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How can coaching support managers experiencing stress at work?

Jo Cartwright, a leadership development coach and mentor, explored coaching managers experiencing the effects of stress in the workplace.

27 April 2023

About this session

Our recent Forum welcomed Jo Cartwright - a leadership development coach and mentor, consultant and facilitator.

In this session we explored an emerging evidence-based theory of coaching as a "Generative Scaffold". This can support managers experiencing stress at work.

We examined different ways in which a coach can help a manager to develop their own insight, strength and action in order to improve the stressful situation.

Jo shared fresh perspectives and insights from her own research. She drew on existing transdisciplinary literature which discusses how to support coaches to think more deeply about how they can develop their skills in this area.

We discussed some of the ethical considerations for coaches working within organisations and considered the potential role of coaches as agents of social change in advocating for healthy workplaces.

About the speaker

Jo Cartwright is a leadership development coach and mentor, consultant and facilitator.

She collaborates with forward-thinking organisations, teams and individuals to improve performance, resilience and equity in the workplace.

She is the founder of CoachingSpaceWorks, her own private coaching practice. She is also Head of Learning and Development for Treehouse, a consultancy which specialises in leadership development and innovation facilitation.

Jo has an ongoing research interest in workplace stress and resilience, especially from the systemic perspective. She is an EMCC Senior Practitioner and holds an MA in Coaching and Mentoring Practice (Distinction) from Oxford Brookes University.

Headshot of Jo Cartwright, Leadership & Management Development Coach and Founder of Coaching Space Works

Session resources

Download Jo Cartwright's academic paper here: NUCAM April 2023 - How can coaching support managers experiencing stress at work