50, 59-64.
- Lord JK, Langton DJ, Nargol AVF, Meek RMD, Joyce TJ. The tribology of explanted hip resurfacings following early fracture of the femur. Journal of Functional Biomaterials 2016, 6(4), 1021-1035.
- Joyce TJ. The design and development of a finger joint simulator. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2016, 230(5), 450-457.
- Sidaginamale RP, Joyce TJ, Bowsher JG, Lord JK, Avery P, Natu S, Nargol AVF, Langton DJ. The Clinical Implications of Metal Debris Release from the Taper Junctions and Bearing Surfaces of Metal on Metal Hip Arthroplasty. Part One: joint fluid and blood metal ion concentrations. The Bone and Joint Journal 2016, 98-B(7), 925-933.
- Langton DJ, Sidaginamele R, Avery P, Waller S, Tank G, Lord J, Joyce T, Cooke N, Logishetty R, Nargol AVF. Retrospective cohort study of the performance of the Pinnacle metal on metal (MoM) total hip replacement: a single-centre investigation in combination with the findings of a national retrieval centre. BMJ Open 2016, 6(4), e007847.
- Wong WLE, Joyce TJ, Goh KL. Resolving the viscoelasticity and anisotropy dependence of the mechanical properties of skin from a porcine model. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 2016, 15(2), 433-446.
- Scholes SC, Colledge CJ, Naylor A, Mahdi MH, Smith AM, Joyce TJ. Potential synthetic biolubricant as an alternative to bovine serum. Lubricants 2016, 4(4), 38.
- Naylor A, Talwalkar SC, Trail IA, Joyce TJ. Evaluating the Surface Topography of Pyrolytic Carbon Finger Prostheses through Measurement of Various Roughness Parameters. Journal of Functional Biomaterials 2016, 7(2).
- Smith SL, Li L, Joyce T. Engineering of a multi-station shoulder simulator. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2016, 230(5), 470-480.
- Mattei L, DiPuccio F, Joyce TJ, Ciulli E. Effect of size and dimensional tolerance of reverse total shoulder prosthesis on wear: An in-silico study. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2016, 61, 455-463.
- Dold P, Pandorf T, Flohr M, Preuss R, Bone MC, Joyce TJ, Holland J, Deehan D. Acetabular shell deformation as a function of shell stiffness and bone strength. Proceeding of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2016, 1-6.
- Hunt B, Joyce T. A tribological assessment of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene types GUR 1020 and GUR 1050 for orthopedic applications. Lubricants 2016, 25(4).
- Thompson M, Hunt B, Smith A, Joyce TJ. Wear Tests of a Potential Biolubricant for Orthopedic Biopolymers. Lubricants 2015, 3(2), 80-90.
- Bone MC, Dold P, Flohr M, Preuss R, Joyce TJ, Aspden RM, Holland J, Deehan D. The influence of the strength of bone on the deformation of acetabular shells: a laboratory experiment in cadavers. Bone and Joint Journal 2015, 97-B(4), 473-477.
- Brock TM, Sidaginamale R, Rushton S, Nargol AVF, Bowsher JG, Savisaar C, Joyce TJ, Deehan DJ, Lord JK, Langton DJ. Shorter, rough trunnion surfaces are associated with higher taper wear rates than longer, smooth trunnion surfaces in a contemporary large head metal-on-metal total hip arthroplasty system. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2015, 33(12), 1868-1874.
- Mattei L, Ciulli E, Joyce TJ, DiPuccio F. Numerical and experimental investigations for the evaluation of the wear coefficient of reverse total shoulder prostheses. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2015, 55, 53-66.
- Naylor A, Bone MC, Unsworth A, Talwalkar SC, Trail IA, Joyce TJ. In vitro wear testing of the PyroCarbon proximal interphalangeal joint replacement: Five million cycles of flexion and extension. Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2015, 229(5), 362-368.
- Naylor A, Talwalkar SC, Trail IA, Joyce TJ. In Vitro Wear Testing of a CoCr-UHMWPE Finger Prosthesis with Hydroxyapatite Coated CoCr Stems. Lubricants 2015, 3(2), 244-255.
- Bone M, Sidaginamale RP, Lord JK, Scholes SC, Joyce TJ, Nargol AVF, Langton DJ. Determining material loss from the femoral stem trunnion in hip arthroplasty using a coordinate measuring machine. Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers Part H: Engineering in Medicine 2015, 229(1), 69-76.
- Holleyman RJ, Scholes SC, Weir D, Jameson S, Holland J, Joyce TJ, Deehan D. Changes in surface topography at the TKR backside articulation following in-vivo service: A retrieval analysis. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (KSSTA) 2015, 23(12), 3523-3531.
- Smith SL, Li BL, Buniya A, Lin SH, Scholes SC, Johnson G, Joyce TJ. In vitro wear testing of a contemporary design of reverse shoulder prosthesis. Journal of Biomechanics 2015, 48(12), 3072-3079.
- Dold P, Bone MC, Flohr M, Preuss R, Joyce TJ, Deehan D, Holland J. Validation of an optical system to measure acetabular shell deformation in cadavers. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2014, 228(8), 781-786.
- Wienroth M, McCormack P, Joyce T. Precaution, governance and the failure of medical implants: the ASR(TM) hip in the UK. Life Sciences, Society and Policy 2014, 10(19), 16.
- Weinroth M, McCormack P, Joyce TJ. Precaution, governance and the failure of medical implants: the ASR(TM) hip in the UK. Life Sciences, Society and Policy 2014, 10(1), 19.
- Langton DJ, Sidaginamale RP, Holland JP, Deehan D, Joyce TJ, Nargol AVF, Meek RD, Lord JK. Practical considerations for volumetric wear analysis of explanted hip arthroplasties. Bone and Joint Research 2014, 3(3), 60-68.
- Bone MC, Giddins G, Joyce TJ. An analysis of explanted pyrolytic carbon prostheses. Journal of Hand Surgery: European Volume 2014, 39(6), 666-667.
- Joyce TJ. CORR Insights®: The John Charnley Award: Highly Crosslinked Polyethylene in Total Hip Arthroplasty Decreases Long-term Wear: A Double-blind Randomized Trial. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 2014, 473(2), 439-440.
- Joyce TJ, Hopkins C. ‘Part of the Community?’ First Year International Students and their Engineering Teams. Engineering Education 2014, 9(1), 18-32.
- Scholes SC, Kennard E, Gangadharan R, Weir D, Holland J, Deehan D, Joyce TJ. Topographical analysis of the femoral components of ex vivo total knee replacements. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 2013, 24(2), 547-554.
- Langton DJ, Sidaginamale R, Joyce TJ, Natu S, Blain P, Jefferson RD, Rushton S, Nargol AVF. The clinical implications of elevated blood metal ion concentrations in asymptomatic patients with MoM hip resurfacings: a cohort study. British Medical Journal Open 2013, 3(3), 1-13.
- Petheram TG, Bone M, Joyce TJ, Serrano-Pedraza I, Reed MR, Partington PF. Surface finish of the Exeter Trauma Stem: A cause for concern?. The Bone & Joint Journal 2013, 95-B(2), 173-176.
- Scholes SC, Joyce TJ. In vitro tests of substitute lubricants for wear testing orthopaedic biomaterials. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2013, 227(6), 693-703.
- Lees D, Manning W, Joyce T, McCaskie A, Gerrand C. Henry's Pelvic Deltoid: Antiquated Concept or Important Consideration for Total Hip Arthroplasty? An Anatomical Study. Journal of Arthroplasty 2013, 28(2), 338-341.e1.
- Harsha AP, Joyce TJ. Comparative Wear Tests of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene and Cross-Linked Polyethylene. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2013, 227(5), 600-608.
- Sidaginamale RP, Joyce TJ, Lord JK, Jefferson R, Blain PG, Nargol VF, Langton D. Blood metal ion testing is an effective screening tool to identify poorly performing metal on metal bearing surfaces. Bone and Joint Research 2013, 2(5), 84-95.
- Bone MC, Cunningham JL, Lord J, Giddins G, Field J, Joyce TJ. Analysis of failed Van Straten LPM proximal interphalangeal prostheses. Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) 2013, 38(3), 313-320.
- Bone MC, Dold P, Flohr M, Preuss R, Joyce TJ, Deehan D, Holland J. A novel method for measuring acetabular cup deformation in cadavers. Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers Part H: Engineering in Medicine 2013, 227(12), 1341-1344.
- Joyce TJ, Evans I, Pallan W, Hopkins C. A hands-on project-based Mechanical Engineering Design module focusing on sustainability. Engineering Education 2013, 8(1), 65-80.
- Joyce TJ. Teaching a non-traditional subject to mechanical engineers: a case study of learning anatomy using anatomical software and models of human joints. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 2012, 40(2), 93-103.
- Langton DJ, Sidaginamale R, Lord JK, Nargol AVF, Joyce TJ. Taper junction failure in large diameter metal on metal bearings. Bone and Joint Research 2012, 1(4), 56-63.
- Glassey J, Hopkins C, Joyce TJ. More ways than one: finding multiple ways to enhance the retention of students in their first year of two UK engineering degree programmes. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning 2012, 14, 128-145.
- Joyce TJ, Hopkins C. Minority report: female first year students' experience of Engineering Teams. Engineering Education 2012, 7(1), 20-29.
- Hauert R, Thorwarth G, Muller U, Stiefel M, Falub CV, Thorwarth K, Joyce TJ. Analysis of the in-vivo failure of the adhesive interlayer for a DLC coated articulating metatarsophalangeal joint. Diamond and Related Materials 2012, 25, 34-39.
- Sugathan HK, Kilpatrick M, Joyce TJ, Harrison JWK. A biomechanical study on variation of compressive force along the Acutrak 2 screw. Injury 2012, 43(2), 205-208.
- Joyce TJ, Hopkins C. Working together: the positive effects of introducing formal teams in a first year Engineering degree. Engineering Education 2011, 6(1), 21-30.
- Lord JK, Langton DJ, Nargol AVF, Joyce TJ. Volumetric wear assessment of failed metal-on-metal hip resurfacing prostheses. Wear 2011, 272(1), 79-87.
- Langton DJ, Joyce TJ, Mangat N, Lord J, Van Orsouw M, De Smet KA, Nargol AVF. Reducing Metal Ion Release Following Hip Resurfacing Arthroplasty. ORTHOPEDIC CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA 2011, 42(2), 169-+.
- Joyce TJ, Grigg H, Langton DJ, Nargol AVF. Quantification of self-polishing in vivo from explanted metal-on-metal total hip replacements. Tribology International 2011, 44(5), 513-516.
- Harsha AP, Joyce TJ. Challenges associated with using bovine serum in wear testing orthopaedic biopolymers. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2011, 225(H10), 948-958.
- Langton DJ, Joyce TJ, Jameson SS, Lord J, Van Orsouw M, Holland JP, Nargol AVF, De Smet KA. Adverse reaction to metal debris following hip resurfacing: The influence of component type, orientation and volumetric wear. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: British Volume 2011, 93B(2), 164-171.
- Langton DJ, Jameson SS, Joyce TJ, Gandi JN, Sidaginamale R, Mereddy P, Lord J, Nargol AVF. Accelerating failure rate of the ASR total hip replacement. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 2011, 93B(8), 1011-1016.
- Joyce TJ, Langton DJ, Nargol AVF. A study of the wear of explanted metal-on-metal resurfacing hip prostheses. Tribology International 2011, 44(5), 517-522.
- Joyce T. Wear testing of a DJOA finger prosthesis in vitro. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 2010, 21(8), 2337-2343.
- Langton DJ, Jameson SS, Joyce TJ, Hallab NJ, Natu S, Nargol AVF. Early failure of metal-on-metal bearings in hip resurfacing and large-diameter total hip replacement: A consequence of excess wear. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: British Volume 2010, 92B(1), 38-46.
- Joyce T. Wear tests of orthopaedic biopolymers with the biolubricant augmented by a visco-supplement. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology 2009, 223(3), 297-302.
- Joyce TJ, Langton DJ, Jameson SS, Nargol AVF. Tribological analysis of failed resurfacing hip prostheses and comparison with clinical data. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology 2009, 223(3), 317-323.
- Khan WS, Dunne NJ, Huntley JS, Joyce T, Reichert ILH, Snelling S, Scammell BE. The 2009 British Orthopaedic Research Society/Orthopaedic Research Society Travelling Fellowship. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: British Volume 2009, 91B(11), 1537-1540.
- Joyce TJ. Guest Editorial. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2009, 223 (H4), i-iii.
- Joyce TJ. Currently available medical engineering degrees in the UK. Part 2: postgraduate degrees. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2009, 223(4), 415-423.
- Joyce TJ. Currently available medical engineering degrees in the UK. Part 1: undergraduate degrees. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2009, 223(4), 407-413.
- Langton DJ, Sprowson AP, Joyce TJ, Reed M, Carluke I, Partington P, Nargol AVF. Blood metal ion concentrations after hip resurfacing arthroplasty: A comparative study of articular surface replacement and Birmingham hip resurfacing arthroplasties. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: British Volume 2009, 91B(10), 1287-1295.
- Joyce TJ. Analysis of the Mechanism of Fracture of Silicone Metacarpophalangeal Prostheses. Journal of Hand Surgery 2009, 34E(1), 18-24.
- Langton DJ, Jameson SS, Joyce TJ, Webb J, Nargol AVF. The effect of component size and orientation on the concentrations of metal ions after resurfacing arthroplasty of the hip. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: British Volume 2008, 90B(9), 1143-1151.
- Joyce TJ. Examination of failed polyurethane gastrostomy devices and comparison with samples incubated in vitro. Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Biomechanics 2008, 6(1), 30-34.
- Joyce TJ. Calculation of theoretical lubrication regimes in two-piece first metatarsophalangeal prostheses. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering 2008, 18(1), 45-51.
- Joyce TJ. Prediction of lubrication regimes in two-piece metacarpophalangeal prostheses. Medical Engineering & Physics 2007, 29(1), 87-92.
- Joyce TJ. Examination of failed ex vivo metal-on-metal metatarsophalangeal prosthesis and comparison with theoretically determined lubrication regimes. Wear 2007, 263(7-12), 1050-1054.
- Joyce TJ. Biopolymer wear screening rig validated to ASTM F732-00 and against clinical data. Tribology: Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces 2007, 1(2), 63-67.
- Joyce TJ, Riddell D, Unsworth A. Two orthopaedic biopolymers wear tested against each other: an all-polymer knee prosthesis revisited. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 2006, 88-B(Supplement III), 414.
- Joyce TJ, Monk D, Thompson P, Chiu P, Unsworth A, Green SM. Orthopaedic biopolymer wear screening rig validated against clinical data. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: British Volume 2006, 88-B(Supplement III), 377.
- Joyce TJ. Ex-vivo Sutter metacarpophalangeal implants examined by fractography. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: British Volume 2006, 88B(Supplement III), 408.
- Joyce TJ, Rieker C, Unsworth A. Comparative in vitro wear testing of PEEK and UHMWPE capped metacarpophalangeal prostheses. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering 2006, 16(1), 1-10.
- Joyce TJ. A comparison of ex vivo and theoretical first metatarsophalangeal lubrication regimes. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 2006, 88-B(Supplement III), 412-413.
- Joyce TJ. 5th World Congress of Biomechanics. Expert Review of Medical Devices 2006, 3(5), 539-542.
- Joyce TJ. The wear of two orthopaedic biopolymers against each other. Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Biomechanics 2005, 3(3), 141-146.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. NeuFlex metacarpophalangeal prostheses tested in vitro. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2005, 219(2), 105-110.
- Joyce TJ. Implants for the first metatarsophalangeal joint and prospective considerations. Expert Review of Medical Devices 2005, 2(4), 453-464.
- Joyce TJ. 19th European Conference on Biomaterials. September 11-15th, 2005, Sorrento, Italy. Expert Review of Medical Devices 2005, 2(6), 655-656.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. Wear studies of all UHMWPE couples under various bio-tribological conditions. Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Biomechanics 2004, 2, 29-34.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. The influence of bovine serum lubricant on the wear of cross-linked polyethylene finger prostheses. Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Biomechanics 2004, 2(3), 136-142.
- Joyce TJ. Seventh world biomaterials congress. Expert Review of Medical Devices 2004, 1(1), 7-9.
- Joyce TJ. Currently available metacarpophalangeal prostheses: their designs and prospective considerations. Expert Review of Medical Devices 2004, 1(2), 193-204.
- Rieker C, Joyce TJ, Unsworth A, Hagena FW, Meuli C. Tribologische untersuchungen einer metakarpophalangealen prothese. Der Orthopade 2003, 32(9), 784-788.
- Joyce TJ, Thompson P, Unsworth A. The wear of PTFE against stainless steel in a multi-directional pin-on-plate wear device. Wear 2003, 255(7-12), 1030-1033.
- Joyce TJ. Snapping the fingers. Journal of Hand Surgery: European Volume 2003, 26B(6), 566-567.
- Joyce TJ, Green SM. Letter to the editor. The Foot 2003, 13(1), 57.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A, Milner RH. Letter to the editor. Journal of Hand Surgery 2003, 28B(5), 505-506.
- Joyce TJ, Milner RH, Unsworth A. A preliminary comparison of ex vivo and in vitro Sutter prostheses. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: British Volume 2003, 85B(Supp I), 14.
- Joyce TJ, Milner RH, Unsworth A. A comparison of ex vivo and in vitro Sutter metacarpophalangeal prostheses. Journal of Hand Surgery 2003, 28B(1), 86-91.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. Letter to the editor. Journal of Arthroplasty 2002, 17(8), 1078.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A, Milner RH. Letter to the editor. Journal of Hand Surgery: British and European Volume 2002, 27B(1), 108-109.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. A test procedure for artificial finger joints. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2002, 216(2), 105-110.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. A literature review of 'failures' of the Swanson finger prosthesis in the metacarpophalangeal joint. Hand Surgery 2002, 7(1), 139-146.
- Milner RH, Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. A comparison of failure patterns of Sutter metacarpophalangeal joint prostheses in vivo and in vitro. The Journal of Hand Surgery: British & European Volume 2002, 27B(s1), 49.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. The wear of artificial finger joints using different lubricants in a new finger wear simulator. Wear 2001, 250(1-12), 199-205.
- Liu CZ, Ren LQ, Tong J, Joyce TJ, Green SM, Arnell RD. Statistical wear analysis of PA-6/UHMWPE alloy, UHMWPE and PA-6. Wear 2001, 249(1-2), 31-36.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. Low wear of XLPE finger prostheses with bovine serum as a lubricant. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: British and European Edition 2001, 83B(s1), 94.
- Joyce TJ, Vandelli C, Cartwright T, Unsworth A. A comparison of the wear of cross-linked polyethylene against itself under reciprocating and multi-directional motion with different lubricants. Wear 2001, 250(1-12), 206-211.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. The design of a finger wear simulator and preliminary results. Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers: Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2000, 214(5), 519-526.
- Joyce TJ, Vandelli C, Carthwright T, DallaMura M, Unsworth A. Influence of lubricant on the wear of cross-linked polyethylene against itself. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (British and European Volume) 2000, 82B(Supplement II), 137-138.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. Comparison of lubricant absorption between loaded and unloaded cross-linked polyethylene prostheses. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (British and European Edition) 2000, 82B(Supplement II), 138.
- Elfick AP, Smith SL, Joyce TJ, Green SM, Unsworth A. A preliminary comparison of wear debris produced in vivo and in vitro. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (British and European Edition) 2000, 82-B(Supplement II), 141.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. A new finger wear simulator and commissioning tests. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (British and European Edition) 2000, 82B(Supplement II), 138.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A, Monk D, Scholes SC. A multi-directional wear screening device and preliminary results of UHMWPE articulating against stainless steel. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering 2000, 10(3-4), 241-249.
- T J Joyce,M DallaMura,A Unsworth. The wear of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene against itself: influence of irradiation, lubricant and rotation. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (British and European Edition) 1999, 81B(Supplement I), 85-86.
- T J Joyce,A Unsworth,T M Cartwright,D Monk. Preliminary comparison of the wear of silane XLPE with that of UHMWPE, both polymers rubbing against hard counterfaces. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (British and European Edition) 1999, 81B(Supplement I), 85.
- T J Joyce,A Unsworth. In vitro wear testing of cross-linked polyethylene metacarpophalangeal prostheses. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (British and European Edition) 1998, 80B(Supplement III), 257-8.
- T J Joyce,H E Ash,A Unsworth. The wear of cross-linked polyethylene against itself. Journal of Engineering in Medicine 1996, 210, 11-16.
- T J Joyce,A Unsworth. Design of a surface replacement metacarpophalangeal prosthesis. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (British and European Edition) 1996, 78B(Supplement I), 40.
- H E Ash,T J Joyce,A Unsworth. Biomechanics of the distal upper limb. Current Orthopaedics 1996, 10, 25-36.
- T J Joyce,A Unsworth. A comparison of the wear of cross-linked polyethylene against itself with the wear of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene against itself. Journal of Engineering in Medicine 1996, 210, 297-300.
- T J Joyce,H E Ash,A Unsworth. Wear of cross-linked polyethylene against itself: a material suitable for a surface replacement finger joint. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (British and European Edition) 1995, 77B(Supplement III), 325.
Book Chapters
- Smith SL, Joyce TJ. A hop, skip and a jump – towards better wear testing of hip implants. In: Mechanical Testing of Orthopaedic Implants. Elsevier, 2017, pp.183-206.
- Joyce TJ. Testing of small joints. In: Wang, QJ; Chung, YP, ed. Encyclopaedia of Tribology. Springer, 2013, pp.3553-3560.
- Joyce TJ. Polymers in Biotribology. In: Wang, QJ; Chung, YP, ed. Encyclopaedia of Tribology. Springer, 2013, pp.2661-2669.
- Scholes SC, Joyce TJ. Ceramic-On-Ceramic Joints: A Suitable Alternative Material Combination?. In: Pignatello, R, ed. Advances in Biomaterials Science and Biomedical Applications. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech, 2013, pp.539-558.
- Joyce TJ, McCormack P. ‘The knee bone connected to the thigh bone’: A case study of teaching anatomy to engineering students using state-of-the-art anatomical software. In: Haghi, AK; Luppicini, R, ed. Cases on Digital Technologies in Higher Education: Issues and Challenges. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2010, pp.139-149.
- Joyce TJ. Causes of failure in flexible metacarpophalangeal prostheses. In: Merolli, A; Joyce, TJ, ed. Biomaterials In Hand Surgery. Berlin: Springer, 2009, pp.69-82.
- Joyce TJ. Biopolymer tribology. In: Sinha SK; Briscoe BJ, ed. Polymer Tribology. London: Imperial College Press, 2009, pp.227-266.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Rajan SC, Bretcanu O, Deehan D, Joyce T. Surface Damage and Deviation Analysis of Retrieved Cross-Linked and Conventional Polyethylene Tibial Inserts. In: British Association for Surgery for the Knee, BASK 2020. 2020, Oxford, UK: Elsevier BV.
- Joyce TJ, Smith SL, Forbes L, Rushton PRP, Bowey AJ, Gibson MJ. What is an acceptable failure rate for a new spinal implant?. In: 31st Annual Congress of the International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA 2018). 2018, Queen Elizabeth II Centre, London: ISTA.
- Joyce TJ, Smith SL, Rushton PRP, Bowey A, Gibson MJ. What is an acceptable failure rate for a new spinal implant?. In: BritSpine 2018. 2018, University of Leeds, UK: United Kingdom Spine Societies Board.
- Bhalekar RM, Smith SL, Joyce TJ. Taper-trunnion junction and bearing surface wear measurement of metal-on-cross-linked polyethylene total hip replacements in a multi-station hip simulator. In: 31st Annual Congress of the International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA 2018). 2018, Queen Elizabeth II Centre, London: ISTA.
- Bhalekar RM, Smith SL, Joyce TJ. In vitro wear at the taper-trunnion junction of BIOLOX delta ceramic-on ceramic hips shown in a multi-station hip simulator. In: 31st Annual Congress of the International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA 2018). 2018, Queen Elizabeth II Centre, London: ISTA.
- Bhalekar RM, Smith SL, Joyce TJ. In vitro wear at the bearing surfaces of BIOLOX delta ceramic-on ceramic hips. In: MeDe Innovation Fifth Annual Conference. 2018, Sheffield, UK.
- Ramirez-Martinez I, Smith SL, Joyce TJ. First motion-load-motion wear test of reverse shoulder replacements. In: 4th Annual London Shoulder Meeting (LSM 2018). 2018, London: Orthopaedic Research UK.
- Ramirez-Martinez I, Smith SL, Joyce TJ. First in vitro motion-load-motion wear test of reverse shoulder replacements. In: 31st Annual Congress of the International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA 2018). 2018, Queen Elizabeth II Centre, London: ISTA.
- Joyce TJ, Smith SL, Rushton PRP, Bowey A, Gibson MJ. Analysis of Explanted Magnetically Controlled Growing Rods from 7 UK Spinal Centres. In: 52nd Annual Meeting of Scoliosis Research Society. 2017, Philadelphia, USA.
- Joyce TJ, Smith SL, Rushton PRP, Bowey A, Gibson MJ. Analysis of 34 explanted MAGEC spinal rods. In: 15th International Phillip Zorab Symposium. 2017, London, UK.
- Smith S, Joyce T. Total shoulder replacements wear tested in a unique shoulder simulator. In: Engineering the Upper Limb. 2016, London, UK: Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE).
- Smith S, Joyce T. Total shoulder replacements wear tested in a unique shoulder simulator. In: Conference of the International Shoulder Group. 2016, Winterthur, Switzerland: ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences.
- Smith SL, Joyce TJ. Total Shoulder Replacements Wear Tested In A Unique Shoulder Simulator. In: British Orthopaedic Association Annual Congress. 2016, Belfast: British Orthopaedic Association.
- Naylor A, Bone MC, Talwalkar SC, Trail IA, Giddins G, Joyce TJ. Topographical evaluation of pyrolytic carbon finger prostheses. In: Engineering the Upper Limb. 2016, London, UK: Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
- Rushton PRP, Bowey A, Smith SL, Joyce TJ, Gibson MJ. Preliminary results of analysis of explanted magnetically controlled growing rods. In: British Scoliosis Society Annual Meeting. 2016, Sedgefield, UK.
- Naylor A, Bone MC, Giddins G, Talwalkar SC, Trail IA, Joyce TJ. A comparison of ex vivo, in vitro tested, and unused pyrolytic carbon prostheses. In: Proceedings of the Combined Meeting of the Australian Hand Surgery Society and the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. 2016, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia: AHSS & ASSH.
- Naylor A, Trail IA, Joyce TJ. In vitro wear testing of the MatOrtho® PIPR™ prosthesis. In: 25th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics. 2015, Glasgow, UK.
- Naylor A, Trail IA, Talwalkar SC, Joyce TJ. Evaluating the articulating surface roughness of new pyrocarbon proximal interphalangeal prostheses. In: British Society for Surgery of the Hand: Proceedings of the Autumn Scientific Meeting. 2015, London, UK: British Society for Surgery of the Hand.
- Bone MC, Naylor A, Langton DJ, Joyce TJ. Analysis of a surface engineered metal-on-metal hip resurfacing: A case study. In: Hip Surgery: A Joint Engineering and Surgical Challenge. 2015, London, UK: Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
- Naylor A, Bone MC, Talwalkar SC, Unsworth A, Trail IA, Joyce TJ. In vitro testing of pyrolytic carbon proximal interphalangeal prostheses. In: British Society for Surgery of the Hand: Proceedings of the Spring Scientific Meeting. 2014, Gateshead, UK: British Society for Surgery of the Hand.
- Naylor A, Bone MC, Unsworth A, Talwalkar S, Trail IA, Joyce TJ. Evaluating the wear and surface roughness of pyrocarbon finger prostheses tested in vitro. In: 10th Anniversary Bath Biomechanics Symposium: Current Issues and Future Opportunities in Orthopaedic Research. 2014, University of Bath: The Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Medical Devices.
- Scholes SC, Kennard E, Gangadharan R, Weir D, Holland J, Deehan D, Joyce TJ. Topographical analysis of femoral components of ex vivo total knee replacements. In: 5th World Tribology Congress, WTC 2013. 2013, Turin, Italy: Politecnico di Torino (DIMEAS).
- Smith SL, Li L, Johnson G, Joyce TJ. The world’s first multi-station shoulder joint wear simulator: design and first wear test results. In: 24th Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Elbow and Shoulder Society (BESS). 2013, Leicester, UK.
- Smith SL, Li L, Johnson G, Joyce TJ. The world’s first multi-station shoulder joint wear simulator: design and first wear test results. In: 24th Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Elbow and Shoulder Society (BESS). 2013, Leicester, UK.
- Kennard E, Scholes SC, Gangadharan R, Weir D, Holland J, Deehan D, Joyce T. Surface wear analysis of the polyethylene components of Ex-Vivo knee prostheses. In: 5th World Tribology Congress, WTC 2013. 2013, Torino, Italy: Politecnico di Torino (DIMEAS).
- Holleyman RJ, Scholes S, Kennard E, Bone M, Weir D, Holland J, Joyce T, Deehan D. Reciprocal wear patterns reflect unique patient specific undersurface tribological behaviour in knee replacement. In: 5th World Tribology Congress, WTC 2013. 2013, Torino, Italy: Politecnico di Torino (DIMEAS).
- Smith SL, Li L, Johnson G, Joyce TJ. First wear results from a unique multi-station shoulder joint simulator. In: 5th World Tribology Congress. 2013, Torino, Italy.
- Smith SL, Li L, Johnson G, Joyce T. A multi-station shoulder joint wear simulator. In: Proceedings of the 14th EFORT Congress. 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Smith SL, Li L, Johnson G, Joyce TJ. A multi-station glenohumeral prosthesis wear simulator. In: British Orthopaedic Association (BOA) Annual Congress. 2013, Birmingham, UK.
- McCormack P, Wienroth M, Hopkins C, Joyce T. A mile in my shoes: the experiences of ASR hip patients and their families. In: 14th EFORT Congress 2013. 2013, Istanbul, Turkey: European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology.
- Wienroth M, McCormack P, Joyce TJ. When technology fails patients: nanoparticles as a result of medical device failure. In: S.Net Annual Conference. 2011, Tempe, Arizona, USA.
- Joyce TJ, Evans I, Pallan W. Maintaining Inspiration into Second Year: An Engineering Design Course Developed and Enhanced over Five Years. In: 3rd International Materials Education Symposium. 2011, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
- Joyce TJ. Wear testing of a DJOA finger prosthesis in vitro. In: 29th Northern Ireland Biomedical Engineering Conference. 2010, Queens University, Belfast: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, Springer.
- Joyce T, Langton D, Nargol T. Wear Measurements from Explanted Metal-on-Metal Hip Resurfacing Prostheses. In: 56th Annual Meeting of The Orthopaedic Research Society. 2010, New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Langton DJ, Joyce TJ, Jameson S, Natu S, Nargol AVN. The incidence of adverse reactions to metal debris (ARMD) following hip resurfacing. In: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Annual Meeting. 2010, New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Li B, Joyce TJ, Johnson G. The design of a multi-station shoulder simulator. In: 4th UK Shoulder Biomechanics Group meeting. 2010, Newcastle University, UK.
- Langton DJ, Jameson SS, Joyce TJ, Van Oursouw M, De Smet K, Nargol AVF. Suggested safe zone for cup placement for the reduction of blood metal ion concentrations following hip resurfacing. In: British Hip Society. 2010, Sheffield, UK.
- Joyce T, Grigg H, Langton D, Nargol T. Quantification of Self-Polishing from Ex Vivo 36mm Metal-on-Metal Total Hip Prostheses. In: 56th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. 2010, New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Lord J, Joyce TJ, Langton D. Extending prosthesis longevity through tribological understanding. In: TriboUK. 2010, Imperial College London.
- Joyce TJ, Langton DJ, Lord J, Grigg H, Jameson SS, Cooke N, Tulloch C, Logishetty R, Meek D, Nargol AVF. Explant analysis of metal on metal (MoM) hip components retrieved following adverse reactions to metal debris (ARMD). In: British Hip Society. 2010, Sheffield, UK.
- Langton DJ, Jameson SS, Joyce TJ, Nargol AVF. Asymptomatic patients with increased blood metal ion levels following metal on metal hip resurfacing arthroplasty: Is failure imminent?. In: British Hip Society. 2010, Sheffield, UK.
- Langton DJ, Joyce TJ, Jameson S, Natu S, De Smet K, Nargol AVN. A Review of 585 Serum Metal Ion Results Post Hip Resurfacing: Cup Design and Position is Critical. In: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Annual Meeting. 2010, New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Joyce TJ. The wear of polymers in total joint replacements. In: Invited talk. 2009, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Queen's University Belfast.
- Joyce T, Langton D, Nargol A. The wear of ex vivo metal-on-metal resurfacing hip prostheses: failures associated with fracture compared with those associated with adverse reaction to metal debris (ARMeD). In: Proceedings of the British Orthopaedic Association Annual Congress. 2009, Manchester, UK.
- Joyce TJ, Langton DJ, Nargol AVF. The wear of ex vivo metal-on-metal resurfacing hip prostheses. In: Proceedings of the British Orthopaedic Research Society (BORS) annual meeting. 2009, Newcastle, UK.
- Joyce TJ, Grigg H. The Wear of Cobalt Chrome against Cobalt Chrome, with and without an Amorphous Carbon Coating. In: European Conference on Tribology (EcoTrib). 2009, Pisa, Italy.
- Joyce TJ, Grigg H. The wear of all cobalt chrome couples, with and without an amorphous carbon coating. In: Proceedings of the IV World Tribology Congress. 2009, Kyoto, Japan.
- Langton DJ, Webb J, Jameson S, Joyce TJ, Nargol AVF. The ratios of whole blood to serum chromium concentrations post metal on metal (MOM) resurfacing arthroplasty: the effects of corrosion versus wear?. In: Proceedings of the British Orthopaedic Research Society (BORS) Annual Meeting. 2009, Newcastle, UK.
- Joyce TJ. The need for in vitro testing of metacarpophalangeal implants. In: Pulvertaft lecture, Proceedings of the Combined Meeting of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand and the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. 2009, London.
- Joyce TJ. The need for in vitro testing of metacarpophalangeal implants. In: Invited lecture. 2009, Wrightington Hospital, Wigan, UK.
- Langton DJ, Joyce TJ, Jameson S, Natu S, Nargol AVN. The incidence of adverse reactions to metal debris (ARMED) following hip resurfacing with the articular surface replacement (ASR) and Birmingham Hip Resurfacing systems (BHR). In: Proceedings of the British Orthopaedic Research Society (BORS) Annual Meeting. 2009, Newcastle, UK.
- Langton D, Jameson S, Joyce T, Ramasetty N, Natu S, Nargol A. The incidence of adverse reactions to metal debris (ARMeD) following hip resurfacing with the articular surface replacement (ASR) and Birmingham Hip Resurfacing (BHR) systems. In: Proceedings of the British Orthopaedic Association Annual Congress. 2009, Manchester, UK.
- Langton DJ, Joyce TJ, Jameson S, Natu S, Nargol AVN. The incidence of Adverse Reactions to Metal Debris (ARMD) following hip resurfacing with the Articular Surface Replacement (ASR) and Birmingham Hip Resurfacing systems (BHR). In: Proceedings of the South African Orthopaedic Association Meeting, 55th SAOA Congress. 2009, Champagne Sports Resort, Drakensberg, South Africa.
- Joyce TJ. Studies of the articulating surfaces of explanted metal-on-metal hip prostheses. In: Proceedings of Innovations and Good Practice in Surface Metrology of Orthopaedic Implants. 2009, Huddersfield.
- Langton DJ, Joyce TJ, Jameson S, Natu S, DeSmet KD, Nargol AVN. Serum Metal Ion Concentrations Post Hip Resurfacing Arthroplasty: An Analysis of 585 results . In: Proceedings of the South African Orthopaedic Association Meeting, 55th SAOA Congress. 2009, Champagne Sports Resort, Drakensberg, South Africa.
- Langton DJ, Jameson SS, Joyce TJ, de Smet K, Nargol AVN. Serum Cobalt Concentrations Post Hip Resurfacing Arthroplasty: Analysis of 585 Results. In: Proceedings of the London Hip Meeting. 2009, London.
- Joyce TJ, Grigg H, Langton DJ, Nargol AVF. Quantification of self-polishing in vivo from explanted metal-on-metal total replacements. In: Proceedings of the IV World Tribology Congress. 2009, Kyoto, Japan.
- Joyce TJ, Grigg H, Langton DJ, Nargol AVF. Quantification of self-polishing from ex vivo metal-on-metal total hip replacements. In: Proceedings of the British Orthopaedic Research Society (BORS) Annual Meeting. 2009, Newcastle, UK.
- Joyce TJ, Harsha AP. In vitro wear tests of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene and cross-linked polyethylene. In: Proceedings of the British Orthopaedic Research Society (BORS) Annual Meeting. 2009, Newcastle, UK.
- Joyce TJ. In vitro wear tests of orthopaedic biopolymers with a visco-supplement added to the lubricant. In: British Orthopaedic Research Society/Orthopaedic Research Society Travelling Fellowship (BORS/ORS). 2009, University of Pennsylvania, USA: British Orthopaedic Research Society.
- Joyce TJ, Grigg H. In vitro wear tests of all cobalt chrome couples, with and without an amorphous coating. In: Proceedings of the British Orthopaedic Research Society (BORS) annual meeting. 2009, Newcastle, UK.
- Joyce TJ, Grigg H, Langton DJ, Nargol AVF. First Quantification of Self-Polishing In Vivo from Explanted Metal-on-Metal Total Hip Replacements. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Tribology (EcoTrib). 2009, Pisa, Italy.
- Joyce T, Grigg H, Langton D, Nargol A. First quantification of self-polishing from ex vivo metal-on-metal total hip replacements. In: Proceedings of the British Orthopaedic Association Annual Congress. 2009, Manchester, UK.
- Joyce TJ, Harsha AP. Comparative wear tests of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene and cross-linked polyethylene. In: Proceedings of the IV World Tribology Congress. 2009, Kyoto, Japan.
- Joyce TJ, Harsha AP. Comparative In Vitro Wear Tests of Cross-Linked Polyethylene and Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene. In: European Conference on Tribology (EcoTrib). 2009, Pisa, Italy.
- Joyce TJ, Langton DJ, Nargol AV. Can an analysis of ex vivo resurfacing hip prostheses tell us how they failed?. In: Invited talk. 2009, Botnar Research Centre, Oxford University.
- Langton DJ, Sprowson AP, Jameson S, Joyce TJ, Reed M, Partington P, Carluke I, Nargol AVF. Blood metal ion concentrations post hip resurfacing arthroplasty: location of the contact patch is critical. In: Proceedings of the British Orthopaedic Research Society (BORS) Annual Meeting. 2009, Newcastle, UK.
- Langton DJ, Sprowson AP, Joyce TJ, Reed M, Partington P, Carluke I, Nargol AVF. Blood metal ion concentrations post hip resurfacing arthroplasty: a comparison study of the articular surface replacement and Birmingham hip resurfacing devices. In: Proceedings of the British Hip Society. 2009, Manchester, UK.
- Joyce TJ. Biopolymer wear screening rig validated against ASTM F732-00 and against clinical data. In: British Orthopaedic Research Society/Orthopaedic Research Society Travelling Fellowship (BORS/ORS). 2009, University of Pennsylvania, USA: British Orthopaedic Research Society.
- Joyce TJ, Langton DJ, Jameson SS, Nargol AVN. Analysis of ex vivo resurfacing hip prostheses and comparison with clinical data. In: British Orthopaedic Research Society/Orthopaedic Research Society Travelling Fellowship (BORS/ORS). 2009, Thomas Jefferson University, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Langton DJ, Jameson SS, Joyce TJ, Natu S, Logishetty R, Tulloch C, Nargol AVF. Adverse reactions to metal debris following large bearing metal on metal arthroplasty. In: British Hip Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 2009, Manchester Conference Centre: British Hip Society.
- Joyce TJ, Langton DJ, Nargol AVF. A Study of the Wear of Explanted Metal-on-Metal Resurfacing Hip Prostheses. In: European Conference on Tribology (EcoTrib). 2009, Pisa, Italy.
- Joyce TJ. A project-based learning Design course: experience, developments and assessment. In: Proceedings of the Higher Education Academy annual meeting: ‘the future of the student learning experience’. 2009, Manchester, UK.
- Joyce TJ. What can be learnt from in vitro testing and ex vivo analysis of finger prostheses. Keynote address for the session ‘Biomaterials in Hand Surgery’. In: 8th World Biomaterials Congress. 2008, Amsterdam: European Society for Biomaterials.
- Joyce TJ. Wear tests of orthopaedic biopolymers with the Biolubricant augmented by a visco-supplement. In: 35th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology. 2008, Trinity and All Saints College, The University of Leeds.
- Joyce TJ. Wear testing of a DJOA metacarpophalangeal prosthesis in vitro. In: ‘Engineering the Upper Limb’ Meeting. 2008, IMechE, London, UK.
- Joyce TJ. Wear testing of a DJOA finger prosthesis in vitro. In: 35th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology. 2008, Trinity and All Saints College, The University of Leeds.
- Joyce TJ, Huang YH. Two orthopaedic biopolymers wear tested with a visco-supplement added to the lubricant. In: 8th World Biomaterials Congress. 2008, Amsterdam: European Society for Biomaterials.
- Joyce TJ, Langton DJ, Jameson SS, Nargol AVF. Tribological analysis of failed resurfacing hip prostheses and comparison with clinical data. In: 35th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology - Tribology for Sustainability: Economic, Environmental and Quality of Life. 2008, Trinity and All Saints College, The University of Leeds.
- Langton DJ, Jameson SS, Joyce TJ, Webb J, Nargol AVN. Reducing metal ion exposure following hip resurfacing: the importance of acetabular orientation. In: 2008 London Hip Meeting. 2008, London, UK.
- Langton DJ, Jameson SS, Joyce TJ, Webb J, Nargol AVF. Reducing exposure to metal ions following hip resurfacing: the importance of acetabular orientation. In: 2nd Joint Meeting of the Bone Research Society and the British Orthopaedic Research Society. 2008, Manchester: Bone Research Society.
- Langton D, Jameson SS, Joyce TJ, Nargol A. Reducing exposure to metal ions following hip resurfacing: the importance of acetabular orientation. In: SICOT/SIROT 2008 XXIV Triennial World Congress. 2008, Hong Kong: SICOT/SIROT.
- Langton DJ, Jameson SS, Joyce TJ, Webb J, Nargol AVF. Reducing exposure to metal ions following hip resurfacing: the importance of acetabular orientation. In: Proceedings of the British Orthopaedic Association 2008 Annual Congress. 2008, Liverpool: British Orthopaedic Association.
- Langton DJ, Jameson SS, Joyce TJ, Nargol AVN. Metal arthroplasty: a consequence of excess wear?. In: 2008 London Hip Meeting. 2008, London, UK.
- Joyce TJ, Huang YH. In vitro wear tests of orthopaedic biopolymers with a visco-supplement added to the lubricant. In: 2nd Joint Meeting of the Bone Research Society and the British Orthopaedic Research Society. 2008, Manchester.
- Joyce TJ. In vitro testing of a DJOA metacarpophalangeal prosthesis. In: Autumn 2007 Meeting of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand. 2008, London, UK.
- Langton DJ, Jameson SS, Joyce T, Webb J, Nargol AVF. Hip resurfacing in females – are we under-diagnosing metal hypersensitivity?. In: British Hip Society Annual Meeting. 2008, Norwich.
- Joyce TJ. Evidence of in vivo failure modes from explanted Sutter metacarpophalangeal prostheses. In: ‘Engineering the Upper Limb’ Meeting. 2008, IMechE, London, UK.
- Langton DJ, Jameson SS, Joyce TJ, Webb J, Nargol AVF. Early aseptic failure of large metal-on-metal hip arthroplasty – is metal sensitivity a consequence of excess wear?. In: Proceedings of the British Orthopaedic Association 2008 Annual Congress. 2008, Liverpool: British Orthopaedic Association.
- Joyce TJ. Can orthopaedic biopolymers be adequately wear tested without a lubricant based on animal products?. In: Proceedings of the NC3Rs/LASA Winter Meeting. 2008, Laboratory Animal Science Association.
- Joyce TJ. Biomechanics of finger joints. In: Proceedings of the Leeds Orthopaedic Biomechanics Course. 2008, Leeds, UK.
- Joyce TJ, Langton DJ, Jameson SS, Nargol AVF. Analysis of failed metal-on-metal resurfacing hip prostheses. In: Proceedings of the 2008 Bath Biomechanics Symposium. 2008, Bath.
- Joyce TJ, Langton D, Jameson S, Nargol AVF. Analysis of ex vivo resurfacing hip prostheses and comparison with clinical data. In: 2nd Joint Meeting of the Bone Research Society and the British Orthopaedic Research Society. 2008, Manchester: Bone Research Society.
- Joyce TJ, Makhdoum B. All biopolymer couples wear tested in vitro: influence of motion and lubricant protein content. In: 8th World Biomaterials Congress. 2008, Amsterdam.
- Joyce TJ. A review of postgraduate medical engineering degrees currently available in the UK. In: International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE 2008). 2008, Pécs, Hungary: University of Pécs.
- Joyce TJ. A review of current undergraduate and postgraduate medical engineering courses in the UK. In: Engineering Education 2008. 2008, Loughborough: The Higher Education Academy.
- Joyce TJ. A review of available undergraduate medical engineering degrees in the UK. In: International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE 2008). 2008, Pécs, Hungary: University of Pécs.
- Langton D, Jameson S, Joyce TJ, Nargol A. A patient with metallosis following metal on metal hip resurfacing: metal ion levels, histology and explant analysis. In: SICOT/SIROT 2008 XXIV Triennial World Congress. 2008, Hong Kong: SICOT/SIROT.
- Joyce TJ. Theoretical determination of lubrication regimes in two-piece first metatarsophalangeal prostheses. In: 3rd Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2006. 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Springer, London.
- Joyce TJ. Theoretical Calculation of Lubrication Regimes in a Metal-on-Metal First Metatarsophalangeal Prosthesis Evaluated against an Ex Vivo Sample. In: World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006. 2007, Seoul, Korea: Springer.
- Joyce TJ. Prediction of lubrication regimes in total shoulder replacement joints. In: UK Shoulder Group Launch Seminar. 2007, Newcastle, UK.
- Green SM, Lee SM, Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. In vitro wear performance of MTP prostheses evaluated on a multistation metatarsophalangeal joint simulator. In: European Federation of national associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT). 2007, Florence, Italy.
- Joyce TJ. First report of DLC against DLC biomaterial combination in an explanted joint replacement. In: Bath Biomechanics Symposium. 2007, Bath, UK.
- Joyce TJ. Fingers crossed: getting to gips with artificial finger joints. In: Invited seminar, Trinity Centre for Bioengineering. 2007, Dublin, Ireland.
- Joyce TJ. Explanted polyurethane gastrostomy devices compared with in vitro samples. In: 21st European Conference on Biomaterials. 2007, Brighton, UK.
- Joyce TJ. Examination of failed ex vivo metal-on-metal metatarsophalangeal prosthesis and comparison with theoretically determined lubrication regimes. In: 16th International Conference on Wear of Materials. 2007, Montreal, Canada.
- Joyce TJ. Biomechanics of finger joints. In: Invited Lecture, Leeds Orthopaedic Biomechanics course. 2007, Leeds, UK.
- Joyce TJ. Analysis of Failed Polyurethane Gastrostomy Devices and Comparison with Samples Incubated In Vitro. In: World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering. 2007, Seoul, Korea: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Joyce TJ. Analysis of an ex vivo metal-on-metal toe prosthesis and evaluation against theoretical lubrication regimes. In: 21st European Conference on Biomaterials. 2007, Brighton, UK.
- Joyce TJ. A metal-on-polymer metacarpophalangeal prosthesis tested in vitro. In: 21st European Conference on Biomaterials. 2007, Brighton, UK.
- Green SM, Lee SM, Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. Wear performance of silastic prostheses tested on a novel metatarsophalangeal joint simulator. In: Bath Biomechanics Symposium. 2006, Bath, UK.
- Joyce TJ. Theoretical calculation of lubrication regimes in a metal-on-metal first metatarsophalangeal prosthesis evaluated against an ex vivo sample. In: Proceedings of the World Bioengineering and Medical Physics Congress. 2006, Seoul, South Korea.
- Joyce TJ. Retrieval study of failed percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy devices and evaluation against examples incubated in vitro. In: Journal of Biomechanics: 5th World Biomechanics Meeting. 2006, Munich, Germany: Pergamon.
- Joyce TJ. Prediction of lubrication regimes in two-piece metatarsophalangeal prostheses. In: Journal of Biomechanics: 5th World Biomechanics Meeting. 2006, Munich, Germany: Pergamon.
- Joyce TJ, Rieker C, Unsworth A. Pointing the finger - pre-clinical validation of a novel metacarpophalangeal prosthesis. In: Bath Biomechanics Symposium. 2006, Bath, UK.
- Joyce TJ. Metal-on-metal metatarsophalangeal prosthesis retrieval study and comparison with predicted lubrication regimes. In: Journal of Biomechanics: 5th World Biomechanics Meeting. 2006, Munich, Germany: Pergamon.
- Joyce TJ. Fractography of failed silicone metacarpophalangeal prostheses. In: 16th Annual Meeting of the European Orthopaedic Research Society. 2006, Bologna, Italy.
- Joyce TJ. Evaluation of ex vivo metal-on-metal first metatarsophalangeal prostheses against theoretical calculation of lubrication regimes. In: International Tribology Conference, Austrib. 2006, Brisbane, Australia.
- Joyce TJ. Determination of theoretical lubrication regimes in two-piece finger prostheses. In: 16th Annual Meeting of the European Orthopaedic Research Society. 2006, Bologna, Italy.
- Joyce TJ. Calculation of lubrication regimes in two-piece first metatarsophalangeal implants. In: 16th Annual Meeting of the European Orthopaedic Research Society. 2006, Bologna, Italy.
- Joyce TJ. Biomechanics of finger joints. In: Leeds Orthopaedic Biomechanics course. 2006, Leeds, UK.
- Joyce TJ. Analysis of failed polyurethane gastrostomy devices and comparison with samples incubated in vitro. In: World Bioengineering and Medical Physics Congress. 2006, Seoul, South Korea.
- Joyce TJ. Analysis of ex vivo metal-on-metal first metatarsophalangeal prosthesis and assessment against theoretical lubrication regimes. In: 16th Annual Meeting of the European Orthopaedic Research Society. 2006, Bologna, Italy.
- Joyce TJ. [Invited paper] Causes of failure for flexible metacarpophalangeal joint prostheses. In: First Biomaterials in Hand Surgery Meeting. 2006, Rome, Italy.
- Joyce TJ. Two-piece metacarpophalangeal prostheses compared by determining their lubrication regimes. In: Proceedings of the Autumn Scientific Meeting of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand. 2005, London, UK.
- Joyce TJ. Pointers from the Stribeck curve: prediction of lubrication regimes in two-piece finger prostheses. In: Proceedings of the Bath Hand and Wrist Biomechanics Symposium. 2005, Bath, UK.
- Joyce TJ. Fractured fingers: a retrieval study of silicone metacarpophalangeal prostheses. In: Proceedings of the Bath Hand and Wrist Symposium. 2005, Bath, UK.
- Joyce TJ. Explanted Sutter metacarpophalangeal prostheses studied by fractography. In: Proceedings of the Autumn Scientific Meeting of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand. 2005, London, UK.
- Joyce TJ. Ex vivo Sutter metacarpophalangeal implants examined by fractography. In: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the British Orthopaedic Research Society. 2005, Stanmore, UK.
- Joyce TJ, Riddell D, Unsworth A. Biomaterial wear testing related to an all-polymer knee prosthesis. In: Proceedings of 19th European Conference on Biomaterials. 2005, Sorrento, Italy.
- Joyce TJ, Riddell D, Unsworth A. Biomaterial wear screening tests for an all-polymer knee. In: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials. 2005, Memphis, USA.
- Unsworth A, Joyce TJ, Stokoe S, Alexander A, Sibly F. Artificial finger joints. In: Proceedings with Bath Hand and Wrist Symposium. 2005, Bath, UK.
- Joyce TJ. Analysis of ex-vivo silicone finger prostheses and their fracture faces. In: Proceedings of 19th European Conference on Biomaterials. 2005, Sorrento, Italy.
- Joyce TJ. A comparison of ex-vivo and theoretical first metatarsophalangeal lubrication regimes. In: Proceedings of the British Orthopaedic Research Society. 2005, Stanmore, UK.
- Joyce TJ, Rieker C, Unsworth A. Two proposed metacarpophalangeal prostheses wear tested in vitro. In: 46th Australian Rheumatology Meeting. 2004, Cairns, Australia.
- Joyce TJ, Twiss C, Allen C, Unsworth A. The wear of various biomaterials against zirconia ceramic. In: Seventh World Biomaterials Congress. 2004, Sydney, Australia.
- Joyce TJ, Green SM, Unsworth A. The design and development of a simulator for in vitro testing of metatarsophalangeal prostheses. In: Seventh World Biomaterials Congress. 2004, Sydney, Australia.
- Joyce TJ, Monk D, Thompson P, Chiu P, Unsworth A, Green SM. Polymeric biomaterial wear test rig validated to ASTM F732-00 and against clinical data. In: Seventh World Biomaterials Congress. 2004, Sydney, Australia.
- Joyce TJ, Monk D, Thompson P, Chiu P, Unsworth A, Green SM. Orthopaedic biopolymer wear screening rig validated against clinical data. In: Spring Meeting of the British Orthopaedic Research Society. 2004, Bristol, UK.
- Joyce TJ, Mendham K, Green SM, Unsworth A. Influence of bovine serum lubricant changeover time on the wear of PTFE biomaterial against stainless steel. In: Seventh World Biomaterials Congress. 2004, Sydney, Australia.
- Joyce TJ, Rieker C, Unsworth A. In vitro wear tests of a proposed metacarpophalangeal prosthesis. In: Spring Scientific Meeting of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand. 2004, Belfast, UK.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. In vitro testing of silicone metacarpophalangeal prostheses. In: 46th Australian Rheumatology Meeting. 2004, Cairns, Australia.
- Joyce TJ, Green SM, Unsworth A. The need for in vitro testing of first metatarsophalangeal prostheses and suggested test parameters for a metatarsophalangeal simulator. In: Staffordshire Conference on Clinical Biomechanics. 2003, University of Staffordshire, UK.
- Joyce TJ, Green SM, Unsworth A. The design of a first metatarsophalangeal joint simulator. In: Autumn Scientific Meeting of the British Orthopaedic Foot Surgery Society. 2003, Bristol, UK.
- Joyce TJ, Twiss C, Rieker C. Screening wear tests of hard biomaterial combinations. In: 14th International Wear of Materials. 2003, Washington DC, USA.
- Joyce TJ, Rieker C, Unsworth A. Metal-on-polyethylene metacarpophalangeal prostheses tested in vitro. In: Autumn Scientific Meeting of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand. 2003, London, UK.
- Joyce TJ, Allen C, Rieker C. In vitro wear testing of Zirconia - UHMWPE couples. In: 14th International Wear of Materials. 2003, Washington DC, USA.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. The wear of all UHMWPE articulations under various loading and motion conditions. In: 6th International Tribology Conference (Austrib). 2002, Perth, Australia.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. The influence of bovine serum on the wear of cross-linked polyethylene finger prostheses. In: 6th International Tribology Conference (Austrib). 2002, Perth, Australia.
- Joyce TJ, Rieker C, Unsworth A. In vitro wear testing of metal-on-polymer metacarpophalangeal prostheses. In: 6th International Tribology Conference (Austrib). 2002, Perth, Australia.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. In vitro testing of NeuFlex metacarpophalangeal prostheses. In: British Society for Surgery of the Hand, Autumn Meeting. 2002, Edinburgh.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. Biomechanics of the metacarpophalangeal joint reproduced in a finger simulator to give prosthesis fractures matching those seen in vivo. In: Fourth Australasian Biomechanics Conference. 2002, Melbourne, Australia.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. A test rig for metacarpophalangeal prostheses producing failures matching those seen in vivo. In: Annual Scientific Meeting of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine. 2002, Durham.
- Joyce TJ, Monk D, Unsworth A. Wear swapping from pin to plate in all UHMWPE couples when rotation is added to reciprocation. In: 13th International Conference on Wear of Materials. 2001, Vancouver, Canada.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. The wear of an all UHMWPE prosthesis. In: 13th International Conference on Wear of Materials. 2001, Vancouver, Canada.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. Pointing the finger: the need for a test protocol for artificial finger joints. In: Comrades in Arms - Engineers and Surgeons. 2001, London.
- Joyce TJ, Milner RH, Unsworth A. In vitro testing of Sutter metacarpophalangeal prostheses. In: North East Hand Meeting. 2001, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
- Milner RH, Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. Failure modes of ex vivo Sutter metacarpophalangeal prostheses compared with in vitro samples. In: British Society for Surgery of the Hand, Autumn Meeting. 2001, London, UK.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A, Rieker C. Experience with gravimetric wear measurements of a new prosthesis. In: 13th International Conference on Wear of Materials. 2001, Vancouver, Canada.
- Liu CZ, Green SM, Watkin ND, Joyce TJ, McCaskie AW. The dependence of recovery behaviour on mechanical properties of bone cement. In: 9th International Conference on Polymers in Medicine and Surgery. 2000, Krems, Austria.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. Influence of second degree of motion on the wear of cross-linked polyethylene against itself. In: Polymers in Medicine and Science. 2000, Krems, Austria.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A. A comparison of lubricants on the wear of finger prostheses using a new finger wear simulator. In: Polymers in Medicine and Science. 2000, Krems, Austria.
- T J Joyce. The design and development of an artificial finger joint. In: Annual Meeting of the Leeds Centre for Biomedical Engineering. 1998, Leeds, UK.
- L Ajekigbe,C Viva,T J Joyce,A Unsworth,J Stothard,I Haslock. Durham surface replacement metacarpophalangeal arthroplasty. In: British Society for Surgery of the Hand: Autumn Meeting. 1998.
- T J Joyce. Joint Manoeuvres. In: Annual Symposium of the Medical Journalists' Association. 1997, Cheltenham, UK.
- T J Joyce,A Unsworth. Application of cross-linked polyethylene as a material for a new finger prosthesis. In: Fifth World Biomaterials Congress. 1996, Toronto, Canada.
- T J Joyce,A Unsworth. Application of cross-linked polyethylene as a material for a new finger prosthesis. In: Meeting of the Biomaterial Research Group of the Biological Engineering Society. 1995, Cambridge UK.
- Joyce TJ, Mavraki A. Wear tests of orthopnedic biopolymers with the biolubricant augmented by a visco-supplement. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology 2009, 223(J3), 604-604.
- Joyce TJ, Langton D, Jameson SS, Nargol AVF, Medley JB, Masen M, Mathia TG, Blunt L. TRIBOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF FAILED RESURFACING HIP PROSTHESES AND COMPARISON WITH CLINICAL DATA. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J : Journal of Engineering Tribology 2009, 223(J3), 605-606.
- Joyce T. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine: Guest Editorial. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2009, 223(4), i-iii.
- Joyce TJ, Smith S, Rushton PRP, Bowey AJ, Gibson MJ. TO THE EDITOR. Spine 2018, 43(20), E1239-E1240.
- Joyce TJ. Presentation of Varicella-Zoster mimicking carpal tunnel syndrome - Reply. Journal of Hand Surgery 2007, 32E(2), 236-237.
- Joyce TJ. Letter to the Editor. Journal of Hand Surgery 2007, 32(2), 236-237.
- Joyce TJ, Unsworth A, Milner RH. Untitled. Journal of Hand Surgery 2003, 28B(5), 505-506.
- Allan C, Joyce TJ, Pollock AM. Europe's new device regulations fail to protect the public. BMJ 2018, 363, k4205.
- Abraham BB, Joyce TJ, Davidson RI, Johnson GR. A novel four-caster manual vehicle manoeuvring investigation: Higher loading-weights require larger turning spaces. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H - Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2015, 229(5), 403-416.
- T J Joyce. The development of an endoprosthesis for the metacarpophalangeal joint. Ph.D. thesis, Durham, 1997.