Staff Profile
Professor John Mathers
Professor of Human Nutrition
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 1133
- Personal Website:
- Address: Human Nutrition & Exercise Research Centre
Population Health Sciences Institute
Newcastle University
Room M2.060, 2nd floor William Leech Building
Framlington Place
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4HH
Roles and Responsibilities
Principle Investigator for a portfolio of research projects in the areas of nutrition and the prevention of complex diseases including colon cancer, cardiovascular disease and dementia. This work includes studies on the biological basis of ageing and ranges from molecular and cell biological studies, through investigations in human volunteers to nutritional epidemiology and large-scale intervention studies.
Former Director of the Human Nutrition Research Centre (HNRC) and Former Director of the Centre for Healthier Lives
Teaching Commitments
Teaching on several undergraduate and post-graduate degree programmes including: MBBS, BSc (Hons) Food & Human Nutrition and MRes in Medical & Molecular Biosciences Ageing and Health.
PhD in Nutrition, University of Cambridge, 1979, Dissertation Title: Interrelationships between energy and protein metabolism in the rumen
Diploma in Nutrition, University of Cambridge, 1973
BSc in Agricultural Biochemistry & Nutrition, Newcastle University, 1971
Member of The Nutrition Society
Honorary Fellow, Association for Nutrition
Professional Responsibilities
Trustee, British Nutrition Foundation (2014 - present)
Chair of Board of Trustees, British Nutrition Foundation (2022 - present)
Rank Prize Funds Nutrition Committee (2014 - present)
Trustee and Chair of Nutrition Committee, Rank Prize Funds (2018 - present)
Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP) (2008 - 2020)
Member of Scientific Advisory Board of Joint Programming Initiative "A healthy diet for a healthy Life (2019 - present)
Chair of Scientific Advisory Board of "A healthy diet for a healthy Life (2021 - present)
Member of International Grants Panel for World Cancer Research Fund International (2018 - present)
Chair of International Grants Panel for World Cancer Research Fund International (2023 - present)
Member of Royal Society Newton Advanced Fellowships Panel (2018 - present)
Member of UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship Panel (2018 - 2021)
Member of UKRI-BBSRC COVID-19 Cohort of Experts (2020 - 2021)
Honours and Awards
President, The Nutrition Society (2001- 2004)
The British Nutrition Foundation Prize for outstanding contributions to nutrition (2002)
Nutrition Society Gold Medal (2012)
NUTRIM Lecture, University of Maastricht (2014)
Neonatal Society "Widdowson Lecture" (2015)
Molecular Epidemiology Group Silver Medal (2015)
Honorary Fellowship of The Nutrition Society (2020)
Gowland Hopkins Award, The Nutrition Society (2023)
Google Scholar: Click here.
Research Interests
Molecular nutrition research:
cancer-related studies
cardiovascular disease and diabetes-related studies
Public health nutrition research:
nutritional epidemiology
nutrition and ageing
Current Research Projects
Diet, physical activity and dementia risk in UK adults: Epidemiology and MedEx feasibility study funded by Alzheimer's Research UK
BORICC Follow-Up Study
Food4Me: Personalised Nutrition: An Integrated Analysis of Opportunities and Challenges funded by
Commission of the European Communities
Development of interventions to enhance health and wellbeing in later life (The LIVEWELL programme) funded by the MRC on behalf of the LifeLong Health and wellbeing initiative
Mechanisms of DNA methylation instability funded by Dunhill Medical Trust
FSF - Cancer stem cells in colorectal cancer funded Northumbria Health Care NHS Foundation Trust
Systems biology approach to defining impact of a genetic variant of GP x 4 and selenium intake funded by
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
Impact of Non-Digestible Carbohydrates on Biomarkers of GI Health: A Human Intervention Study funded by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
Newcastle University Centre for Brain Ageing and Vitality sponsored by BBSRC, EPSRC, ESRC and MRC
Future Research
Nutritional genomics: ageing and nutrition
Nutritional epigenetics and mechanisms by which environmental factors, especially diet, impact on health in the long term
Postgraduate Supervision
PhD and MD student supervision in major areas of research interest especially nutritional genomics and epigenetics
Esteem Indicators
- Invited Speaker: American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting in Chicago “Can Cancer Prevention Be Individualized?” (March 2012)
- Invited Participant: Evaluation Panel to evaluate applications within the fields of epidemiology, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, paediatrics, obesity, nutrition and physical activity at the Academy of Finland (February 2012)
- Invited Participant: Scientific meeting of the UKCRC Centre for Diet and Activity Research (CEDAR) in Cambridge (January 2012)
- Invited Speaker: 11th congress of the Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS) in Madrid, Spain “Genetic and epigenetic variation: potential biological basis for personalised nutrition” (October 2011)
- Invited Speaker: 12th International Congress of Human Genetics in Montreal, Canada “Epigenomics: understanding individual differences in response to nutrition and ageing?” (October 2011)
- Invited Lecturer: MF9390 - Epigenetics, development and disease course in Oslo “Epigenetics & Nutrition” (September 2011)
- Invited Speaker: Food and Drink Federation, Nutrition Committee in London “Nutrition and Healthy Ageing” (September 2011)
- Invited Lecturer: M.Sc. in Nutritional Medicine, University of Surrey “Diet, colon cancer and diverticular disease” (April 2011)
- Invited Participant: Mid Term Review Nutrigenomics Consortium in the Netherlands (March 2011)
- Invited External Assessor: Quinquennial Development Exercise (QDE) visit to the School of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Leeds (January 2011)
- Invited Speaker: Epigenetics, Development and Disease Conference in Oslo. “Epigenetics and nutrition” (December 2010)
- Invited Speaker: IV Congress of the International Society of Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics in Pamplona, Spain. “Epigenomics: understanding how nutrition modulates the ageing process” (November 2010)
- 7th Nestle International Nutrition Symposium in Switzerland (October 2010)
- Invited Speker: Network in Epidemiology and Nutrition (NEON) in Stockholm. “The new biology: Using nutrigenomics approaches to understand how diet influences health” (October 2010)
- Opening lecture for joint meeting of 4 French HNRC's - Club CRNH in France. “HNRS in Europe: a useful tool for research in nutrition” (October 2010)
- Invited Speaker: WCRF International Conference in London. “Epigenetics, nutrition and bowel cancer risk” (September 2010)
- Gates Foundation (Diarrhoea project) Meeting in Seattle (August 2010)
- Global Food Security Programme Workshop in Reading (June 2010)
- Invited Speaker: MitoFood meeting in Aberdeen. “Mitochondrial mutations in the human colon during ageing”. (May 2010)
- 5th External Advisory Board (EAB) Meeting in Germany. (May 2010)
- Invited Speaker: SV: Pufendorf Instutute symposium in Lund. ““Nutrition, epigenetics and
ageing” (May 2010)
- Invited Speaker: FSA Metabolomics Workshop in London. “Development of metabolomics as novel approach to biological indicators which characterise and quantify dietary exposure. Experimental protocols in the MEDE Study.” (March 2010)
- Invited Speaker: Alan Walker: Healthy Ageing Workshop in Beijing. “Epigenomics: molecular mechanisms through which nutrition may modulate the ageing process (March 2010)
- Invited Speaker: 1st International Metabolomics & More Symposium in Germany. “The elephant in the room: Applications of Metabolomics to assess Dietary Intake (March 2010)
- Ageing Working Group meeting, BBSRC London (February 2010)
- Invited Speaker, SYSDIET: International Scientific Panel Meeting “Nutrition and epigenetics’ (November 2009)
- Invited Speaker, ICN Bankok Symposium on Epigenetics, Haslberger “Early Nutrition epigenetics” (October 2009)
- Invited Keynote Speaker, 8th Carbohydrate Bioengineering meeting, Naples, Italy “Carbohydrates and glycoconjugates in health and nutrition” (May 2009)
- Invited Speaker, British Council Science Programme, Bilbao Spain, Lecture in “Nutrition Epigenomics and Health – how the genome learn from experience ” (April 2009)
- Chair/Invited Speaker, Age, Health and Nutrition in Europe, QEII Conference Centre, London “the important issues facing the older population in the UK with respect to nutrition”
- (March 2009)
- MitoFood Workshop and Management Committee meeting, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (March 2009)
- Invited Speaker, 4th ECNIS Annual Meeting, Lueven, Belgium “Epigenetic biomarkers of bowel cancer risk” (March 2009)
- Invited Keynote Speaker, Wageningen Nutritional Science Forum, Arnhem, Netherlands “From ‘little science’ to ‘big science’: a philosophical perspective” (March 2009)
- Invitation to the Launch of the Foresight Mental Capital and Wellbeing Project Findings, The Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London (October 2008)
- Invited to the John Denham Seminar, Ageing and Lifelong Health and Wellbeing, RIBA London (October 2008)
- Invited to join the Reviewing Panel for the Biomarkers Call for Proposal, MRC London (October 2008)
- Invited to Participate, Cancer Prevention Trials Unit (CPTU) Workshop, Charter House Square, London (September 2008)
- Invited to participate, Development Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) 1st Summer Workshop, University of Nottingham (July 2008)
- Invited Symposium, Nutrition Society Summer Meeting, University of Nottingham (July 2008)
- Invited Speaker, Nutrition Society Irish Section, University College Dublin “Epigenetics – uses and limitations in nutrition research” (June 2008)
- Invited Speaker, 3rd Asia – Pacific Nutrigenomics Conference, Melbourne (May 2008)
- Strategic Review of Nutrition, Cambridge (April 2008)
- Invited Speaker, ECNIS – NuGO, Barcelona (March 2008)
- MRC Centre Call, Lifelong Health and Wellbeing, London (February 2008)
- WP6 Meeting, Palma (November 2007)
- Invited Speaker, Nutrigenomics Master Class, Wageningen, Netherlands (November 2007)
- CSIRO McMaster Fellowship, Australia (June – September 2007)
JGW Patterson Foundation
Rank Prize Funds
Commission of the European Communities
Undergraduate Teaching
Undergraduate Teaching:
BSc Food and Human Nutrition - lectures, tutorials and seminars
MBBS Lectures, Faculty of Medical Sciences
MRes in Medical & Molecular Biosciences
- Malcomson FC, Parra-Soto S, Lu L, Ho F, Celis-Morales C, Sharp L, Mathers JC. Socio-demographic variation in adherence to the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF)/American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) Cancer Prevention Recommendations within the UK Biobank prospective cohort study. Journal of Public Health 2024, 46(1), 61-71.
- Stowell JD, Mathers JC, Stanley M, Aksakal FNB, Aslett-Bentley A, Banati D, Bobokhidze E, Catar OU, Dinc O, Gvamichava R, Mutus B, Saunders C, Shannon O, Tewfik I. Nutrition and Public Health in Georgia: Reviewing the current status and inspiring improvements: A joint event of the Georgian Nutrition Society, The Nutrition Society of the UK and Ireland and the Sabri Ülker Foundation, October 2023. British Journal of Nutrition 2024, 131(12), 2080-2089.
- Ganbavale SG, Papachristou E, Mathers JC, Papacosta AO, Lennon LT, Whincup PH, Wannamethee SG, Ramsay SE. Neighborhood Deprivation and Changes in Oral Health in Older Age: A Longitudinal Population-Based Study. Journal of Dental Research 2024, 103(4), 434-441.
- Fadnes LT, Javadi Arjmand E, Okland J-M, Celis-Morales C, Livingstone KM, Balakrishna R, Mathers JC, Johansson KA, Haaland OA. Life expectancy gains from dietary modifications: a comparative modeling study in 7 countries. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2024, 120(1), 170-177.
- Kok DE, Saunders R, Nelson A, Smith D, Ford D, Mathers JC, McKay JA. Influence of maternal folate depletion on Art3 DNA methylation in the murine adult brain; potential consequences for brain and neurocognitive health. Mutagenesis 2024, 39(3), 196-204.
- Kirk C, Mathers J, Pearce M, Thompson NP, Jones D. Factors that impact on the quality of life of intestinal failure patients treated with home parenteral nutrition: protocol for a multicentre, longitudinal observational study. BMJ Open 2024, 14(1), e082163.
- Elsworthy RJ, Jong ST, Hanson S, Shannon OM, Jennings A, Gillings R, Siervo M, Hornberger M, Hardeman W, Mathers JC, Minihane A-M, Aldred S. Effects of the COVID-19 associated United Kingdom lockdown on physical activity in older adults at high risk of cardiovascular disease: a mixed methods perspective from the MedEx-UK multicenter trial. Frontiers in Public Health 2024, 12, 1371453.
- Petermann-Rocha F, Zhou Z, Mathers JC, Celis-Morales C, Raubenheimer D, Sattar N, Pell JP, Forrest E, Ho FK. Diet modifies the association between alcohol consumption and severe alcohol-related liver disease incidence. Nature Communications 2024, 15(1), 6880.
- Livingstone KM, Rawstorn JC, Partridge SR, Zhang Y, O E, Godrich SL, McNaughton SA, Hendrie GA, Dullaghan K, Abbott G, Blekkenhorst LC, Maddison R, Barnett S, Mathers JC, Alston L. Determining the feasibility of a codesigned and personalised intervention (Veg4Me) to improve vegetable intake in young adults living in rural Australian communities: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2024, 14(1), e078001.
- Livingstone KM, Rawstorn JC, Alston L, Partridge SR, Bastian A, Dullaghan K, McNaughton SA, Hendrie GA, Blekkenhorst LC, Maddison R, Zhang Y, Barnett S, Mathers JC, Godrich SL. Co-design of a personalised digital intervention to improve vegetable intake in adults living in Australian rural communities. BMC Public Health 2024, 24(1), 146.
- Siervo M, Hussin AM, Calella P, Ashor A, Shannon OM, Mendes I, Stephan BCM, Zheng D, Hill T, Mathers JC. Associations between Aging and Vitamin D Status with Whole-Body Nitric Oxide Production and Markers of Endothelial Function. Journal of Nutrition 2024, 154(2), 469-478.
- Petermann-Rocha F, Carrasco-Marin F, Boonpor J, Parra-Soto S, Shannon O, Malcomson F, Phillips N, Jain M, Deo S, Livingstone KM, Dingle SE, Mathers JC, Forrest E, Ho FK, Pell JP, Celis-Morales C. Association of five diet scores with severe NAFLD incidence: A prospective study from UK Biobank. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 2024, 26(3), 860-870.
- Carrasco-Marin F, Zhao L, Hebert JR, Wirth MD, Petermann-Rocha F, Phillips N, Malcomson FC, Mathers JC, Ferguson LD, Ho F, Pell J, Celis-Morales C, Molina-Recio G, Molina-Luque R. Association of a dietary inflammatory index with cardiometabolic, endocrine, liver, renal and bones biomarkers: cross-sectional analysis of the UK Biobank study. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 2024, 34(7), 1731-1740.
- Malcomson FC, Parra-Soto S, Ho FK, Celis-Morales C, Sharp L, Mathers JC. Abbreviated Score to Assess Adherence to the 2018 WCRF/AICR Cancer Prevention Recommendations and Risk of Cancer in the UK Biobank. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 2024, 33(1), 33-42.
- Lean M, Leslie WS, Barnes AC, Brosnahan N, Thom G, McCombie L, Kelly T, Irvine K, Peters C, Zhyzhneuskaya S, Hollingsworth K, Adamson A, Sniehotta F, Mathers J, McIlvenna Y, Welsh P, McConnachie A, McIntosh A, Sattar N, Taylor R. 5-year follow-up of the randomised Diabetes RemissionClinical Trial (DiRECT) of continued support for weight lossmaintenance in the UK: an extension study. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology 2024, 12(4), 233-246.
- Malcomson FC, Mathers JC. Translation of nutrigenomic research for personalised and precision nutrition for cancer prevention and for cancer survivors. Redox Biology 2023, 62, 102710.
- Kimble R, Papacosta AO, Lennon LT, Whincup PH, Weyant RJ, Mathers JC, Wannamethee SG, Ramsay SE. The Relationships of Dentition, Use of Dental Prothesis and Oral Health Problems with Frailty, Disability and Diet Quality: Results from Population-Based Studies of Older Adults from the UK and USA. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging 2023, 27(8), 663-672.
- Kimble R, Papacosta AO, Lennon LT, Whincup PH, Weyant RJ, Mathers JC, Wannamethee SG, Ramsay SE. The Relationship of Oral Health with Progression of Physical Frailty among Older Adults: A Longitudinal Study Composed of Two Cohorts of Older Adults from the United Kingdom and United States. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2023, 24(4), 468-474.e3.
- Kirk C, Pearce MS, Mathers JC, Thompson NP, Gemmell L, Jones DE. Quality of life and home parenteral nutrition: a survey of UK healthcare professionals' knowledge, practice and opinions. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 2023, 36(3), 687-696.
- Babateen AM, Shannon OM, O'Brien GM, Olgacer D, Koehl C, Fostier W, Mathers JC, Siervo M. Moderate doses of dietary nitrate elicit greater effects on blood pressure and endothelial function than a high dose: A 13-week pilot study. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 2023, 33(6), 1263-1267.
- Shannon OM, Ranson JM, Gregory S, Macpherson H, Milte C, Lentjes M, Mulligan A, McEvoy C, Griffiths A, Matu J, Hill TR, Adamson A, Siervo M, Minihane AM, Muniz-Tererra G, Ritchie C, Mathers JC, Lewellyn DJ, Stevenson E. Mediterranean diet adherence is associated with lower dementia risk, independent of genetic predisposition: Findings from the UK Biobank prospective cohort study. BMC Medicine 2023, 21, 81.
- Fadnes LT, Celis-Morales C, Okland J-M, Parra-Soto S, Livingstone KM, Ho FK, Pell JP, Balakrishna R, Javadi Arjmand E, Johansson KA, Haaland OA, Mathers JC. Life expectancy can increase by up to 10 years following sustained shifts towards healthier diets in the United Kingdom. Nature Food 2023, 4(11), 961-965.
- ElGendy K, Malcomson FC, Afshar S, Bradburn MD, Mathers JC. Effects of obesity, and of weight loss following bariatric surgery, on methylation of DNA from the rectal mucosa and in cell-free DNA from blood. International Journal of Obesity 2023, 47, 1278–1285.
- Kimble R, Gouinguenet P, Ashor A, Stewart C, Deighton K, Matu J, Griffiths A, Malcomson FC, Joel A, Houghton D, Stevenson E, Minihane AE, Siervo M, Shannon OM, Mathers JC. Effects of a Mediterranean diet on the gut microbiota and microbial metabolites: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials and observational studies. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2023, 63(27), 8698-8719.
- Livingstone KM, Rawstorn JC, Partridge SR, Godrich SL, McNaughton SA, Hendrie GA, Blekkenhorst LC, Maddison R, Zhang Y, Barnett S, Mathers JC, Packard M, Alston L. Digital behaviour change interventions to increase vegetable intake in adults: a systematic review. The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2023, 20(1), 36.
- Kimble R, McLellan G, Lennon LT, Papacosta AO, Mathers JC, Wannamethee SG, Whincup PH, Ramsay SE. Cohort Profile Update: The British Regional Heart Study 1978–2018: 40-years of follow-up of older British men. International Journal of Epidemiology 2023, 52(3), e187-e194.
- Brandao-Lima PN, de Carvalho GB, Payolla TB, Sarti FM, Fisberg RM, Malcomson FC, Mathers JC, Rogero MM. Circulating microRNAs Showed Specific Responses according to Metabolic Syndrome Components and Sex of Adults from a Population-Based Study. Metabolites 2023, 13(1), 2.
- Petermann-Rocha F, Wirth MD, Boonpor J, Parra-Soto S, Zhou Z, Mathers JC, Livingstone K, Forrest E, Pell JP, Ho FK, Hebert JR, Celis-Morales C. Associations between an inflammatory diet index and severe non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a prospective study of 171,544 UK Biobank participants. BMC Medicine 2023, 21(1), 123.
- Adamson A, Davies K, Wham C, Kepa M, Foster E, Jones A, Mathers J, Granic A, Teh R, Moyes S, Hayman K, Siervo M, Maxted E, Redwood K, Collerton J, Jagger C, Kirkwood T, Dyall L, Kerse N. Assessment of Dietary Intake in Three Cohorts of Advanced Age in Two Countries: Methodology Challenges. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging 2023, 27, 59-66.
- Malcomson FC, Parra-Soto S, Ho FK, Lu L, Celis-Morales C, Sharp L, Mathers JC. Adherence to the 2018 World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF)/American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) Cancer Prevention Recommendations and risk of 14 lifestyle-related cancers in the UK Biobank prospective cohort study. BMC Medicine 2023, 21(1), 407.
- Malcomson FC, Wiggins C, Parra-Soto S, Ho FK, Celis-Morales C, Sharp L, Mathers JC. Adherence to the 2018 World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF)/American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) Cancer Prevention Recommendations and cancer risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Cancer 2023, 129(17), 2655-2670.
- Evans CEL, Besler HT, Dinc O, Lean M, Lovegrove JA, Lowe NM, Mathers JC, Mutus B, Satman I, Tanriover MD, Tedstone AE, Theobald C, Unal S, Vartiainen E, Wall R, Yardim N, Stowell JD. Achieving health through diet: A joint event of the Sabri Ülker Foundation and the Nutrition Society of UK and Ireland, May 2022. British Journal of Nutrition 2023, 130(7), 1228–1238.
- Kirk C, Haigh L, Thompson NP, Pearce M, Jones DE, Mathers JC. The effects of different parenteral nutrition lipid formulations on clinical and laboratory endpoints in patients receiving home parenteral nutrition: A systematic review. Clinical Nutrition 2022, 41(1), 80-90.
- Haigh L, Kirk C, El Gendy K, Gallacher J, Errington L, Mathers JC, Anstee QM. The effectiveness and acceptability of Mediterranean diet and calorie restriction in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Nutrition 2022, 41(9), 1913-1931.
- Stewart-Knox B, Rankin A, Bunting B, Frewer L, Celis-Morales C, Livingstone K, Fischer A, Poínhos R, Kuznesof S, Gibney M, Mathers JC. Self-efficacy, habit strength, health locus of control and response to the personalised nutrition Food4Me intervention study. British Food Journal 2022, 124(1), 314-330.
- Breininger SP, Sabater L, Malcomson FC, Afshar S, Mann J, Mathers JC. Obesity and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass drive changes in miR-31 and miR-215 expression in the human rectal mucosa. International Journal of Obesity 2022, 46, 333-341.
- Potter TIT, Horgan GW, Wanders AJ, Zandstra EH, Zock PL, Fisk HL, Minihane AM, Calder PC, Mathers JC, de Roos B. Models predict change in plasma triglyceride concentrations and long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid proportions in healthy participants after fish oil intervention. Frontiers in Nutrition 2022, 9, 989716.
- Perri G, Hill TR, Mathers JC, Walsh JS, Gossiel F, Winther K, Frölich J, Folkestad L, Cold S, Eastell E. Long-Term Selenium-Yeast Supplementation Does Not Affect Bone Turnover Markers: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2022, 37(11), 2165-2173.
- Babateen AM, Shannon OM, O'brien GM, Okello E, Smith E, Olgacer D, Koehl C, Fostier W, Wightman E, Kennedy D, Mathers JC, Siervo M. Incremental Doses of Nitrate-Rich Beetroot Juice Do Not Modify Cognitive Function and Cerebral Blood Flow in Overweight and Obese Older Adults: A 13-Week Pilot Randomised Clinical Trial. Nutrients 2022, 14(5), 1052.
- Kok DE, Richmond RC, Adriaens M, Evelo CT, Ford D, Mathers JC, Robinson N, McKay JA. Impact of In Utero Folate Exposure on DNA Methylation and Its Potential Relevance for Later-Life Health—Evidence from Mouse Models Translated to Human Cohorts. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 2022, 66(3), 2100789.
- Sae-Lee C, Barrow TM, Colicino E, Choi SH, Rabanal-Ruiz Y, Green D, Korolchuk VI, Mathers JC, Byun H-M. Genomic targets and selective inhibition of DNA methyltransferase isoforms. Clinical Epigenetics 2022, 14(1), 103.
- Livingstone KM, Brayner B, Celis-Morales C, Ward J, Mathers JC, Bowe SJ. Dietary patterns, genetic risk, and incidence of obesity: Application of reduced rank regression in 11,735 adults from the UK Biobank study. Preventive Medicine 2022, 158, 107035.
- Mathers JC, Elliott F, Macrae F, Mecklin J-P, Moslein G, McRonald FE, Bertario L, Evans DG, Gerdes A-M, Ho JWC, Lindblom A, Morrison PJ, Rashbass J, Ramesar RS, Seppala TT, Thomas HJW, Sheth HJ, Pylvanainen K, Reed L, Borthwick GM, Bishop DT, Burn J. Cancer Prevention with Resistant Starch in Lynch Syndrome Patients in the CAPP2-Randomized Placebo Controlled Trial: Planned 10-Year Follow-up. Cancer Prevention Research 2022, 15(9), 623-634.
- Parra-Soto S, Malcomson FC, Ho FK, Pell JP, Sharp L, Mathers JC, Celis-Morales C. Associations of A Body Shape Index (ABSI) with Cancer Incidence, All-Cause, and at 23 Sites-Findings from the UK Biobank Prospective Cohort Study. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention 2022, 31(2), 315-324.
- Livingstone KM, Brayner B, Celis-Morales C, Moschonis G, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Drevon CA, Daniel H, Saris WHM, Lovegrove JA, Gibney M, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Martinez JA, Mathers JC. Associations between dietary patterns, FTO genotype and obesity in adults from seven European countries. European Journal of Nutrition 2022, 61, 2953-2965.
- Kimble R, McLellan G, Lennon LT, Papacosta AO, Weyant RJ, Kapila Y, Mathers JC, Wannamathee SG, Whincup PH, Ramsay SE. Association between oral health markers and decline in muscle strength and physical performance in later life: longitudinal analyses of two prospective cohorts from the UK and the USA. The Lancet Healthy Longevity 2022, 3(11), e777-e788.
- Hakeem S, Mendonca N, Aspray TA, Kingston A, Martin-Ruiz C, Roinson L, Hill TR. The Association between 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentration and Telomere Length in the Very-Old: The Newcastle 85+ Study. Nutrients 2021, 13(12), 4314.
- Livingstone KM, Celis-Morales C, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Forster H, Woolhead C, ODonovan CB, Moschonis G, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Gundersen TE, Drevon CA, Marsaux CFM, Fallaize R, Macready AL, Daniel H, Saris WHM, Lovegrove JA, Gibney M, Gibney ER, Walsh M, Brennan L, Martinez JA, Mathers JC. Personalised nutrition advice reduces intake of discretionary foods and beverages: findings from the Food4Me randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2021, 18(1), 70.
- Haigh L, McPherson S, Mathers JC, Anstee QM. Nutrigenetics-based intervention approach for adults with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): study protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility trial. BMJ Open 2021, 11, e045922.
- Petermann-Rocha F, Ho FK, Foster H, Boopor J, Parra-Soto S, Gray SR, Mathers JC, Celis-Morales C, Pell JP. Nonlinear Associations Between Cumulative Dietary Risk Factors and Cardiovascular Diseases, Cancer, and All-Cause Mortality: A Prospective Cohort Study From UK Biobank. Mayo Clinic Proceedings 2021, 96(9), 2418-2431.
- Shannon OM, Ashor AW, Scialo F, Saretzki G, MartinRuiz C, Lara J, Matu J, Griffiths A, Robinson N, Lillà L, Stevenson E, Stephan BCM, Minihane AM, Siervo M, Mathers JC. Mediterranean diet and the hallmarks of ageing. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2021, 75, 1176-1192.
- Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Alvarez-Alvarez I, Celis-Morales C, Livingstone KM, O'Donovan CB, Mavrogianni C, Lambrinou CP, Manios Y, Traczyck I, Drevon CA, Marsaux CFM, Saris WHM, Fallaize R, MacReady AL, Lovegrove JA, Gundersen TE, Walsh M, Brennan L, Gibney ER, Gibney M, Mathers JC, Martinez JA. Interactions of Carbohydrate Intake and Physical Activity with Regulatory Genes Affecting Glycaemia: A Food4Me Study Analysis. Lifestyle Genomics 2021, 14(3), 63-72.
- Buttriss JL, Lanham-New SA, Steenson S, Levy L, Swan GE, Darling AL, Cashman KD, Allen RE, Durrant LR, Smith CP, Magee P, Hill TR, Uday S, Kiely M, Delamare G, Hoyland AE, Larsen L, Street LN, Mathers JC, Prentice A. Implementation Strategies for Improving Vitamin D Status and Increasing Vitamin D Intake in the UK: Current Controversies and Future Perspectives. Proceedings of the 2nd Rank Prize Funds Forum on Vitamin D. British Journal of Nutrition 2021, 127(10), 1567-1587.
- Shannon OM, Lee V, Bundy R, Gillings R, Jennings A, Stephan B, Hornberger M, Balanos GM, Paddick SM, Hanson S, Hardeman W, Holmes R, Garner N, Aldred S, Siervo M, Mathers JCM, Minihane AM. Feasibility and acceptability of a multi-domain intervention to increase Mediterranean diet adherence and physical activity in older UK adults at risk of dementia: protocol for the MedEx-UK randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2021, 11(2), e042823.
- Cowell OR, Mistry N, Deighton K, Matu J, Griffiths A, Minihane AM, Mathers JC, Shannon OM, Siervo M. Effects of a Mediterranean diet on blood pressure: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials and observational studies. Journal of Hypertension 2021, 39(4), 729-739.
- Walsh JS, Jacques RM, Schomburg L, Hill TR, Mathers JC, Williams GR, Eastell R. Effect of selenium supplementation on musculoskeletal health in older women: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. The Lancet Healthy Longevity 2021, 2(4), e212-e221.
- Jinnette R, Narita A, Manning B, McNaughton SA, Mathers JC, Livingstone KM. Does personalized nutrition advice improve dietary intake in healthy adults? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Advances in Nutrition 2021, 12(3), 657-669.
- Malcomson FC, Willis ND, McCallum I, Xie L, Shivappa N, Wirth MD, Hébert JR, Kocaadam-Bozkurt B, Özturan-Sirin A, Kelly SB, Bradburn DM, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Diet-associated inflammation modulates inflammation and WNT signaling in the rectal mucosa, and the response to supplementation with dietary fibre. Cancer Prevention Research 2021, 14(3), 337-346.
- Parra-Soto S, Cowley ES, Rezende LFM, Ferreccio C, Mathers JC, Pell JP, Ho FK, Celis-Morales C. Associations of six adiposity-related markers with incidence and mortality from 24 cancers—findings from the UK Biobank prospective cohort study. BMC Medicine 2021, 19(1).
- Babateen AM, Shannon OM, O'Brien GM, Okello E, Khan AA, Rubele S, Wightman E, Smith E, McMahon N, Olgacer D, Koehl C, Fostier W, Mendes I, Kennedy D, Mathers JC, Siervo M. Acceptability and Feasibility of a 13-Week Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial Testing the Effects of Incremental Doses of Beetroot Juice in Overweight and Obese Older Adults. Nutrients 2021, 13(3), 769.
- Lanham-New SA, Webb AR, Cashman KD, Buttriss JL, Fallowfield JL, Masud T, Hewison M, Mathers JC, Kiely M, Welch AA, Ward KA, Magee P, Darling AL, Hill TR, Greig C, Smith CP, Murphy R, Leyland S, Bouillon R, Ray S, Kohlmeier M. Vitamin D and SARS-CoV-2 virus/COVID-19 disease. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health 2020, 3(1), e000089.
- Hakeem S, Mendonca N, Aspray T, Kingston A, Ruiz-Martin C, Jagger C, Mathers JC, Duncan R, Hill TR. The association between 25-Hydroxyvitamin D concentration and disability trajectories in very old adults: The Newcastle 85+ study. Nutrients 2020, 12(9), 2742.
- Malcomson FC, Willis ND, McCallum I, Xie L, Ouwehand AC, Stowell JD, Kelly S, Bradburn DM, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Resistant starch supplementation increases crypt cell proliferative state in the rectal mucosa of older healthy participants. British Journal of Nutrition 2020, 124(4), 374-385.
- Babateen AM, Rubele S, Shannon O, Okello E, Smith E, McMahon N, O'Brien G, Wightman E, Kennedy D, Mathers JC, Siervo M. Protocol and recruitment results from a 13-week randomized controlled trial comparing the effects of different doses of nitrate-rich beetroot juice on cognition, cerebral blood flow and peripheral vascular function in overweight and obese older people. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications 2020, 18, 100571.
- Corsi S, Iodice S, Vigna L, Cayir A, Mathers JC, Bollati V, Byun H-M. Platelet mitochondrial DNA methylation predicts future cardiovascular outcome in adults with overweight and obesity. Clinical Epigenetics 2020, 12(1), 29.
- Shannon OM, Mendes I, Köchl C, Mazidi M, Ashor AW, Rubele S, Minihane AM, Mathers JC, Siervo M. Mediterranean diet increases endothelial function in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. The Journal of Nutrition 2020, 150(5), 1151–1159.
- Al-Mrabeh A, Zhyzhneuskaya SV, Peters C, Barnes AC, Melhem S, Jesuthasan A, Aribasala B, Hollingsworth KG, Lietz G, Mathers JC, Sattar N, Lean MEJ, Taylor R. Hepatic Lipoprotein Export and Remission of Human Type 2 Diabetes after Weight Loss. Cell Metabolism 2020, 31(2), 233-249.
- Wickramasinghe K, Mathers JC, Wopereis S, Marsman DS, Griffiths JC. From lifespan to healthspan: the role of nutrition in healthy ageing. Journal of Nutritional Science 2020, 9, e33.
- Ashor AW, Shannon OM, Werner A-D, Scialo F, Gilliard CN, Cassel KS, Seal CJ, Zheng D, Mathers JC, Siervo M. Effects of inorganic nitrate and vitamin C co-supplementation on blood pressure and vascular function in younger and older healthy adults: a randomised double-blind crossover trial. Clinical Nutrition 2020, 39(3), 708-717.
- Granic A, Mendonça N, Sayer AA, Hill TR, Davies K, Siervo M, Mathers JC, Jagger C. Effects of dietary patterns and low protein intake on sarcopenia risk in the very old: the Newcastle 85+ Study. Clinical Nutrition 2020, 39(1), 166-173.
- ElGendy K, Malcomson FC, Bradburn DM, Mathers JC. Effects of bariatric surgery on DNA methylation in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 2020, 16(1), 128-136.
- Sae-Lee C, Biasi J, Robinson N, Barrow TM, Mathers JC, Koutsidis G, Byun H-M. DNA methylation patterns of LINE-1 and Alu for pre-symptomatic dementia in type 2 diabetes. PLoS ONE 2020, 15(6), e0234578.
- Perri G, Mendonça N, Jagger C, Walsh J, Eastell R, Mathers JC, Hill TR. Dietary Selenium Intakes and Musculoskeletal Function in Very Old Adults: Analysis of the Newcastle 85+ Study. Nutrients 2020, 12(7), 2068.
- Garcia-Perez I, Posma JM, Chambers ES, Mathers JC, Draper J, Beckmann M, Nicholson JK, Holmes E, Frost G. Dietary metabotype modelling predicts individual responses to dietary interventions. Nature Food 2020, 1, 355–364.
- Willis ND, Lloyd AJ, Xie L, Stiegler M, Tailliart K, Garcia-Perez I, Chambers ES, Beckmann M, Draper J, Mathers JC. Design and characterization of a randomized food intervention that mimics exposure to a typical UK diet to provide urine samples for identification and validation of metabolite biomarkers of food intake. Frontiers in Nutrition: Nutritional Epidemiology 2020, 7, 561010.
- Mendonça N, Kingston A, Granic A, Hill TR, Mathers JC, Jagger C. Contribution of protein intake and its interaction with physical activity to transitions between disability states and to death in very old adults: the Newcastle 85+ Study. European Journal of Nutrition 2020, 59, 1909-1918.
- Livingstone KM, CelisMorales C, NavasCarretero S, SanCristobal R, Forster H, Woolhead C, ODonovan CB, Moschonis G, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Gundersen TE, Drevon CA, Marsaux CFM, Fallaize R, Macready AL, Daniel H, Saris WHM, Lovegrove JA, Gibney M, Gibney ER, Walsh M, Brennan L, Martinez JA, Mathers JC. Characteristics of participants who benefit most from personalised nutrition: findings from the pan-European Food4Me randomized controlled trial. British Journal of Nutrition 2020, 123(12), 1396-1405.
- Beckmann M, Wilson T, Lloyd AJ, Torres D, Goios A, Willis ND, Lyons L, Phillips H, Mathers JC, Draper J. Challenges Associated With the Design and Deployment of Food Intake Urine Biomarker Technology for Assessment of Habitual Diet in Free-Living Individuals and Populations—A Perspective. Frontiers in Nutrition 2020, 7, 602515.
- Burn J, Sheth H, Elliott F, Reed L, Macrae F, Mecklin J-P, Moslein G, McRonald FE, Bertario L, Evans DG, Gerdes A-M, Ho JWC, Lindblom A, Morrison PJ, Rashbass J, Ramesar R, Seppala T, Thomas HJW, Pylvanainen K, Borthwick GM, Mathers JC, Bishop DT, Boussioutas A, Brewer C, Cook J, Eccles D, Ellis A, Hodgson SV, Lubinski J, Maher ER, Porteous ME, Sampson J, Scott RJ, Side L. Cancer prevention with aspirin in hereditary colorectal cancer (Lynch syndrome), 10-year follow-up and registry-based 20-year data in the CAPP2 study: a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial. The Lancet 2020, 395(10240), 1855-1863.
- Beckmann M, Lloyd AJ, Wilson T, Torres D, Goios A, Willis ND, Lyons L, Phillips H, Mathers JC, Nash RJ, Sharp H, Draper J. Calystegines are potential urine biomarkers for dietary exposure to potato products. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 2020, 64(20), 2000515.
- Smith ALM, Whitehall JC, Bradshaw C, Gay D, Robertson F, Blain AP, Hudson G, Pyle A, Houghton D, Hunt M, Sampson JN, Stamp C, Mallett G, Amarnath S, Leslie J, Oakley F, Wilson L, Baker A, Russell OM, Johnson R, Richardson CA, Gupta B, McCallum I, McDonald SAC, Kelly S, Mathers JC, Heer R, Taylor RW, Perkins ND, Turnbull DM, Sansom OJ, Greaves LC. Age-associated mitochondrial DNA mutations cause metabolic remodeling that contributes to accelerated intestinal tumorigenesis. Nature Cancer 2020, 1, 976-989.
- Beckmann M, Wilson T, Zubair H, Lloyd AJ, Lyons L, Phillips H, Tailliart K, Gregory N, Thatcher R, Garcia-Perez I, Frost G, Mathers JC, Draper J. A standardized strategy for simultaneous quantification of urine metabolites to validate development of a biomarker panel allowing comprehensive assessment of dietary exposure. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 2020, 64(20), 2000517.
- Babateen AM, Shannon OM, Mathers JC, Siervo M. Validity and reliability of test strips for the measurement of salivary nitrite concentration with and without the use of mouthwash in healthy adults. Nitric Oxide 2019, 91, 15-22.
- Wilson T, Garcia-Perez I, Posma JM, Lloyd AJ, Chambers ES, Tailliart K, Zubair H, Beckmann M, Mathers JC, Holmes E, Frost G, Draper J. Spot and Cumulative Urine Samples Are Suitable Replacements for 24-Hour Urine Collections for Objective Measures of Dietary Exposure in Adults Using Metabolite Biomarkers. The Journal of Nutrition 2019, 149(10), 1692-1700.
- Mendonca N, Jagger C, Granic A, Martin-Ruiz C, Mathers JC, Seal CJ, Hill TR. Plasma Vitamin B12, Supplementation and Mortality. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 2019, 74(1), 138-138.
- Mathers JC. Paving the way to better population health through personalised nutrition. EFSA Journal 2019, 17(S1), e170713.
- Ranathunga R, Hill TR, Mathers JC, Francis RM, Prentice A, Schoenmakers I, Aspray TJ. No effect of monthly supplementation with 12000 IU, 24000 IU or 48000 IU vitamin D3 for one year on muscle function: The vitamin D in older people study. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2019, 190, 256-262.
- Celis-Morales C, Livingstone KM, Petermann F, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, O'Donovan CB, Moschonis G, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Drevon CA, Daniel H, Marsaux CFM, Saris WHM, Fallaize R, Macready AL, Lovegrove JA, Gibney M, Gibney ER, Walsh M, Brennan L, Martinez JA, Mathers JC. More frequent nutritional feedback and personalised advice produces larger behavioural changes: Findings from the European Food4Me internet-based randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2019, 57(2), 209-219.
- Shannon O, Stephan BCM, Granic A, Lentjes M, Hayat S, Mulligan A, Brayne C, Khaw KT, Bundy R, Aldred S, Hornberger M, Paddick S-M, Muniz-Tererra G, Minihane A-M, Mathers JCM, Siervo M. Mediterranean diet adherence and cognitive function in older UK adults: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition–Norfolk (EPIC-Norfolk) Study. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2019, 110(4), 938-948.
- Shannon OM, Grisotto G, Babateen A, McGrattan A, Brandt K, Mathers JC, Siervo M. Knowledge and beliefs about dietary inorganic nitrate among UK-based nutrition professionals: development and application of the KINDS online questionnaire. BMJ Open 2019, 9(10), e030719.
- Breininger SP, Malcomson FC, Afshar S, Turnbull DM, Greaves L, Mathers JC. Effects of obesity and weight loss on mitochondrial structure and function and implications for colorectal cancer risk. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2019, 78(3), 426-437.
- Clifford T, Babateen A, Shannon OM, Capper T, Ashor A, Stephan B, Robinson L, O'Hara JP, Mathers JC, Stevenson E, Siervo M. Effects of inorganic nitrate and nitrite consumption on cognitive function and cerebral blood flow: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2019, 59(15), 2400-2410.
- Lean MEJ, Leslie WS, Barnes AC, Brosnahan N, Thom G, McCombie L, Peters C, Zhyzhneuskaya S, Al-Mrabeh A, Hollingsworth KG, Rodrigues AM, Rehackova L, Adamson AJ, Sniehotta FF, Mathers JC, Ross HM, McIlvenna Y, Welsh P, Kean S, Ford I, McConnachie A, Messow CM, Sattar N, Taylor R. Durability of a primary care-led weight-management intervention for remission of type 2 diabetes: 2-year results of the DiRECT open-label, cluster-randomised trial. Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology 2019, 7(5), 344-355.
- Lloyd AJ, Willis ND, Wilson T, Zubair H, Xie L, Chambers E, Garcia-Perez I, Tailliart K, Beckmann M, Mathers JC, Draper J. Developing a Food Exposure and Urine Sampling Strategy for Dietary Exposure Biomarker Validation in Free‐Living Individuals. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 2019, 63(14), 1900062.
- Malcomson FC, Breininger SP, ElGendy K, Joel A, Ranathunga T, Hill TR, Bradburn DM, Turnbull DM, Greaves LC, Mathers JC. Design and baseline characteristics of the Biomarkers Of Risk In Colorectal Cancer (BORICC) Follow-Up study: A 12+ years follow-up. Nutrition and Health 2019, 25(3), 231-238.
- Walker C, Gibney ER, Mathers JC, Hellwega S. Comparing environmental and personal health impacts of individual food choices. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 685, 609-620.
- Malcomson FC, Willis ND, McCallum I, Xie L, Kelly S, Bradburn DM, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Adherence to the World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research cancer prevention recommendations and WNT-pathway-related markers of bowel cancer risk. British Journal of Nutrition 2019, 122(5), 509-517.
- Lloyd AJ, Willis ND, Wilson T, Zubair H, Chambers E, Garcia-Perez I, Xie L, Tailliart K, Beckmann M, Mathers JC, Draper J. Addressing the pitfalls when designing intervention studies to discover and validate biomarkers of habitual dietary intake. Metabolomics 2019, 15(5), 72.
- Kemp GJ, Jackson MJ, McCloskey EV, Mathers JC. Towards a toolkit for the assessment and monitoring of musculoskeletal ageing. Age and Ageing 2018, 47(6), 774-777.
- Taylor R, Al-Mrabeh A, Zhyzhneuskaya S, Peters C, Barnes AC, Aribisala BS, Hollingsworth KG, Mathers JC, Sattar N, Lean MEJ. Remission of Human Type 2 Diabetes Requires Decrease in Liver and Pancreas Fat Content but Is Dependent upon Capacity for β Cell Recovery. Cell Metabolism 2018, 28(4), 547-556.
- Mendonça N, Granic A, Hill TR, Siervo M, Mathers JC, Kingston A, Jagger C. Protein intake and disability trajectories in the very old: The Newcastle 85+ Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2018, 67(1), 50-56.
- Lean MEJ, Leslie WS, Barnes AC, Brosnahan N, Thom G, McCombie L, Peters C, Zhyzhneuskaya S, Al-Mrabeh A, Hollingsworth KG, Rodrigues AM, Rehackova L, Adamson AJ, Sniehotta FF, Mathers JC, Ross HM, McIlvenna Y, Stefanetti R, Trenell MI, Welsh P, Kean S, Ford I, McConnachie A, Sattar N, Taylor R. Primary care-led weight management for remission of type 2 diabetes (DiRECT): an open-label, cluster-randomised trial. The Lancet 2018, 391(10120), 541-551.
- Stamp C, Zupanic A, Sachdeva A, Stoll EA, Shanley DP, Mathers JC, Kirkwood TBL, Heer R, Simons BD, Turnbull DM, Greaves LC. Predominant Asymmetrical Stem Cell Fate Outcome Limits the Rate of Niche Succession in Human Colonic Crypts. EBioMedicine 2018, 31, 166-173.
- Ordovas JM, Ferguson LR, Tai ES, Mathers JC. Personalised nutrition and health. BMJ 2018, 361, bmj.k2173.
- Mathers JC. Obesity and bowel cancer: from molecular mechanisms to interventions. Nutrition Research 2018, 70, 26-31.
- Granic A, Mendonça N, Hill TR, Jagger C, Stevenson EJ, Mathers JC, Sayer AA. Nutrition in the Very Old. Nutrients 2018, 10(3), 269.
- Shannon OM, Babateen A, Grisotto G, Mathers JC, Siervo M. No effect of 4 wk of nitrate-rich vegetable consumption on blood pressure: reflections for future research. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2018, 108(6), 1352-1353.
- Potter C, Moorman AV, Relton CL, Ford D, Mathers JC, Strathdee G, McKay JA. Maternal red blood cell folate and infant vitamin B12 status influence methylation of genes associated with childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 2018, 62(22), 1800411C.
- Mendonça N, Jagger C, Granic A, Martin-Ruiz C, Mathers JC, Seal CJ, Hill TR. Elevated total homocysteine in all participants and plasma vitamin B12 concentrations in women are associated with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in the very old: The Newcastle 85+ Study. Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences 2018, 73(9), 1258-1264.
- Sae-Lee C, Corsi S, Barrow TM, Kuhnle GGC, Bollati V, Mathers JC, Byun H-M. Dietary Intervention Modifies DNA Methylation Age Assessed by the Epigenetic Clock. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 2018, 62(23), 1800092.
- Kemp GJ, Birrell F, Clegg PD, Cuthbertson DJ, De Vito G, van Dieën JH, Del Din S, Eastell R, Garnero P, Goljanek-Whysall K, Hackl M, Hodgson R, Jackson MJ, Lord S, Mazzà C, McArdle A, McCloskey EV, Narici M, Peffers MJ, Schiaffino S, Mathers JC. Developing a toolkit for the assessment and monitoring of musculoskeletal ageing. Age and Ageing 2018, 47(suppl_4), iv1–iv19.
- Celis-Morales C, Livingstone KM, Affleck A, Navas-Carretero S, Cristobal RS, Martinez JA, Marsaux CFM, Saris WHM, O'Donovan CB, Forster H, Woolhead C, Gibney ER, Walsh MC, Brennan L, Gibney M, Moschonis G, Lambrinou CP, Mavrogianni C, Manios Y, Macready AL, Fallaize R, Lovegrove JA, Kolossa S, Daniel H, Traczyk I, Drevon CA, Mathers JC, on behalf of the Food4Me Study. Correlates of overall and central obesity in adults from seven European countries: Findings from the Food4Me Study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2018, 72, 207-219.
- Taylor R, Leslie WS, Barnes AC, Brosnahan N, Thom G, McCombie L, Sattar N, Welsh P, Peters C, Zhyzhneuskaya S, Hollingsworth KG, AlMrabeh A, Rodrigues AM, Rehackova L, Adamson AJ, Sniehotta FF, Mathers JC, Ross HM, McIlvenna Y, Kean S, Ford I, McConachie A, Lean MEJ. Clinical and metabolic features of the randomised controlled Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT) cohort. Diabetologia 2018, 61(3), 589-598.
- Afshar S, Malcomson F, Kelly SB, Seymour K, Woodcock S, Mathers JC. Biomarkers of Colorectal Cancer Risk Decrease 6 months After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery. Obesity Surgery 2018, 28(4), 945-954.
- Manios Y, Moschonis G, Lambrinou CP, Mavrogianni C, Tsirigoti L, Hoeller U, Roos FF, Bendik I, Eggersdorfer M, Celis-Morales C, Livingstone KM, Marsaux CFM, Macready AL, Fallaize R, O'Donovan CB, Woolhead C, Forster H, Walsh MC, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Kolossa S, Hallmann J, Jarosz M, Surwillo A, Traczyk I, Drevon CA, van Ommen B, Grimaldi K, Matthews JNS, Daniel H, Martinez JA, Lovegrove JA, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Saris WHM, Gibney M, Mathers JC. Associations of vitamin D status with dietary intakes and physical activity levels among adults from seven European countries: the Food4Me study. European Journal of Nutrition 2018, 57(4), 1357-1368.
- Fisk HL, Irvine M, Miles EA, Mathers JC, Packard CJ, Armah CK, Kofler BM, Curtis PJ, Minihane AM, Calder PC. Association of oily fish intake, sex, age, BMI and APOE genotype with plasma long-chain n-3 fatty acid composition. British Journal of Nutrition 2018, 120(1), 23-32.
- Fallaize R, Livingstone KM, Celis-Morales C, Macready AL, San-Cristobal R, Navas-Carretero S, Marsaux CFM, O’Donovan CB, Kolossa S, Moschonis G, Walsh MC, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Bouwman J, Manios Y, Jarosz M, Martinez JA, Daniel H, Saris WHM, Gundersen TE, Drevon CA, Gibney MJ, Mathers JC, Lovegrove JA. Association between Diet-Quality Scores, Adiposity, Total Cholesterol and Markers of Nutritional Status in European Adults: Findings from the Food4Me Study. Nutrients 2018, 10(1), 49.
- Babateen AM, Fornelli G, Donini LM, Mathers JC, Siervo M. Assessment of dietary nitrate intake in humans: a systematic review. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2018, 108(4), 878-888.
- Macready AL, Fallaize R, Butler TL, Ellis JA, Kuznesof S, Frewer LJ, Celis-Morales C, Livingstone KM, Araújo-Soares V, Fischer A, Stewart-Knox B, Mathers JM, Lovegrove JA. Application of Behavior Change Techniques in a Personalized Nutrition Electronic Health Intervention Study: Protocol for the Web-Based Food4Me Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2018, 7(4), e87.
- Albani V, Celis-Morales C, O'Donovan CB, Walsh MC, Woolhead C, Forster H, Fallaize R, Macready AL, Marsaux CFM, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Kolossa S, Mavrogianni C, Lambrinou CP, Moschonis G, Godlewska M, Surwillo A, Traczyk I, Gundersen TE, Drevon CA, Daniel H, Manios Y, Martinez JA, Saris WHM, Lovegrove JA, Gibney MJ, Gibney ER, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ, Brennan L. Within-person reproducibility and sensitivity to dietary change of C15:0 and C17:0 levels in dried blood spots: Data from the European Food4Me Study. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 2017, 61(10), 1700142.
- Livingstone KM, Celis-Morales C, Hoeller U, Lambrinou CP, Moschonis G, Macready AL, Fallaize R, Baur M, Roos FF, Bendik I, Grimaldi K, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Weber P, Drevon CA, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Gibney ER, Lovegrove JA, Saris WH, Daniel H, Gibney M, Martinez JA, Brennan L, Hill TR, Mathers JC. Weekday sunlight exposure, but not vitamin D intake, influences the association between vitamin D receptor genotype and circulating concentration 25-hydroxyvitamin D in a pan-European population: the Food4Me study. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 2017, 61(2), 1600476.
- Granic A, Hill TR, Davies K, Jagger C, Adamson A, Siervo M, Kirkwood TBL, Mathers JC, Sayer AA. Vitamin D Status, Muscle Strength and Physical Performance Decline in Very Old Adults: A Prospective Study. Nutrients 2017, 9(4), 379.
- Langie SAS, Cameron KM, Ficz G, Oxley D, Tomaszewski B, Gorniak JP, Maas LM, Godschalk RWL, Van Schooten FJ, Reik W, Von Zglinicki T, Mathers JC. The Ageing Brain: Effects on DNA Repair and DNA Methylation in Mice. Genes 2017, 8(2), 75.
- Grimaldi KA, VanOmmen B, Ordovas JM, Parnell LD, Mathers JC, Bendik I, Brennan L, Celis-Morales C, Cirillo E, Daniel H, deKok B, El-Sohemy A, Fairweather-Tait SJ, Fallaize R, Fenech M, Ferguson LR, Gibney ER, Gibney M, Gjelstad IMF, Kaput J, Karlsen AS, Kolossa S, Lovegrove J, Macready AL, Marsaux CFM, AlfredoMartinez J, Milagro F, Navas-Carretero S, Roche HM, Saris WHM, Traczyk I, vanKranen H, Verschuren L, Virgili F, Weber P, Bouwman J. Proposed guidelines to evaluate scientific validity and evidence for genotype-based dietary advice. Genes & Nutrition 2017, 12, 35.
- Mendonca N, Granic A, Mathers JC, Hill TR, Siervo M, Adamson AJ, Jagger C. Prevalence and determinants of low protein intake in very old adults: insights from the Newcastle 85+ Study. European Journal of Nutrition 2017, 57(8), 2713-2722.
- Shao A, Drewnowski A, Willcox DC, Krämer L, Lausted C, Eggersdorfer M, Mathers JC, Bell JD, Randolph RK, Witkamp R, Griffiths JC. Optimal nutrition and the ever-changing dietary landscape: a conference report. European Journal of Nutrition 2017, 56(suppl. 1), 1-21.
- Mendonca N, Granic A, Mathers JC, Martin-Ruiz C, Wesnes KA, Seal CJ, Jagger C, Hill TR. One-Carbon Metabolism Biomarkers and Cognitive Decline in the Very Old: The Newcastle 85+ Study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2017, 18(9), 806.e19-806.e27.
- Garcia-Perez I, Posma JM, Gibson R, Chambers ES, Hansen TH, Vestergaard H, Hansen T, Beckmann M, Pedersen O, Elliott P, Stamler J, Nicholson JK, Draper J, Mathers JC, Holmes E, Frost G. Objective assessment of dietary patterns by use of metabolic phenotyping: a randomised, controlled, crossover trial. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 2017, 5(3), 184-195.
- Mathers JC. Nutrigenomics in the modern era. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2017, 76, 265-275.
- Malcomson FC, Willis ND, McCallum I, Xie L, Lagerwaard B, Kelly S, Bradburn M, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Non-digestible carbohydrates supplementation increases miR-32 expression in the healthy human colorectal epithelium: a randomized controlled trial. Molecular Carcinogenesis 2017, 56(9), 2104-2111.
- O'Donovan CB, Walsh MC, Woolhead C, Forster H, Celis-Morales C, Fallaize R, Macready AL, Marsaux CFM, Navas-Carretero S, Rodrigo San-Cristobal S, Kolossa S, Tsirigoti L, Mvrogianni C, Lambrinou CP, Moschonis G, Godlewska M, Surwillo A, Traczyk I, Drevon CA, Daniel H, Manios Y, Martinez JA, Saris WHM, Lovegrove JA, Mathers JC, Gibney MJ, Gibney ER, Brennan L. Metabotyping for the development of tailored dietary advice solutions in a European population: the Food4Me study. The British journal of nutrition 2017, 118(8), 561-569.
- San-Cristobal R, Navas-Carretero S, Livingstone KM, Celis-Morales C, Macready AL, Fallaize R, O'Donovan CB, Lambrinou CP, Moschonis G, Marsaux CFM, Manios Y, Jarosz M, Daniel H, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Drevon CA, Gundersen TE, Gibney M, Saris WHM, Lovegrove JA, Grimaldi K, Parnell LD, Bouwman J, Ommen B, Mathers JC, Alfredo Martinez J. Mediterranean diet adherence and genetic background roles within a web-based nutritional intervention: The Food4Me study. Nutrients 2017, 9(10), 1107.
- McKay JA, Xie L, Adriaens M, Evelo CT, Ford D, Mathers JC. Maternal folate depletion during early development and high fat feeding from weaning elicit similar changes in gene expression, but not in DNA methylation, in adult offspring. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 2017, 61(4), 1600713.
- Granic A, Mendonca N, Sayer AA, Hill TR, Davies K, Adamson A, Siervo M, Mathers JC, Jagger C. Low protein intake, muscle strength and physical performance in the very old: the Newcastle 85+ Study. Clinical Nutrition 2017, 37(6), 2260-2270.
- Perez I, Heaton JC, Burdisso P, Mathers JC, Draper J, Lewis M, Lindon JC, Frost G, Holmes E, Nicholson JK. Integrated Analytical and Statistical Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy Strategy for Metabolite Identification: Application to Dietary Biomarkers. Analytical Chemistry 2017, 89(6), 3300-3309.
- Mendonca N, Granic A, Mathers JC, Martin-Ruiz C, Wesnes KA, Seal CJ, Jagger C, Hill TR. Homocysteine, Tryptophan, and Cognition in the Very Old. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2017, 18(10), 895-896.
- Tyrrell R, Greenhalgh F, Hodgson S, Wills WJ, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ, Lake AA. Food environments of young people: linking individual behaviour to environmental context. Journal of Public Health 2017, 39(1), 95-104.
- Hussin AM, Ashor AW, Schoenmakers I, Hill T, Mathers JC, Siervo M. Effects of vitamin D supplementation on endothelial function: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials. European Journal of Nutrition 2017, 56(3), 1095-1104.
- Ashor AW, Werner AD, Lara J, Willis ND, Mathers JC, Siervo M. Effects of vitamin C supplementation on glycaemic control: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2017, 71, 1371-1380.
- Malcomson FC, Willis ND, McCallum I, Xie L, Ibero-Baraibar I, Leung WC, Kelly S, Bradburn DM, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Effects of supplementation with nondigestible carbohydrates on fecal calprotectin and on epigenetic regulation of SFRP1 expression in the large-bowel mucosa of healthy individuals. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2017, 105(2), 400-410.
- Mat-Hussin A, Ashor A, Schoenmakers I, Hill TR, Mathers J, Siervo M. Effect of vitamin D on endothelial function: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. European Journal of Nutrition 2017, 56(3), 1095-1104.
- Celis-Morales C, Livingstone KM, Marsaux CF, Macready AL, Fallaize R, O'Donovan CB, Woolhead C, Forster H, Walsh MC, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Tsirigoti L, Lambrinou CP, Mavrogianni C, Moschonis G, Kolossa S, Hallmann J, Godlewska M, Surwillo A, Traczyk I, Drevon CA, Bouwman J, van Ommen B, Grimaldi K, Parnell LD, Matthews JN, Manios Y, Daniel H, Martinez JA, Lovegrove JA, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Saris WH, Gibney M, Mathers JC. Effect of personalized nutrition on health-related behaviour change: evidence from the Food4Me European randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Epidemiology 2017, 46(2), 578-588.
- Livingstone KM, Celis-Morales C, Macready AL, Fallaize R, Forster H, Woolhead C, O'Donovan CB, Marsaux CF, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Kolossa S, Tsirigoti L, Lambrinou CP, Moschonis G, Surwillo A, Drevon CA, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Walsh MC, Lovegrove JA, Martinez JA, Saris WH, Daniel H, Gibney M, Mathers JC. Characteristics of European adults who dropped out from the Food4Me Internet-based personalised nutrition intervention. Public Health Nutrition 2017, 20(1), 53-63.
- Afshar S, Seymour K, Kelly SB, Woodcock S, van Hees VT, Mathers JC. Changes in physical activity after bariatric surgery: using objective and self-reported measures. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 2017, 13(3), 474-483.
- San-Cristobal R, Navas-Carretero S, Celis-Morales C, Livingstone KM, Stewart-Knox BM, Rankin A, Macready AL, Fallaize R, O'Donovan CB, Forster H, Woolhead C, Walsh MC, Lambrinou CP, Moschonis G, Manios Y, Jarosz M, Daniel H, Gibney ER, Brennan B, Gundersen T, Drevon CA, Gibney M, Marsax CFM, Saris WHM, Lovegrove JA, Frewer LJ, Mathers JC, Martinez A. Capturing health and eating status through a nutritional perception screening questionnaire (NPSQ9) in a randomised internet-based personalised nutrition intervention: the Food4Me study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2017, 14, 168.
- Celis-Morales C, Marsaux CFM, Livingstone KM, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Fallaize R, Macready AL, O'Donovan C, Woolhead C, Forster H, Kolossa S, Daniel H, Moschonis G, Mavrogianni C, Manios Y, Surwillo A, Traczyk I, Drevon CA, Grimaldi K, Bouwman J, Gibney MJ, Walsh MC, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Lovegrove JA, Martinez JA, Saris WHM, Mathers JC. Can genetic-based advice help you lose weight? Findings from the Food4Me European randomized controlled trial. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2017, 105(5), 1204-1213.
- Hill TR, Mendonca N, Granic A, Siervo M, Jagger C, Seal CJ, Kerse N, Wham C, Adamson AJ, Mathers JC. What do we know about the nutritional status of the very old? Insights from three cohorts of advanced age from the UK and New Zealand. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2016, 75(3), 420-430.
- Méplan C, Johnson IT, Polley ACJ, Cockell S, Bradburn DM, Commane DM, Arasaradnam RP, Mulholland F, Zupanic A, Mathers JC, Hesketh J. Transcriptomics and proteomics show that selenium affects inflammation, cytoskeleton, and cancer pathways in human rectal biopsies. The FASEB Journal 2016, 30(8), 2812-2825.
- O'Donovan CB, Walsh MC, Forster H, Woolhead C, Celis-Morales C, Fallaize R, Macready AL, Marsaux CFM, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Kolossa S, Mavrogianni C, Lambrinou CP, Moschonis G, Godlewska M, Surwillo A, Bouwman J, Grimaldi K, Traczyk I, Drevon CA, Daniel H, Manios Y, Martinez JA, Saris WHM, Lovegrove JA, Mathers JC, Gibney MJ, Brennan L, Gibney ER. The impact of MTHFR 677C -> T risk knowledge on changes in folate intake: findings from the Food4Me study. Genes & Nutrition 2016, 11, 25.
- Afshar S, Kelly SB, Seymour K, Woodcock S, Werner AD, Mathers JC. The Effects of Bariatric Procedures on Bowel Habit. Obesity Surgery 2016, 2348–2354.
- Fallaize R, Celis-Morales C, Macready AL, Marsaux CFM, Forster H, O'Donovan C, Woolhead C, San-Cristobal R, Kolossa S, Hallmann J, Mavrogianni C, Surwillo A, Livingstone KM, Moschonis G, Navas-Carretero S, Walsh MC, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Bouwman J, Grimaldi K, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Drevon CA, Martinez JA, Daniel H, Saris WHM, Gibney MJ, Mathers JC, Lovegrove JA, Food4Me Study. The effect of the apolipoprotein E genotype on response to personalized dietary advice intervention: findings from the Food4Me randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2016, 104(3), 827-836.
- Leslie WS, Ford I, Sattar N, Hollingsworth KG, Adamson A, Sniehotta FF, McCombie L, Brosnahan N, Ross H, Mathers JC, Peters C, Thom G, Barnes A, Kean S, McIlvenna Y, Rodrigues A, Rehackova L, Zhyzhneuskaya S, Taylor R, Lean MEJ. The Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT): protocol for a cluster randomised trial. BMC Family Practice 2016, 17, 20.
- Hill TR, Granic A, Davies K, Collerton J, Martin-Ruiz C, Siervo M, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ, Francis RM, Pearce SH, Razvi S, Kirkwood TBL, Jagger C. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and its determinants in the very old: The Newcastle 85+ study. Osteoporosis International 2016, 27(3), 1199-1208.
- Marshall SJ, Livingstone KM, Celis-Morales C, Forster H, Fallaize R, O'Donovan CB, Woolhead C, Marsaux CFM, Macready AL, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Kolossa S, Tsirigoti L, Lambrinou CP, Moschonis G, Godlewska M, Surwillo A, Drevon CA, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Martinez JA, Saris WH, Daniel H, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Walsh MC, Lovegrove JA, Gibney M, Mathers JC, Food4Me Study. Reproducibility of the Online Food4Me Food-Frequency Questionnaire for Estimating Dietary Intakes across Europe. Journal of Nutrition 2016, 146(5), 1068-1075.
- Lara J, O'Brien N, Godfrey A, Heaven B, Evans EH, Lloyd S, Moffatt S, Moynihan PJ, Meyer TD, Rochester L, Sniehotta FF, White M, Mathers JC. Pilot randomised controlled trial of a web-based intervention to promote healthy eating, physical activity and meaningful social connections compared with usual care control in people of retirement age recruited from workplaces. PLOS One 2016, 11(7), e0159703.
- Celis-Morales C, Marsaux CFM, Livingstone KM, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, O'donovan CB, Forster H, Woolhead C, Fallaize R, Macready AL, Kolossa S, Hallmann J, Tsirigoti L, Lambrinou CP, Moschonis G, Godlewska M, Surwillo A, Grimaldi K, Bouwman J, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Drevon CA, Parnell LD, Daniel H, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Walsh MC, Gibney M, Lovegrove JA, Martinez JA, Saris WHM, Mathers JC, Food4Me Study. Physical activity attenuates the effect of the FTO genotype on obesity traits in European adults: The Food4Me study. Obesity 2016, 24(4), 962-969.
- Kirwan L, Walsh MC, Celis-Morales C, Marsaux CFM, Livingstone KM, Navas-Carretero S, Fallaize R, O'Donovan CB, Woolhead C, Forster H, Kolossa S, Daniel H, Moschonis G, Manios Y, Surwillo A, Godlewska M, Traczyk I, Drevon CA, Gibney MJ, Lovegrove JA, Martinez JA, Saris WHM, Mathers JC, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Food4me Study. Phenotypic factors influencing the variation in response of circulating cholesterol level to personalised dietary advice in the Food4Me study. British Journal of Nutrition 2016, 116(12), 2011-2019.
- McKay JA, Xie L, Adriaens M, Evelo CT, Ford D, Mathers JC. Organ-specific gene expression changes in the fetal liver and placenta in response to maternal folate depletion. Nutrients 2016, 8(10), 661.
- Marsaux CFM, Celis-Morales C, Hoonhout J, Claassen A, Goris A, Forster H, Fallaize R, Macready AL, Navas-Carretero S, Kolossa S, Walsh MC, Lambrinou CP, Manios Y, Godlewska M, Traczyk I, Lovegrove JA, Martinez JA, Daniel H, Gibney M, Mathers JC, Saris WHM. Objectively Measured Physical Activity in European Adults: Cross-Sectional Findings from the Food4Me Study. PLoS ONE 2016, 11(3), e0150902.
- Heaven B, O'Brien N, Evans EH, White M, Meyer T, Mathers JC, Moffatt S. Mobilizing Resources for Well-being: Implications for Developing Interventions in the Retirement Transition. The Gerontologist 2016, 56(4), 615-629.
- Mendonça N, Hill TR, Granic A, Davies K, Collerton J, Mathers JD, Siervo M, Wrieden WL, Seal CJ, Kirkwood TBL, Jagger C, Adamson AJ. Micronutrient intake and food sources in the very old: Analysis of the Newcastle 85+ Study. British Journal of Nutrition 2016, 116(4), 751-761.
- Del Din S, Hickey A, Hurwitz N, Mathers JC, Rochester L, Godfrey A. Measuring gait with an accelerometer-based wearable: influence of device location, testing protocol and age. Physiological Measurement 2016, 37(10), 1785-1797.
- McKay JA, Mathers JC. Maternal folate deficiency and metabolic dysfunction in offspring. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2016, 7(1), 90-95.
- Mendonça N, Hill TR, Granic A, Davies K, Collerton J, Mathers JC, Siervo M, Wrieden WL, Seal C, Jagger C, Adamson AJ. Macronutrient intake and food sources in the very old: analysis of the Newcastle 85+ Study. British Journal of Nutrition 2016, 115(12), 2170-2180.
- O'Brien N, Heaven B, Teal G, Evans EH, Cleland C, Moffatt S, Sniehotta FF, White M, Mathers JC, Moynihan P. Integrating Evidence From Systematic Reviews, Qualitative Research, and Expert Knowledge Using Co-Design Techniques to Develop a Web-Based Intervention for People in the Retirement Transition. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2016, 18(8), e210.
- Mendonça NMP, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ, Martin-Ruiz C, Seal CJ, Jagger C, Hill TR. Intakes of Folate and Vitamin B12 and Biomarkers of Status in the Very Old: The Newcastle 85+ Study. Nutrients 2016, 8(10), 604.
- Ashor AW, Chowdhury S, Oggioni C, Qadir O, Brandt K, Ishaq A, Mathers JC, Saretzki G, Siervo M. Inorganic Nitrate Supplementation in Young and Old Obese Adults Does Not Affect Acute Glucose and Insulin Responses but Lowers Oxidative Stress. Journal of Nutrition 2016, 146(11), 2224-2232.
- McKay JA, Adriaens M, Evelo CT, Ford D, Mathers JC. Gene promoter DNA methylation patterns have a limited role in orchestrating transcriptional changes in the fetal liver in response to maternal folate depletion during pregnancy. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 2016, 60(9), 2031–2042.
- San-Cristobal R, Navas-Carretero S, Milagro FI, Riezu-Boj JI, Guruceaga E, Celis-Morales C, Livingstone KM, Brennan L, Lovegrove JA, Daniel H, Saris WH, Traczyk I, Manios Y, Gibney ER, Gibney MJ, Mathers JC, Martinez JA. Gene methylation parallelisms between peripheral blood cells and oral mucosa samples in relation to overweight. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry 2016, 73(3), 465-474.
- Livingstone KM, Celis-Morales C, Papandonatos GD, Erar B, Florez JC, Jablonski KA, Razquin C, Marti A, Heianza Y, Huang T, Sacks FM, Svendstrup M, Sui X, Church TS, Jääskeläinen T, Lindström J, Tuomilehto J, Uusitupa M, Rankinen T, Saris WHM, Hansen T, Pedersen O, Astrup A, Sørensen TIA, Qi L, Bray GA, Martinez-Gonzalez MA, Martinez JA, Franks PW, McCaffrey JM, Lara J, Mathers JC. FTO genotype and weight loss: systematic review and meta-analysis of 9563 individual participant data from eight randomised controlled trials. BMJ 2016, 354, i4707.
- Livingstone KM, Celis-Morales C, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Forster H, O'Donovan CB, Woolhead C, Marsaux CFM, Macready AL, Fallaize R, Kolossa S, Tsirigoti L, Lambrinou CP, Moschonis G, Godlewska M, Surwillo A, Drevon CA, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Walsh MC, Lovegrove JA, Martinez JA, Saris WHM, Daniel H, Gibney M, Mathers JC, Food4Me Study. Fat mass- and obesity-associated genotype, dietary intakes and anthropometric measures in European adults: the Food4Me study. British Journal of Nutrition 2016, 115(3), 440-448.
- Albani V, Celis-Morales C, Marsaux CFM, Forster H, O'Donovan CB, Woolhead C, Macready AL, Fallaize R, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Kolossa S, Mavrogianni C, Lambrinou CP, Moschonis G, Godlewska M, Surwillo A, Gundersen TE, Kaland SE, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Drevon CA, Gibney ER, Walsh MC, Martinez JA, Saris WHM, Daniel H, Lovegrove JA, Gibney MJ, Adamson AJ, Mathers JC, Brennan L. Exploring the association of dairy product intake with the fatty acids C15:0 and C17:0 measured from dried blood spots in a multipopulation cohort: Findings from the Food4Me study. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 2016, 60(4), 834-845.
- Lara J, Ashor AW, Oggioni C, Ahluwalia A, Mathers JC, Siervo M. Effects of inorganic nitrate and beetroot supplementation on endothelial function: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Nutrition 2016, 55(2), 451-459.
- Granic A, Jagger C, Davies K, Adamson A, Kirkwood T, Hill TR, Siervo M, Mathers JC, Sayer AA. Effect of dietary patterns of muscle strength and physical performance in the very old: findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study. PLOS One 2016, 11(3), e0149699.
- Livingstone KM, Celis-Morales C, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Macready AL, Fallaize R, Forster H, Woolhead C, O'Donovan CB, Marsaux CFM, Kolossa S, Tsirigoti L, Lambrinou CP, Moschonis G, Godlewska M, Surwillo A, Drevon CA, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Walsh MC, Lovegrove JA, Saris WH, Daniel H, Gibney M, Martinez JA, Mathers JC, on behalf of the Food4Me Study. Effect of an Internet-based, personalized nutrition randomized trial on dietary changes associated with the Mediterranean diet: the Food4Me Study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2016, 104(2), 288-297.
- Zeybel M, Vatansever S, Hardy T, Sari AA, Cakalagaoglu F, Avci A, Zeybel GL, Karahüseyinoglu S, Bashton M, Mathers JC, Ünsal B, Mann J. DNA methylation profiling identifies novel markers of progression in hepatitis B-related chronic liver disease. Clinical Epigenetics 2016, 8(48), 1-10.
- Granic A, Davies K, Adamson A, Kirkwood T, Hill TR, Siervo M, Mathers JC, Jagger C. Dietary Patterns High in Red Meat, Potato, Gravy, and Butter Are Associated with Poor Cognitive Functioning but Not with Rate of Cognitive Decline in Very Old Adults. Journal of Nutrition 2016, 146(2), 265-274.
- Siervo M, Oggioni C, Jakovljevic DG, Trenell M, Mathers JC, Houghton D, Celis-Morales C, Ashor AW, Ruddock A, Ranchordas M, Klonizakis M, Williams EA. Dietary nitrate does not affect physical activity or outcomes in healthy older adults in a randomized, cross-over trial. Nutrition Research 2016, 36(12), 1361-1369.
- Minihane AM, Armah CK, Miles EA, Madden JM, Clark AB, Caslake MJ, Packard CJ, Kofler BM, Lietz G, Curtis PJ, Mathers JC, Williams CM, Calder PC. Consumption of Fish Oil Providing Amounts of Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid That Can Be Obtained from the Diet Reduces Blood Pressure in Adults with Systolic Hypertension: A Retrospective Analysis. Journal of Nutrition 2016, 146(3), 516-523.
- Kirwan L, Walsh MC, Brennan L, Gibney ER, Drevon CA, Daniel H, Lovegrove JA, Manios Y, Martinez JA, Saris WHM, Traczyk I, Mathers JC, Gibney M. Comparison of the portion size and frequency of consumption of 156 foods across seven European countries: insights from the Food4ME study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2016, 70(5), 642-644.
- Livingstone KM, Celis-Morales C, Lara J, Woolhead C, O'Donovan CB, Forster H, Marsaux CF, Macready AL, Fallaize R, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Kolossa S, Tsirigoti L, Lambrinou CP, Moschonis G, Surwillo A, Drevon CA, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Walsh MC, Lovegrove JA, Martinez JA, Saris WH, Daniel H, Gibney M, Mathers JC. Clustering of adherence to personalised dietary recommendations and changes in healthy eating index within the Food4Me study. Public Health Nutrition 2016, 19(18), 3296-3305.
- Marsaux CFM, Celis-Morales C, Livingstone KM, Fallaize R, Kolossa S, Hallmann J, San-Cristobal R, Navas-Carretero S, O'Donovan CB, Woolhead C, Forster H, Moschonis G, Lambrinou CP, Surwillo A, Godlewska M, Hoonhout J, Goris A, Macready AL, Walsh MC, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Drevon CA, Lovegrove JA, Martinez JA, Daniel H, Gibney MJ, Mathers JC, Saris WHM. Changes in Physical Activity Following a Genetic-Based Internet-Delivered Personalized Intervention: Randomized Controlled Trial (Food4Me). Journal of Medical Internet Research 2016, 18(2), e30.
- Hoeller U, Baur M, Roos FF, Brennan L, Daniel H, Fallaize R, Forster H, Gibney ER, Gibney M, Godlewska M, Hartwig K, Kolossa S, Lambrinou CP, Livingstone KM, Lovegrove JA, Macready AL, Manios Y, Marsaux CFM, Martinez JA, Celis-Morales C, Moschonis G, Navas-Carretero S, O'Donovan CB, San-Cristobal R, Saris WHM, Surwillo A, Traczyk I, Tsirigoti L, Walsh MC, Woolhead C, Mathers JC, Weber P, Food4Me Project. Application of dried blood spots to determine vitamin D status in a large nutritional study with unsupervised sampling: the Food4Me project. British Journal of Nutrition 2016, 115(2), 202-211.
- Garcia-Perez I, Posma JM, Chambers ES, Nicholson JK, Mathers JC, Beckmann M, Draper J, Holmes E, Frost G. An Analytical Pipeline for Quantitative Characterization of Dietary Intake: Application To Assess Grape Intake. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2016, 64(11), 2423-2431.
- Hickey A, Galna B, Mathers JC, Rochester L, Godfrey A. A multi-resolution investigation for postural transition detection and quantification using a single wearable. Gait & Posture 2016, 49, 411-417.
- Forster H, Walsh MC, O'Donovan CB, Woolhead C, McGirr C, Daly EJ, O'Riordan R, Celis-Morales C, Fallaize R, Macready AL, Marsaux CFM, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Kolossa S, Hartwig K, Mavrogianni C, Tsirigoti L, Lambrinou CP, Godlewska M, Surwillo A, Gjelstad IMF, Drevon CA, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Martinez JA, Saris WHM, Daniel H, Lovegrove JA, Mathers JC, Gibney MJ, Gibney ER, Brennan L. A Dietary Feedback System for the Delivery of Consistent Personalized Dietary Advice in the Web-Based Multicenter Food4Me Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2016, 18(6), 174-189.
- Alsufiani HM, Yamani F, Kumosani TA, Ford D, Mathers JC. The relative validity and repeatability of an FFQ for estimating intake of zinc and its absorption modifiers in young and older Saudi adults. Public Health Nutrition 2015, 18(6), 968-976.
- Lara J, Turbett E, Mckevic A, Rudgard K, Hearth H, Mathers JC. The Mediterranean diet among British older adults: Its understanding, acceptability and the feasibility of a randomised brief intervention with two levels of dietary advice. Maturitas 2015, 82(4), 387-393.
- Siervo M, Prado C, Hooper L, Munro A, Collerton J, Davies K, Kingston A, Mathers JC, Kirkwood TBL, Jagger C. Serum osmolarity and haematocrit do not modify the association between the impedance index (Ht2/Z) and total body water in the very old: The Newcastle 85+Study. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 2015, 60(1), 227-232.
- Granic A, Hill TR, Kirkwood TBL, Davies K, Collerton J, Martin-Ruiz C, von Zglinicki T, Saxby BK, Wesnes KA, Collerton D, Mathers JC, Jagger C. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and cognitive decline in the very old: The Newcastle 85+ study. European Journal of Neurology 2015, 22(1), 106-e7.
- Livingstone KM, Celis-Morales C, Mathers JC. Profile of European adults interested in internet-based personalised nutrition: the Food4Me study. European Journal of Nutrition 2015.
- Hallmann J, Kolossa S, Gedrich K, Celis-Morales C, Forster H, O'Donovan CB, Woolhead C, Macready AL, Fallaize R, Marsaux CFM, Lambrinou CP, Mavrogianni C, Moschonis G, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Godlewska M, Surwillo A, Mathers JC, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Walsh MC, Lovegrove JA, Saris WHM, Manios Y, Martinez JA, Traczyk I, Gibney MJ, Daniel H, Food4Me Study. Predicting fatty acid profiles in blood based on food intake and the FADS1 rs174546 SNP. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 2015, 59(12), 2565-2573.
- Celis-Morales C, Lara J, Mathers JC. Personalising nutritional guidance for more effective behaviour change. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2015, 74(2), 130-138.
- Movahedi M, Bishop DT, Macrae F, Mecklin JP, Moeslein G, Olschwang S, Eccles D, Evans DG, Maher ER, Bertario L, Bisgaard ML, Dunlop MG, Ho JWC, Hodgson SV, Lindblom A, Lubinski J, Morrison PJ, Murday V, Ramesar RS, Side L, Scott RJ, Thomas HJW, Vasen HF, Burn J, Mathers JC. Obesity, Aspirin, and Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Carriers of Hereditary Colorectal Cancer: A Prospective Investigation in the CAPP2 Study. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2015, 33(31), 3591-3597.
- Keenan PD, Celis-Morales CA, Ashor A, Lara-Gallegos J, Willis ND, Mathers JC. Nutrigenetic factors associated with type 2 diabetes and obesity in Amerindian populations: A systematic review. Journal of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics 2015. In Press.
- Péter S, Saris WHM, Mathers JC, Feskens E, Schols A, Navis G, Kuipers F, Weber P, Eggersdorfer M. Nutrient Status Assessment in Individuals and Populations for Healthy Aging - Statement from an Expert Workshop. Nutrients 2015, 7(12), 10491-10500.
- Malcomson FC, Willis ND, Mathers JC. Is resistant starch protective against colorectal cancer via modulation of the WNT signalling pathway?. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2015, 1-10.
- Godfrey A, Del Din S, Barry G, Mathers JC, Rochester L. Instrumenting gait with an accelerometer: a system and algorithm examination. Medical Engineering & Physics 2015, 37(4), 400-407.
- Godfrey A, Lara J, Munro CA, Wiuff C, Chowdhury SA, Del Din S, Hickey A, Mathers JC, Rochester L. Instrumented assessment of test battery for physical capability using an accelerometer: a feasibility study. Physiological Measurement 2015, 36(5), N71-N83.
- Mathers JC. Impact of nutrition on the ageing process. British Journal of Nutrition 2015, 113(Suppl. 1), S18-S22.
- Godfrey A, Lara J, Del Din S, Hickey A, Munro A, Wiuff C, Chowdhury S, Mathers JC, Rochester L. iCap: instrumented assessment of physical capability. Maturitas 2015, 82(1), 116-122.
- Celis-Morales C, Livingstone KM, Woolhead C, Mathers JC. How reliable is internet-based self-reported identity, socio-demographic and obesity measures in European adults?. Genes & Nutrition 2015, 10(5), 1-12.
- Keenan PD, Celis-Morales CA, Abraham A, Willis ND, Gill JMR, Bailey MES, Mathers JC. High consumption of saturated fat intake modulates the effect of FTO on HOMA in Chilean population. Journal of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics 2015. In Press.
- Ashor AW, Lara J, Siervo M, Celis-Morales C, Oggioni C, Jakovljevic DG, Mathers JC. Exercise Modalities and Endothelial Function: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Sports Medicine 2015, 45(2), 279-296.
- Lara J, Ogbonmwan I, Oggioni C, Zheng DC, Qadir O, Ashor A, Brandt K, Mathers JC, Siervo M. Effects of handgrip exercise or inorganic nitrate supplementation on 24-h ambulatory blood pressure and peripheral arterial function in overweight and obese middle age and older adults: A pilot RCT. Maturitas 2015, 82(2), 228-235.
- Marsaux CFM, Celis-Morales C, Fallaize R, Macready AL, Kolossa S, Woolhead C, O'Donovan CB, Forster H, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Lambrinou CP, Moschonis G, Surwillo A, Godlewska M, Goris A, Hoonhout J, Drevon CA, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Walsh MC, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Martinez JA, Lovegrove JA, Gibney MJ, Daniel H, Mathers JC, Saris WHM. Effects of a Web-Based Personalized Intervention on Physical Activity in European Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Interest Research 2015, 17(10).
- Zeybel M, Hardy T, Robinson SM, Fox C, Anstee QM, Ness T, Masson S, Mathers JC, French J, White S, Mann J. Differential DNA methylation of genes involved in fibrosis progression in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and alcoholic liver disease. Clinical Epigenetics 2015, 7(25).
- Malcomson FC, Willis ND, McCallum I, Xie L, Bradburn M, Kelly S, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Differences in the expression of microRNAs implicated in colorectal carcinogenesis and involved in the WNT signalling pathway in the macroscopically-normal mucosa of people at higher-risk of bowel cancer. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2015, 74(OCE1), E46.
- Granic A, Davies K, Adamson A, Kirkwood T, Hill TR, Siervo M, Mathers JC, Jagger C. Dietary Patterns and Socioeconomic Status in the Very Old: The Newcastle 85+ Study. PLoS ONE 2015, 10(10), e0139713.
- Willis ND, Dodds SE, Lloyd AJ, Xie L, Chambers ES, Garcia-Perez I, Frost G, Beckmann M, Draper J, Mathers JC. Dietary compliance in a human intervention study investigating the impact of specific foods on urinary metabolites. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2015, 74(OCE1), E127.
- Barron E, Lara J, White M, Mathers JC. Blood-Borne Biomarkers of Mortality Risk: Systematic Review of Cohort Studies. PLoS ONE 2015, 10(6), e0127550.
- San-Cristobal R, Navas-Carretero S, Celis-Morales C, Brennan L, Walsh M, Lovegrove JA, Daniel H, Saris WHM, Traczyk I, Manios Y, Gibney ER, Gibney MJ, Mathers JC, Martinez JA. Analysis of Dietary Pattern Impact on Weight Status for Personalised Nutrition through On-Line Advice: The Food4Me Spanish Cohort. Nutrients 2015, 7(11), 9523-9537.
- Siervo M, Oggioni C, Lara J, Celis-Morales C, Mathers JC. Age-related changes in resting energy expenditure in normal weight, overweight and obese men and women. Maturitas 2015.
- Siervo M, Lara J, Jajja A, Sutyarjoko A, Ashor AW, Brandt K, Qadir O, Mathers JC, Benjamin N, Winyard PG, Anning C, Shore A, Gilchrist M. Ageing modifies the effects of beetroot juice supplementation on 24-hour blood pressure variability: An individual participant meta-analysis. Nitric Oxide 2015, 47, 97-105.
- van Otterdijk SD, Norden J, Dickinson AM, Pearce MS, Relton CL, Mathers JC, Strathdee G. Aberrations in DNA methylation are detectable during remission of acute lymphoblastic leukemia and predict patient outcome. Epigenomics 2015, 7(1), 35-45.
- Lara J, Cooper R, Nissan J, Ginty AT, Khaw KT, Deary IJ, Lord JM, Kuh D, Mathers JC. A proposed panel of biomarkers of healthy ageing. BMC Medicine 2015, 13, 222.
- Granic A, Aspray T, Hill T, Davies K, Collerton J, Martin-Ruiz C, von Zglinicki T, Kirkwood TB, Mathers JC, Jagger C. 25-hydroxyvitamin D and increased all-cause mortality in very old women: the Newcastle 85+ study. Journal of Internal Medicine 2015, 277(4), 456-467.
- Mathers JC, Hill TR, Foster E, Adamson AJ, Valentine R, Rugg-Gunn AJ. Twenty years of research in the Human Nutrition Research Centre, Newcastle University, 1994-2014. Nutrition Bulletin 2014, 39(3), 266-275.
- Godfrey A, Lord S, Galna B, Mathers J, Burn D, Rochester L. The association between retirement and age on physical activity in older adults. Age & Ageing 2014, 43(3), 386-393.
- Siervo M, Montagnese C, Mathers JC, Soroka KR, Stephan BCM, Wells JCK. Sugar consumption and global prevalence of obesity and hypertension: an ecological analysis. Public Health Nutrition 2014, 17(3), 587-596.
- Langie SAS, Kowalczyk P, Tomaszewski B, Vasilaki A, Maas LM, Moonen EJ, Palagani A, Godschalk RWL, Tudek B, van Schooten FJ, Berghe WV, Zabielski R, Mathers JC. Redox and epigenetic regulation of the APE1 gene in the hippocampus of piglets: The effect of early life exposures. DNA Repair 2014, 18, 52-62.
- Forster H, Fallaize R, Gallagher C, O'Donovan CB, Woolhead C, Walsh MC, Macready AL, Lovegrove JA, Mathers JC, Gibney MJ, Brennan L, Gibney ER. Online dietary intake estimation: The Food4Me food frequency questionnaire. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2014, 16(6).
- Fallaize R, Forster H, Macready AL, Walsh MC, Mathers JC, Brennan L, Gibney ER, Gibney MJ, Lovegrove JA. Online Dietary Intake Estimation: Reproducibility and Validity of the Food4Me Food Frequency Questionnaire Against a 4-Day Weighed Food Record. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2014, 16(8), e190.
- Kiefte-de Jong JC, Mathers JC, Franco OH. Nutrition and healthy ageing: the key ingredients. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2014, 73(2), 249-259.
- McKay JA, Xie L, Manus C, Langie SAS, Maxwell RJ, Ford D, Mathers JC. Metabolic effects of a high-fat diet post-weaning after low maternal dietary folate during pregnancy and lactation. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 2014, 58(5), 1087-1097.
- Failli A, Legitimo A, Migheli F, Coppede F, Mathers JC, Spisni R, Miccoli P, Migliore L, Consolini R. Efficacy and Feasibility of the Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule (EpCAM) Immunomagnetic Cell Sorter for Studies of DNA Methylation in Colorectal Cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2014, 15(1), 44-57.
- Ashor AW, Lara J, Siervo M, Celis-Morales C, Mathers JC. Effects of exercise modalities on arterial stiffness and wave reflection: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PLoS ONE 2014, 9(10), e110034.
- Lara J, Hobbs N, Moynihan PJ, Meyer TD, Adamson AJ, Errington L, Rochester L, Sniehotta FF, White M, Mathers JC. Effectiveness of dietary interventions among adults of retirement age: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. BMC Medicine 2014, 12(1), 1-12.
- Gautrey HE, van Otterdijk SD, Cordell HJ, Mathers JC, Strathdee G, Newcastle 85 Study Core Team. DNA methylation abnormalities at gene promoters are extensive and variable in the elderly and phenocopy cancer cells. FASEB Journal 2014, 28(7), 3261-3272.
- Zupanic A, Méplan C, Grellscheid SN, Mathers JC, Kirkwood TBL, Hesketh J, Shanley D. Detecting translational regulation by change point analysis of ribosome profiling data sets. RNA 2014, 20(10), 1507-1518.
- Celis-Morales C, Livingstone KM, Marsaux CF, Forster H, O'Donovan CB, Macready AL, Fallaize R, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Kolossa S, Hartwig K, Tsirigoti L, Lambrinou CP, Moschonis G, Godlewska M, Surwillo A, Grimaldi K, Bouwman J, Daly EJ, Akujobi V, O'Riordan R, Hoonhout J, Claassen A, Hoeller U, Gundersen TE, Kaland SE, Matthews JNS, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Drevon CA, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Walsh MC, Lovegrove JA, Alfredo Martinez J, Saris WHM, Daniel H, Gibney M, Mathers JC. Design and baseline characteristics of the Food4Me study: a web-based randomised controlled trial of personalised nutrition in seven European countries. Genes & Nutrition 2014, 10(450), 1-13.
- Greaves LC, Nooteboom M, Elson JL, Tuppen HAL, Taylor GA, Commane DM, Arasaradnam RP, Khrapko K, Taylor RW, Kirkwood TBL, Mathers JC, Turnbull DM. Clonal Expansion of Early to Mid-Life Mitochondrial DNA Point Mutations Drives Mitochondrial Dysfunction during Human Ageing. PLoS Genetics 2014, 10(9), e1004620.
- Lara J, McCrum LA, Mathers JC. Association of Mediterranean diet and other health behaviours with barriers to healthy eating and perceived health among British adults of retirement age. Maturitas 2014, 79(3), 292-298.
- Lara J, Evans EH, O'Brien N, Moynihan PJ, Meyer TD, Adamson AJ, Errington L, Sniehotta FFS, White M, Mathers JC. Association of behaviour change techniques with effectiveness of dietary interventions among adults of retirement age: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMC Medicine 2014, 12(10), 177.
- Ashor AW, Siervo M, Lara J, Oggioni C, Mathers JC. Antioxidant Vitamin Supplementation Reduces Arterial Stiffness in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Journal of Nutrition 2014, 144(10), 1594-1602.
- Collerton J, Gautrey HE, van Otterdijk SD, Davies K, Martin-Ruiz C, von Zglinicki T, Kirkwood TBL, Jagger C, Mathers JC, Strathdee G. Acquisition of aberrant DNA methylation is associated with frailty in the very old: findings from the Newcastle 85+Study. Biogerontology 2014, 15(4), 317-328.
- Lara J, Siervo M, Bertoli S, Mathers JC, Battezzati A, Ferraris C, Tagliabue A. Accuracy of three novel predictive methods for measurements of fat mass in healthy older subjects. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 2014, 26(3), 319-325.
- Gorniak JP, Cameron KM, Waldron KJ, von Zglinicki T, Mathers JC, Langie SAS. Tissue differences in BER-related incision activity and non-specific nuclease activity as measured by the comet assay. Mutagenesis 2013, 28(6), 673-681.
- Williams EA, Welfare M, Spiers A, Hill MH, Bal W, Gibney ER, Duckworth Y, Powers HJ, Mathers JC. Systemic folate status, rectal mucosal folate concentration and dietary intake in patients at differential risk of bowel cancer (The FAB2 Study). European Journal of Nutrition 2013, 52(7), 1801-1810.
- Heaven B, Brown L, White M, Errington L, Mathers JC, Moffatt S. Supporting well-being in retirement through meaningful social roles: systematic review of intervention studies. Milbank Quarterly 2013, 91(2), 222-287.
- Elliott GO, Johnson IT, Scarll J, Dainty J, Williams EA, Garg D, Coupe A, Bradburn DM, Mathers JC, Belshaw NJ. Quantitative profiling of CpG island methylation in human stool for colorectal cancer detection. International Journal of Colorectal Disease 2013, 28(1), 35-42.
- Kilcourse E, McKay J, Willis N, Mathers JC. Promoter methylation of zinc transporter genes in the ageing human bowel. British Journal of Surgery 2013, 100(Suppl. 4), 11-11.
- Ingram JSI, Wright HL, Foster L, Aldred T, Barling D, Benton TG, Berryman PM, Bestwick CS, Bows-Larkin A, Brocklehurst TF, Buttriss J, Casey J, Collins H, Crossley DS, Dolan CS, Dowler E, Edwards R, Finney KJ, Fitzpatrick JL, Fowler M, Garrett DA, Godfrey JE, Godley A, Griffiths W, Houlston EJ, Kaiser MJ, Kennard R, Knox JW, Kuyk A, Linter BR, Macdiarmid JI, Martindale W, Mathers JC, McGonigle DF, Mead A, Millar SJ, Miller A, Murray C, Norton IT, Parry S, Pollicino M, Quested TE, Tassou S, Terry LA, Tiffin R, van de Graaf P, Vorley W, Westby A, Sutherland WJ. Priority research questions for the UK food system. Food Security 2013, 5(5), 617-636.
- Robinson SM, Mann J, Vasilaki A, Mathers J, Burt AD, Oakley F, White SA, Mann DA. Pathogenesis of FOLFOX induced sinusoidal obstruction syndrome in a murine chemotherapy model. Journal of Hepatology 2013, 59(2), 318-326.
- Tapp HS, Commane DM, Bradburn DM, Arasaradnam R, Mathers JC, Johnson IT, Belshaw NJ. Nutritional factors and gender influence age-related DNA methylation in the human rectal mucosa. Aging Cell 2013, 12(1), 148-155.
- Mathers JC. Nutrition and ageing: knowledge, gaps and research priorities. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2013, 72(2), 246-250.
- Malcomson F, Portilla M, Willis N, McCallum I, Xie L, Kelly S, Bradburn M, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. MicroRNA expression in the macroscopically-normal epithelium of people at differential risk of colorectal cancer. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2013, 72(OCE4), E224-E224.
- McCallum IJD, Kelly SB, Bradburn M, Willis N, Xie L, Mathers JC. Methylation of the notch pathway in patients at higher risk of colorectal cancer and effects of supplementation with resistant starch in a randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Surgery 2013, 100(Suppl. 4), 8-8.
- Langie SAS, Achterfeldt S, Gorniak JP, Halley-Hogg KJA, Oxley D, van Schooten FJ, Godschalk RWL, McKay JA, Mathers JC. Maternal folate depletion and high-fat feeding from weaning affects DNA methylation and DNA repair in brain of adult offspring. FASEB Journal 2013, 27(8), 3323-3334.
- Potter C, McKay J, Groom A, Ford D, Coneyworth L, Mathers JC, Relton CL. Influence of DNMT Genotype on Global and Site Specific DNA Methylation Patterns in Neonates and Pregnant Women. PLoS ONE 2013, 8(10), e76506.
- Penn L, White M, Lindstrom L, den Boer A, Blaak E, Eriksson JG, Feskens E, Ilanne-Parikka P, Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi SM, Walker M, Mathers JC, Uusitupa M, Tuomilehto J. Importance of Weight Loss Maintenance and Risk Prediction in the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes: Analysis of European Diabetes Prevention Study RCT. PLoS One 2013, 8(2), e57143.
- Willis ND, Mann S, Xie L, McCallum IDJ, Kelly SB, Bradburn DM, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Impact of non-digestible carbohydrates on biomarkers of gastrointestinal health: a human intervention study. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2013, 72(OCE4), E260-E260.
- Jones C, Willis N, McCallum I, Mathers JC. Impact of non-digestible carbohydrate on methylation of GADD45A promoter in the human colon. British Journal of Surgery 2013, 100(Suppl. 4), 44-44.
- Ions LJ, Wakeling LA, Bosomworth HJ, Hardyman JEJ, Escolme SM, Swan DC, Valentine RA, Mathers JC, Ford D. Effects of Sirt1 on DNA methylation and expression of genes affected by dietary restriction. Age 2013, 35(5), 1835-1849.
- van Otterdijk SD, Mathers JC, Strathdee G. Do age-related changes in DNA methylation play a role in the development of age-related diseases?. Biochemical Society Transactions 2013, 41(3), 803-807.
- Migheli F, Stoccoro A, Coppede F, Omar WAW, Failli A, Consolini R, Seccia M, Spisni R, Miccoli P, Mathers JC, Migliore L. Comparison Study of MS-HRM and Pyrosequencing Techniques for Quantification of APC and CDKN2A Gene Methylation. PLoS One 2013, 8(1), e52501.
- Lisanti S, Omar WAW, Tomaszewski B, De Prins S, Jacobs G, Koppen G, Mathers JC, Langie SAS. Comparison of Methods for Quantification of Global DNA Methylation in Human Cells and Tissues. PLoS ONE 2013, 8(11), e79044.
- Burn J, Mathers JC, Bishop DT. Chemoprevention in Lynch syndrome. Familial Cancer 2013, 12(4), 707-718.
- Borel P, Lietz G, Goncalves A, de Edelenyi FS, Lecompte S, Curtis P, Goumidi L, Caslake MJ, Miles EA, Packard C, Calder PC, Mathers JC, Minihane AM, Tourniaire F, Kesse-Guyot E, Galan P, Hercberg S, Breidenassel C, Gross MG, Moussa M, Meirhaeghe A, Reboul E. CD36 and SR-BI Are Involved in Cellular Uptake of Provitamin A Carotenoids by Caco-2 and HEK Cells, and Some of Their Genetic Variants Are Associated with Plasma Concentrations of These Micronutrients in Humans. Journal of Nutrition 2013, 143(4), 448-456.
- Hobbs N, Godfrey A, Lara J, Errington L, Meyer TD, Rochester L, White M, Mathers JC, Sniehotta FF. Are behavioral interventions effective in increasing physical activity at 12 to 36 months in adults aged 55 to 70 years? A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Medicine 2013, 11, 75.
- Malcomson F, Willis N, McCallum I, Xie L, Leung W, Kelly S, Bradburn M, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Anti-neoplastic effects of non-digestible carbohydrates on WNT signalling in the bowel: a randomised controlled dietary intervention. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2013, 72(OCE4), E225-E225.
- Lisanti S, von Zglinicki T, Mathers JC. Standardization and quality controls for the methylated DNA immunoprecipitation technique. Epigenetics 2012, 7(6), 615-625.
- Groom A, Potter C, Swan DC, Fatemifar G, Evans DM, Ring SM, Turcot V, Pearce MS, Embleton ND, Smith GD, Mathers JC, Relton CL. Postnatal Growth and DNA Methylation Are Associated With Differential Gene Expression of the TACSTD2 Gene and Childhood Fat Mass. Diabetes 2012, 61(2), 391-400.
- Zeybel M, Hardy T, Wong YK, Mathers JC, Fox CR, Gackowska A, Oakley F, Burt AD, Wilson CL, Anstee QM, Barter MJ, Masson S, Elsharkawy AM, Mann DA, Mann J. Multigenerational epigenetic adaptation of the hepatic wound-healing response. Nature Medicine 2012, 18(9), 1369-U110.
- Burn J, Mathers J, Bishop DT. Lynch Syndrome: History, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention (CAPP2 Trial). Digestive Diseases 2012, 30(s2), 39-47.
- Mathers JC, Movahedi M, Macrae F, Mecklin JP, Moeslein G, Olschwang S, Eccles D, Evans G, Maher ER, Bertario L, Bisgaard ML, Dunlop M, Ho JWC, Hodgson S, Lindblom A, Lubinski J, Morrison PJ, Murday V, Ramesar R, Side L, Scott RJ, Thomas HJW, Vasen H, Gerdes AM, Barker G, Crawford G, Elliott F, Pylvanainen K, Wijnen J, Fodde R, Lynch H, Bishop DT, Burn J. Long-term effect of resistant starch on cancer risk in carriers of hereditary colorectal cancer: an analysis from the CAPP2 randomised controlled trial. Lancet Oncology 2012, 13(12), 1242-1249.
- Coneyworth LJ, Jackson KA, Tyson J, Bosomworth HJ, vanderHagen E, Hann GM, Ogo OA, Swann DC, Mathers JC, Valentine RA, Ford D. Identification of the human zinc transcriptional regulatory element (ZTRE): a palindromic protein-binding DNA sequence responsible for zinc-induced transcriptional repression. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2012, 287(43), 36567-36581.
- Pearce MS, McConnell JC, Potter C, Barrett LM, Parker L, Mathers JC, Relton CL. Global LINE-1 DNA methylation is associated with blood glycaemic and lipid profiles. International Journal of Epidemiology 2012, 41(1), 210-217.
- McKay JA, Groom A, Potter C, Coneyworth LJ, Ford D, Mathers JC, Relton CL. Genetic and Non-Genetic Influences during Pregnancy on Infant Global and Site Specific DNA Methylation: Role for Folate Gene Variants and Vitamin B12. PLoS One 2012, 7(3), e33290.
- Curtis P, Adamson A, Mathers J. Effects on nutrient intake of a family-based intervention to promote increased consumption of low-fat starchy foods through education, cooking skills and personalised goal setting: the Family Food and Health Project. British Journal of Nutrition 2012, 107(12), 1833-1844.
- Langie SAS, Lara J, Mathers JC. Early determinants of the ageing trajectory. Best Practice & Research: Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2012, 26(5), 613-626.
- Greaves LC, Elson JL, Nooteboom M, Grady JP, Taylor GA, Taylor RW, Mathers JC, Kirkwood TBL, Turnbull DM. Comparison of Mitochondrial Mutation Spectra in Ageing Human Colonic Epithelium and Disease: Absence of Evidence for Purifying Selection in Somatic Mitochondrial DNA Point Mutations. PLoS Genetics 2012, 8(11), e1003082.
- Kofler BM, Miles EA, Curtis P, Armah CK, Tricon S, Grew J, Napper FL, Farrell L, Lietz G, Packard CJ, Caslake MJ, Mathers JC, Williams CM, Calder PC, Minihane AM. Apolipoprotein E genotype and the cardiovascular disease risk phenotype: Impact of sex and adiposity (the FINGEN study). Atherosclerosis 2012, 221(2), 467-470.
- Lloyd AJ, Fave G, Beckmann M, Lin WC, Tailliart K, Xie L, Mathers JC, Draper J. Use of mass spectrometry fingerprinting to identify urinary metabolites after consumption of specific foods. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2011, 94(4), 981-991.
- Penn L, Lordon J, Lowry R, Smith W, Mathers JC, Walker M, White M. Translating research evidence to service provision for prevention of type 2 diabetes: development and early outcomes of the ‘New life, New you’ intervention. British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease 2011, 11(4), 175-181.
- Craigie AM, Lake AA, Kelly SA, Adamson AJ, Mathers JC. Tracking of obesity-related behaviours from childhood to adulthood: A systematic review. Maturitas 2011, 70(3), 266-284.
- Kiec-Wilk B, Sliwa A, Mikolajczyk M, Malecki MT, Mathers JC. The CpG Island Methylation Regulated Expression of Endothelial Proangiogenic Genes in Response to beta-Carotene and Arachidonic Acid. Nutrition and Cancer 2011, 63(7), 1053-1063.
- Lim EL, Hollingsworth KG, Aribisala BS, Chen MJ, Mathers JC, Taylor R. Reversal of type 2 diabetes: Normalisation of beta cell function in association with decreased pancreas and liver triacylglycerol. Diabetologia 2011, 54(10), 2506-2514.
- Palou M, Picó C, McKay JA, Sánchez J, Priego T, Mathers JC, Palou A. Protective effects of leptin during the suckling period against later obesity may be associated with changes in promoter methylation of the hypothalamic pro-opiomelanocortin gene. British Journal of Nutrition 2011, 106(5), 769-778.
- Lloyd AJ, Beckmann M, Fave G, Mathers JC, Draper J. Proline betaine and its biotransformation products in fasting urine samples are potential biomarkers of habitual citrus fruit consumption. British Journal of Nutrition 2011, 106(6), 812-824.
- Langie SAS, Cameron KM, Waldron KJ, Fletcher KPR, von Zglinicki T, Mathers JC. Measuring DNA repair incision activity of mouse tissue extracts towards singlet oxygen-induced DNA damage: a comet-based in vitro repair assay. Mutagenesis 2011, 26(3), 461-471.
- McKay JA, Wong YK, Relton CL, Ford D, Mathers JC. Maternal folate supply and sex influence gene-specific DNA methylation in the fetal gut. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 2011, 55(11), 1717-1723.
- Burn J, Gerdes AM, Macrae F, Mecklin JP, Moeslein G, Olschwang S, Eccles D, Evans DG, Maher ER, Bertario L, Bisgaard ML, Dunlop MG, Ho JWC, Hodgson SV, Lindblom A, Lubinski J, Morrison PJ, Murday V, Ramesar R, Side L, Scott RJ, Thomas HJW, Vasen HF, Barker G, Crawford G, Elliott F, Movahedi M, Pylvanainen K, Wijnen JT, Fodde R, Lynch HT, Mathers JC, Bishop DT. Long-term effect of aspirin on cancer risk in carriers of hereditary colorectal cancer: an analysis from the CAPP2 randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2011, 378(9809), 2081-2087.
- McKay JA, Williams EA, Mathers JC. Effect of maternal and post weaning folate supply on gene-specific DNA methylation in the small intestine of weaning and adult Apc+/Min and wild type mice. Frontiers in Epigenomics 2011, 2, 23.
- Fave G, Beckmann M, Lloyd AJ, Zhou SB, Harold G, Lin WC, Tailliart K, Xie L, Draper J, Mathers JC. Development and validation of a standardized protocol to monitor human dietary exposure by metabolite fingerprinting of urine samples. Metabolomics 2011, 7(4), 469-484.
- McKay JA, Xie L, Harris S, Wong YK, Ford D, Mathers JC. Blood as a surrogate marker for tissue-specific DNA methylation and changes due to folate depletion in post-partum female mice. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 2011, 55(7), 1026-1035.
- Martin Ruiz C, Jagger C, Kingston A, Collerton J, Catt M, Davies K, Dunn M, Hilkens C, Keavney B, Pearce S, den Elzen W, Talbot D, Wiley L, Bond J, Mathers J, Eccles M, Robinson L, James O, Kirkwood T, von Zglinicki T. Assessment of a large panel of candidate biomarkers of ageing in the Newcastle 85+ study. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 2011, 132(10), 496-502.
- Burn J, Bishop DT, Chapman PD, Elliott F, Bertario L, Dunlop MG, Eccles D, Ellis A, Evans DG, Fodde R, Maher ER, Moslein G, Vasen HFA, Coaker J, Phillips RKS, Bulow S, Mathers JC. A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Prevention Trial of Aspirin and/or Resistant Starch in Young People with Familial Adenomatous Polyposis. Cancer Prevention Research 2011, 4(5), 655-665.
- Mathers JC, Meplan C, Hesketh JE. Polymorphisms Affecting Trace Element Bioavailability. International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 2010, 80(4-5), 314-318.
- Foster E, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ. Packaged food intake by British children aged 0 to 6 years. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A - Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure & Risk Assessment 2010, 27(3), 380-388.
- Santibanez Koref M, Wilson V, Cartwright N, Cunnington MS, Mathers JC, Bishop DT, Curtis A, Dunlop MG, Burn J. MLH1 Differential Allelic Expression in Mutation Carriers and Controls. Annals of Human Genetics 2010, 74(6), 479-488.
- Basterfield L, Mathers JC. Intestinal tumours, colonic butyrate and sleep in exercised Min mice. British Journal of Nutrition 2010, 104(3), 355-363.
- Caple F, Williams EA, Spiers A, Tyson J, Burtle B, Daly AK, Mathers JC, Hesketh JE. Inter-individual variation in DNA damage and base excision repair in young, healthy non-smokers: effects of dietary supplementation and genotype. British Journal of Nutrition 2010, 103(11), 1585-1593.
- Vaes BLT, Lute C, van der Woning SP, Piek E, Vermeer J, Blom HJ, Mathers JC, Muller M, de Groot LCPGM, Steegenga WT. Inhibition of methylation decreases osteoblast differentiation via a non-DNA-dependent methylation mechanism. Bone 2010, 46(2), 514-523.
- McKay J, Waltham K, Williams E, Mathers J. Folate depletion during pregnancy and lactation reduces genomic DNA methylation in murine adult offspring. Genes and Nutrition 2010, 6(2), 189-196.
- Lisanti S, von Zglinick T, Mathers JC. Epigenomics: Understanding How Nutrition Modulates the Ageing Process [abstract]. Journal of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics 2010, 3(2-3), 61.
- Arasaradnam RP, Khoo K, Bradburn M, Mathers JC, Kelly SB. DNA methylation of ESR-1 and N-33 in colorectal mucosa of patients with ulcerative colitis (UC). Epigenetics 2010, 5(5), 422-426.
- Dronamraju SS, Coxhead JM, Kelly SB, Mathers JC. Differential antineoplastic effects of butyrate in cells with and without a functioning DNA mismatch repair. Nutrition and Cancer 2010, 62(1), 105-115.
- Greaves L, Barron M, Plusa S, Kirkwood T, Mathers J, Taylor R, Turnbull D. Defects in multiple complexes of the respiratory chain are present in ageing human colonic crypts. Experimental Gerontology 2010, 45(7-8), 573-579.
- Nooteboom M, Johnson R, Taylor RW, Wright NA, Lightowlers RN, Kirkwood TBL, Mathers JC, Turnbull DM, Greaves LC. Age-associated mitochondrial DNA mutations lead to small but significant changes in cell proliferation and apoptosis in human colonic crypts. Aging Cell 2010, 9(1), 96-99.
- Basterfield L, Lumley LK, Mathers JC. Wheel running in female C57BL/6J mice: impact of oestrus and dietary fat and effects on sleep and body mass. International Journal of Obesity 2009, 33(2), 212-218.
- Lake AA, Adamson AJ, Craigie AM, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Mathers JC. Tracking of Dietary Intake and Factors Associated with Dietary Change from Early Adolescence to Adulthood: The ASH30 Study. Obesity Facts 2009, 2(3), 157-165.
- Ullal A, Roberts M, Bulmer JN, Mathers ME, Wadehra V. The role of cervical cytology and colposcopy in detecting cervical glandular neoplasia. Cytopathology 2009, 20(6), 359-366.
- Meplan C, Nicol F, Burtle BT, Crosley LK, Arthur JR, Mathers JC, Hesketh JE. Relative Abundance of Selenoprotein P Isoforms in Human Plasma Depends on Genotype, Se Intake, and Cancer Status. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 2009, 11(11), 2631-2640.
- Craigie AM, Matthews JNS, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Lake AA, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ. Raised adolescent body mass index predicts the development of adiposity and a central distribution of body fat in adulthood: a longitudinal study. Obesity Facts 2009, 2(3), 150-156.
- Greaves LC, Beadle NE, Taylor GA, Commane D, Mathers JC, Khrapko K, Turnbull DM. Quantification of mitochondrial DNA mutation load. Aging Cell 2009, 8(5), 566-572.
- Penn L, White M, Oldroyd J, Walker M, Alberti KGMM, Mathers JC. Prevention of type 2 diabetes in adults with impaired glucose tolerance: the European Diabetes Prevention RCT in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. BMC Public Health 2009, 9, 342.
- Adamson AJ, Collerton J, Davies K, Foster E, Jagger C, Stamp E, Mathers JC, Kirkwood T, The Newcastle 85+ Core Study Team. Nutrition in advanced age: dietary assessment in the Newcastle 85+ Study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2009, 63(S1), S6-S18.
- van Breda SGJ, van Delft JHM, Engels LGJB, Kleinjans JCS, Mathers JC. Methylation status of CpG islands in the promoter region of genes differentially expressed in colonic mucosa from adenoma patients and controls in response to altered vegetable intake. British Journal of Nutrition 2009, 101(9), 1295-1299.
- Tyson J, Caple F, Spiers A, Burtle B, Daly AK, Williams EA, Hesketh JE, Mathers JC. Inter-individual variation in nucleotide excision repair in young adults: effects of age, adiposity, micronutrient supplementation and genotype. British Journal of Nutrition 2009, 101(9), 1316-1323.
- Coneyworth LJ, Mathers JC, Ford D. Does promoter methylation of the SLC30A5 (ZnT5) zinc transporter gene contribute to the ageing-related decline in zinc status?. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2009, 68(2), 142-147.
- Kiec-Wilk B, Razny U, Mathers J, Dembinska-Kiec A. DNA methylation, induced by beta-carotene and arachidonic acid, plays a regulatory role in the pro-angiogenic VEGF-receptor (KDR) gene expression in endothelial cells. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 2009, 60(4), 49-53.
- Lake AA, Hyland RM, Rugg-Gunn A, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ. Combining social and nutritional perspectives: from adolescence to adulthood (the ASH30 Study). British Food Journal 2009, 111(11), 1200-1211.
- Burgoine T, Lake AA, Alvanides S, Stamp EC, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ. Changing foodscapes 1980-2000, using the ASH30 Study. Appetite 2009, 53(2), 157-165.
- Dronamraju SS, Coxhead JM, Kelly SB, Burn J, Mathers JC. Cell kinetics and gene expression changes in colorectal cancer patients given resistant starch: a randomised controlled trial. Gut 2009, 58(3), 413-420.
- Jackson KA, Valentine RA, Mckay JA, Swan DC, Mathers JC, Ford D. Analysis of differential gene-regulatory responses to zinc in human intestinal and placental cell lines. British Journal of Nutrition 2009, 101(10), 1474-1483.
- Mathers JC. [Meeting Abstract] Nutrition and Epigenomics: How the Genome Learns from Experience. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 2009, 55(s1), 13.
- Davison G, Mathers JC, Ford D, Valentine RA. [Meeting Abstract] Effects of Dietary Zinc Supply During Pregnancy on Global DNA Methylation. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 2009, 55(s1), 461.
- Bradbury J, Mulvaney CE, Adamson AJ, Seal CJ, Mathers JC, Moynihan PJ. Sources of total, non-milk extrinsic, and intrinsic and milk sugars in the diets of older adults living in sheltered accommodation. British Journal of Nutrition 2008, 99(3), 649-652.
- Mathers JC. Session 2: Personalised nutrition Epigenomics: A basis for understanding individual differences?. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2008, 67(4), 390-394.
- Dronamraju SS, Coxhead JM, Kelly SB, Mathers JC. Role of DNA-mismatch repair in anti-neoplastic effects of butyrate. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2008, 67(OCE2), E87.
- Belshaw NJ, Elliott GO, Foxall RJ, Dainty JR, Pal N, Coupe A, Garg D, Bradburn DM, Mathers JC, Johnson IT. Profiling CpG island field methylation in both morphologically normal and neoplastic human colonic mucosa. British Journal of Cancer 2008, 99(1), 136-142.
- Liljegren A, Barker G, Elliott F, Bertario L, Bisgaard ML, Eccles D, Evans G, Macrae F, Maher E, Lindblom A, Rotstein S, Nilsson B, Mecklin JP, Moslein G, Jass J, Fodde R, Mathers J, Burn J, Bishop DT. Prevalence of Adenomas and Hyperplastic Polyps in Mismatch Repair Mutation Carriers Among CAPP2 Participants: Report by the Colorectal Adenoma/Carcinoma Prevention Programme 2. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2008, 26(20), 3434-3439.
- Ashwell M, Stone E, Mathers J, Barnes S, Compston J, Francis RM, Key T, Cashman KD, Cooper C, Khaw KT, Lanham-New S, Macdonald H, Prentice A, Shearer M, Stephen A. Nutrition and bone health projects funded by the UK Food Standards Agency: Have they helped to inform public health policy?. British Journal of Nutrition 2008, 99(1), 198-205.
- Jackson KA, Valentine RA, Coneyworth LJ, Mathers JC, Ford D. Mechanisms of mammalian zinc-regulated gene expression. Biochemical Society Transactions 2008, 36(6), 1262-1266.
- McKay JA, Williams EA, Mathers JC. Gender-specific modulation of tumorigenesis by folic acid supply in the Apc+/Min mouse during early neonatal life. British Journal of Nutrition 2008, 99(3), 550-558.
- Meplan C, Crosley LK, Nicol F, Horgan GW, Mathers JC, Arthur JR, Hesketh JE. Functional effects of a common single-nucleotide polymorphism (GPX4c718t) in the glutathione peroxidase 4 gene: Interaction with sex. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2008, 87(4), 1019-1027.
- Caslake MJ, Miles EA, Kofler BM, Lietz G, Curtis P, Armah CK, Kimber AC, Grew JP, Farrell L, Stannard J, Napper FL, Sala-Vila A, West AL, Mathers JC, Packard C, Williams CM, Calder PC, Minihane AM. Effect of sex and genotype on cardiovascular biomarker response to fish oils: the FINGEN Study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2008, 88(3), 618-629.
- Burn J, Bishop DT, Mecklin JP, Macrae F, Moslein G, Olschwang S, Bisgaard ML, Ramesar R, Eccles D, Maher ER, Bertario L, Jarvinen HJ, Lindblom A, Evans DG, Lubinski J, Morrison PJ, Ho JWC, Vasen HFA, Side L, Thomas HJW, Scott RJ, Dunlop M, Barker G, Elliott F, Jass JR, Fodde R, Lynch HT, Mathers JC, for the CAPP2 Investigators. Effect of Aspirin or Resistant Starch on Colorectal Neoplasia in the Lynch Syndrome. New England Journal of Medicine 2008, 359(24), 2567-2578.
- Foster E, O'Keeffe M, Matthews JNS, Mathers JC, Nelson M, Barton KL, Wrieden WL, Adamson AJ. Children's estimates of food portion size: The effect of timing of dietary interview on the accuracy of children's portion size estimates. British Journal of Nutrition 2008, 99(1), 185-190.
- Foster E, Matthews JNS, Lloyd J, Marshall L, Mathers JC, Nelson M, Barton KL, Wrieden WL, Cornelissen P, Harris J, Adamson AJ. Children's estimates of food portion size: The development and evaluation of three portion size assessment tools for use with children. British Journal of Nutrition 2008, 99(1), 175-184.
- Mckay JA, Adriaens ME, Ford D, Relton CL, Evelo CTA, Mathers JC. Bioinformatic interrogation of expression array data to identify nutritionally regulated genes potentially modulated by DNA methylation. Genes & Nutrition 2008, 3(3-4), 167-171.
- Bergmann MM, Gorman U, Mathers JC. Bioethical considerations for human nutrigenomics. Annual Review of Nutrition 2008, 28(1), 447-467.
- Rogerson LC, Darby S, Jabbar TA, Mathers ME, Leung HY, Robson CN, Sahadevan K, O'Toole KT, Gnanapragasam VJ. Application of transcript profiling in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded diagnostic prostate cancer needle biopsies. BJU International 2008, 102(3), 364-370.
- McCracken SRC, Ramsay A, Heer R, Mathers ME, Jenkins BL, Edwards J, Robson CN, Marquez R, Cohen P, Leung HY. Aberrant expression of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 5 in human prostate cancer. Oncogene 2008, 27(21), 2978-2988.
- Valentine RA, Jackson KA, Christie GR, Mathers JC, Taylor PM, Ford D. ZnT5 variant B is a bidirectional zinc transporter and mediates zinc uptake in human intestinal Caco-2 cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2007, 282(19), 14389-14393.
- Helston RM, Phillips SR, McKay JA, Jackson KA, Mathers JC, Ford D. Zinc Transporters in the Mouse Placenta Show a Coordinated Regulatory Response to Changes in Dietary Zinc Intake. Placenta 2007, 28(5-6), 437-444.
- Moynihan PJ, Mulvaney CE, Adamson AJ, Seal C, Steen N, Mathers JC, Zohouri FV. The nutrition knowledge of older adults living in sheltered housing accommodation. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 2007, 20(5), 446-458.
- Mathers JC, Hesketh JE. The Biological Revolution: Understanding the Impact of SNPs on Diet-Cancer Interrelationships. The Journal of Nutrition 2007, 137, 253S-258S.
- Jackson KA, Helston RM, McKay JA, O'Neill ED, Mathers JC, Ford D. Splice variants of the human zinc transporter ZnT5 (SLC30A5) are differentially localized and regulated by zinc through transcription and mRNA stability. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2007, 282(14), 10423-10431.
- Powers HJ, Hill MH, Welfare M, Spiers A, Bal W, Russell J, Duckworth Y, Gibney E, Williams EA, Mathers JC. Responses of biomarkers of folate and riboflavin status to folate and riboflavin supplementation in healthy and colorectal polyp patients (the FAB2 study). Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention 2007, 16(10), 2128-2135.
- Relton CL, Groom A, Mckay JA, Ford D, Mathers JC. Polymorphic variation in DNA methyltransferase genes in relation to birth weight, smoking and folate status. Early Human Development 2007, 83, S99-S99.
- Hyland RM, Wood CE, Adamson AJ, Mathers JC, Hill M, Seal CJ, Moynihan PJ. Peer educators' perceptions of training for and implementing a community-based nutrition intervention for older adults. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly 2007, 25(3-4), 147-171.
- Arasaradnam RP, Greaves LC, Commane D, Greetham H, Bradburn M, Taylor RW, Turnbull DM, Mathers JC. Novel preliminary findings of mitochondrial DNA mutations in colonic crypts of patients with diverticular disease (the Boricc study). Gut 2007, 56, A45-A45.
- Lake AA, Hyland RM, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Wood CE, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ. Healthy eating: Perceptions and practice (the ASH30 study). Appetite 2007, 48(2), 176-182.
- Meplan C, Crosley LK, Nicol F, Beckett GJ, Howie AF, Hill KE, Horgan G, Mathers JC, Arthur JR, Hesketh JE. Genetic polymorphisms in the human selenoprotein P gene determine the response of selenoprotein markers to selenium supplementation in a gender-specific manner (the SELGEN study). FASEB Journal 2007, 21(12), 3063-3074.
- Sanderson P, Stone E, Kim Y-I, Mathers JC, Kampman E, Downes CS, Muir KR, Baron JA. Folate and colo-rectal cancer risk. British Journal of Nutrition 2007, 98(6), 1299-1304.
- Bermano G, Pagmantidis V, Holloway N, Kadri S, Mowat NAG, Shiel RS, Arthur JR, Mathers JC, Daly AK, Broom J, Hesketh JE. Evidence that a polymorphism within the 3'UTR of glutathione peroxidase 4 is functional and is associated with susceptibility to colorectal cancer. Genes and Nutrition 2007, 2(2), 225-232.
- Mckay JA, Helston RM, Philips SR, Relton CL, Ford D, Mathers JC. Effects of dietary zinc supply during pregnancy on foetal liver DNA methylation of the insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf2) gene in C57BL/J6 mice. Early Human Development 2007, 83, S168.
- Rugg-Gunn AJ, Fletcher ES, Matthews JNS, Hackett AF, Moynihan PJ, Kelly SAM, Adams JM, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ. Changes in consumption of sugars by English adolescents over 20 years. Public Health Nutrition 2007, 10(4), 354-363.
- Kiec-Wilk B, Polus A, Mikolajczyk M, Mathers JC. Beta-carotene and arachidonic acid induced DNA methylation and the regulation of pro-chemotactic activity of endothelial cells and its progenitors. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 2007, 58(4), 757-766.
- Arasaradnam RP, Commane D, Greetham H, Bradburn M, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. A novel finding - Global DNA hypomethylation in diverticular disease: A pilot study (the Boricc study). Gut 2007, 56, A44-A45.
- Oldroyd JC, Unwin NC, White M, Mathers JC, Alberti KGMM. Randomised controlled trial evaluating lifestyle interventions in people with impaired glucose tolerance. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2006, 72(2), 117-127.
- Polley ACJ, Mulholland F, Pin C, Williams EA, Bradburn DM, Mills SJ, Mathers JC, Johnson IT. Proteomic analysis reveals field-wide changes in protein expression in the morphologically normal mucosa of patients with colorectal neoplasia. Cancer Research 2006, 66(13), 6553-6562.
- Mathers JC. Prevention of lifestyle-related diseases. Scandinavian Journal of Food & Nutrition 2006, 50(S1), 18-20.
- Mathers JC. Nutritional modulation of ageing: Genomic and epigenetic approaches. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 2006, 127(6), 584-589.
- Arasaradnam RP, Greaves LC, Commane D, Mathers JC, Taylor RW, Turnbull DM. Mitochondrial DNA (MTDNA) mutations in human colonic crypts: A novel biomarker of colorectal cancer. GUT 2006, 55(S2), A24.
- Lake AA, Mathers JC, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Adamson AJ. Longitudinal change in food habits between adolescence (11–12 years) and adulthood (32–33 years): the ASH30 Study. Journal of Public Health 2006, 28(1), 10-16.
- Lake AA, Hyland RM, Mathers JC, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Wood CE, Adamson AJ. Food shopping and preparation among the 30-somethings: whose job is it? (The ASH30 study). British Food Journal 2006, 108(6), 475-486.
- Bergmann MM, Bodzioch M, Bonet ML, Defoort C, Lietz G, Mathers JC. Bioethics in human nutrigenomics research: European Nutrigenomics Organisation workshop report. British Journal of Nutrition 2006, 95(5), 1024-1027.
- Foster E, Matthews JNS, Nelson M, Harris JM, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ. Accuracy of estimates of food portion size using food photographs - The importance of using age-appropriate tools. Public Health Nutrition 2006, 9(4), 509-514.
- Oldroyd J, Unwin N, White M, Mathers JC, Alberti KGMM. A randomised controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions in people with impaired glucose tolerance in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2006, 72(2), 117-127.
- Kaput J, Ordovas JM, Ferguson L, van Ommen B, Rodriguez RL, Allen L, Ames BN, Dawson K, German B, Krauss R, Malyj W, Archer MC, Barnes S, Bortholomew A, Birk R, van Bladeren P, Bradford KJ, Brown KH, Caetano R, Castle D, Chadwick R, Clarke S, Clement K, Cooney CA, Corella D, da Cruz IBM, Daniel H, Duster T, Ebbesson SOE, Elliott R, Fairweather-Tait S, Felton J, Fenech M, Finley JW, Fogg-Johnson N, Gill-Garrison R, Gibney MJ, Gillies PJ, Gustafsson J-A, Hartman IV JL, He L, Hwang J-K, Jais J-P, Jang Y, Joost H, Junien C, Kanter M, Kibbe WA, Koletzko B, Korf BR, Kornman K, Krempin DW, Langin D, Lauren DR, Lee JH, Leveille GA, Lin S-J, Mathers J, Mayne M, McNabb W, Milner JA, Morgan P, Muller M, Nikolsky Y, van der Ouderaa F, Park T, Pensel N, Perez-Jimenez F, Poutanen K, Roberts M, Saris WHM, Schuster G, Shelling AN, Simopoulos AP, Southon S, Shyong Tai E, Towne B, Trayhurn P, Uauy R, Visek WJ, Warden C, Weiss R, Wiencke J, Winkler J, Wolff GL, Zhao-Wilson X, Zucker J-D. The case for strategic international alliances to harness nutritional genomics for public and personal health. British Journal of Nutrition 2005, 94(5), 623-632.
- Ells LJ, Seal CJ, Kettlitz B, Bal W, Mathers JC. Postprandial glycaemic, lipaemic and haemostatic responses in ingestion of rapidly and slowly digested starches in healthy young women. British Journal of Nutrition 2005, 94(6), 948-955.
- Hyland RM, Hill M, Adamson AJ, Seal C, Mathers JC, Moynihan PJ. Perceptions of peer educators on their training and delivery of a dietary intervention to older adults. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 2005, 18(6), 475.
- Mathers JC. Nutrition and epigenetics - How the genome learns from experience. Nutrition Bulletin 2005, 30(1), 6-12.
- Cragg RA, Phillips SR, Piper JM, Varma JS, Campbell FC, Mathers JC, Ford D. Homeostatic regulation of zinc transporters in the human small intestine by dietary zinc supplementation. Gut 2005, 54(4), 469-478.
- Maguire A, Zohouri FV, Mathers JC, Steen IN, Hindmarch PN, Moynihan PJ. Bioavailability of fluoride in drinking water: A human experimental study. Journal of Dental Research 2005, 84(11), 989-993.
- Belshaw NJ, Elliott GO, Williams EA, Bradbum DM, Mills SJ, Mathers JC, Johnson IT. Use of DNA from human stools to detect aberrant CpG island methylation of genes implicated in colorectal cancer. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention 2004, 13(9), 1495-1501.
- Dehghan-Kooshkghazi M, Mathers JC. Starch digestion, large-bowel fermentation and intestinal mucosal cell proliferation in rats treated with the α-glucosidase inhibitor acarbose. British Journal of Nutrition 2004, 91(3), 357-365.
- Lake AA, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Hyland RM, Wood CE, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ. Longitudinal dietary change from adolescence to adulthood: perceptions, attributions and evidence. Appetite 2004, 42(3), 255-263.
- McKay JA, Williams EA, Mathers JC. Folate and DNA methylation during in utero development and aging. Biochemical Society Transactions 2004, 32(6), 1006-1007.
- Sanderson P, Johnson IT, Mathers JC, Powers HJ, Downes CS, McGlynn AP, Dare R, Kampman E, Pool-Zobel BL, Bingham SA, Rafter JJ. Emerging diet-related surrogate end points for colorectal cancer: UK Food Standards Agency diet and colonic health workshop report. British Journal of Nutrition 2004, 91(2), 315-322.
- Adamson AJ, Mathers JC. Effecting dietary change. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2004, 63(4), 537-547.
- Lake AA, Adamson AJ, Hyland RM, Mathers JC. Dietary change and perceptions of change over time. Nutrition Bulletin 2004, 29(3), 199-203.
- Fletcher ES, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Matthews JNS, Hackett A, Moynihan PJ, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ. Changes over 20 years in macronutrient intake and body mass index in 11- to 12-year-old adolescents living in Northumberland. British Journal of Nutrition 2004, 92(2), 321-333.
- Zohouri FV, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Fletcher ES, Hackett AF, Moynihan PJ, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ. Changes in water intake of Northumbrian adolescents 1980 to 2000. British Dental Journal 2004, 196(9), 547-552.
- Craigie AM, Mathers JC, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Adamson AJ. Change in nutrient intake between adolescence and adulthood: A 21-year longitudial study. Nutrition Bulletin 2004, 29(3), 204-212.
- Netherwood T, Martin-Orue SM, O'Donnell AG, Gockling S, Graham J, Mathers JC, Gilbert HJ. Assessing the survival of transgenic plant DNA in the human gastrointestinal tract. Nature Biotechnology 2004, 22(2), 204-209.
- Seal CJ, Daly ME, Thomas LC, Bal W, Birkett AM, Jeffcoat R, Mathers JC. Postprandial carbohydrate metabolism in healthy subjects and those with type 2 diabetes fed starches with slow and rapid hydrolysis rates determined in vitro. British Journal of Nutrition 2003, 90(5), 853-864.
- Mathers JC. Nutrition and cancer prevention: Diet-gene interactions. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2003, 62(3), 605-610.
- Mathers JC, Mickleburgh I, Chapman PC, Bishop DT, Burn J. Can resistant starch and/or aspirin prevent the development of coloi neoplasia? The Concerted Action Polyp Prevention (CAPP) 1 Study. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2003, 62(1), 51-72.
- Adams JM, White M, Barker G, Mathers JC, Burn J. Are there socio-economic inequalities in age of resection of colorectal cancer in people with HNPCC?. Familial Cancer 2003, 2(3-4), 169-173.
- Williams EA, Coxhead JM, Mathers JC. Anti-cancer effects of butyrate: Use of micro-array technology to investigate mechanisms. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2003, 62(1), 107-115.
- Parker L, Lamont DW, Unwin N, Pearce MS, Bennett SMA, Dickinson HO, White MJR, Mathers JC, Alberti KGMM, Craft AW. A lifecourse study of risk for hyperinsulinaemia, dyslipidaemia and obesity (the central metabolic syndrome) at age 49-51 years. Diabetic Medicine 2003, 20(5), 406-415.
- Phillips SR, Russi RM, Cragg RA, Mathers JC, Ford D. The effect of zinc on expression of the novel zinc transporter hZTL1 in human intestinal and placental cell lines. Journal of Physiology 2002, 539(supplement), 18P-19P.
- Robertson MD, Livesey G, Mathers JC. Quantitative kinetics of glucose appearance and disposal following a C-13-labelled starch-rich meal: comparison of male and female subjects. British Journal of Nutrition 2002, 87(6), 569-577.
- Martin-Orue SM, O'Donnell AG, Arino J, Netherwood T, Gilbert HJ, Mathers JC. Degradation of transgenic DNA from genetically modified soya and maize in human intestinal simulations. British Journal of Nutrition 2002, 87(6), 533-542.
- Cragg RA, Christie GR, Phillips SR, Russi RM, Kury S, Mathers JC, Taylor PM, Ford D. A novel zinc-regulated human zinc transporter, hZTL1, is localized to the enterocyte apical membrane. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2002, 277(25), 22789-22797.
- Oldroyd JC, Unwin NC, White M, Imrie K, Mathers JC, Alberti KGMM. Randomised controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of behavioural interventions to modify cardiovascular risk factors in men and women with impaired glucose tolerance: Outcomes at 6 months. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2001, 52(1), 29-43.
- Collett, G. P., Robson, C. N., Jonker, L., Mathers, J. C., Campbell, F. C. Inhibition of tumour formation in a model of human dietary colorectal tumorigenesis by therapeutic targeting of NF kappa B dependent apoptosis. Gut 2001, 48(Supplement 1), A62-A62.
- Collett, G. P., Robson, C. N., Mathers, J. C., Campbell, F. C. Curcumin modifies Apcmin apoptosis resistance and inhibits 2-amino 1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) induced tumour formation in Apcmin mice. Carcinogenesis 2001, 22(5), 821-825.
- Seal CJ, Mathers JC. Comparative gastrointestinal and plasma cholesterol responses of rats fed on cholesterol-free diets supplemented with guar gum and sodium alginate. British Journal of Nutrition 2001, 85(3), 317-324.
- Mills SJ, Mathers JC, Chapman PD, Burn J, Gunn A. Colonic crypt cell proliferation state assessed by whole crypt microdissection in sporadic neoplasia and familial adenomatous polyposis. Gut 2001, 48(1), 41-46.
- Armstrong F, Mathers JC. Kill and cure: Dietary augmentation of immune defences against colon cancer. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2000, 59(2), 215-220.
- Robertson MD, Mathers JC. Gastric emptying rate of solids is reduced in a group of ileostomy patients. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 2000, 45(7), 1285-1292.
- Denise Robertson M, Livesey G, Hampton SM, Mathers JC. Evidence for altered control of glucose disposal after total colectomy. British Journal of Nutrition 2000, 84(6), 813-819.
- Mellon AF, Deshpande SA, Mathers JC, Bartlett K. Effect of oral antibiotics on intestinal production of propionic acid. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2000, 82(2), 169-172.
- Birkett AM, Mathers JC, Jones GP, Walker KZ, Roth MJ, Muir JG. Changes to the quantity and processing of starchy foods in a Western diet can increase polysaccharides escaping digestion and improve in vitro fermentation variables. British Journal of Nutrition 2000, 84(1), 63-72.
- Daly ME, Vale C, Walker M, Littlefield A, George K, Alberti MM, Mathers J. Acute fuel selection in response to high-sucrose and high-starch meals in healthy men. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2000, 71(6), 1516-1524.
- Adamson A, Curtis P, Loughridge J, Rugg-Gunn A, Spendiff A, Mathers J. A family-based intervention to increase consumption of starchy foods. Nutrition and Food Science 2000, 30(1), 19-23.
- Robertson MD, Livesey G, Morgan LM, Hampton SM, Mathers JC. The influence of the colon on postprandial glucagon-like peptide 1 (7- 36) amide concentration in man. Journal of Endocrinology 1999, 161(1), 25-31.
- Williamson SLH, Kartheuser A, Coaker J, Kooshkghazi MD, Fodde R, Burn J, Mathers JC. Intestinal tumorigenesis in the Apc1638N mouse treated with aspirin and resistant starch for up to 5 months. Carcinogenesis 1999, 20(5), 805-810.
- Mills SJ, Mathers JC, Chapman PD, Burn J, Gunn A. Aspirin, sulindac and the rectum in familial adenomatous polyposis. British Journal of Surgery 1998, 85, 55-56.
Book Chapters
- Hill TR, Granic A, Aspray TJ. Vitamin D and Ageing. In: J. Robin Harris and Viktor I. Korolchuk, ed. Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Ageing: Part I Biomedical Science. Singapore: Springer, 2018, pp.191-220.
- Saretzki Gabriele. Telomeres, Telomerase and Ageing. In: J. Robin Harris, Viktor I. Korolchuk, ed. Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Ageing: Part I Biomedical Science. Singapore: Springer, 2018, pp.221-308.
- Malcomson FC, Mathers JC. Nutrition and Ageing. In: J. Robin Harris and Viktor I. Korolchuk, ed. Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Ageing: Part I Biomedical Science. Singapore: Springer, 2018, pp.373-424.
- Ashor AW, Siervo M, Mathers JC. Vitamin C, Antioxidant Status, and Cardiovascular Aging. In: Molecular Basis of Nutrition and Aging: A Volume in the Molecular Nutrition Series. Elsevier Inc, 2016, pp.609-619.
- Mathers JC, Byun H-M. Nutrition, epigenetics and aging. In: Nutrition, Epigenetics and Health. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd, 2016, pp.103-131.
- Lara J, Celis-Morales C, Livingstone KM, Mathers JC. Interventions to Support Healthy Eating in Later Life. In: Food for the Aging Population: Second Edition. Elsevier Inc, 2016, pp.283-298.
- Madden J, Williams CM, Calder PC, Lietz G, Miles EA, Cordell H, Mathers JC, Minihane AM. The Impact of Common Gene Variants on the Response of Biomarkers of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Risk to Increased Fish Oil Fatty Acids Intakes. In: Cousins, R.J., Bier, D.M., Bowman, B.A, ed. Annual Review of Nutrition. Palo Alto, California, USA: Annual Reviews, 2011, pp.203-234.
- Penn L, Lordon J, Lowry R, Mathers J, Smith W, Walker M, White M. Towards the translation of research evidence to service provision: experience from North East England, UK. In: Schwarz, P.E.H., Reddy, P., Greaves, C.J., Dunbar, J.A., Schwarz, J, ed. Diabetes Prevention in Practice. Dresden, Germany: WCPD Dresden, 2010, pp.189-196.
- Mathers J, Strathdee G, Relton C. Induction of Epigenetic Alterations by Dietary and Other Environmental Factors. In: Herceg, Z., Ushijima, T, ed. Advances in Genetics: Epigenetics and Cancer, Part B. Amsterdam; London: Academic Press, 2010, pp.4-39.
- Mathers JC. Candidate Mechanisms for Interactions between Nutrients and Genes. In: Choi Sang-Woon, Friso Simonetta, ed. Nutrient-Gene Interactions in Cancer. Boca Raton, Fl, US: Taylor & Francis, 2006, pp.19-36.
- Manas M, Martinez de Victoria E, Gill A, Yago M, Mathers J. The Gastrointestinal Tract. In: Gibney, M.J., Macdonald, I.A., Roche, H.M, ed. Nutrition and Metabolism. Oxford, UK: Blackwell publishing, 2003, pp.191-223.
- Mathers JC. Nutrients and Apoptosis. In: Zemplini, J., Daniel, H, ed. Molecular Nutrition. Wallingford: CAB INternational, 2003, pp.73-89.
- Mathers J, Wolever T. Digestion and Metabolism of Carbohydrates. In: Gibney, M.J., Vorster, H.H., Kok, F.K, ed. Introduction to Human Nutrition. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2002, pp.69-80.
- Burn J, Chapman PD, Mathers J, Bishop DT. Concerted action polyp prevention: A trial of aspirin and or resistant starch in people at risk of hereditary colon cancer. In: Utsunomiya, J; Mulvihill, JJ; Weber, W, ed. Familial Cancer and Prevention: Molecular Epidemiology - A New Strategy Toward Cancer Control: UICC Symposium on Familial Cancer and Prevention. Kobe, Japan: Wiley-Liss, Inc, 1999, pp.279-284.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Malcomson FC, Parra-Soto S, Lu L, Ho F, Celis-Morales C, Sharp L, Mathers JC. Socioeconomic differences in adherence to the World Cancer Research Fund Cancer Prevention Recommendations in the UK Biobank cohort. In: Public Health Science 2021. 2021, Online: The Lancet Publishing Group.
- Afshar S, Kelly SB, Seymour K, Woodcock S, Werner A, Malcomson F, Mathers JC. MicroRNA expression in the rectal mucosa: response to bariatric surgery and implications for colorectal cancer risk. (ISRCTN95459522). In: Society of Academic and Research Surgery Meeting. 2016, Royal College of Surgeons of England, London: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- O'Donovan CB, Walsh MC, Celis-Morales C, Bouwman J, Grimaldi KA, Devon CA, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Martinez A, Saris W, Daniel H, Lovegrove J, Mathers JC, Gibney MJ, Brennan L, Gibney ER, Food4Me Study. The influence of MTHFR risk knowledge on changes in folate intake: results from the Food4Me study. In: Nutrition Society Irish Section Meeting. 2015, Cork, Ireland: Cambridge University Press.
- Mendonaca N, Hill TR, Granic A, Mathers JC, Wrieden W, Siervo M, Seal C, Jagger C, Adamson AJ. Micronutrient intake and food sources in the very old. In: Irish Section Meeting, Nutrition at key life stages: new findings, new approaches. 2015, Cork, Ireland: Cambridge University Press.
- Hardy T, Sharkey V, Zeybel M, Mathers JC, French J, White S, Mann DA, Anstee QM, Mann J. Laser capture microdissection reveals cell-specific DNA methylation signatures in key fibrosis modifier genes in chronic liver disease. In: The International Liver Congress 2015 - 50th Annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. 2015, Vienna, Austria: Elsevier BV.
- Lara J, Ogbonmwan I, Oggioni C, Zheng D, Mathers JC, Siervo M. Isometric handgrip exercise or beetroot juice does not lower blood pressure in overweight older adults: a randomised controlled trial. In: Nutrition Society Summer Meeting 2014: Carbohydrates in health: friends or foes. 2015, Glasgow, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Lara J, McCrum LA, Mathers JC. Health behaviours and their association with perceived health status among British adults of retirement age. In: Nutrition Society Summer Meeting 2014: Carbohydrates in health: friends or foes. 2015, Glasgow, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Afshar S, Kelly S, Seymour K, Woodcock S, Mathers JC. Food portion sizes before and after bariatric surgery. In: The Nutrition Society Summer Meeting - The future of animal products in the human diet: health and environmental concerns. 2015, Sutton Bonington Campus, University of Nottingham, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Traczyk I, Surwillo A, Godlewska M, Wojda B, Oltarzewski M, Celis-Morales C, Walsh M, Gibney M, Mathers J. Fiber intake in relation to body weight and sociodemographic status in polish population. In: 12th European Nutrition Conference 2015. 2015, Berlin, Germany: Karger.
- Newham JJ, Holden MA, Sniehotta FF, Cuthbertson DJ, Mathers JC, O'Brien N. Features of physical activity interventions associated with effectiveness in musculoskeletal disorders: systematic review and meta-analysis. In: European Health Psychology Society Annual Conference. 2015.
- Ashor AW, Siervo M, Lara J, Oggioni C, Afshar S, Mathers JC. Effects of Vitamins C and E on Endothelial Function: Systematic Review & Meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. In: The Nutrition Society Summer Meeting 2014: Carbohydrates in health: friends or foes?. 2015, Glasgow University, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Siervo M, Lara J, Chowdhury S, Oggioni C, Ashor DA, Mathers JC. Effects of Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet on cardiovascular risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis. In: The Nutrition Society Summer Meeting: Carbohydrates in Health - Friends or Foes?. 2015, Glasgow: Cambridge University Press.
- Celis-Morales C, Abraham S, Keenan P, Ashor AW, Livingstone KM, Lara J, Mathers JC. Effect of web-based tailored lifestyle interventions on fruit and vegetable consumption in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. In: Nutrition Society Summer Meeting 2014: Carbohydrates in health: friends or foes. 2015, Glasgow, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Woolhead C, Walsh MC, Gibney MJ, Daniel H, Drevon CA, Lovegrove JA, Manios Y, Martinez JA, Mathers JC, Traczyk I, Saris WHM, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Food4Me Study. Dietary patterns in Europe: the Food4Me proof of principle study. In: Nutrition Society Irish Section Meeting. 2015, Cork, Ireland: Cambridge University Press.
- Alsufiani H, Al-Rasheed R, Omar U, Kumosani T, Ford D, Mathers J. Dietary Intakes of Zinc and Its Absorption Modifiers in Young and Older Saudi Adults. In: 12th European Nutrition Conference 2015. 2015, Berlin, Germany: Karger.
- Mendonca N, Hill TR, Granic A, Mathers JC, Wrieden W, Siervo M, Seal C, Jagger C, Adamson AJ. Dietary intake and food sources in the very old. In: Nutrition Society Irish Section Meeting. 2015, Cork, Ireland: Cambridge University Press.
- Forster H, Walsh MC, Drevon CA, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Martinez JA, Saris W, Daniel H, Lovegrove JA, Mathers JC, Gibney MJ, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Food4Me Study. Development and automation of a dietary feedback system for the delivery of personalised dietary advice. In: Nutrition Society Irish Section Meeting. 2015, Cork, Ireland: Cambridge University Press.
- Mendonca N, Granic A, Mathers JC, Wrieden W, Siervo M, Seal C, Jagger C, Adamson AJ, Hill TR. Contribution of animal products to dietary intakes in the very old. In: Nutrition Society Summer Meeting 2015. 2015, Nottingham University, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Celis-Morales C, Livingstone KM, Marsaux C, Walsh MC, Woolhead C, Forster H, O'Donovan CB, Macready AL, Fallaize R, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Kolossa S, Tsirigoti L, Lambrinou CP, Godlewska M, Surwillo A, Drevon CA, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Martinez JA, Lovegrove JA, Saris W, Daniel H, Gibney M, Mathers JC, Food4Me Study. Baseline characteristics of the Food4Me Proof of Principle Study: a web-based randomised controlled trial of personalised nutrition in seven European countries. In: Nutrition Society Summer Meeting. 2015, Glasgow, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Ashor AW, Siervo M, Oggioni C, Lara J, Mathers JC. Antioxidant vitamins supplementation and arterial stiffness: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. In: Nutrition Society Summer Meeting 2015. 2015, Nottingham, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Lara J, McCrum LA, Mathers JC. An e-survey exploring adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and associated barriers to healthy eating among British adults of retirement age. In: The Nutrition Society Summer Meeting 2014: Carbohydrates in health: friends or foes?. 2015, Glasgow, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Godfrey A, Del Din S, Barry G, Mathers JC, Rochester L. Within trial validation and reliability of a single tri-axial accelerometer for gait assessment. In: 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2014, Chicago, IL, USA: IEEE.
- Celis-Morales C, Forster H, O'Donovan C, Woolhead C, Marsaux C, Fallaize R, Macready AL, Kolossa S, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Tsirigoti L, Lambrinou CP, Godlewska M, Surwillo A, Gibney E, Brennan L, Walsh M, Drevon C, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Martinez JA, Lovegrove JA, Saris W, Daniel H, Gibney M, Mathers JC, Food4Me Study. Validation of Web-based self-reported socio-demographic and anthropometric data collected in the Food4Me Study. In: Nutrition Society Irish Section Meeting. 2014, Coleraine, Northern Ireland: Cambridge University Press.
- Afshar S, Mathers JC, Kelly S, Woodcock S, Seymour K. Systematic review of the effects of intentional weight loss on the risk of colorectal cancer. In: 5th Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Obesity & Metabolic Surgery Society. 2014, Lemington Spa, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Celis-Morales C, Lara J, Mathers JC. Personalising nutritional guidance for more effective behaviour change. In: Nurition Society Irish Section Meeting. 2014, University of Ulster, Coleraine: Cambridge University Press.
- Willis ND, Mann S, Xie L, McCallum IJD, Dainty J, Kelly SB, Bradburn DM, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Impact of non-digestible carbohydrates on putative epigenetic biomarkers of colorectal cancer risk. In: UK Molecular Epidemiology Group (MEG) Winter Meeting on The Future of Epidemiology: Biomarkers meet Populations. 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Granic A, Davies K, Adamson A, Mathers JC, Kirkwood T, Siervo M, Jagger C. Food for Thought: Dietary Patterns and Their Effects on Cognitive Decline in the Newcastle 85+ Study. In: Gerontological Society of America 67th Annual Scientific Meeting. 2014, Washington, DC: Oxford University Press.
- Zeybel M, Hardy T, Fox C, Masson S, Mann D, Mathers J, Anstee Q, Mann J. Differential DNA methylation of genes involved in fibrosis progression in NAFLD and ALD. In: The International Liver Congress 2014: 49th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. 2014, London: Elsevier BV.
- Malcomson F, Willis ND, McCallum I, Xie L, Leung W, Bradburn M, Kelly S, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Anti-neoplastic effects of non-digestible carbohydrates on WNT signalling pathway gene expression and its functional outcomes in the large bowel: a human dietary intervention study. In: Nutrition Society Winter Meeting 2013: Diet, Gut Microbiology and Human Health. 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Malcomson FC, Willis ND, McCallum I, Xie L, Leung W, Kelly SB, Bradburn M, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Anti-neoplastic effects of non-digestible carbohydrates on WNT signalling gene expression and crypt cell proliferation in the large bowel: a randomised controlled dietary intervention. In: UK Molecular Epidemiology Group (MEG) Winter Meeting on The Future of Epidemiology: Biomarkers meet Populations. 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Siervo M, Kingston A, Kirkwood T, Mathers J, Collerton J, Davies K, Jagger C. Anthropometric measures of adiposity as predictors of disability-free life expectancy and all-cause mortality in the very old. In: Gerontological Society of America 67th Annual Scientific Meeting. 2014, Washington, DC: Oxford University Press.
- Godfrey A, Barry G, Mathers J, Rochester L. A Comparison of Methods to Detect Postural Transitions Using a Single Tri-Axial Accelerometer. In: 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2014, Chicago, Illinois: IEEE.
- Hobbs N, Heaven B, Teal G, Cleland C, Mathers J, Sniehotta F, White M, Moynihan P. Using innovative co-design methods to develop interventions for people in the retirement transition: LiveWell programme. In: Psychology & Health. 2013, Oxon, England: Taylor & Francis LTD.
- Lara J, Evans E, Hobbs N, Meyer TD, Sniehotta FF, Mathers JC. The effect of behaviour change techniques on interventions promoting components of a Mediterranean diet among adults of retirement age. In: Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting. 2013, Newcastle, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Kilcourse E, McKay J, Willis N, Mathers JC. Promoter methylation of zinc transporter genes in the ageing human bowel. In: Annual Meeting of the Society of Academic and Research Surgery. 2013, London, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Godfrey A, Del Din S, Galna B, Mathers J, Rochester L. Postural control during standing balance as a biomarker for healthy ageing. In: ICAMPAM 2013 - 3rd International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement. 2013, Amherst, Massachusetts.
- Malcomson F, Portilla M, Willis N, McCallum I, Xie L, Kelly S, Bradburn M, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. MicroRNA expression in the macroscopically-normal epithelium of people at differential risk of colorectal cancer. In: Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting. 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- McCallum IJD, Kelly SB, Bradburn M, Willis N, Xie L, Mathers JC. Methylation of the notch pathway in patients at higher risk of colorectal cancer and effects of supplentation with resistant starch in a randomised controlled trial. In: Annual Meeting of the Society of Academic and Research Surgery. 2013, London, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Munro CA, Adamson AJ, Stephen AM, Kuh D, Cooper R, Mathers JC, NSHD Sci Data Collection Teams. Lifecourse patterns of protein consumption and physical capability in later life. In: Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting. 2013, Newcastle, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Heaven B, Moffatt S, Hobbs N, White M, Cleland C, Teal G, Moynihan P, Mathers J. Intervening to improve wellbeing retirement: The LiveWell programme. In: 27th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society. 2013, Bordeaux, France: Taylor & Francis Inc.
- Willis ND, Mann S, Xie L, McCallum IDJ, Kelly SB, Bradburn DM, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Impact of non-digestible carbohydrates on biomarkers of gastrointestinal health: a human intervention study. In: Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting. 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Gorniak J, Langie SAS, Cameron KM, von Zglinicki T, Mann J, Pachen DM, Godschalk RWL, Mathers JC. Epigenetic regulation of DNA base excision repair during ageing and dietary restriction. In: Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting. 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Wong YK, McKay JA, Xie L, Ford D, Mathers JC. Effects of folate depletion in utero and a high fat diet post-weaning on DNA methylation in the adult mouse small intestine. In: Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting. 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Shaw CA, Lara J, Adamson AJ, Jones AR, Mathers JC. Dietary patterns as predictors of childhood adiposity. In: Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting. 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge University Press.
- Beckmann M, Lloyd AJ, Haldar S, Fave G, Seal CJ, Brandt K, Mathers JC, Draper J. Dietary exposure biomarker-lead discovery based on metabolomics analysis of urine samples. In: Nutrition Society Irish Section Meeting. 2013, Belfast, Ireland: Cambridge University Press.
- Lara J, Hearth H, Mathers JC. Development of a web-based recipe database for use in promotion of the Mediterranean diet among older adults in the UK. In: Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting. 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Lara J, Godfrey A, Evans EH, Heaven B, Brown L, Barron L, Rochester L, Meyer TD, Mathers JC. Characterising the Healthy Ageing Phenotype. In: 20th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2013, Seoul, South Korea.
- Granic A, Hill T, Kirkwood T, Davies K, Collerton J, Mathers JC, Jagger C. Association between serum 25(OH)D and the risk of cognitive decline in the very old: The Newcastle 85+study. In: Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting. 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Malcomson F, Willis N, McCallum I, Xie L, Leung W, Kelly S, Bradburn M, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Anti-neoplastic effects of non-digestible carbohydrates on WNT signalling in the bowel: a randomised controlled dietary intervention. In: Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting. 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Granic A, Kirkwood T, Davies K, Collerton J, Hill T, Martin-Ruiz C, vonZglinicki T, Aspray T, Mathers JC, Jagger C. 25-hydroxyvitamin D and increased risk of all-cause mortality in very old women: The Newcastle 85+ study. In: UK Molecular Epidemiology Group (MEG) Winter Meeting on The Future of Epidemiology: Biomarkers meet Populations. 2013, Newcastle University: Oxford University Press.
- Barron E, Lara J, White M, Mathers J. Towards a consensus definition of healthy ageing: A systematic literature review. In: 8th World Congress on Aging and Physical Activity: A Celebration of Diversity and Inclusion in Active Ageing. 2012, Glasgow, UK: Human Kinetics.
- Staley H, Bradburn DM, Mathers JC. Secreted frizzled related protein 4 (SFRP4) as an epigenetic biomarker of colorectal cancer risk. In: International Surgical Congress of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI). 2012, Liverpool, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Penn L, White M, Lindstrom J, den-Boer ATh, Blaak EE, Ericksson JG, Feskens E, Illanne-Parikka P, Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi SM, Walker M, Mathers JC, Uusitupa M, Tuomilehto J. Intensive lifestyle intervention for prevention of type 2 diabetes in adults with impaired glucose tolerance: the European Diabetes Prevention Study, a pooled analysis of three randomised controlled trials from Finland, The Netherlands and the UK. In: 7th World Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and its Complications. 2012, Madrid, Spain: Edizioni Minerva Medica.
- Mathers JC, Willis N, McCallum I, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT. Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms linking diet and bowel cancer. In: 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research. 2012, Chicago, IL, USA: Cancer Research.
- Staley H, Bradburn DM, Mathers JC. Buccal cells as a potential surrogate for DNA methylation biomarker to identify those at increased colorectal cancer risk. In: Digestive Disorders Federation Meeting. 2012, Liverpool, UK: BMJ Group.
- Staley H, Bradburn DM, Mathers JC. Buccal cells as a potential surrogate for DNA methylation biomarker to identify those at increased colorectal cancer risk. In: International Surgical Congress of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI). 2012, Liverpool, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Barron E, Lara J, White M, Mathers J. Blood-borne biomarkers of mortality: A systematic literature review of prospective cohort studies. In: 8th World Congress on Aging and Physical Activity: A Celebration of Diversity and Inclusion in Active Ageing. 2012, Glasgow, UK: Human Kinetics.
- Hobbs N, Godfrey A, Mathers J, Rochester L, McDonald S, Araujo-Soares V, White M, Sniehotta F. A meta-analysis of physical activity interventions in the 'retirement window'. In: “Resiliance and Health” : 26th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society. 2012, Prague, Czech Republic: Routledge.
- Godfrey A, Olaighin G, Mathers J, Rochester L. Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity in Older Adults: LiveWell. In: International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement (ICAMPAM). 2011, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Turbett E, Lara J, Mathers JC. Preference and understanding of two different graphic displays of the Mediterranean diet. In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY. 2011, EDINBURGH BLDG, SHAFTESBURY RD, CB2 8RU CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND: CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS.
- McKay JA, Adriaens M, Xie L, Evelo CT, Relton CL, Ford D, Mathers JC. Folate Depletion during Development Causes Gene Expression Changes in Fetal and Adult Mouse Liver. In: Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease: 7th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA: Cambridge University Press.
- McKay JA, Ford D, Relton CL, Evelo CT, Adriaens M, Mathers JC. Consequences of Folate Depletion during Development for DNA Methylation and Gene Expression in the Fetal Mouse. In: Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease: 7th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA: Cambridge University Press.
- Mckay JA, Adriaens M, Xie L, Manus C, Evelo CT, Ford D, Mathers JC. Consequences of Folate Depletion during Development and High Fat Intake from Weaning on Adiposity, Gene Expression and DNA Methylation in Adult Mice. In: Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease: 7th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA: Cambridge University Press.
- Greaves LC, Barron MJ, Plusa S, Kirkwood TB, Mathers JC, Taylor RW, Turnbull DM. Defects in multiple complexes of the respiratory chain are present in ageing human colonic crypts. In: Experimental Gerontology: International Conference on Mitochondria in Aging and Age-related Disease. 2010, Les Diablerets, Switzerland: Elsevier Inc.
- Burn J, Mathers JC, Gerdes AM, Bisgaard ML, Evans G, Eccles D, Lindblom A, Macrae F, Maher ER, Mecklin JP, Moslein G, Olschwang S, Ramesar R, Vasen HFA, Wijnen J, Barker G, Elliott F, Lynch H, Bishop DT, CAPP2 Consortium. Cancer Occurrence During Follow-Up of the CAPP2 Study: Aspirin Use For Up To Four Years Significantly Reduces Lynch Syndrome Cancers for up to Several Years After Completion of Therapy. In: Annals of Oncology: European Multidisciplinary Colorectal Cancer Congress. 2010, Nice, France: Oxford University Press.
- Arasaradnam RP, Khoo KKT, Commane DM, Kelly S, Bradburn M, Mathers J. Telomere attrition in non-dysplastic colorectal mucosa of patients with ulcerative colitis. In: Annual Meeting of the British Society of Gastroenterology. 2009, Glasgow, UK: BMJ Publishing Group.
- Lake AA, Adamson AJ, Mathers JC, Alvanides S, Burgoine T. Obesogenic Environments: Exploring Longitudinal Change in Food Environments and BMI Across Twenty Years (the ASH30 Study). In: Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism: International Congress of Nutrition. 2009, Bangkok, Thailand: S. Karger AG.
- Mathers JC, Mckay JA. Epigenetics - Potential Contribution to Fetal Programming. In: Early Nutrition Programming and Health Outcomes in Later Life: Obesity and Beyond. 2009, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
- Relton CL, Groom A, Elliott HR, McConnell JC, McKay JA, Pearce MS, Davey Smith G, Mathers JC. Epigenetic Epidemiology: Evidence for the Role of Epigenetic Variation in Complex Disease. In: 19th International Congress of Nutrition. 2009, Bangkok, Thailand: Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism: S. Karger AG.
- Coneyworth L, Mathers J, Ford D. Does promoter methylation of the SLC30A5 (ZnT5) zinc transporter gene contribute to the ageing-related decline in zinc status?. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society: Conference on ‘Multidisciplinary approaches to nutritional problems’. 2009, University of Nottingham, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Burn J, Gerdes AM, Mathers J, Mecklin JP, Macrae F, Moeslein G, Bisgaard ML, Ramesar R, Eccles D, Maher ER, Evans G, Morrison P, Bishop DT. Aspirin prevents cancer in Lynch syndrome. In: British Human Genetics Conference. 2009, University of Warwick, UK: BMJ Group.
- Burn J, Gerdes AM, Mecklin JP, Macrae F, Moeslein G, Bisgaard ML, Ramesar R, Eccles DT, Mathers JC, Bishop DT. Aspirin prevents cancer in Lynch syndrome. In: Joint ECCO 15 – 34th ESMO Multidisciplinary Congress. 2009, Berlin, Germany: Pergamon.
- Burn J, Bishop DT, Mecklin J, Macrae F, Moslein G, Olschwang S, Bisgaard M, Ramesar R, Elliott F, Mathers J. Results of the CAPP-2-trial (Aspirin and resistant starch) in HNPCC gene carriers. In: 5th International Conference on Cancer Prevention. 2008, St Gallen, Switzerland: Pergamon.
- Mathers JC. Epigenomics: a basis for understanding individual differences?. In: Symposium on The Challenge of Translating Nutrition Research into Public Health Nutrition. 2008, Dublin: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society: Cambridge University Press.
- Mathers JC, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT. Epigenetic Determinants of Bowel Cancer Risk - Does Diet Matter?. In: 3rd Asia Pacific Nutrigenomics Conference. 2008, Melbourne, Australia: Journal of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics: Karger.
- Mathers JC, Hesketh JE. The biological revolution: Understanding the impact of SNPs on diet-cancer interrelationships. In: Journal of Nutrition: International Research Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Cancer. 2007, Washington, DC: American Society for Nutrition.
- Dronamraju SS, Coxhead JM, Kelly SB, Mathers JC. Role of resistant starch in colorectal cancer prevention: A prospective randomised controlled trial. In: 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology. 2007, Philadelphia, PA: American Journal of Gastroenterology, Nature Publishing Group.
- Mathers JC. Overview of genes, diet and cancer. In: International Conference on From Nutrigenomics to Personalized Nutrition. 2007, Palma de Mallorca, Spain: Genes and Nutrition, Springer.
- Arasaradnam RP, Khoo K, Commane D, Bradburn M, Kelly S, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Genomic DNA hypermethylation in colorectal mucosa of patients with ulcerative colitis (the Boricc study). In: Annual Meeting of the British Society of Gastroenterology. 2007, Glasgow, Scotland: Gut: BMJ Publishing Group.
- Mathers JC. Early nutrition: Impact on epigenetics. In: International Conference of the International Life Science Institute on Nutrigenomics. 2007, Singapore: Forum of Nutrition, S. Karger AG.
- Mathers JC. Early nutrition: Impact on epigenetics. In: Nutrigenomics - Opportunities in Asia: 1st ILSI International Conference on Nutrigenomics. 2007, Singapore: S. Karger AG.
- Groom A, Relton CL, Mckay JA, Steedman L, Mathers JC, Taytor P, Poston L. DNA methylation status at the Igf2 locus in offspring of a mouse model of maternal diet-induced obesity. In: Early Human Development. 2007, Perth, Western Australia: Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
- Tyson J, Mathers JC. Dietary and genetic modulation of DNA repair in healthy human adults. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society: Summer Meeting of the Nutrition Society. 2007, Aberdeen, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Burn J, Bishop DT, Mecklin JP, Macrae F, Moeslein G, Olschwang S, Bisgaard MLS, Ramesar R, Jass J, Lynch HT, Barker G, Elliott F, Mathers JCM. CAPP2: a randomised chemoprevention trial of aspirin and resistant starch in Lynch Syndrome. In: British Human Genetics Conference. 2007, University of York: BMJ Group.
- Kiec-Wilk B, Polus A, Mikolajczyk M, Hartwich J, Sito A, Mathers J, Dembinska-Kiec A. Beta-carotene and arachidonic acid-induced changes in human endothelial cells and its progenitors. In: 10th European Nutrition Conference. 2007, Paris, France: Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, S. Karger AG.
- Hossack AE, Stamp E, Northover ES, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ. A longitudinal study of tracking of adiposity from early adolescence to young adulthood: Northumberland, UK (ASH 17). In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2007, University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland: Cambridge University Press.
- Waltham KJ, Williams EA, Mathers JC. Reduced maternal folate supply decreases genomic DNA methylation in the offspring of C57Bl/6J mice. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2006, Aberdeen, Scotland: Cambridge University Press.
- Coxhead JM, Bal W, Williams EA, Mathers JC. Reactive oxygen species generation in mismatch repair-proficient and -deficient colorectal cancer cell lines exposed to butyrate. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2006, Aberdeen, Scotland: Cambridge University Press.
- Mathers JC. Plant foods for human health: Research challenges. In: Summer Meeting of the Nutrition Society. 2006, University of East Anglia, Norwich: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, Cambridge University Press.
- Valentine RA, Jackdon KA, Mathers JC, Ford D. Intracellular trafficking and functional activity of splice variants of the zinc transporter SLC30A5. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2006, Aberdeen, Scotland: Cambridge University Press.
- Meplan C, Crosley K, Nicol F, Arthur JR, Mathers JC, Hesketh JE. Influences of gender and genetic variation in the 3 ' untranslated region of the glutathione peroxidise 4 gene on the response to selenium supplementation in healthy volunteers. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2006, Aberdeen, Scotland: Cambridge University Press.
- McKay JA, Russi RM, Philips SR, Mathers JC, Ford D. Effects of dietary zinc during pregnancy upon placental insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA expression in C57BL/J6 mice. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2006, Aberdeen, Scotland: Cambridge University Press.
- Tyson J, Spiers A, Caple F, Hesketh JE, Mathers JC. Effects of age, body mass index and genotype on nucleotide excision repair in healthy adults. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2006, Aberdeen, Scotland: Cambridge University Press.
- Meplan C, Crosley K, Nicol F, Beckett GJ, Arthur JR, Mathers JC, Hesketh JE. A polymorphism in the coding region of human selenoprotein P gene influences the response to selenium supplementation in healthy volunteers. In: Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society. 2006, Aberdeen, UK: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society: Cambridge University Press.
- Lake AA, Mathers JC, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Adamson AJ. Tracking and change in food habits between adolescence and adulthood: a longitudinal study. In: UKPHA 13th Annual Public Health Forum. 2005, Gateshead: UK Public Health Association.
- Lake AA, Hyland RM, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ. Social and nutritional perspectives on dietary changes in the life course: from adolescence to adulthood. In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference: The Lifecourse: Fragmentation, Diversity and Risk. 2005, York: British Sociological Association.
- Foster E, Matthews JNS, Mathers JC, Moynihan PJ, Adamson AJ. Packaged food intake by children aged 0 to 16 years (g/kg body weight). In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2005, University of East Anglia, Norwich: Cambridge University Press.
- Belshaw NJ, Elliott GO, Williams EA, Mathers JC, Buckley L, Bahari B, Johnson IT. Methylation of the ESR1 CpG island in the colorectal mucosa is an 'all or nothing' process in healthy human colon, and is accelerated by dietary folate supplementation in the mouse. In: The Molecular Biology of Colorectal Cancer. 2005, Bristol, UK: Biochemical Society Transactions: Portland Press Ltd.
- Lake AA, Mathers JC, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Adamson AJ. Longitudinal dietary change from adolescence to adulthood: Explanatory factors for dietary change. In: Fourth Annual Conference of the International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA). 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: International Society of Behaviorial Nutrition and Physical Activity.
- Craigie AM, Adamson AJ, Lake AA, Gibbons M, Wood C, Matthews JNS, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Mathers JC. Lifecourse influences on nutrient intake in adulthood. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2005, University of East Anglia, Norwich: Cambridge University Press.
- Tyson J, Spiers A, Caple F, Hesketh JE, Mathers JC. Inter-individual variation in nucleotide excision repair capacity: potential scope for dietary modulation of DNA repair. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2005, University of East Anglia, Norwich: Cambridge University Press.
- Basterfield L, Reul JMHM, Mathers JC. Impact of physical activity on intestinal cancer development in mice. In: International Research Conference on Diet, Nutrition and Cancer. 2005, Washington, DC: Journal of Nutrition, American Society for Nutrition.
- Lake AA, Mathers JC, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Adamson AJ. Gender and socio-demographic factors influencing dietary change from adolescence to adulthood: The ASH30 study. In: South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2005, Health and Medical Publishing Group.
- Basterfield L, Mathers JC. Exercise and bowel cancer: Wheel running versus treadmill running in Min mice. In: International Research Conference on Diet, Nutrition and Cancer. 2005, Washington, DC, USA: Journal of Nutrition: American Society for Nutrition.
- Coxhead JM, Bal W, Shenton BK, Williams EA, Mathers JC. Effect of butyrate on induction of aneuploidy in colorectal carcinoma cell lines. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2005, University of East Anglia, Norwich: Cambridge University Press.
- Coxhead JM, Williams EA, Mathers JC. DNA mismatch repair status may influence anti-neoplastic effects of butyrate. In: Conference on Molecular Biology of Colorectal Cancer. 2005, Bristol, UK: Biochemical Society Transactions, Portland Press Ltd.
- Jarvis S, Spiers A, Duckworth Y, Welfare M, Powers HJ, Mathers JC, Williams EA. Dietary characteristics of gastroenterology patients. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2005, University of East Anglia, Norwich: Cambridge University Press.
- Hill MH, Mathers JC, Williams EA, Spiers A, Duckworth Y, Welfare M, Powers HJ. Colon mucosal folate is responsive to folic acid supplements and correlates with plasma folate. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2005, University of East Anglia, Norwich: Cambridge University Press.
- Hindmarsh PN, Wood CE, Seal CJ, Adamson AJ, Mathers JC, Moynihan PJ. Attitudes and perceptions towards healthier eating of older adults residing in sheltered housing. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2005, Dublin: Cambridge University Press.
- Garg DK, Coupe A, Williams EA, Bradburn M, Mathers JC. Use of gene hypermethylation in stool samples for detection of colorectal cancer: early results. In: British Journal of Surgery. 2004, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Wood CE, Land B, Adamson AJ, Seal CJ, Mathers JC, Moynihan PJ. The nutrient intake of older adults living in sheltered housing accommodation. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2004, Dublin: Cambridge University Press.
- Burn J, Mathers J, Barker G, Bishop T. Resistant starch and aspirin in genetically predisposed people: The CAPP studies. In: 3rd Annual AACR International Conference. 2004, Seattle, Washington, USA: American Association for Cancer Research.
- Reddy R, Janssens L, Kelly SB, Welfare M, Williams L, Mathers JC. Rectal brush biopsy - Exploration of its role as an alternate source of colorectal tissue for bowel research. In: Gut: Annual Meeting of the British Society of Gastroenterology. 2004, Glasgow, UK: BMJ Group.
- Liljegren A, Barker G, Mathers J, Lindblom A, Nilsson B, Rotstein S, Burn J, Bishop T, CAPP2 Study Grp. Prevalence of adenomas and hyperplastic polyps in carriers of HNPCC (LYNCH Syndrome). In: 40th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. 2004, New Orleans, Lousiana, USA: American Society of Clinical Oncology.
- Moynihan PJ, Wood CE, Hindmarsh PN, Adamson AJ, Seal CJ, Mathers JC. Knowledge of food safety practices amongst older adults. In: Procedings of the Nutrition Society. 2004, Dublin: Cambridge University Press.
- Mathers JC. Chairman's introduction: What can we expect to learn from genomics?. In: Summer Meeting of the Nutrition Society: Symposium on 'How and why measure individual variability'. 2004, King's College, London: Cambridge University Press.
- Craigie AM, Lake AA, Wood C, Gibbons M, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ. Tracking of adiposity and dietary intake from adolescence to adulthood: a longitudinal study. In: International Journal of Obesity. 2003, Nature Publishing Group.
- Wood CE, Prasad R, Adamson AJ, Stacy R, Mathers JC, Moynihan PJ. The nutrition knowledge of older adults living in sheltered housing accommodation. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2003, King's College, London: Cambridge University Press.
- Burn J, Chapman PD, Bishop DT, Dixon R, Turner F, Coaker J, Dunlop MG, Eccles D, Ellis A, Fidalgo P, Vasen HF, Fodde R, Moslein G, Bulow S, Phillips RKS, Bertario L, Evans G, Mathers J. Results of the CAPP1 Study: aspirin and resistant starch are beneficial in familial adenomatous polyposis. In: Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics. 2003, Los Angeles, California, USA: Cell Press.
- Adamson AJ, Griffiths JN, Carlin LE, Barton KL, Wrieden WL, Matthews JNS, Mathers JC. FAST- Food Assessment in Schools Tool. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2003, King's College, London: Cambridge University Press.
- Mathers JC, Mickleburgh I, Chapman PC, Bishop DT, Burn J. Can resistant starch and/or aspirin prevent the development of colonic neoplasia? The Concerted Action Polyp Prevention (CAPP) 1 Study. In: 7th International Vahouny Fibre Symposium. 2003, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society: Cambridge University Press.
- Craigie AC, Lake AA, Wood C, Gibbons M, Webster S, Adamson AJ, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Mathers JC. The stability of food intake between adolescence and adulthood: a 21-year follow-up. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2002, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh: Cambridge University Press.
- Mathers JC. Pulses and carcinogenesis: potential for the prevention of colon, breast and other cancers. In: British Journal of Nutrition: Meeting on Pulses and Human Health. 2002, Paris, France: Cambridge University Press.
- Curtis PJ, Webster S, Adamson AJ, Mathers JC. Parental change in starch and fat intake, after a "starchy food" intervention. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2002, University of Leeds: Cambridge University Press.
- Lake AA, Craigie AM, Gibbons MR, Wood CE, Hyland RM, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ. Investigating change in eating patterns from adolescence to adulthood: a preliminary analysis. In: Appetite: 10th Food Choice Conference. 2002, Wageningen, The Netherlands: Elsevier.
- Lietz G, Mathers JC, Seal CJ. Effect of barley beta-glucan on plasma cholesterol may depend on apolipoprotein E4 genotype - results from a pilot study. In: Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society. 2002, Leeds, UK: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society: Cambridge University Press.
- Lake AA, Craigie AM, Wood C, Gibbons M, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ. Aggregation of diets containing fatty and sugary foods and fruit and vegetables within cohabiting couples. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2002, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Spendiff A, Adamson AJ, Curtis PJ, Jones A, Mathers JC. Relationship between consumer attitudes to starchy foods and starch consumption. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2001, University of Sheffield: Cambridge University Press.
- Oldroyd JC, White M, Unwin NC, Mathers JC, Alberti KGMM. Lifestyle advice improves insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance. In: Diabetes UK Annual Professional Conference. 2001, Glasgow, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Tohill UR, Curtis PJ, Adamson AJ, Mathers JC. Individual's perception of diet with regard to health compared with recorded intake. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2001, University of Sheffield: Cambridge University Press.
- Curtis PJ, Adamson AJ, Mathers JC. Associations between fruit and vegetable, starch and fat consumption?. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2001, University of Sheffield: Cambridge University Press.
- Curtis PJ, Adamson AJ, Mathers JC. The relationship between starch and fat consumption in a UK population. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2000, University College, Cork, Republic of Ireland: Cambridge University Press.
- Mickleburgh I, Buddles M, West SP, Mathers JC, Curtis A. Interaction of selected food constituents with APC function in enterocytes. In: JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS. 2000.
- Armstrong F, Kirby J, Higgins CA, Coaker J, Mathers JC. High dose Hylon VII increases tumourigenesis and decreases lymphocyte proliferation in Min mice. In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY. 2000.
- Oldroyd JC, Unwin NC, Mathers JC, White M. Changes in diet, exercise and coronary heart disease risk factors: results of a lifestyle intervention in men and women with impaired glucose tolerance after 6 months follow-up. In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY. 2000.
- Almeida M, Coaker J, Gunn A, Bradburn M, Curtis A, Burn J, Mathers JC, West SP. Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) amongst patients with apparently sporadic colorectal cancer. In: Journal of Medical Genetics. 1999, BMJ Group.
- Mathers JC. Transparency in research collaborations with the brewing industry. British Journal of Nutrition 2023, 130(8), 1427 -1428.
- Mathers JC. Welcome to the 75th Anniversary of the British Journal of Nutrition. British Journal of Nutrition 2022, 127(1), 1-2.
- Mathers JC. Nutrition and COVID-19. British Journal of Nutrition 2022, 127(10), 1441-1442.
- Mathers JC. First steps towards transforming nutrition and health research in the UK. Nutrition Bulletin 2022, 47(2), 134-137.
- Mathers JC. New developments in the BJN. British Journal of Nutrition 2020, 124(4), 361-362.
- Mathers JC. Obesity and mortality: Is childhood obesity shortening life expectancy?. Maturitas 2015, 81(1), 1-2.
- Lim EL, Hollingsworth KG, Aribisala BS, Chen MJ, Mathers JC, Taylor R. Fasting Successfully Treats Early Diabetes Type 2. Forschende Komplementaermedizin 2011, 18(6), 359-360.
- Bergmann MM, Mathers JC. Ethical challenges in human nutrigenomics research. Maturitas 2011, 68(4), 297-298.
- Mathers J. Choosing your carbohydrates to prevent diabetes. British Journal of Nutrition 2002, 88(2), 107-108.
- Taylor R, Adamson AJ, Sattar N, Lean MEJ, Mathers JC. VLCD for weight loss and remission of type 2 diabetes? – Authors' reply. The Lancet 2018, 392(10155), 1307-1307.
- Shannon OM, Stephan BCM, Minihane A-M, Mathers JCM, Siervo M. Nitric oxide boosting effects of the Mediterranean diet: A potential mechanism of action. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 2018, 73(7), 902-904.
- Livingstone KM, Celis-Morales C, Mathers JC. Reply to A El-Sohemy. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2017, 105(3), 770-771.
- Burn J, Mathers JC, Bishop DT. Does aspirin really reduce the risk of colon cancer? Reply. Lancet 2012, 379(9826), 1587-1587.
- Bishop D, Burn J, Mathers J. The authors reply. New England Journal of Medicine 2009, 360(14), 1462-1463.
- Greaves LC, Mathers JC, Taylor RW, Turnbull DM. Modelling mitochondrial DNA mutations in bacterial cytochrome c oxidase: Link to colon cancer?. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2009, 106(22), E57-E57.
- Bishop DT, Burn J, Mathers JC. Effect of Aspirin or Resistant Starch on Colorectal Neoplasia in the Lynch Syndrome THE AUTHORS REPLY. New England Journal of Medicine 2009, 360(14), 1462-1463.
- Gilbert HJ, O'Donnell AG, Mathers JC. 'Informative' horizontal gene transfer. Nature Biotechnology 2004, 22(9), 1076-.
- Alberti KGGM, Daly ME, Robinson A, Marshall SM, Mathers JC. The short insulin tolerance test is safe and reproducible. Diabetic Medicine 1999, 16(4), 352-353.
- Mathers JC, Daly ME. High-sucrose diets and insulin sensitivity - Reply. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1999, 69(3), 575-576.
- Scherer L, Blackstone NT, Conrad Z, Fulgoni VL III, Mathers JC, van der Pols JC, Willett W, Fantke P, Pfister S, Stylianou KS, Weidema BP, Mila i Canals L, Jolliet O. Accounting for nutrition-related health impacts in food life cycle assessment: insights from an expert workshop. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 2024, 30(6), e13823.
- Garcia-Perez I, Posma JM, Chambers ES, Mathers JC, Draper J, Beckmann M, Nicholson JK, Holmes E, Frost G. Retraction Note: Dietary metabotype modelling predicts individual responses to dietary interventions. Nature Food 2023, 4, 269.
- Malcomson FC, Willis ND, McCallum I, Shivappa N, Wirth M, Hebert J, Kocaadam B, Ozturan A, Kelly S, Bradburn DM, Belshaw NJ, Johnson IT, Mathers JC. Relationships between Dietary Inflammatory Index score and markers of inflammation and WNT signalling in the healthy colorectal mucosa. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2020, 79(OCE1).
- Livingstone KM, Celis-Morales C, Lara J, Woolhead C, O'Donovan CB, Forster H, Marsaux CFM, Macready AL, Fallaize R, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Kolossa S, Tsirigoti L, Lambrinou CP, Moschonis G, Surwillo A, Drevon CA, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Walsh MC, Lovegrove JA, Martinez JA, Saris WHM, Daniel H, Gibney M, Mathers JC. Corrigendum: Clustering of adherence to personalised dietary recommendations and changes in healthy eating index within the Food4Me study. Public Health Nutrition 2019, 22(11), 2141-2146.
- Livingstone KM, Celis-Morales C, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, O'Donovan CB, Forster H, Woolhead C, Marsaux CFM, Macready AL, Fallaize R, Kolossa S, Tsirigoti L, Lambrinou CP, Moschonis G, Godlewska M, Surwillo A, Drevon CA, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Walsh MC, Lovegrove JA, Martinez JA, Saris WH, Daniel H, Gibney M, Mathers JC. Profile of European adults interested in internet-based personalised nutrition: the Food4Me study (vol 55, pg 759, 2016). European Journal of Nutrition 2016, 55(4), 1811-1812.
- Mathers JC. Reversal of DNA hypomethylation by folic acid supplements: Possible role in colorectal cancer prevention. Gut 2005, 54(5), 579-581.
- Parker L, Lamont DW, Unwin N, Pearce MS, Bennett SM, Dickinson HO, White M, Mathers JC, Alberti KG, Craft AW. A lifecourse study of risk for hyperinsulinaemia, dyslipidaemia and obesity (the central metabolic syndrome) at age 49-51 years.[Erratum appears in Diabet Med. 2003 Sep;20(9):781]. Diabetic Medicine 2003, 20(9), 406-415.
- White M, Bunting J, Williams E, Raybould S, Adamson A, Mathers JC. Do 'food deserts' exist? A multi-level, geographical analysis of the relationship between retail food access, socio-economic position and dietary intake. London: Food Standards Agency, 2004.
- Kiosia A, Dagbasi A, Berkley JA, Wilding JPH, Prendergast AJ, Li JV, Swann J, Mathers JC, Kerac M, Morrison D, Drake L, Briend A, Maitland K, Frost G. The double burden of malnutrition in individuals: Identifying key challenges and re-thinking research focus. Nutrition Bulletin 2024, 49(2), 132-145.
- Mathers JC. Dietary fibre and health: the story so far. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2023, 82(2), 120-129.
- Dalile B, Kim C, Challinor A, Geurts L, Gibney ER, Galdos MV, La Fata G, Laye S, Mathers JC, Vauzour D, Verkuyl JM, Thuret S. The EAT–Lancet reference diet and cognitive function across the life course. The Lancet Planetary Health 2022, 6(9), e749-e759.
- Ashor AW, Brown R, Keenan PD, Willis ND, Siervo M, Mathers JC. Limited evidence for a beneficial effect of vitamin C supplementation on biomarkers of cardiovascular diseases: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Nutrition Research 2019, 61, 1-12.
- Fleming TP, Watkins AJ, Velazquez MA, Mathers JC, Prentice AM, Stephenson J, Barker M, Saffery R, Yajnik CS, Eckert JJ, Hanson MA, Forrester T, Gluckman PD, Godfrey KM. Origins of lifetime health around the time of conception: causes and consequences. The Lancet 2018, 391(10132), 1842-1852.
- Elgendy K, Malcomson FC, Lara JG, Bradburn DM, Mathers JC. Effects of dietary interventions on DNA methylation in adult humans: Systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Nutrition 2018, 120(9), 961-976.
- Malcomson FC, Mathers JC. Nutrition, epigenetics and health through life. Nutrition Bulletin 2017, 42(3), 254-265.
- Mount S, Lara J, Schols AMWJ, Mathers JC. Towards a multidimensional healthy ageing phenotype. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care 2016, 19(6), 418-426.
- Ashor AW, Siervo M, van der Velde F, Willis ND, Mathers JC. Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials testing the effects of vitamin C supplementation on blood lipids. Clinical Nutrition 2016, 35(3), 626-637.
- O'Brien N, McDonald S, Araújo-Soares V, Lara J, Errington L, Godfrey A, Mathers JC, Meyer TD, Rochester L, White M, Sniehotta FF. The features of interventions associated with long-term effectiveness of physical activity interventions in adults aged 55 to 70 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Psychology Review 2015, 9(4), 417-433.
- Siervo M, Lara J, Chowdhury S, Ashor A, Oggioni C, Mathers JC. Effects of the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet on cardiovascular risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Nutrition 2015, 113(1), 1-15.
- Ashor AW, Siervo M, Lara J, Oggioni C, Afshar S, Mathers JC. Effect of vitamin C and vitamin E supplementation on endothelial function: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. British Journal of Nutrition 2015, 113(8), 1182-1194.
- Livingstone KM, Celis-Morales C, Lara J, Ashor AW, Lovegrove JA, Martinez JA, Saris WH, Gibney M, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Drevon CA, Daniel H, Gibney ER, Brennan L, Bouwman J, Grimaldi KA, Mathers JC, Behalf Food4Me. Associations between FTO genotype and total energy and macronutrient intake in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews 2015, 16(8), 666-678.
- Afshar S, Kelly SB, Seymour K, Lara J, Woodcock S, Mathers JC. The Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Colorectal Cancer Risk: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Obesity Surgery 2014, 24(10), 1793-1799.
- Ashor AW, Lara J, Mathers JC, Siervo M. Effect of vitamin C on endothelial function in health and disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Atherosclerosis 2014, 235(1), 9-20.
- Lara J, Godfrey A, Evans E, Heaven B, Brown LJE, Barron E, Rochester L, Meyer TD, Mathers JC. Towards measurement of the Healthy Ageing Phenotype in lifestyle-based intervention studies. Maturitas 2013, 76(2), 189-199.
- Siervo M, Lara J, Ogbonmwan I, Mathers JC. Inorganic Nitrate and Beetroot Juice Supplementation Reduces Blood Pressure in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Nutrition 2013, 143(6), 818-826.
- Gorman U, Mathers JC, Grimaldi KA, Ahlgren J, Nordstrom K. Do we know enough? A scientific and ethical analysis of the basis for genetic-based personalized nutrition. Genes & Nutrition 2013, 8(4), 373-381.
- Mckay JA, Mathers JC. Diet induced epigenetic changes and their implications for health. Acta Physiologica 2011, 202(2), 103-118.
- van Ommen B, El-Sohemy A, Hesketh J, Kaput J, Fenech M, Evelo CT, McArdle HJ, Bouwman J, Lietz G, Mathers JC, Fairweather-Tait S, van Kranen H, Elliott R, Wopereis S, Ferguson LR, Meplan C, Perozzi G, Allen L, Rivero D, Micronutrient Genomics Project Wor. The Micronutrient Genomics Project: a community-driven knowledge base for micronutrient research. Genes & Nutrition 2010, 5(4), 285-296.
- van Ommen B, Bouwman J, Dragsted LO, Drevon CA, Elliott R, de Groot P, Kaput J, Mathers JC, Muller M, Pepping F, Saito J, Scalbert A, Radonjic M, Rocca-Serra P, Travis A, Wopereis S, Evelo CT. Challenges of molecular nutrition research 6: the nutritional phenotype database to store, share and evaluate nutritional systems biology studies. Genes & Nutrition 2010, 5(3), 189-203.
- Penn L, Boeing H, Boushey CJ, Dragsted LO, Kaput J, Scalbert A, Welch AA, Mathers JC. Assessment of dietary intake: NuGO symposium report. Genes & Nutrition 2010, 5(3), 205-213.
- Favé G, Beckmann ME, Draper JH, Mathers JC. Measurement of dietary exposure: a challenging problem which may be overcome thanks to metabolomics?. Genes and Nutrition 2009, 4(2), 135-141.
- Mathers JC. Folate intake and bowel cancer risk. Genes and Nutrition 2009, 4(3), 173-178.
- Commane DM, Arasaradnam RP, Mills S, Mathers JC, Bradburn M. Diet, ageing and genetic factors in the pathogenesis of diverticular disease. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2009, 15(20), 2479-2488.
- Spencer JPE, Abd El Mohsen MM, Minihane A-M, Mathers JC. Biomarkers of the intake of dietary polyphenols: Strengths, limitations and application in nutrition research. British Journal of Nutrition 2008, 99(1), 12-22.
- Arasaradnam RP, Commane DM, Bradburn D, Mathers JC. A review of dietary factors and its influence on DNA methylation in colorectal carcinogenesis. Epigenetics 2008, 3(4), 193-198.
- Joost H-G, Gibney MJ, Cashman KD, Gorman U, Hesketh JE, Mueller M, van Ommen B, Williams CM, Mathers JC. Personalised nutrition: Status and perspectives. British Journal of Nutrition 2007, 98(1), 26-31.
- Mathers JC, Coxhead JM, Tyson J. Nutrition and DNA repair - Potential molecular mechanisms of action. Current Cancer Drug Targets 2007, 7(5), 425-431.
- Mathers JC. The biological revolution - Towards a mechanistic understanding of the impact of diet on cancer risk. Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 2004, 551(1-2), 43-49.
- Mathers JC. Dietary strategies to reduce the burden of cancer and cardiovascular disease in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition 2000, 84(2), S211-S216.
- Mathers JC, Nutr D, Burn J. Nutrition in cancer prevention. Current Opinion in Oncology 1999, 11(5), 402-407.
- Mathers JC, Goodlad JS. Carbohydrate fermentation and microbial cell growth in suspensions of pig large bowel contents. Sciences des Aliments 1999, 19(3-4), 491-497.