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AFM2102: Business and Digital Strategy

Offered for Year: 2025/26

Module Leader(s): Mr B Dickson-Green

Owning School: Newcastle University Business School

Teaching Location: Newcastle City Campus


SemesterCredit Value
Semester 1 10
Semester 2 10
FHEQ Level 5


To provide students with an understanding of how an organisation develops, implements and monitors strategy, including implications for ethics and sustainability.

Outline of syllabus

  • Strategic Analysis
  • Strategic Choice
  • Implementation and monitoring of strategy
  • Ethics

Teaching Methods

Teaching activities

CategoryActivityNumberLength (HH:MM)Student Hours (HH:MM)Comment
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities Lecture 14 02:00 28:00 PIP 
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities Small group teaching 5 01:00 05:00 2 in semester 1, 3 in semester 2 - PIP 
Guided Independent Study Assessment preparation and completion 1 60:00 60:00 Time for students to complete formative and summative coursework and assessments 
Guided Independent Study Directed research and reading 1 69:00 69:00  
Guided Independent Study Independent study 1 38:00 38:00  
Total Hours 200

Teaching rationale and relationship to Learning Outcomes

This module aims to introduce students to some key concepts relating to business strategy. Lecture materials are used to explain the issues, and to introduce theory, concepts and techniques. Students will have the opportunity to develop their understanding and judge their progress through question practice - both in question practice sessions and through guided study time. Discussion boards will be available to consider queries. Reading is required to support the module and is essential to developing a rounded view of the material.

Assessment methods


TypeLength (mins)SemesterWhen setPercentageComments
Written Examination 180 2 A 100%  

Assessment rationale and relationship

The examination will assess knowledge and understanding of the material covered.

Written examination is required by the ICAEW for accreditation purposes and must be in place.