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Our Icons

Effective icons, consistently applied, help users quickly and easily identify what they need or want.

Icon variations

We have a range of brand icons available to use, which you can download from our Photo Library. This is accompanied by a guide to our icons, which outlines common usage and meanings. These can be flexible, according to your needs and the content that you are creating.

The icon examples below are just a small range of those available. They are shown highlighted with the red accent, but the icons are also available with the alternative accent colours.

However please note that using colour to differentiate between types of content is not fully accessible. You should use clear content, layout, and relevant icons to provide signposting for users.

As shown in these examples, there is also a reversed version available for use on darker colours, for legibility.

You should not create your own icons, or versions of these icons.

If you need an icon which is not currently available, please contact the Brand Support team at

Example icons used across Newcastle University's Brand Hub website.

Download icons