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Business School success with first virtual Future Focus Careers Conference

Business School success with first virtual Future Focus Careers Conference

2020 saw the Business School’s annual Future Focus Careers Conference move online with the weeklong series of events being a huge hit with both students and employers.

2 December 2020

Moving the Future Focus Careers Conference on to a digital platform was always going to be a challenge, both logistically and in terms of the disruption the graduate hiring market has encountered throughout 2020.  


Having wrapped up the event after 50+ sessions with clients ranging from local SMEs to global organisations from a cross-section of industry sectors, we have more reason than ever to be positive about the variety of opportunities and innovation that 2020 has fostered in the market.

Graphic based image with chevrons with the background and copy that reads

Virtual careers fairs

Concerns around stagnation within the graduate hiring market were put firmly to bed with consistent messaging from speakers, articulated by Erik Snaathorst of Barnett Waddingham who said:

“As a medium-sized business going across the country to attend careers fairs or organise talks is challenging. We need to make sure we use our time effectively. The virtual world has given us more access to support more students in their job search. We’re pleased to give something back to students in these challenging times.”

The virtual world has given us more access to support more students in their job search. We’re pleased to give something back to students in these challenging times.

Erik Snaathorst, Barnett Waddingham

Record sign-ups, with over 2,000 students across all subject areas tuning in throughout the week, proved that the collegiate feeling was mutual, with a huge level of engagement underpinned by intelligent questioning and decisive action to follow up with speakers and hiring managers.

Looking ahead to 2021, although a return to “normality” will be hugely welcome, the blended approach that online delivery can provide will see a more integrated approach to employability to build on newly created relationships and provide added value to those that are more established.