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AFM3101: Corporate Financial Strategy

Offered for Year: 2025/26

Module Leader(s): Mr B Dickson-Green

Owning School: Newcastle University Business School

Teaching Location: Newcastle City Campus


SemesterCredit Value
Semester 1 15
Semester 2 10
FHEQ Level 5


To enable students to recommend appropriate financial strategies for a business, including: investment, financing and distribution decisions; managing financial risks; and business valuation.

Outline of syllabus

  • Business Finance – methods and strategy
  • Treasury and financial risk management
  • Investment decisions and valuation
  • Ethics

Teaching methods

Teaching activities

CategoryActivityNumberLength (HH:MM)Student Hours (HH:MM)Comment
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities Lecture 16 02:00 32:00  
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities Lecture 2 01:30 03:00  
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities Small group teaching 6 01:00 06:00  
Guided Independent Study Independent Study 105 01:00 105:00  
Guided Independent Study Assessment preparation and completion 104 01:00 104:00  
Total Hours 250

Teaching rationale and relationship to Learning Outcomes

Lecture materials are used to provide the basic framework, demonstrate techniques and explain concepts and theory. Some online lectures will involve worked examples to develop problem-solving and technical skills which students can then practice. These are supported by student reading of texts, and guided question practice to help them prepare for the final assessment. Question practice sessions and discussion boards will ensure students are able to access support for any queries regarding their learning.

Assessment methods


TypeLength (mins)SemesterWhen setPercentageComments
Written Examination 1 90 1 A 50% Organised in house by NUBS
Written Examination 2 90 2 A 50% Organised in house by NUBS

Formative assessments

TypeSemesterWhen setComments
Written Examination 1 1 M Mock Exam
Written Examination 2 2 M Mock Exam

Assessment rationale and relationship

The unseen examinations assess knowledge and understanding as well as relevant cognitive and professional skills. Their use also meets the ICAEW’s Professional Level Examination requirements. Semester one exam is important as it spreads the workload for students across the year.