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AFM2104: Assurance, Risk and Reporting

Offered for Year: 2025/26

Module Leader(s): Dr K Munro

Owning School: Newcastle University Business School

Teaching Location: Newcastle City Campus


SemesterCredit Value
Semester 1 15
Semester 2 15
FHEQ Level 5


To develop students’ understanding of the critical aspects of managing an assurance engagement (including audit engagements): acceptance, planning, managing, concluding and reporting.

To enable students to prepare complete single entity financial statements, and extracts from those financial statements, covering a wide range of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS® Standards).

Students will also be required to explain accounting and reporting concepts and the application of IFRS® Accounting Standards and IFRS® Sustainability Standards to specified single entity scenarios.

Outline of syllabus

  • Legal and other professional regulations, ethics, accepting and managing engagements
  • Planning and performing engagements
  • Concluding and reporting on engagements
  • Accounting and reporting concepts, sustainability and ethics
  • Single entity financial statements

Teaching methods

Teaching activities

CategoryActivityNumberLength (HH:MM)Student Hours (HH:MM)Comment
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities Lecture 30 02:00 60:00  
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities Small group teaching 6 01:00 06:00  
Guided Independent Study Assessment preparation and completion 117 01:00 117:00  
Guided Independent Study Independent Study 117 01:00 117:00  
Total Hours 300

Teaching rationale and relationship to Learning Outcomes

Structured lecture material is used to provide the basic framework, demonstrate techniques and explain concepts and theory. Some lectures will include worked examples to develop problem-solving and technical skills which students can then practice. These are supported by small group seminars, workshops, student reading of texts and directed learning where students can practice questions to help them prepare for the final assessment.

Assessment methods


TypeLength (mins)SemesterWhen setPercentageComments
Digital Written Examination 180 2 A 60% Open book

Other assessments

TypeSemesterWhen setPercentageComments
Coursework TBC TBC 40%  

Formative assessments

TypeSemesterWhen setComments
Digital Written Examination 2 M Mock Exam 180 mins

Assessment rationale and relationship

This is examined using the ICAEW external examinations to obtain the accreditation. There are no alternative assessments. Accreditation requires in-person invigilated assessments by virtue of this module forming part of the ICAEW "Golden Four" assessments. It must be completed on the ICAEW software.