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Craig Milne

BSc in Physiological Sciences

Graduate-entry Dentistry, University of Liverpool

During my time at Newcastle I realised a career in lab-based research wasn’t for me and I became interested in a career in Dentistry as I felt it better suited my personality and interests. I organised work experience in a variety of dental settings over the summer of my second year at Newcastle in preparation for applying to university again in the October. The staff in the Biomedical Sciences Department of Newcastle University were very supportive and helpful during the application process and were always on hand to help answer any questions.


I managed to secure a place to study Dentistry at The University of Liverpool where I began studying in September 2017. I was fortunate enough to be accepted onto a graduate entry programme, meaning the course is four years long instead of the usual five. I feel that my degree in Physiology from Newcastle has been invaluable throughout my time at Liverpool so far and I am confident it will be useful in the future as more scientific and practical challenges arise along the way. It has also given me prior experience of studying at university level, allowing me to know already how I work and learn best.

The course at Liverpool is taught in a PBL (Problem Based Learning) manner meaning lots of small group seminars complemented with lectures to reinforce the learning. Liverpool teaches the course in a way that provides early exposure to clinical activity meaning you can begin practising clinical skills early on, this is something that I really like as, after all, dentistry is a very practical profession. I have really enjoyed my time at dental school so far and I am looking forward to the rest of the course and the possible career opportunities that are ahead of me.

After I have graduated from Liverpool, I hope to complete my foundation training year working as a General Dental Practitioner for the NHS and following on from this I will see where my interests and experiences take me going forward.