A successful start to 2025 for research colleagues
It has been a successful start to 2025 for Newcastle University Business School. Achievements include publications and new role appointments from across the subject groups. A selection of colleague accomplishments are highlighted below.
19 March 2025
Congratulations to Professor John Wildman who has been appointed as the Chair of ACRA (The Advisory Committee on Resource Allocation) from 1 March 2025, for a period of three years.
ACRA is responsible for providing recommendations and advice on the funding for health services in England that reflect the objectives of the funding formula. The committee currently reports to the Chief Executive of NHS England for NHS allocations, and to the Secretary of State for public health allocations.
Dr Vu Trinh and his co-authors published an article titled “Unravelling the ‘green-default paradox’: Assessing the influence of gender-diverse boards and socially responsible ratings”. The article was published in International Review of Financial Analysis. The research investigates the ‘green-default paradox’ and its connection to gender-diverse boards and socially responsible ratings in influencing the relationship between corporate climate change exposure and distance-to-default.
Dr Zhonghao Jiang and his co-authors' paper “Social Connectedness and Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Empirical Finance. The research explores the role of social connectedness in cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) using the Facebook social connectedness index.
Congratulations to Dr Jose Liu, whose article "The Term Structure of Credit Default Swap Spreads and the Cross Section of Options Returns" has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Futures Markets.
Dr Josephine Go Jefferies and her co-authors' paper "From Satisfaction to Sustainability: Introducing Sustainable Consumer Well-Being" has been accepted to be presented at an AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference track in Washington DC this summer. It will be published in the conference proceedings.
Dr Liucen Pan's paper “All Important Voices Matter: Purposeful Diversifications of Pools of Participants in Open Decision Makings Through Technology” was selected as ‘Best Paper’ in track for the 2024 International Conference for Information Systems (ICIS).
Postgraduate Research
Congratulations to two of our current PGR students for their achievements:
Nida Shamin for the publication of the co-authored article “Metaverse for Digital Health Solutions,” in the International Journal of Information Management.
Tongyue Li for submitting the dissertation ‘Social Media Usage for SMEs’ Innovation and Adaptation During the Covid-19 Pandemic’, supervised by Dr Josephine Go Jefferies and Professor Matthew Gorton.
You can learn more about our colleague achievements on our social channels or through our regular updates on the news section of our website.