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Offshore wind facilities, equipment, and services

Our laboratories and technical experts are on-hand to help with your testing and investigation needs.

From marine science to power engineering, our laboratories and expert staff can help with R&D, testing and investigations in:

  • chemical and surface analysis
  • gear technology and mechanical power transmission systems
  • hydrostatic and hyperbaric pressure testing
  • marine hydrodynamics, propulsion and coatings
  • marine science and consenting

If you would like to discuss how you can work with any of the services and facilities described on this page, please contact us.

Marine hydrodynamics, propulsion and coatings

Research and laboratories can be found both on the Newcastle city centre campus and at the Unviersity's marine station at the Port of Blyth.

The Blyth marine station includes:

Emerson cavitation tunnel

A specialist flume for hydrodynamic research of:

  • propellers
  • turbines
  • foils
  • bluff bodies
  • coatings innovations

The test section is 3.1 metres long and has an adjustable working cross section of 1.2 x 0.8 metres.

Atmospheric pressure within the tunnel can be adjusted to enable analysis and visualisation of cavitating flow.

Multi-purpose flume

A twin chamber seawater flume to analyse the hydrodynamic boundary layer formed over a surface under different flow conditions. The two sections are:

  • Ageing: can simulate in-service performance of biofouled surfaces
  • Measuring: hydrodynamic boundary layer development measurement
Slime farm

The slime farm cultivates different types of biofouling within the lab.

It is a seawater circulation system for simulating the in-service growth of microorganisms, plants, algae and animals on coated surfaces in seawater.

This facility is run in collaboration with AkzoNobel / International Paints.

The laboratories in the Armstrong Building on the city centre campus include:

Flow cell

This is a smaller flume with similar capabilities to the multi-purpose flume.

The flow cell can be run with the same insert plates used in the multi-purpose-flume and the Emerson cavitation tunnel. It can also accept small scale inserts. This makes the flow cell an efficient device for new concept development within coated surface hydrodynamics research.


Towing tank

The towing tank can be used for calm water, wave resistance, and seakeeping experiments.

Recent upgrades include the installation of a state-of-the-art motor control system to enhance very slow speed and high-speed testing capabilities as well as the latest wavemaker control software.

A recent innovation is a modern telemetry system which allows data sampling without any wired connections between the carriage and shore-based equipment.


  • Tank length: 37 m
  • Width: 3.7 m
  • Water depth: 1.25 m
  • Normal Carriage velocity: 3 m/s
  • Wave capability:
    • Period range: 0.5 - 2 Sec
    • Wave height: 0.02 - 0.12m (period dependent)
Wind, wave and current tank

The Wind, wave, and current tank is designed for small scale model testing of renewable energy devices. It is also suitable for standard resistance, seakeeping and wind loading experiments.

Testing capabilities

  • wind loading on wet and dry structures
  • resistance measurements
  • seakeeping tests
  • combined wind, wave and current interaction
  • flow visualisation experiments


  • Flume length: 11 m
  • Width: 1.8 m
  • Normal water depth: 1 m
  • Air clearance: 1 m
  • Central measurement section: 3 m
  • Maximum water velocity: 1 m/s
  • Maximum wind velocity: 20 m/s
  • Wave capability:
    • Spectra: Pierson-Moskowitz, JONSWAP, Bretschneider, Neumann
    • Period range: 0.8 - 4sec
    • Wave height: 0.02 - 0.12m (period dependent)

Hydrostatic and hyperbaric pressure testing

Tyne Pressure Testing is a pressure testing and assembly facility located in the North East of England. It is a partnership between British Engines and Newcastle University

Established in 2018, the facility offers specialist pressure testing equipment and dedicated assembly space including:

  • nine hyperbaric chambers
  • environmental testing bays
  • conventional testing bay
  • large scale complex assembly area

You can undertake tests that verify components are fit for purpose and can operate safely at the pressures, or within the extreme environments, for which they are intended.

Gear technology

The Design Unit is a specialist centre with expertise in mechanical power transmission systems. It is also home to the National Gear Metrology Laboratory, the UK’s National Measurement System designated institute for gear measurement.

For more than 50 years the team has provided design, development, and consultancy services to industrial engineering customers around
the world. Services include:

  • gear stress analysis, design and specification
  • transmission design and development
  • mechanical testing
  • failure analysis
  • metrology

Explore the Design Unit's website

Marine science and consenting

The Dove marine laboratory in Cullercoats is dedicated to the study of marine biology, oceanography, environmental science, and coastal processes.

The lab can help you to understand the complex interactions between marine life and their environment, and contribute to the conservation and management of marine resources.

Facilities at the lab include: 

  • deep water tanks, with a water depth of 3m
  • main aquarium for large-scale experiments 
  • five experimental cabinets for smaller tank experiments


The Dove marine laboratory sits on the water

Research vessel Princess Royal

The University's research vessel, Princess Royal, is available for commercial charter.

The flexible nature of the vessel platform makes her ideally suited for:

  • wind-farm support
  • marine mammal and bird survey
  • servicing of moored oceanographic equipment
  • EIA support work such as benthic trawling, sediment sampling and habitat mapping

She is also fully equipped to support a broad range of maritime research in both the marine science and engineering fields.

If you are interested in chartering the Princess Royal in support of your work we are happy to discuss your requirements, please contact

The research vessel The Princess Royal is an ideal platform from which to conduct offshore environmental studies.