Staff Profile
Dr Christina Elliott
Lecturer in Biochemistry / Pharmacology
- Email:
- Telephone: 01912085490
- Address: M1033 Catherine Cookson Building (1st floor)
- BSc (hons) Biochemistry, University of York
- PhD Neuroimmunology, University of Glasgow
- PGCert Academic Practice, University of Glasgow
Previous Positions
- Lecturer (education-track), University of Glasgow
- Research Fellow, University of Bergen
- Postdoctoral Researcher, King's College London
- Research Associate, University of Glasgow
- Principal Scientist, C4X Discovery Ltd
Editorial Board
- Editorial board, BMC research notes
- Review editor, Frontiers in Pharmacology
Professional Societies & Networks
- Royal Society of Biology
- British Pharmacological Society
- Deep Dementia Phenotyping Network (DEMON)
- Organising team member of @LTHEchat: An online community of practice for HE educators that hosts a term-time a weekly tweetchat (via twitter/X)
Teaching & Assessment
- BGM1002: Biochemistry
- CMB1004: Cell Biology
- CMB1011: Professional and Practical Skills for Bioscientists
- PED1003: Pharmacology (module lead)
- BGM2061: Protein Trafficking and Biological Membranes (module co-lead)
- BMS2002: Cell Biology and Disease
- PED2006: Systems Pharmacology
- BMS3003: Business Enterprise for the Bioscientist
- BMS3013: Disorders of the Human Nervous System
- BMS3016: Science Communication
- BMS3022: Bioethics
- PED3008: Advanced Topics in Neuropharmacology (module lead)
- PED3012: Integrated Pharmacology
- PED3013/PSC3010: Research in Pharmacology/ Physiology (module co-lead)
- CMB3000: Research Project
- MMB8050: Therapeutic Applications of Cell Signalling Pathways
- MRes Research Projects
Externally facing teaching-related activities
- External examiner
- Guest lecturer, King's College London (MSc Neuroscience)
Other Responsibilities
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion co-lead (school)
- PARTNERS (widening participation) program co-lead
- Learning Community lead
- Phase 1 curriculum committee (member) and Pharmacology curriculum committee (chair)
- Personal tutor
Therapeutic application of signalling pathways, disease modelling and drug discovery
My research focusses on elucidating the molecular mechanisms that underpin neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases using functional genomics and molecular pharmacology. Furthermore, we explore how these novel disease associated genes and pathways can be leveraged to provide novel therapeutic strategies by novel drug discovery or drug repositioning. Through our research we also investigate whether we can therapeutically target protein-protein interactions using peptide array mapping and the development of novel disruptor peptides. Below are some examples of previous projects:
Targeting aberrant Wnt signalling to combat synapse loss in Alzheimer's Disease (AD)
This research identified that the synaptotoxic effects of oligomeric amyloid-beta peptide is dependent on the overactivation of the non-canonical Wnt-Frizzled/Planar Cell Polarity signaling pathway. Identification of this mechanism led to the proposition of the drug fasudil as a novel drug candidate to be repositioned for AD, which we have validated in both in vitro and in vitro models. Crucially, this work subsequently identified a central role for the amyloid precursor protein as a molecular switch between the canonical and non-canonical signalling pathways through it's direct interaction with both canonical and non-canonical Wnt co-receptors, which we have mapped using peptide array.
Modulating protein levels by targeting turnover via the ubiquitin-proteasome system
Variations in the Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) gene have been associated with major mental illness, including schizophrenia. The resulting haploinsufficiency leads to diminished protein levels. The approach to increasing the pool of functional DISC1 protein is by blocking it's turnover by the ubiquitin-proteasome system. We identified the cognate E3 ligase (FBXW7) and mapped it's interaction to DISC1. Delineation of the precise binding site yielded functional disruptor peptides capable of blocking protein degradation in iPS cell derived neurons from patients. Using in silico docking and high throughput screening we have identified small molecules with similar activity to these peptides, however with improved pharmacokinetic properties.
Educational Research/ Scholarship
My main scholarship interest is the role of technology enhanced learning particularly through the development of student digital skills literacy. I am also passionate about game-based learning and lead a staff-student partnership that creates game-based learning resources. Current projects include:
- Astrobiotics: resistance rising- an digital interactive non-linear choose your own adventure game using Twine to teach antibiotic resistance.
- D, D&D: drug discovery and development- a dungeon and dragons style game for pharmacology teaching.
Research theme membership
- Education
- Cells, Genes and Molecules
I welcome any enquires from current or prospective students regarding internships, placements or PhD supervision.
- Elliott C, Jackson J, Findlay J, Williams G, Ghosh A, Ribe E, Ulmschneider M, Khan A, Ballard C, Aarsland D, Baillie GS, Harte M, Killick R. Blocking the Dkk1-LRP6 interaction prevents acute amyloid-β-driven cognitive impairment. Cellular Signalling 2025, 131, 11716.
- Elliott C. Technology-enhanced learning in Pharmacology through non-linear storytelling. Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics – International Edition 2024, 38(Sup2), 11-13.
- Lipina TV, Li S, Petrova ES, Amstislavskaya TG, Cameron RT, Elliott C, Gondo Y, McGirr A, Mullins JGL, Baillie GS, Woodgett JR, Clapcote SJ. PDE4B Missense Variant Increases Susceptibility to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder-Relevant Phenotypes in Mice. Journal of Neuroscience 2024, 44(43), e0137242024.
- Elliott C, Brundell P. Being Neurodivergent in Academia: How we stepped up to support others. eLife 2024, 13, e98891.
- Killick R, Elliott C, Ribe E, Broadstock M, Ballard C, Aarsland D, Williams G. Neurodegenerative Disease Associated Pathways in the Brains of Triple Transgenic Alzheimer’s Model Mice Are Reversed Following Two Weeks of Peripheral Administration of Fasudil. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023, 24(13), 11219.
- Glennon EB, Lau DHW, Gabriele RMC, Taylor MF, Troakes C, Opie-Martin S, Elliott C, Killick R, Hanger DP, Perez-Nievas BG, Noble W. Bridging integrator 1 protein loss in Alzheimer’s disease promotes synaptic tau accumulation and disrupts tau release. Brain Communications 2020, 2(1), fcaa011.
- Engelhardt B, Holze J, Elliott C, Baillie GS, Kschischo M, Frohlich H. Modelling and Mathematical Analysis of the M2-Receptor Dependent Joint Signaling and Secondary Messenger Network in CHO Cells. Mathematical Medicine & Biology 2018, 35(3), 279-297.
- Yalla K, Elliott C, Day JP, Findlay J, Barratt S, Hughes ZA, Wilson L, Whiteley E, Popiolek M, Li Y, Dunlop J, Killick R, Adams DR, Brandon NJ, Houslay MD, Hao B, Baillie GS. FBXW7 regulates DISC1 stability via the ubiquitin-proteosome system. Molecular Psychiatry 2018, 23, 1278-1286.
- Sellers KJ, Elliott C, Jackson J, Ghosh A, Ribe E, Rojo-Sanchís A, Jarosz-Griffiths HH, Watson IA, Xia W, Semenov M, Morin P, Hooper NM, Porter R, Preston J, Al-Shawi R, Baillie GS, Lovestone S, Cuadrado A, Harte M, Simons P, Srivastava DP, Killick R. Amyloid β synaptotoxicity is Wnt-PCP dependent and blocked by fasudil. Alzheimer’s and Dementia 2018, 14(3), 306-317.
- Elliott C, Rojo A, Ribe E, Broadstock M, Xia W, Morin P, Semenov M, Baillie G, Cuadrado A, Al-Shawi R, Ballard CG, Simons P, Killick R. A role for APP in Wnt signalling links synapse loss with β-amyloid production. Translational Psychiatry 2018, 8, 179.
- Ashton NJ, Hye A, Leckey CA, Jones AR, Gardner A, Elliott C, Wetherell JL, Lenze EJ, Killick R, Marchant NL. Plasma REST: a novel candidate biomarker of Alzheimer’s disease is modified by psychological intervention in an at risk population. Translational Psychiatry 2017, 7(6), e1148.
- Tankou S, Ishii K, Elliott C, Yalla KC, Day JP, Furukori K, Kubo K, Brandon NJ, Tang Q, Hayward G, Nakajima K, Houslay MD, Kamiya A, Baillie GS, Ishizuka K, Sawa A. SUMOylation of DISC1: A Potential Role in Neural Progenitor Proliferation in the Developing Cortex. Molecular Neuropsychiatry 2016, 2(1), 20-27.
- McGirr A, Lipina TV, Mun H, Georgiou J, Al-Amri AH, Ng E, Zhai D, Elliott C, Cameron RT, Mullins JGL, Liu F, Baillie GS, Clapcote SJ, Roder JC. Specific Inhibition of Phosphodiesterase-4B Results in Anxiolysis and Facilitates Memory Acquisition. Neuropsychopharmacology 2016, 41(4), 1080-1092.
- Allan D, Fairlie-Clarke K, Elliott C, Schuh C, Barnett SC, Lassmann H, Linington C, Jiang H. Role of IL-33 and ST2 signalling pathway in multiple sclerosis: expression by oligodendrocytes and inhibition of myelination in central nervous system. Acta Neuropathologica Communications 2016, 4(1), 75.
- Roscoe RB, Elliott C, Zarros A, Baillie GS. Non-genetic therapeutic approaches to Canavan disease. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2016, 366, 116-124.
- Dachtler J, Elliott C, Rodgers RJ, Baillie GS, Clapcote SJ. Missense mutation in DISC1 C-terminal coiled-coil has GSK3β signaling and sex-dependent behavioral effects in mice. Scientific Reports 2016, 6, 18748.
- Al-Nimer F, Elliott C, Bergman J, Khademi M, Dring AM, Aeinehband S, Bergenheim TR, Christensen J, Sellebjerg F, Svenningsson A, Linington C, Olsson T, Piehl F. Lipocalin-2 is increased in progressive multiple sclerosis and inhibits remyelination. Neurology – Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation 2016, 3(1), e191.
- Byrne AM, Elliott C, Hoffmann R, Baillie GS. The activity of cAMP-phosphodiesterase 4D7 (PDE4D7) is regulated by protein kinase A-dependent phosphorylation within its unique N-terminus. FEBS Letters 2015, 589(6), 750-755.
- Lindner M, Thuemmler K, Arthur A, Brunner S, Elliott C, McElroy D, Mohan H, Williams A, Edgar JM, Schuh C, Stadelmann C, Barnett SC, Lassmann H, Muecklisch S, Mudaliar M, Schaeren-Wiemers N, Meinl E, Linington C. Fibroblast growth factor signalling in multiple sclerosis: inhibition of myelination and induction of proinflammatory environment by FGF9. Brain 2015, 138(7), 1875-1893.
- Mohan H, Friese A, Albrecht S, Krumbholz M, Elliott CL, Arthur A, Menon R, Farina C, Junker A, Stadelmann C, Barnett SC, Huitinga I, Wekerle H, Hohlfeld R, Lassmann H, Kuhlmann T, Linington C, Meinl E. Transcript profiling of different types of multiple sclerosis lesions yields FGF1 as a promoter of remyelination. Acta Neuropathologica Communications 2014, 2(1), 178.
- Martin TP, Hortigon-Vinagre M, Findlay JE, Elliott C, Currie S, Baillie GS. Targeted disruption of the heat shock protein 20-phosphodiesterase 4D (PDE4D) interaction protects against pathological cardiac remodelling in a mouse model of hypertrophy. FEBS Open Bio 2014, 4(1), 923-927.
- Elliott C, Lindner M, Arthur A, Brennan K, Jarius S, Hussey J, Chan A, Stroet A, Olsson T, Willison H, Barnett SC, Meinl E, Linington C. Functional identification of pathogenic autoantibody responses in patients with multiple sclerosis. Brain 2012, 135(6), 1819-1833.
- Brennan KM, Galban-Horcajo F, Rinaldi S, O'Leary CP, Goodyear CS, Kalna G, Arthur A, Elliott C, Barnett S, Linington C, Bennett JL, Owens GP, Willison HJ. Lipid arrays identify myelin-derived lipids and lipid complexes as prominent targets for oligoclonal band antibodies in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuroimmunology 2011, 238(1).