Local Engagement and Impact
We engage with businesses and communities on our doorstep to improve the economy, wellbeing and vitality of our region.
We're proud of, and inspired by, our North East roots and heritage.
The School is the gateway to Newcastle Helix - an innovative hub that brings together regional and international academics and businesses. We work with local entrepreneurs and businesses to showcase the amazing organisations in our region.
The work we do is driven by our vision to be a community creating a better, more inclusive and just future for all. We seek to understand the challenges that face our local communities and work in partnership to solve them. We work with communities, public bodies, the voluntary and charity sector, and businesses. Together, we address challenges and benefit those around us.
Student engagement
We offer students the opportunity to undertake a live project for a client as part of their studies. Many of the projects relate to inclusion, diversity, wellness, and economic empowerment.
Since 2021, we've been working with Northumbrian Water Group (NWG), to set a Case Competition for our MBA learners. Our students work with the NWG team to explore challenges in the industry. The challenges are all related to our focus on environmental sustainability.
In 2023-24, we launched our Bridges Internship programme. This has provided eight paid roles with six local organisations. The roles focus on a business challenge, related to economic growth, social value, or sustainability.
It has been one of the most valuable exercises of this business’s development and we feel utterly privileged to have been chosen to be in receipt of this opportunity.
Transforming policy and practice through research
Our academics are regularly consulted by regional policy makers including through Insights North East (INE). INE is a collaboration between Newcastle and Northumbria Universities, the NHS and local authorities.
Our research and engagement is making a difference to the region. Our academics have identified a link between reducing the stigma of poverty in schools and the reading and maths attainment of pupils.
Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (Creative PEC)
The Creative PEC is a leading collaborative research centre, based at Newcastle University Business School. It is led by Newcastle University, along with the Royal Society of Arts, and is funded by UKRI through the Arts and Humanities Research Council.
It brings together:
- a Research Unit
- a Policy Unit
- a national consortium of partners
Together, they deliver timely, evidence-based insights. These insights shape effective policy for the UK’s creative industries. With initiatives such as the State of the Nations reports, a global Research Fellows Network, and strong links with industry and government, the Creative PEC plays a vital role in supporting growth, innovation, and inclusive development across the sector.
Inspiring the next generation
We work with the Royal Economic Society as part of the Discover Economics project. The project raises awareness of economics and aims to increase diversity within the profession.
Our students delivered workshops in state schools across the North East. The workshops increase understanding of economics, career opportunities and the impact economists have in the workplace. They aim to encourage students to consider studying this subject at degree level.
Engage with us
To discuss how you and your organisation can benefit from engaging with Newcastle University Business School, please contact us via email at external.engagement@newcastle.ac.uk