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Managing people in hostile environments: an increasingly important topic in HRM

Managing people in hostile environments: an increasingly important topic in HRM

The topic will be of interest to researchers in this emerging area of HRM.

13 November 2020

Dr Benjamin Bader, Deputy Head of Leadership, Work, and Organisation and Senior Lecturer in International Human Resource Management at the Business School has a newly edited book ‘Danger and Risk as Challenges for HRM: Managing people in hostile environments’ which will be published in Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.

 The topics included in the book will also be featured here at the Business School in the Advanced Business Topics module.

The book focuses on challenges linked to managing people in hostile environments due to it being a matter continuously brought up in plans for HR professionals in multinational corporations and business leaders. Reasons for the increase in barriers within this area include political instability and terrorism activities in numerous regions. 

Research in this area is still relatively new, although it is becoming increasingly popular due to the above.

Stack of different coloured books with a magnifying glad resting against them

You can find Danger and Risk as Challenges for HRM: Managing People in Hostile Environments here, in Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.

Scholars and researchers in this area who are involved in the role that Human Resource Management (HRM) in hostile environments will find the book invaluable, especially due to it being an emerging topic in the field.