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Collaboration with Durham University Business School continues to highlight employment insights in China

Collaboration with Durham University Business School continues to highlight employment insights in China

Newcastle University Business School and Durham University Business School collaborate for their third joint event, offering a unique opportunity for Chinese students to gain an insight into the graduate hiring market in China.

9 March 2021

The series of collaborative panel events will kick-off on Tuesday 09 March with employers discussing recruitment insights in China to help students focus on their future career planning. These virtual events will also provide students with an opportunity to embrace digital platforms and connect internationally with top employers including State Street, QH Finance, OCBC Bank, ICAEW, KPMG, Dell and JLL. 

Recruitment insights in China

Employer engagement within China’s market is an area of interest at both Newcastle and Durham due to hugely successful student recruitment across South East Asia with students attending both universities. Chinese employers have encouraged this collaboration to leverage wider engagement from the two triple-accredited UK Business Schools providing the opportunity to connect with talented students. Qiong Jiang from State Street is ‘looking forward’ to the panel event and commented, “On behalf of State Street, I would like to give my gratitude to the efforts of Newcastle University Business School and Durham University Business School by working together to build the connection platform between State Street and Chinese students.”

image of Newcastle University Business School building

Collaboration between the two Universities has proven extremely successful in the past, both for students and employers. Previous joint activity included a virtual careers fair which took place last September with a variety of employers across multiple industry sectors, with both Universities aiding engagement through the production of a student Talent Book which was shared with 18 employers, leading to students successfully securing interviews.


Iris Yuan from Dell added their excitement for the upcoming panel, “We can’t wait to meet the students during the live session, and we’re looking forward to introducing the new Dell Technologies to them.”

Usually, it takes time and cost for an employer to connect with overseas students, and we are always looking for an effective way that can help us do some transformation.

Qiong Jiang, State Street

This collaboration has been accelerated by the challenges presented to in-person graduate hiring activities over the past 12 months, fostering an integrated approach between the two universities utilising IT solutions such as Zoom and MS Teams to ensure North East-based students can still engage on a global level.