Staff Profile
Professor Thomas Hill
Professor of Nutrition
- Address: Population Health Sciences Institute
(Human Nutrition and Exercise Research Centre)
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
Framlington Place
United Kingdom
Professor of Nutrition
Director of Education for the Population Health Sciences Institute.
BSc and Ph.D (Nutritional Science) University College Cork, Ireland.
Postgraduate certificate in Teaching and Learning (PgCert LTHE).
Previous positions
Post-Doctoral Scientist: School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College Cork, Ireland (2005 – 2011).
Senior Lecturer in Nutrition, Newcastle University (2011-2019)
Professor of Nutrition, Newcastle University (2019- to present)
Nutrition Society (Currently a Trustee and Honorary Treasurer)
American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
Royal Osteoporosis Society
Research interests
- Micronutrients in health and disease
- Nutrition and physical function
- Nutritional status and health in advanced age
- Nutritional enhancement of animal foods
Research projects as a formal investigator
- Innovate UK: Enhanced Health and Nutrition Through Vertical Farming (Partners, Fyto Ltd and Newcastle University).
- BBSRC Diet and Health Open Innovation Research Club (OIRC) 2022-2026. Start healthy – stay healthy: aligning public and planetary health through precision plant-based dietary solutions across the life-course. Partners: University of Surrey- lead partner (PI- Amadi), Newcastle University (Hill, Co-I), University of Leeds (Dye, Co-I), Ulster University (McNulty Co-I) and Reading University (Williams, Co-I). Start Healthy - Stay Healthy (STAR) Hub| University of Surrey
- Innovate UK: Sunshine Eggs: A novel vitamin D enriched food for UK consumers (Partners: Newcastle University, Noble Foods Ltd and DSM )
- Innovate UK: Overcoming the barriers to maximise the commercial potential of vitamin D enriched eggs. Innovations in health and life science round 3 award (March 2018).
- Innovate UK & ISCF UK: InFarm 2.x Data enabled vertical farming with minimal waste and emissions and maximum efficiency and crop nutrition Competition_Results_-_ISCF_Future_Food_Production_Systems.pdf (
- MRC UK: NuBrain: Optimal Nutrition for brain ageing consortium GtR (
- NIHR-EME Grant: The effect of selenium supplementation on musculoskeletal health in older adults. (role: co-applicant)
- National Osteoporosis Society Grant (Prof Eastell and Dr Walsh- Sheffield): Clinical evaluation of a free vitamin D assay for the study of vitamin D status in those with or at risk of osteoporosis (Co-applicant)
- DANONE Provide study (Industry): The effect of a whey protein and vitamin D enriched RTD supplement on muscle mass and physical function in older adults.
- Newcastle 85 study: Nutrition and health in the Newcastle 85 prospective cohort study.
Current PhD students:
Fay Shahatah (Ultra processed food intake and health in 85 year olds).
Other active collaborations
Institute for Agri-Food Research and Innovation (IAFRI):
The Centre for Integrated Research into Musculoskeletal Ageing (CIMA):
The Centre for Translational Research in Public Health (Fuse):
Esteem indicators
First Editor:
Nutrition Research Reviews (Current)
British Journal of Nutrition (2012- 2018)
Journal of Nutritional Science (2012- 2018)
Committee membership
Nutrition Society (Irish Section committee) Membership Secretary 2006-2011.
Food Safety Authority of Ireland. Public Health Nutrition sub-committee (2012- 2017)
Published a national report on the safety of vitamins and minerals in food supplements
Dairy Council Healthy Ageing panel member (2015- to date )
Conference organisation
June 2011: Local Organiser: Nutrition Society 70th Anniversary Meeting jointly held with the American Society for Nutrition (University College Cork, Ireland)
Faculty Research Impact Awards (2015). Winner of the Impact in Progress category: "Sunshine Eggs to reduce vitamin D deficiency in British consumers"
Government engagement activities
House of Commons, Westminster, London: Dairy All Party Parliamentary Group hearing, November, 2014: Provided evidence to the committee on the nutrition and health significance of dairy foods in the diet as part of a report on The Sustainable Competitiveness of the UK Dairy Industry. Link to full report:
Recent invited presentations:
Nutrition in Athlete Development Summit, Madrid, 2018. New vitamin D nutritional guidelines. Implications for athletic performance.
Association for Nutrition (North West) Annual Research Day, Chester 2018. Nutrition in the very old.
CIMA Annual Meeting, Macclesfield, 2017: Nutrition and musculoskeletal health in the very old.
International Sports and Exercise Nutrition Conference 2016, New vitamin D recommendations in 2016: Implications for dietary intakes in athletes.
Food matters Live Annual Conference 2016, Diet and cognition in very old adults.
Primary Care and Public Health Annual Conference 2016, Birmingham.
Dairy and Health Ageing meeting: London: Dairy and bone health throughout life
Food Matters Live Conference 2015, London, UK: Exploring recent rends in vitamin D enriched foods for the ageing consumer.
Nutrition Society Irish Section Annual Meeting, 2015 Cork: What do we know about the nutritional status of the very old?: Insights from the Newcastle 85 study.
Joint Research Centre, EU Workshop, Dubrovnik, Croatia 2014. New policies for ageing consumers.
DSM Monogastric conference 2014: Derby, UK: Lessons from human studies on vitamin D.
CIMA Annual Meeting, 2014 Sheffield, UK: 25-hydroxyvitamin D: A metabolite to be reckoned with?
International Sports and Exercise Nutrition Conference 2013, Northumbria University, UK: Diet, Exercise and Bone Health.
Mega Evento Nutricao, Sao Paulo, Brazil 2012: Vitamin D and musculoskeletal health in older age.
Nutrition and Health: An update. Belfast Northern Ireland. Diet and bone health in older age.
Grant peer-reviewer (since 2015)
Arthritis Research UK
Dunhill Medical Trust
Main teaching responsibilities:
Co-Director of Education, Population Health Sciences Institute (2020-2025)
- Co-ordination of education activity across the institute (teaching delivery, marking, project supervision, tutoring, peer observation)
- Chair of the institute education committee
- Strategic oversight of new and existing programmes in the institute and faculty
- Member of the Faculty Education Committee
Current teaching activity in Nutrition (2024/2025):
- NUT3004: Contemporary Issues in Food and Human Nutrition 20 credits (Module leader and main contributor)
- NU2001, NUT3009, NUT3011, NUT2005, NUT2006, DTC1009, NUT3002: Module contributor.
- I also deliver nutrition teaching to programmes in Agriculture and Medicine.
- I have 12 tutees and supervise 4 project students this year (MPharm, MRes and BSc Nutrition)
- Member of school Board of Studies and Curriculum Committee.
- I have been centrally involved in recent and on going curriculum development, design and delivery of Nutrition teaching at Newcastle University since 2011.
External teaching roles:
External Examiner Roles:
University of Surrey, UK (BSc- Nutrition and MSc- Nutrition, 2013-2017)
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (BSc Nutrition Science, 2016- 2021)
University College Dublin, MSc Food, Nutrition and Health (2018-2022)
University of Mauritius, Moka, Mauritius, BSc Nutritional Sciences (2020-2022)
Munster Technological University Ireland, BSc Nutrition and Health (2019-2022)
Invited External examiner: King's College London.
Previous UG and PG programme validation:
University of Surrey (MSc Nutrition, 2012)
Monash University, Melbourne (BSc Nutrition Science, 2015)
External/visiting lecturer:
University College Cork, Ireland (2012)
External Programme Review (Panel member)
Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland (2017)
Ulster University/University College Dublin MSc Food Regulatory Affairs (Feb 2018)
Robert Gordon University (critical reader for the BSc in Food, Nutrition and Human Health- March 2018)
Teaching related publications
I am a co-author of a number of book chapters including:
(i) Oxford Textbook of Medicine 6th Edition (2020): The Vitamins (In press)
(ii) Advanced Dairy Chemistry (2010), Volume 3 (Fat Soluble vitamins).
(iii) Encylopedia of Dairy Science (2009) Fat soluble vitamins.
Co-editor of the 3rd edition of the Introduction to Human Nutrition textbook from the Nutrition Society (Dec 2019). to Human Nutrition, 3rd Edition-p-9781119476979
Other scholarly activity:
Teaching grants: 2010: National Academy for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning Grant (Ireland): (€5,000) co-Applicant: The sports Nutrition game: A computer simulation to demonstrate the effect of Nutrition on athletic performance.
- Agarwal A, Colwell FdJ, Galvis VAC, Hill T, Boonham N, Prashar A. Two-fold Red Excess (TREx): A simple and novel digital color index that enables non-invasive real-time monitoring of green-leaved as well as anthocyanin-rich crops. Plant Methods 2025, 21, 24.
- Agarwal A, Colwell F, Filston R, Hill T, Boonham N, Prashar A. Infrared thermography in plant factories: Solving spatiotemporal variations via machine learning. Modern Agriculture 2025.
- Shahatah FA, Hill TR, Fairley A, Watson AW. Ultra-Processed Food Intakes and Health Outcomes in Adults Older Than 60 Years: A Systematic Review. Nutrition Reviews 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Perri G, Mathers JC, Martin-Ruiz C, Parker C, Demircan K, Chillon TS, Schomburg L, Robinson L, Stevenson EJ, Shannon OM, Muniz-Terrera G, Sniehotta FF, Ritchie CW, Adamson A, Burns A, Minihane AM, Walsh J, Hill TR. The association between selenium status and global and attention specific cognition in very old adults in The Newcastle 85+ Study: cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2024, 120(5), 1019-1028.
- Perri G, Mathers JC, Martin-Ruiz C, Parker C, Walsh JS, Eastell R, Demircan K, Chillon TS, Schomburg L, Robinson L, Hill TR. Selenium status and its determinants in very old adults: Insights from the Newcastle 85+ Study. British Journal of Nutrition 2024, 131(5), 901-910.
- Agarwal A, de Jesus Colwell F, Bello Rodriguez J, Sommer S, Correa Galvis VA, Hill T, Boonham N, Prashar A. Monitoring root rot in flat-leaf parsley via machine vision by unsupervised multivariate analysis of morphometric and spectral parameters. European Journal of Plant Pathology 2024, 169, 359-377.
- Bowles SD, Jacques R, Hill TR, Eastell R, Walsh JS. Effects of High Dose Bolus Cholecalciferol on Free Vitamin D Metabolites, Bone Turnover Markers and Physical Function. Nutrients 2024, 16(17), 2888.
- Siervo M, Hussin AM, Calella P, Ashor A, Shannon OM, Mendes I, Stephan BCM, Zheng D, Hill T, Mathers JC. Associations between Aging and Vitamin D Status with Whole-Body Nitric Oxide Production and Markers of Endothelial Function. Journal of Nutrition 2024, 154(2), 469-478.
- Clark A, Kuznesof S, Waller A, Davies S, Wilson S, Ritchie A, Duesterloh A, Harbord L, Hill TR. The influence of storage and cooking on the vitamin D content of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 enriched eggs. Foods 2023, 12(13), 2522.
- Shannon OM, Ranson JM, Gregory S, Macpherson H, Milte C, Lentjes M, Mulligan A, McEvoy C, Griffiths A, Matu J, Hill TR, Adamson A, Siervo M, Minihane AM, Muniz-Tererra G, Ritchie C, Mathers JC, Lewellyn DJ, Stevenson E. Mediterranean diet adherence is associated with lower dementia risk, independent of genetic predisposition: Findings from the UK Biobank prospective cohort study. BMC Medicine 2023, 21, 81.
- Perri G, Hill TR, Mathers JC, Walsh JS, Gossiel F, Winther K, Frölich J, Folkestad L, Cold S, Eastell E. Long-Term Selenium-Yeast Supplementation Does Not Affect Bone Turnover Markers: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2022, 37(11), 2165-2173.
- Hakeem S, Mendonca N, Aspray TA, Kingston A, Martin-Ruiz C, Roinson L, Hill TR. The Association between 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentration and Telomere Length in the Very-Old: The Newcastle 85+ Study. Nutrients 2021, 13(12), 4314.
- Tuttiett ER, Green DJ, Stevenson EJ, Hill TR, Corfe BM, Williams EA. Short-Term Protein Supplementation Does Not Alter Energy Intake, Macronutrient Intake and Appetite in 50–75 Year Old Adults. Nutrients 2021, 13(5), 1711.
- Perri G, Hill TR. Plant-based diets and bone health: A mini review of the scientific evidence. Osteoporosis Review 2021, 31(3), 20-23.
- Buttriss JL, Lanham-New SA, Steenson S, Levy L, Swan GE, Darling AL, Cashman KD, Allen RE, Durrant LR, Smith CP, Magee P, Hill TR, Uday S, Kiely M, Delamare G, Hoyland AE, Larsen L, Street LN, Mathers JC, Prentice A. Implementation Strategies for Improving Vitamin D Status and Increasing Vitamin D Intake in the UK: Current Controversies and Future Perspectives. Proceedings of the 2nd Rank Prize Funds Forum on Vitamin D. British Journal of Nutrition 2021, 127(10), 1567-1587.
- Clark A, Kuznesof S, Davies S, Waller A, Richie A, Wilson S, Harbord L, Hill T. Egg enrichment with vitamin D: The Sunshine Eggs projects. Nutrition Bulletin 2021, 46(3), 332-338.
- Walsh JS, Jacques RM, Schomburg L, Hill TR, Mathers JC, Williams GR, Eastell R. Effect of selenium supplementation on musculoskeletal health in older women: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. The Lancet Healthy Longevity 2021, 2(4), e212-e221.
- Lanham-New SA, Webb AR, Cashman KD, Buttriss JL, Fallowfield JL, Masud T, Hewison M, Mathers JC, Kiely M, Welch AA, Ward KA, Magee P, Darling AL, Hill TR, Greig C, Smith CP, Murphy R, Leyland S, Bouillon R, Ray S, Kohlmeier M. Vitamin D and SARS-CoV-2 virus/COVID-19 disease. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health 2020, 3(1), e000089.
- Hakeem S, Mendonca N, Aspray T, Kingston A, Ruiz-Martin C, Jagger C, Mathers JC, Duncan R, Hill TR. The association between 25-Hydroxyvitamin D concentration and disability trajectories in very old adults: The Newcastle 85+ study. Nutrients 2020, 12(9), 2742.
- Stevenson EJ, Shannon OM, Minihane AM, Adamson A, Burns A, Hill T, Sniehotta F, Muniz-Terrera G, Ritchie CW. NuBrain: UK consortium for optimal nutrition for healthy brain ageing. Nutrition Bulletin 2020, 45(2), 223-229.
- Granic A, Mendonça N, Sayer AA, Hill TR, Davies K, Siervo M, Mathers JC, Jagger C. Effects of dietary patterns and low protein intake on sarcopenia risk in the very old: the Newcastle 85+ Study. Clinical Nutrition 2020, 39(1), 166-173.
- Perri G, Mendonça N, Jagger C, Walsh J, Eastell R, Mathers JC, Hill TR. Dietary Selenium Intakes and Musculoskeletal Function in Very Old Adults: Analysis of the Newcastle 85+ Study. Nutrients 2020, 12(7), 2068.
- Mendonça N, Kingston A, Granic A, Hill TR, Mathers JC, Jagger C. Contribution of protein intake and its interaction with physical activity to transitions between disability states and to death in very old adults: the Newcastle 85+ Study. European Journal of Nutrition 2020, 59, 1909-1918.
- Mendonca N, Jagger C, Granic A, Martin-Ruiz C, Mathers JC, Seal CJ, Hill TR. Plasma Vitamin B12, Supplementation and Mortality. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 2019, 74(1), 138-138.
- Ranathunga R, Hill TR, Mathers JC, Francis RM, Prentice A, Schoenmakers I, Aspray TJ. No effect of monthly supplementation with 12000 IU, 24000 IU or 48000 IU vitamin D3 for one year on muscle function: The vitamin D in older people study. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2019, 190, 256-262.
- Clark B, Doyle J, Bull O, McLean S, Hill TR. Knowledge and attitudes towards Vitamin D food fortification. Nutrition and Food Science 2019, 49(3), 346-358.
- Malcomson FC, Breininger SP, ElGendy K, Joel A, Ranathunga T, Hill TR, Bradburn DM, Turnbull DM, Greaves LC, Mathers JC. Design and baseline characteristics of the Biomarkers Of Risk In Colorectal Cancer (BORICC) Follow-Up study: A 12+ years follow-up. Nutrition and Health 2019, 25(3), 231-238.
- Iuliano S, Hill TR. Dairy foods and bone health throughout the lifespan: A critical appraisal of the evidence. British Journal of Nutrition 2019, 121(7), 763-772.
- Clark B, Hill T, Hubbard C. Consumer perception of vitamin D and fortified foods. British Food Journal 2019, 121(9), 2205-2218.
- Hill TR, Verlaan S, Biesheuvel E, Eastell R, Bauer JM, Bautmans I, Brandt K, Donini LM, Maggio M, Mets T, Seal CJ, Wijers SLJ, Sieber C, Cederholm T, Aspray T. A vitamin D, calcium and leucine-enriched whey protein nutritional supplement improves measures of bone health in sarcopenic non-malnourished older adults – the PROVIDE study. Calcified Tissue International 2019, 105, 383-391.
- Sakkas P, Smith S, Hill TR, Kyriazakis I. A reassessment of the vitamin D requirements of modern broiler genotypes. Poultry Science 2019, 98(1), 330-340.
- Mendonça N, Granic A, Hill TR, Siervo M, Mathers JC, Kingston A, Jagger C. Protein intake and disability trajectories in the very old: The Newcastle 85+ Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2018, 67(1), 50-56.
- Granic A, Mendonça N, Hill TR, Jagger C, Stevenson EJ, Mathers JC, Sayer AA. Nutrition in the Very Old. Nutrients 2018, 10(3), 269.
- Mendonça N, Jagger C, Granic A, Martin-Ruiz C, Mathers JC, Seal CJ, Hill TR. Elevated total homocysteine in all participants and plasma vitamin B12 concentrations in women are associated with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in the very old: The Newcastle 85+ Study. Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences 2018, 73(9), 1258-1264.
- Livingstone KM, Celis-Morales C, Hoeller U, Lambrinou CP, Moschonis G, Macready AL, Fallaize R, Baur M, Roos FF, Bendik I, Grimaldi K, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Weber P, Drevon CA, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Gibney ER, Lovegrove JA, Saris WH, Daniel H, Gibney M, Martinez JA, Brennan L, Hill TR, Mathers JC. Weekday sunlight exposure, but not vitamin D intake, influences the association between vitamin D receptor genotype and circulating concentration 25-hydroxyvitamin D in a pan-European population: the Food4Me study. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 2017, 61(2), 1600476.
- Granic A, Hill TR, Davies K, Jagger C, Adamson A, Siervo M, Kirkwood TBL, Mathers JC, Sayer AA. Vitamin D Status, Muscle Strength and Physical Performance Decline in Very Old Adults: A Prospective Study. Nutrients 2017, 9(4), 379.
- Mendonca N, Granic A, Mathers JC, Hill TR, Siervo M, Adamson AJ, Jagger C. Prevalence and determinants of low protein intake in very old adults: insights from the Newcastle 85+ Study. European Journal of Nutrition 2017, 57(8), 2713-2722.
- Mendonca N, Granic A, Mathers JC, Martin-Ruiz C, Wesnes KA, Seal CJ, Jagger C, Hill TR. One-Carbon Metabolism Biomarkers and Cognitive Decline in the Very Old: The Newcastle 85+ Study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2017, 18(9), 806.e19-806.e27.
- Verlaan S, Aspray T, Bauer JM, Cederholm T, Hemsworth J, Hill TR, McPhee JS, Piasecki M, Seal CJ, Sieber CC, terBorg S, Wijers SL, Brandt K. Nutritional status, body composition, and quality of life in community-dwelling sarcopenic and non-sarcopenic older adults: A case-control study. Clinical Nutrition 2017, 36(1), 267-274.
- Granic A, Mendonca N, Sayer AA, Hill TR, Davies K, Adamson A, Siervo M, Mathers JC, Jagger C. Low protein intake, muscle strength and physical performance in the very old: the Newcastle 85+ Study. Clinical Nutrition 2017, 37(6), 2260-2270.
- Mendonca N, Granic A, Mathers JC, Martin-Ruiz C, Wesnes KA, Seal CJ, Jagger C, Hill TR. Homocysteine, Tryptophan, and Cognition in the Very Old. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2017, 18(10), 895-896.
- Darling AL, Hart KH, Gossiel F, Robertson F, Hunt J, Hill TR, Johnsen S, Berry JL, Eastell R, Vieth R, Lanham-New SA. Higher bone resorption excretion in South Asian women vs White Caucasians and increased bone loss with higher seasonal cycling of vitamin D: results from the D-FINES cohort study. Bone 2017, 98, 47-53.
- Ashor AW, Werner AD, Lara J, Willis ND, Mathers JC, Siervo M. Effects of vitamin C supplementation on glycaemic control: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2017, 71, 1371-1380.
- Mat-Hussin A, Ashor A, Schoenmakers I, Hill TR, Mathers J, Siervo M. Effect of vitamin D on endothelial function: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. European Journal of Nutrition 2017, 56(3), 1095-1104.
- Hill TR, Mendonca N, Granic A, Siervo M, Jagger C, Seal CJ, Kerse N, Wham C, Adamson AJ, Mathers JC. What do we know about the nutritional status of the very old? Insights from three cohorts of advanced age from the UK and New Zealand. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2016, 75(3), 420-430.
- Hill TR, Granic A, Davies K, Collerton J, Martin-Ruiz C, Siervo M, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ, Francis RM, Pearce SH, Razvi S, Kirkwood TBL, Jagger C. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and its determinants in the very old: The Newcastle 85+ study. Osteoporosis International 2016, 27(3), 1199-1208.
- Mendonça N, Hill TR, Granic A, Davies K, Collerton J, Mathers JD, Siervo M, Wrieden WL, Seal CJ, Kirkwood TBL, Jagger C, Adamson AJ. Micronutrient intake and food sources in the very old: Analysis of the Newcastle 85+ Study. British Journal of Nutrition 2016, 116(4), 751-761.
- Mendonça N, Hill TR, Granic A, Davies K, Collerton J, Mathers JC, Siervo M, Wrieden WL, Seal C, Jagger C, Adamson AJ. Macronutrient intake and food sources in the very old: analysis of the Newcastle 85+ Study. British Journal of Nutrition 2016, 115(12), 2170-2180.
- Mendonça NMP, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ, Martin-Ruiz C, Seal CJ, Jagger C, Hill TR. Intakes of Folate and Vitamin B12 and Biomarkers of Status in the Very Old: The Newcastle 85+ Study. Nutrients 2016, 8(10), 604.
- Granic A, Jagger C, Davies K, Adamson A, Kirkwood T, Hill TR, Siervo M, Mathers JC, Sayer AA. Effect of dietary patterns of muscle strength and physical performance in the very old: findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study. PLOS One 2016, 11(3), e0149699.
- Granic A, Davies K, Adamson A, Kirkwood T, Hill TR, Siervo M, Mathers JC, Jagger C. Dietary Patterns High in Red Meat, Potato, Gravy, and Butter Are Associated with Poor Cognitive Functioning but Not with Rate of Cognitive Decline in Very Old Adults. Journal of Nutrition 2016, 146(2), 265-274.
- Carson EL, Pourshahidi LK, Hill TR, Cashman KD, Strain JJ, Boreham CA, Mulhern MS. Vitamin D, Muscle Function, and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Adolescents From the Young Hearts Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2015, 100(12), 4621-4628.
- Granic A, Hill TR, Kirkwood TBL, Davies K, Collerton J, Martin-Ruiz C, von Zglinicki T, Saxby BK, Wesnes KA, Collerton D, Mathers JC, Jagger C. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and cognitive decline in the very old: The Newcastle 85+ study. European Journal of Neurology 2015, 22(1), 106-e7.
- Granic A, Davies K, Adamson A, Kirkwood T, Hill TR, Siervo M, Mathers JC, Jagger C. Dietary Patterns and Socioeconomic Status in the Very Old: The Newcastle 85+ Study. PLoS ONE 2015, 10(10), e0139713.
- Granic A, Aspray T, Hill T, Davies K, Collerton J, Martin-Ruiz C, von Zglinicki T, Kirkwood TB, Mathers JC, Jagger C. 25-hydroxyvitamin D and increased all-cause mortality in very old women: the Newcastle 85+ study. Journal of Internal Medicine 2015, 277(4), 456-467.
- Hill TR. Vitamin D status is poor in the UK. British Medical Journal 2014, 348, g2818.
- Mathers JC, Hill TR, Foster E, Adamson AJ, Valentine R, Rugg-Gunn AJ. Twenty years of research in the Human Nutrition Research Centre, Newcastle University, 1994-2014. Nutrition Bulletin 2014, 39(3), 266-275.
- Hill TR. Vitamin D and Health: Current Perspectives and Future Direction. Agro Food Industry Hi Tech 2013. In Press.
- Cashman KD, Seamans KM, Lucey AJ, Stöcklin E, Weber P, Kiely M, Hill TR. Relative effectiveness of oral 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and vitamin D3 in raising wintertime serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D in older adults. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2012, 95(6), 1350-1356.
- Muldowney S, Lucey AJ, Hill TR, Seamans KM, Taylor N, Wallace JM, Horigan G, Barnes MS, Bonham MP, Duffy EM, Strain JJ, Cashman KD, Kiely M. Incremental Cholecalciferol Supplementation up to 15 μg/d Throughout Winter at 51-55{degrees} N Has No Effect on Biomarkers of Cardiovascular Risk in Healthy Young and Older Adults. Journal of Nutrition 2012, 142(8), 1519-1525.
- Seamans KM, Hill TR, Scully L, Meunier N, Andrillo-Sanchez M, Polito A, Hininger-Favier I, Ciarapica D, Simpson EE, Stewart-Knox BJ, O'Connor JM, Coudray C, Cashman KD. Vitamin D status and indices of bone turnover in older European adults. International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 2011, 81(5), 277-285.
- Barnes MS, Horigan G, Cashman KD, Hill TR, Forsythe LK, Lucey AJ, McSorley EM, Kiely M, Bonham MP, Magee PJ, Strain JJ, Wallace JM. Maintenance of wintertime vitamin D status with cholecalciferol supplementation is not associated with alterations in serum cytokine concentrations among apparently healthy younger or older adults. Journal of Nutrition 2011, 141(3), 476-481.
- Forsythe L, Livingstone MB, Barnes MS, Horigan G, McSorley EM, Bonham MP, Magee PJ, Hill TR, Lucey AJ, Cashman KD, Kiely M, Strain JJ, Wallace JM. Effect of adiposity on vitamin D status and the 25-hydroxycholecalciferol response to supplementation in healthy young and older Irish adults. British Journal of Nutrition 2011, 107(1), 126-134.
- Hill TR, Cotter AA, Mitchell S, Boreham CA, Dubitzky W, Murray L, Strain JJ, Flynn A, Robson PJ, Wallace JMW, Kiely M, Cashman KD. Vitamin D status and parathyroid hormone relationship in adolescents and its association with bone health parameters: Analysis of the Northern Ireland Young Heart’s Project. Osteoporosis International 2010, 21(4), 695-700.
- Seamans KM, Hill TR, Scully L, Meunier N, Andrillo-Sanchez M, Polito A, Hininger-Favier I, Ciarapica D, Simpson EEA, Stewart-Knox BJ, OConnor JM, Coudray C, Cashman KD. Vitamin D status and its correlations with measures of cognitive function in healthy older European adults. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2010, 64, 1172-1178.
- Seamans KM, Hill TR, Wallace JMW, Horigan G, Lucey AJ, Barnes MS, Taylor N, Bonham MP, Muldowney S, Duffy EM, Strain JJ, Kiely M, Cashman KD. Cholecalciferol supplementation throughout winter does not effect markers of bone turnover in healthy young and elderly adults. Journal of Nutrition 2010, 140(3), 454-460.
- Cashman KD, Wallace JMW, Horigan G, Hill TR, Barnes MS, Lucey AJ, Bonham MP, Taylor N, Duffy EM, Seamans K, Muldowney S, FitzGerald A, Flynn A, Strain JJ, Kiely M. Estimation of the dietary requirement for vitamin D in free-living adults ≥64 y of age. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2009, 89(5), 1366-1374.
- Hill TR, Cotter AA, Mitchell S, Boreham CA, Dubitzky W, Murray L, Strain JJ, Flynn A, Robson PJ, Wallace JMW, Kiely M, Cashman KD. Vitamin D status and its determinants in adolescents from the Northern Ireland Young Hearts 2000 cohort. British Journal of Nutrition 2008, 99(5), 1061-1067.
- Cashman KD, Hill TR, Cotter AA, Boreham CA, Dubitzky W, Murray L, Strain JJ, Flynn A, Robson PJ, Wallace JMW, Kiely M. Low vitamin D status adversely affects bone health parameters in adolescents. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2008, 87(4), 1039-1044.
- Cashman KD, Hill TR, Lucey AJ, Taylor N, Seamans K, Muldowney S, FitzGerald A, Flynn A, Barnes MS, Horigan G, Bonham MP, Duffy EM, Strain JJ, Wallace JMW, Kiely M. Estimation of the dietary requirement for vitamin D in healthy adults. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2008, 88(6), 1535-1542.
- Hill TR, McCarthy DA, Jacobsen J, Lamberg-Allardt C, Flynn A, Kiely M, Cashman KD. Seasonal changes in vitamin D status and bone turnover in healthy Irish postmenopausal women. . International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 2007, 77(5), 320-325.
- Hill TR, Kiely M, Flynn A, Cashman KD. Vitamin D status of young, adult and elderly Irish subjects. Irish Medical Journal 2006, 99, 48-49.
- Hill TR, OBrien MM, Kiely M, Flynn A, Cashman KD. Vitamin D status of 51-75 year-old Irish women: its determinants and impact on biochemical indices of bone turnover. Public Health Nutrition 2006, 9(2), 225-233.
- Hill TR, Collins A, O'Brien MM, Kiely M, Flynn A, Cashman KD. Vitamin D intake and status in Irish postmenopausal women. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2005, 59(3), 404-410.
- Hill T, Meunier N, Andriollo-Sanchez M, Ciarapica D, Hininger-Favier I, Polito A, OConnor JM, Coudray C, Cashman KD. The relationship between the zinc nutritive status and biochemical markers of bone turnover in older European adults: the ZENITH study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2005, 59(s2), S73-S78.
- Hill TR, O'Brien MM, Cashman KD, Flynn A, Kiely M. Vitamin D intakes in 18-64 year-old Irish adults. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2004, 58(11), 1509-1517.
Book Chapters
- Hill TR. Biofortification of eggs. In: Alamprese C, ed. Advances in improving the safety and quality of eggs. Sawston, Cambridge: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, 2025. In Press.
- Hill TR. Vitamins and Minerals in Milk: Levels and Effects of Dairy Processing. In: Dr. Paul L. H. McSweeney, Dr. James A. O'Mahony and Dr. Alan L. Kelly, ed. Advanced Dairy Chemistry. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2022, pp.417-455.
- Hill T, Bender D. Vitamins. In: Firth,J;Conlon,C;Cox,T, ed. Oxford Textbook of Medicine 6th Ed. Oxford University Press, 2020.
- Iuliano S, Hill TR. Dairy foods and bone accrual during growth and development. In: D. Ian Givens, ed. Milk and Dairy Foods Their Functionality in Human Health and Disease. 2020, pp.299-232.
- Aspray T, Hill TR. Osteoporosis and the Ageing Skeleton. In: J. Robin Harris and Viktor I. Korolchuk, ed. Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Ageing: Part II Clinical Science. Singapore: Springer, 2019, pp.453-476.
- Hill T, Lietz G. Food and Nutrition‐Related Diseases: The Global Challenge. In: Lanham-New S; Hill T; Gallagher A; Voster H, ed. Introduction to Human Nutrition 3rd Edition. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2019, pp.439-452.
- Hill TR, Granic A, Aspray TJ. Vitamin D and Ageing. In: J. Robin Harris and Viktor I. Korolchuk, ed. Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Ageing: Part I Biomedical Science. Singapore: Springer, 2018, pp.191-220.
- Saretzki Gabriele. Telomeres, Telomerase and Ageing. In: J. Robin Harris, Viktor I. Korolchuk, ed. Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Ageing: Part I Biomedical Science. Singapore: Springer, 2018, pp.221-308.
- Hill TR, Morrissey PA. Vitamin C; Vitamin E; Vitamin K. In: Fox, P.F., McSweeney, P.L.H, ed. Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences. San Diego, California, USA: Elsevier, 2011, pp.667-674; 652-660; 661-666.
- Morrissey P, Hill TR. Fat Soluble Vitamins and Vitamin C in Milk and Milk Products. In: McSweeney, P.L.H., Fox, P.F, ed. Advanced Dairy Chemistry; Lactose, Water, Salts and Minor Constituents. New York: Springer, 2009, pp.527-589.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Robinson G, Clark A, McEvoy L, Hill TR. Consumer perceptions of vertical farming: a preliminary analysis of UK and Irish consumers. In: Nutrition Society Summer Conference 2022. 2022, Sheffield: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. Cambridge University Press.
- Clark A, Ellison M, Robinson G, Hill TR. Consumer perceptions of vertical farming with a focus on the catering industry. In: Nutrition Society Summer Conference 2022. 2022, Sheffield: Cambridge University Press.
- Carson E, Pourshahidi LK, Boreham CA, Hill TR, Cashman KD, Strain JJ, Mulhern MS. The association between vitamin D status, muscle strength, power and cardiorespiratory fitness in adolescents from the Young Hearts Study. In: Nutrition Society Winter Meeting 2014, Nutrition and age-related muscle loss, sarcopenia and cachexia. 2015, London, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Mendonaca N, Hill TR, Granic A, Mathers JC, Wrieden W, Siervo M, Seal C, Jagger C, Adamson AJ. Micronutrient intake and food sources in the very old. In: Irish Section Meeting, Nutrition at key life stages: new findings, new approaches. 2015, Cork, Ireland: Cambridge University Press.
- Darling AL, Gossiel F, Robertson F, Hill T, Berry JL, Johnsen S, Eastell R, Lanham-New SA. Increased bone resorption is associated with greater seasonal fluctuation or 'cycling' of 25-hydroxyvitamin D. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society: Winter Meeting 2014. 2015, Cambridge University Press.
- Mendonca N, Hill TR, Granic A, Mathers JC, Wrieden W, Siervo M, Seal C, Jagger C, Adamson AJ. Dietary intake and food sources in the very old. In: Nutrition Society Irish Section Meeting. 2015, Cork, Ireland: Cambridge University Press.
- Mendonca N, Granic A, Mathers JC, Wrieden W, Siervo M, Seal C, Jagger C, Adamson AJ, Hill TR. Contribution of animal products to dietary intakes in the very old. In: Nutrition Society Summer Meeting 2015. 2015, Nottingham University, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Darling AL, Gossiel F, Robertson F, Hill T, Eastell R, Lanham-New SA. Premenopausal migrant South Asian women have higher urinary N-Telopeptide than would be expected for their age. In: Osteoporosis Conference 2014. 2014, Birmingham, UK: Springer.
- Darling AL, Gossiel F, Robertson F, Hill T, Berry JL, Johnsen S, Eastell R, Lanham-New SA. Greater Seasonal Fluctuation or 'Cycling' of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D is Associated with Increased Bone Resorption. In: Osteoporosis Conference 2014. 2014, Birmingham, UK: Springer.
- Granic A, Hill T, Kirkwood T, Davies K, Collerton J, Mathers JC, Jagger C. Association between serum 25(OH)D and the risk of cognitive decline in the very old: The Newcastle 85+study. In: Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting. 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Granic A, Kirkwood T, Davies K, Collerton J, Hill T, Martin-Ruiz C, vonZglinicki T, Aspray T, Mathers JC, Jagger C. 25-hydroxyvitamin D and increased risk of all-cause mortality in very old women: The Newcastle 85+ study. In: UK Molecular Epidemiology Group (MEG) Winter Meeting on The Future of Epidemiology: Biomarkers meet Populations. 2013, Newcastle University: Oxford University Press.
- Hill TR, Wallace J, Robson PJ, Dubitzky W, Murray L, Strain J, Flynn A, Kiely M, Cashman KD. Vitamin D status and bone health in adolescents: The Northern Ireland young heart's project. In: Journal of Bone and Mineral Research: 29th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.
- Hill TR, Cotter AA, Wallace J, Robson PJ, Boreham C, Dubitzky W, Murray L, Flynn A, Kiely M, Cashman KD. Vitamin D status of adolescents from the Northern Ireland Young Hearts Project: effects of age, sex and season. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society: Scientific Meeting. 2005, Belfast, Northern Ireland: Cambridge University Press.
- Hill TR, O'Brien MM, Cashman KD, Flynn A, Kiely M. The impact of using revised food composition data for vitamin D on estimates of vitamin D intakes in 18-64 year-old Irish adults. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society: Optimal Nutrition for Osteoporosis Prevention. 2003, Cork, Ireland: Cambridge University Press.
- Hill TR, O'Brien MM, Kiely M, Flynn A, Cashman KD. Seasonal variation in vitamin D status in a group of 50-70-year-old Irish women. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society: Optimal Nutrition for Osteoporosis Prevention. 2003, Cork, Ireland: Cambridge University Press.
- Hill TR, O'Brien MM, Kiely M, Flynn A, Cashman KD. Serum vitamin D and parathyroid hormone concentrations in a group of 50 to 70-year-old Irish women. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society: Scientific Meeting. 2002, Edinburgh, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Hill TR, O'Brien MM, Kiely M, Cashman K, Flynn A. Seasonality of vitamin D intake in 18-64 year-old Irish adults: Analysis of the North/South Ireland Food Consumption Survey. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society: Scientific Meeting. 2001, Dundee, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Edited Book
- Lanham-New S, Hill TR, Gallagher A, Voster H, ed. Introduction to Human Nutrition 3rd Edition. Wiley-Blackwell, 2019.
- Hill TR, Aspray TJ. Vitamin D prescribing in older people in the UK depends on postcode. Maturitas 2017, 99, 109-113.
- Hill T, Kyriazakis I. Vitamin D3, 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3, and food fortification. Journal of Nutrition 2018, 148(4), 664-665.
- Hill TR. Vitamin D status, bone fracture and mortality. British Medical Journal 2014, 349(7986), g6995.
- Hill TR, Aspray TJ. The role of vitamin D in maintaining bone health in older people. Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease 2017, 9(4), 89-95.
- Hill TR, Aspray TA, Francis RM. Vitamin D and bone health outcomes in older age. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2013, 72(4), 372-380.