Staff Profile
Professor Penny Lovat
Prof of Cellular Dermatology & Oncology
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 7170
- Address: Precision Medicine
Translation and Clinical Research Institute
Newcastle University Centre for Cancer
The Medical School,
Framlington Place,
Newcastle upon Tyne,
I am a dermato-oncologist with a focus and specific expertise in cellular signalling in skin biology and cancer, committed to the delivery of high quality translational research, education and teaching. My research emphasis is melanoma and in particular the discovery and translation of novel biomarkers and targeted therapies to improve clinical outcome and the application of this research to postgraduate and undergraduate education.
Roles and Responsibilities
Principle Investigator and Lead for Institute Cellular Dermatology and Oncology research group
Chief Scientific Officer and Co-Director of AMLo Biosciences Ltd
2011-2017 Member of the British Skin Foundation (BSF) Grants Advisory Board and current lead panel member for the skin cancer campaign (
2008-2015: Member of The British Society for Investigative Dermatology Committee ( )
Director of The North Eastern Skin Research Fund (Registered Charity Number: 248634),
March 2015- present: Section Associate Editor for The British Journal of Dermatology
1992: MPhil, University of Newcastle upon Tyne and University of Northumbria
1995 PhD, University of Newcastle upon Tyne and University of Northumbria
Previous Positions
2009- July 2015: Senior Lecturer in Cellular Dermatology and Oncology
2007-2009: Lecturer in Cellular Dermatology and Oncology, Newcastle University
2006-2007: Research Council UK Fellow, Newcastle University
2000-2006: Senior Research Associate, Newcastle University and University of Rome, 'Tor Vergata'
1995-2000: Research Associate, Newcastle University
Society Membership
- The British Association for Cancer Research
- The European Society for Cancer Research
- The British Society for Investigative Dermatology
- The European Society for Dermatological Research
- The European Cell Death Organisation
- The International Society for Melanoma Research
Research Interests
Translational research in my group is directed towards the molecular biology and cellular signalling in skin cancer with a particular emphasis on the definition and molecular regulation of cellular signalling mechanisms regulating the development and progression of melanoma. A specific focus is the regulation of apoptosis and autophagy and the contribution of these signalling mechanisms to tumour development and therapy resistance, for which we have recently identified a number of novel drug targets as well as prognostic biomarkers able to identify patient subgroups at greatest risk of disease progression.
Research is also focussed towards the development of novel translational models of skin disease, for which drug development and toxicity studies are currently on-going in collaboration with the commercial sector as well the evaluation of potential therapeutics to prevent melanoma invasion and metastasis.
P207153W0 (2014): A novel skin model to study adverse immune reactions and drug sensitivity
UK1419976.4. (2014): Ambra-1 and Loricrin as biomarkers of ulcerative melanoma
Postgraduate Research supervision
I am committed to supporting post graduate research with a proven track record in the successful career development of early/mid career researchers. I have been the primary supervisor to national and international PhD, MD, MRes, and MSc students from both clinical and non-clinical backgrounds, supervising to timely completion 10 PhD, 2 MD, 1 MSc, 3 MClin Res and >15 MRes students since 2009.
I am a Fellow of the Medical Sciences Graduate School and welcome informal enquiries from prospective doctoral or masters students.
Current PhD supervision:
- Miss Lydia Costello, BBSRC PhD studentship Durham and Newcastle Universities
- Mrs Alison Greenwood, MPhil student, Newcastle University
Previous Completed Doctoral Supervision:
- 2018 Dr Chiao-En (Peter), Wu. PhD Newcastle University
- 2018: Dr Moyassar Al Shaiban, PhD, Newcastle University
- 2017: Dr Stamatina Verykiou, CRUK Doctoral fellow, Newcastle University
- 2017: Dr Emma Woodward, BBSRC Case studentship, Newcastle University
- 2017: Dr Diana Tang, BSF Clinical Fellowship
- 2016: Dr Ashleigh Mc Connelll MRC studentship, Newcastle University
- 2013: Robert Ellis, MD, BSF Clinical Fellowship, ICM, Newcastle University
- 2013: Isabella Swindenbank, PhD, Pfizer Ltd Case Studentship, ICM, Newcastle University
- 2013: Christopher McKee, PhD, BSF studentship, ICM, Newcastle University
- 2012: Shaun Martin, PhD, CRUK Studentship, NICR/ICM, Newcastle University
- 2010: David Hill, PhD, BSF Studentship, ICM, Newcastle University
- 2010: Nigel Daniels, PhD, ICM, Newcastle University
- 2010: Quan Long, PhD, ICM, Newcastle University
Current Research
I am the principle investigator of research council, national charity and commercially funded projects, currently including:
- Translating autophagy for melanoma benefit
- Contribution of autophagy to the maintenance, invasion and metastasis of melanoma stem-like populations
- Exploiting cannabinoid-induced cytotoxic autophagy to drive melanoma cell death
- Epidermal AMBRA1 and Loricrin as prognostic biomarkers for early stage melanoma
- Targeting TGFB to prevent melanoma ulceration and metastasis
- Harnessing Autophagy for the clinical benefit of squamous cell carcinoma
- Development of prognostic biomarkers for cSCC
I am also a co investigator of other currently funded melanoma research projects and studies addressing the contribution of deregulated autophagy or apoptosis to other disease settings including Diabetes
- Cancer Research UK
- The National Council for Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of animals in research
- Innovate UK
- The British Skin Foundation
- The Psoriasis Association
- The Italian Association for Cancer Research
- The Wellcome Trust
- Diabetes UK
- The Newcastle Healthcare Charity
- The Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust
- The JGW Patterson Foundation
- The North Eastern Skin Research Fund
- BBSRC case Phd Studentship with Astra Zeneca Ltd
- MRC/Faculty of Medical Sciences PhD studentship
Esteem Indicators
January 2018: 2018 NICE AdviSeME prize: AMBLor: A novel prognostic biomarker for early stage melanoma
June 2017: Invited lecturer: Federal University of Sao Paolo, Sao Paolo, Brazil at international meeting on Molecular Mechanisms of Autophagy and their application to Disease
May 2017: Local Organiser at annual regional UK Melanoma Focus meeting, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
May 2017: Invited speaker at COST Trans-autophagy WG4/5 workshop on Translation of Autophagy, Lisbon, Portugal
October 2016: Invited Speaker: COST ‘Trans-autophagy’ annual meeting, Warsaw, Poland
April 2016: International Guest/Invited speaker: Complutense University, Madrid, Spain
March 2015: Elected Associate Editor for The British Journal of Dermatology
November 2014: Plenary Presentation, International Society for Melanoma Research, Zurich, Switzerland
May 2014: Invited Plenary Speaker, Melanoma Focus UK, Oxford, UK
April 2014: Local Organiser of The British Society for Investigative Dermatology Annual Meeting (245 delegates)
May 2013: Invited Plenary Speaker to The International Melanoma Working Group (Chair, J Kirkwood, Pittsburgh, USA), Prague, Czechoslovakia
November 2011: Plenary Speaker, International Society for Melanoma Research, Tampa, USA
November 2011: Invited International Speaker, The National Institute of Health/National Cancer Institute Oncology Seminar Programme, Bethesda, USA
2010: Invited Panel Member of The British Skin Foundation Grants Advisory Board
September 2010: Invited External Speaker, The Blizzard Institute, London and The Bart’s Hospitals and Queen Mary University of London
September 2010: Co-organiser and lecturer for The European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR) 'molecular biology and cell signalling' training course (Vienna, Austria)
June 2009: Invited International Plenary Speaker, European Commission FP7, Marie Curie Workshop, Rome Italy
2009: Elected Committee Member of The British Society for Investigative Dermatology
Reviewer for grant and fellowship proposals for the MRC, CRUK, BSF , Wellcome Trust, BBSRC and the European Commission
Reviewer for leading dermatology/oncology/cell signalling journals including Journal of The National Cancer Institute, Cancer Research, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Journal of Cell Biology, Science Translational Medicine, Cell Death and Differentiation, Autophagy
Undergraduate teaching
BSc (hons) Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacology, MSci Biomedical Sciences and MBBS teaching and assessment :
- CMB3000 Stage 3 Research Projects
- CMB3000 Research Project Supervisor
- B210 Stage 3 Pharmacology project Assessor (oral presentations and dissertations)
- BMS4099 Stage 4 Research project Assessor (oral presentations and dissertations)
- MBBS stage I and II SSC Assessor
Personal Tutor to national and international BSc and MBBS students
Postgraduate Teaching
Academic lead for MRC mission core training for all faculty MRC funded postgraduate students
MRes/MSc in Medical and Molecular Biosciences teaching and assessment:
- MMB8008 Cell Signalling in Health and Disease Lecturer
- MMB8008 Module Assessor (oral presentations and final exam scripts)
- MEDH099 Reserach project supervisor to both MRes and MBBS/MRes intercalating students
- MEDH099 Project Assessor (oral presentations and dissertations)
- MMS8199 Project supervisor and assessor
Personal Tutor to national and international MRes and MSc students
Internal PhD examiner and Assessor
- Ewen T, Husain A, Stefanos N, Barrett P, Jones C, Ness T, Long A, Horswell S, Bosomworth H, Lowenstein J, Richardson G, Swan D, McConnell A, Rose A, Andrew T, Reynolds N, Malvehy J, Carrera C, Alos L, Mailer S, Helm T, Ding L, Bogner P, Podlipnik S, Puig S, McArthur GA, Paragh G, Labus M, Sloan P, Armstrong JL, Lovat PE. Validation of epidermal AMBRA1 and loricrin (AMBLor) as a prognostic biomarker for nonulcerated American Joint Committee on Cancer stage I/II cutaneous melanoma. British Journal of Dermatology 2024, 190(4), 549-558.
- Alexander MH, Cousins WJ, Ewen T, South AP, Lovat P, Stefanos N. The combined immunohistochemical expression of AMBRA1 and SQSTM1 identifies patients with poorly differentiated cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma at risk of metastasis: A proof of concept study. Journal of Cutaneous Pathology 2024, 51(6), 450-458.
- Kelly G, Kataura T, Panek J, Gailing M, Salmonowicz H, Davis A, Kendall H, Brookes C, Ayine-Tora DM, Banks P, Nelson G, Dobby L, Pitrez PR, Booth L, Costello L, Richardson GD, Lovat P, Przyborski S, Ferreira L, Greaves L, Szczepanowska K, von Zglinicki T, Miwa S, Brown M, Flagler M, Oblong JE, Bascom CC, Carroll B, Reynisson J, Korolchuk VI. Suppressed basal mitophagy drives cellular aging phenotypes that can be reversed by a p62-targeting small molecule. Developmental Cell 2024, 59(15), 1924-1939.e7.
- Al-Shaibani M, Wang X-N, Tulah A, Crossland RE, Dickinson AM, Lovat PE. Role of mesenchymal stem cell conditioned medium on wound healing using a developed 3D skin model. Journal of Wound Care 2024, 33, clxxxii-cxciii.
- Mistry K, Richardson G, Vleminckx S, Smith R, Gevaert E, Lovat PE. Porcine-derived collagen peptides promote re-epithelialisation through activation of integrin signalling. Wound Repair and Regeneration 2024, 32(4), 475-486.
- Lim JX, Lai CY, Mallett GE, McDonald D, Hulme G, Laba S, Shapanis A, Payne M, Patterson W, Alexander M, Coxhead J, Filby A, Plummer R, Lovat PE, Sciume G, Healy E, Amarnath S. Programmed cell death-1 receptor-mediated regulation of Tbet+NK1.1- innate lymphoid cells within the tumor microenvironment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2023, 120(18), e2216587120.
- Kunonga TP, Kenny RPW, Astin M, Bryant A, Kontogiannis V, Coughlan D, Richmond C, Eastaugh CH, Beyer FR, Pearson F, Craig D, Lovat P, Vale L, Ellis R. Predictive accuracy of risk prediction models for recurrence, metastasis and survival for early-stage cutaneous melanoma: a systematic review. BMJ Open 2023, 13(9), e073306.
- Cosgarea I, McConnell AT, Ewen T, Tang D, Hill DS, Anagnostou M, Elias M, Ellis RA, Murray A, Spender LC, Giglio P, Gagliardi M, Greenwood A, Piacentini M, Inman GJ, Fimia GM, Corazzari M, Armstrong JL, Lovat PE. Melanoma secretion of transforming growth factor-β2 leads to loss of epidermal AMBRA1 threatening epidermal integrity and facilitating tumour ulceration. British Journal of Dermatology 2022, 186, 694–704.
- Lecouturier J, Bosomworth H, Labus M, Ellis RA, Lovat PE. Health professional and patient views of a novel prognostic test for melanoma: A theoretically informed qualitative study. PLoS ONE 2022, 17(4), e0265048.
- Zummo FP, Krishnanda SI, Georgiou M, O'Harte FPM, Parthsarathy V, Cullen KS, Honkanen-Scott M, Shaw JAM, Lovat PE, Arden C. Exendin-4 stimulates autophagy in pancreatic β-cells via the RAPGEF/EPAC-Ca2+-PPP3/calcineurin-TFEB axis. Autophagy 2022, 18(4), 799-815.
- Andrew TW, Garioch JJ, Lovat PE, Moncrieff MD. Predictive indicators for revisional surgery in nasal reconstruction after Mohs surgery. European Journal of Plastic Surgery 2021, 44, 197-202.
- Mistry K, van der Steer B, Clifford T, van Holtoon F, Kleinnijenhuis A, Prawitt J, Labus M, Vanhoecke B, Lovat PE, McConnell A. Potentiating Cutaneous Wound Healing in Young and Aged Skin with Nutraceutical Collagen Peptides. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2021, 46(1), 109-117.
- Vale L, Kunonga P, Coughlan D, Kontogiannis V, Astin M, Beyer F, Richmond C, Wilson D, Bajwa D, Javanbakht M, Bryant A, Akor W, Craig D, Lovat P, Labus M, Nasr Batoul, Cunliffe T, Hinde H, Shawgi M, Saleh D, Royle P, Steward P, Lucas R, Ellis R. Optimal surveillance strategies for Patients with stage 1 cutaneous melanoma post primary tumour excision: three systematic reviews and an economic model. Health Technology Assessment 2021, 25(64).
- Antonioli M, Pagni B, Vescovo T, Ellis R, Cosway B, Rollo F, Bordoni V, Agrati C, Labus M, Covello R, Benevolo M, Ippolito G, Robinson M, Piacentini M, Lovat P, Fimia GM. HPV sensitizes OPSCC cells to cisplatin-induced apoptosis by inhibiting autophagy through E7-mediated degradation of AMBRA1. Autophagy 2021, 17(10), 2842-2855.
- Ellis R, Tang D, Nasr B, ClinRes M, Greenwood A, McConnell A, Anagnostou ME, Elias M, Verykiou S, Bajwa D, Ewen T, Reynolds NJ, Barrett P, Carling E, Watson G, Armstrong J, Allen AJ, Horswell S, Labus M, Lovat PE. Epidermal autophagy and beclin 1 regulator 1 and loricrin: a paradigm shift in the prognostication and stratification of the American Joint Committee on Cancer stage I melanomas. British Journal of Dermatology 2020, 182(1), 156-165.
- Verykiou S, Alexander M, Edwards N, Plummer R, Chaudhry B, Lovat PE, Hill DS. Harnessing autophagy to overcome MEK-inhibitor induced resistance in metastatic melanoma. British Journal of Dermatology 2019, 180(2), 346-356.
- Wu CE, Koay TS, Esfandiari A, Ho YH, Lovat P, Lunec J. ATM Dependent DUSP6 Modulation of p53 Involved in Synergistic Targeting of MAPK and p53 Pathways with Trametinib and MDM2 Inhibitors in Cutaneous Melanoma. Cancers 2019, 11(1), 3.
- Wu C-E, Koay TS, Ho Y-H, Lovat P, Lunec J. TP53 mutant cell lines selected for resistance to MDM2 inhibitors retain growth inhibition by MAPK pathway inhibitors but a reduced apoptotic response. Cancer Cell International 2019, 19(1), 53.
- Wu CE, Esfandiari A, Ho YH, Wang N, Mahdi AK, Aptullahoglu E, Lovat P, Lunec J. Targeting negative regulation of p53 by MDM2 and WIP1 as a therapeuticstrategy in cutaneous melanoma. British Journal of Cancer 2018, 118(4), 495-508.
- Widdrington JD, Gomez-Duran A, Pyle A, Ruchaud-Sparagano M-H, Scott J, Baudouin SV, Rostron AJ, Lovat PE, Chinnery PF, Simpson AJ. Exposure of Monocytic Cells to Lipopolysaccharide Induces Coordinated Endotoxin Tolerance, Mitochondrial Biogenesis, Mitophagy, and Antioxidant Defenses. Frontiers in immunology 2018, 9, 2217.
- Carroll B, Nelson G, Rabanal-Ruiz Y, Kucheryavenko O, Dunhill-Turner NA, Chesterman CC, Zahari Q, Zhang T, Conduit SE, Mitchell CA, Maddocks ODK, Lovat P, von Zglinicki T, Korolchuk VI. Persistent mTORC1 signaling in cell senescence results from defects in amino acid and growth factor sensing. Journal of Cell Biology 2017, 216(7), 1949.
- Zummo FP, Cullen KS, Honkanen-Scott M, Shaw JAM, Lovat PE, Arden C. Glucagon-like peptide-1 protects pancreatic beta-cells from death by increasing autophagic flux and restoring lysosomal function. Diabetes 2017, 66(5), 1272-1285.
- McConnell AT, Ellis R, Pathy B, Plummer R, Lovat PE, O'Boyle G. The prognostic significance and impact of the CXCR4-CXCR7-CXCL12 axis in primary cutaneous melanoma. British Journal of Dermatology 2016, 175(6), 1210-1220.
- Klinonsky DJ, et, al. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd Ed.). Autophagy 2016, 12(1), 1-222.
- Hernández-Tiedra S, Fabriàs G, Davila D, Salanueva ÍJ, Casas J, Montes LR, Antón Z, García-Taboada E, Salazar-Roa M, Lorente M, Nylandsted J, Armstrong J, López-Valero I, McKee CS, Serrano-Puebla A, García-López R, González-Martinez J, Abad JL, Hanada K, Boya P, Goñi F, Guzman M, Lovat P, Jäättelä M, Alonso A, Velasco G. Dihydroceramide accumulation mediates cytotoxic autophagy of cancer cells via autolysosome destabilization. Autophagy 2016, 12(11), 2213-2229.
- Corazzari M, Rapino F, Ciccosanti F, Giglio P, Antonioli M, Conti B, Fimia GM, Lovat PE, Piacentini M. Oncogenic BRAF induces chronic ER stress condition resulting in increased basal autophagy and apoptotic resistance of cutaneous melanoma. Cell Death & Differentiation 2015, 22(6), 946–958.
- Armstrong JL, Hill DS, McKee CS, Hernandez-Tiedra S, Lorente M, Lopez-Valero I, Anagnostou ME, Babatunde F, Corazzari M, Redfern CPF, Velasco V, Lovat PE. Exploiting Cannabinoid-Induced Cytotoxic Autophagy to Drive Melanoma Cell Death. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2015, 135(6), 1629-1637.
- Hill DS, Robinson NDP, Caley MP, Chen M, O'Toole EA, Armstrong JL, Przyborski S, Lovat PE. A novel fully-humanised 3D skin equivalent to model early melanoma invasion. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 2015, 14(11), 2665-2673.
- Verykiou S, Ellis RA, Lovat PE. Established and Emerging Biomarkers in Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma. Healthcare 2014, 2(1), 60-73.
- Martin S, Lovat PE, Redfern CPF. Cell-Type Variation in Stress Responses as a Consequence of Manipulating GRP78 Expression in Neuroectodermal Cells. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 2014, 116(3), 438-449.
- McKee CS, Hill DS, Redfern CPF, Armstrong JL, Lovat PE. Oncogenic BRAF signalling increases Mcl-1 expression in cutaneous metastatic melanoma. Experimental Dermatology 2013, 22(11), 767-769.
- O'Boyle G, Swidenbank I, Marshall H, Barker CE, Armstrong J, White SA, Fricker SP, Plummer R, Wright M, Lovat PE. Inhibition of CXCR4-CXCL12 chemotaxis in melanoma by AMD11070. British Journal of Cancer 2013, 108(8), 1634-1640.
- Martin S, Lamb HK, Brady C, Lefkove B, Bonner MY, Thompson P, Lovat PE, Arbiser JL, Hawkins AR, Redfern CPF. Inducing apoptosis of cancer cells using small-molecule plant compounds that bind to GRP78. British Journal of Cancer 2013, 109(2), 433-443.
- Wright TJ, McKee C, Birch-Machin MA, Ellis R, Armstrong JL, Lovat PE. Increasing the therapeutic efficacy of docetaxel for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma through the combined inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/AKT signalling and autophagy. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2013, 38(4), 421-423.
- Armstrong JL, Martin S, Illingworth NA, Jamieson D, Neilson A, Lovat PE, Redfern CPF, Veal GJ. The impact of retinoic acid treatment on the sensitivity of neuroblastoma cells to fenretinide. Oncology Reports 2012, 27(1), 293-298.
- Armstrong JL, Corazzari M, Martin S, Pagliarini V, Falasca L, Hill DS, Ellis N, Al Sabah S, Redfern CPF, Fimia GM, Piacentini M, Lovat PE. Oncogenic B-RAF Signaling in Melanoma Impairs the Therapeutic Advantage of Autophagy Inhibition. Clinical Cancer Research 2011, 17(8), 2216-2226.
- Hiscutt EL, Hill DS, Martin S, Kerr R, Harbottle A, Birch-Machin M, Redfern CPF, Fulda S, Armstrong JL, Lovat PE. Targeting X-Linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein to Increase the Efficacy of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Induced Apoptosis for Melanoma Therapy. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2010, 130(9), 2250-2258.
- Martin S, Hill DS, Paton JC, Paton AW, Birch-Machin MA, Lovat PE, Redfern CPF. Targeting GRP78 to enhance melanoma cell death. Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research 2010, 23(5), 675-682.
- Armstrong JL, Flockhart R, Veal GJ, Lovat PE, Redfern CPF. Regulation of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-induced Cell Death by ATF4 in Neuroectodermal Tumor Cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2010, 285(9), 6091-6100.
- Flockhart RJ, Armstrong JL, Reynolds NJ, Lovat PE. NFAT signalling is a novel target of oncogenic BRAF in metastatic melanoma. British Journal of Cancer 2009, 101(8), 1448-1455.
- Hill DS, Martin S, Armstrong JL, Flockhart R, Tonison JJ, Simpson DG, Birch-Machin MA, Redfern CPF, Lovat PE. Combining the endoplasmic reticulum stress-inducing agents bortezomib and fenretinide as a novel therapeutic strategy for metastatic melanoma. Clinical Cancer Research 2009, 15(4), 1192-1198.
- Lovat PE, Corazzari M, Armstrong JL, Martin S, Pagliarini V, Hill DS, Brown A, Piacentini M, Birch-Machin MA, Redfern CPF. Increasing melanoma cell death using inhibitors of protein disulfide isomerases to abrogate survival responses to endoplasmic reticulum stress. Cancer Research 2008, 68(13), 5363-5369.
- Corazzari, M., Lovat, P.E., Armstrong, J.L., Fimia, G.M., Hill, D.S., Birch-Machin, M.A., Redfern, C.P.F., Piacentini, M. Targeting homeostatic mechanisms of endoplasmic reticulum stress to increase susceptibility of cancer cells to fenretinide-induced apoptosis: The role of stress proteins ERdj5 and ERp57. British Journal of Cancer 2007, 96(7), 1062-1071.
- Armstrong, J.L., Veal, G.J., Redfern, C.P.F., Lovat, P.E. Role of Noxa in p53-independent fenretinide-induced apoptosis of neuroectodermal tumours. Apoptosis 2007, 12(3), 613-622.
- Lovat, P.E., Di Sano, F., Corazzari, M., Fazi, B., Donnorso, R., Pearson, A.D.J., Hall, A.G., Redfern, C.P.F., Piacentini, M. Gangliosides link the acidic sphingomyelinase-mediated induction of ceramide to 12-lipoxygenase-dependent apoptosis of neuroblastoma in response to fenretinide. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2004, 96(17), 1288-1299.
- Lovat, P.E., Ranalli, M., Corazzari, M., Raffaghello, L., Pearson, A.D.J., Ponzoni, M., Piacentini, M., Melino, G., Redfern, C.P.F. Mechanisms of free-radical induction in relation to fenretinide-induced apoptosis of neuroblastoma. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 2003, 89(4), 698-708.
- Corazzari, M., Lovat, P.E., Oliverio, S., Pearson, A.D.J., Piacentini, M., Redfern, C.P.F. Growth and DNA Damage-Inducible Transcription Factor 153 Mediates Apoptosis in Response to Fenretinide but Not Synergy between Fenretinide and Chemotherapeutic Drugs in Neuroblastoma. Molecular Pharmacology 2003, 64(6), 1370-1378.
- Di Sano F, Fazi B, Citro G, Lovat PE, Cesareni G, Piacentini M. Glucosylceramide synthase and its functional interaction with RTN-1C regulate chemotherapeutic-induced apoptosis in neuroepithelioma cells. Cancer Research 2003, 63(14), 3860-3865.
- Lovat, P.E., Oliverio, S, Corazzari, M., Rodolfo, C., Ranalli, M., Goranov, B., Melino, G., Redfern,C.P.F., Piacentini, M. Bak: A Downstream Mediator of Fenretinide-Induced Apoptosis of SH-SY5Y Neuroblastoma Cells. Cancer Research 2003, 63(21), 7310-7313.
- Lovat, P.E., Oliverio, S., Ranalli, M., Corazzari, M., Rodolfo, C., Bernassola, F., Aughton, K., Maccarrone, M., Campbell-Hewson, Q., Pearson, A.D.J., Melino, G., Piacentini, M., Redfern, C.P.F. GADD153 and 12-lipoxygenase mediate fenretinide-induced apoptosis of neuroblastoma. Cancer Research 2002, 62(18), 5158-5167.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Kunonga P, Astin M, Beyer F, Richmond C, Akor W, Bryant A, Coughlan D, Kontogiannis V, Craig D, Nasr B, Ellis R, Labus M, Lovat P, Vale L. Prognostic risk models following AJCC Stage 1 Melanoma: a systematic review. In: The 16TH International Congress of The Society for Melanoma Research. 2019, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Woodward E, Elias M, Ribeiro LR, Lovat P, Reynolds N. TCDD-mediated induction of a chloracne phenotype is associated with aryl hydrocarbon receptor activation, deregulated epidermal differentiation, apoptosis and lysosomal processing. In: BSID Annual Meeting. 2016, Dundee, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Korolchuk V, Carroll B, Xie L, Dostal C, Lovat P. Targeting the persistent activation of mTOR in B-RAF and NRas mutated melanoma as a novel therapeutic strategy. In: British Skin Foundation, Skin Deep - 20 Years of Research, 20th Anniversary Conference. 2016, London: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Carroll B, Dorsal C, Xie L, Lovat P, Korolchuk V. Targeting the persistent activation of mammalian target of rapamycin in BRAF mutated melanoma as a novel therapeutic strategy. In: BSID Annual Meeting. 2016, Dundee, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Al-Shaibani M, Wang X, Lovat P, Dickinson A. Mesenchymal stem cells promote wound healing via differentiation into epidermal keratinocyte-like cells. In: BSID Annual Meeting 2016. 2016, Dundee, Scotland: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Ellis R, Verykiou S, Anagnostou M, Hill D, Carling E, Lovat P. Transforming growth factor-beta mediates loss of epidermal integrity and melanoma ulceration. In: British Society for Investigative Dermatology Annual Meeting 2015. 2015, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY-BLACKWELL.
- Carroll B, Lovat P, Korolchuk V. Targeting the persistent activation of mammalian target of rapamycin in BRAF- and NRas-mutated melanoma as a novel therapeutic strategy. In: Annual Meeting of the British Association of Dermatologists. 2015, Glasgow, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- McConnell A, O'Boyle G, Wright M, Plummer R, Lovat P. Targeting mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase to prevent CXCR4-CXCL12 chemotaxis in cutaneous melanoma. In: Annual Meeting of the British Association of Dermatologists. 2015, Glasgow, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Hill DS, Beaumont KA, Daignault SM, Anfosso A, Sharp DM, Gabrielli B, Lovat PE, Weninger W, Haass NK. Melanoma cells in G1 phase escape proteasome inhibitor cytotoxicity. In: 42nd Annual Meeting of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Forschung (ADF). 2015, Ulm, Germany: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Hill DS, Beaumont KA, Daignault SM, Anfosso A, Lovat PE, Weninger W, Haass NK. Making stressed melanoma self-destruct. In: 48th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian College of Dermatologists. 2015, Adelaide, Australia: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Zummo FP, Cullen KS, Lovat PE, Shaw JA, Arden C. Glucagon-like peptide 1 protects pancreatic beta cells from programmed cell death: a role for autophagy. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference. 2015, London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Daignault SM, Hill DS, Beaumont KA, Anfosso A, Lovat PE, Weninger W, Haass NK. G1 phase melanoma cells escape proteasome inhibitor cytotoxicity. In: AACR 106th Annual Meeting 2015. 2015, Philadelphia, PA, USA: American Association for Cancer Research.
- Al-Shaibani MBH, Wang XN, Lovat PE, Dickinson AM. Deciphering the Role of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Paracrine in Wound Closure Acceleration. In: 41st Annual Meeting of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2015, Istanbul, Turkey: Nature Publishing Group.
- Verykiou S, Hill D, Plummer R, Lovat P. Contribution of autophagy to the survival of melanoma-initiating CD271-positive subpopulations. In: British Society of Investigative Dermatology Annual Meeting 2015. 2015, Southampton, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Zummo FP, Cullen KS, Lovat PE, Shaw JA, Arden C. An emerging role for autophagy in the regulation of beta cell survival by glucagon-like peptide-1. In: 51st EASD Annual Meeting. 2015, Stockholm, Sweden: Springer.
- Whitaker S, Anagnostou ME, Armstrong J, Ellias M, Husain A, Lovat P, Ellis R. Proautophagic Ambra-1 as biomarker of differentiation in cutaneous squamous carcinoma. In: British Society of Investigative Dermatology Annual Meeting. 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
- Hill DS, Beaumont KA, Anfosso A, Lovat P, Weninger W, Haass NK. Induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress as a strategy for melanoma therapy. In: Annual Meeting of the Society for Investigative Dermatology. 2014, Albuquerque, New Mexico: Nature Publishing Group.
- Ellis RA, Horswell S, Ness T, Lumsdon J, Tooze SA, Kirkham N, Armstrong JL, Lovat PE. Prognostic Impact of p62 Expression in Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2014, 134(5), 1476-1478.
- Tang DYL, Ellis RA, Lovat PE. Prognostic impact of autophagy biomarkers for cutaneous melanoma. Frontiers in Oncology 2016, 6, 236.
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