Dr Amy Stabler
Senior Lecturer
- Telephone: +44 (0)191 208 2327
- Address: Newcastle University Business School
5 Barrack Road
Newcastle Upon Tyne
I am a Senior Lecturer in Leadership Development and Coaching and Mentoring since June 2018. I hold a Doctorate in Professional Studies on Leading Processes of Culture Change from Middlesex University (2015).
Prior to moving into academia in 2016, I worked as an internal and external consultant in organisational learning strategy, leadership and management development and creating coaching cultures for senior teams and organisations in both UK and international business contexts for clients such as IBM, Kraft Foods plc, Working Links, as well as many organisational facets of the NHS. This has involved diagnosing, designing, planning and delivering learning activities and programmes for individuals and teams in organisations for over 20 years, drawing on in-depth knowledge of adult learning and psychology, at individual, group and organisational levels.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Module Leader on MSc Strategic Leadership and Senior Leader Apprenticeship programmes.
- Executive Coach for Large Organisations at Board Level - external business consultancy
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in Coaching and Mentoring - design and delivery of bespoke organisational programmes
- Newcastle University Coaching and Mentoring Forum Lead - provision of scholarly CPD for C&M postgraduates and seasoned coaching practitioners from the NE community through three annual online events
- Doctorate in Professional Studies (Health), Middlesex University, UK
- MSc Integrative Psychotherapy, University of Wales, UK
- BA(Hons) English Language and Literature, Oxford University, UK
- Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy, AdvanceHE, UK
Previous Positions
- Senior Lecturer in Corporate and Executive Education, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University (2016-2018)
- Action Learning: Research and Practice Award for Best Refereed Paper, 2021 (co-author with Dr Joanne James) at the Symposium, Making a Contribution in a Practice Field: Action Learning in a Changing World
- Alan Moon Memorial Prize for overall Best Paper in European HRD across Research and Practice, 2017, University Forum for HRD Conference.
- Dynamites Award for Social Tech, October 2017 for Executive Programme for Women Leaders in ICT
- Association for Coaching Corporate member
- English (native)
- French (fluent)
Throughout my career, I have sought to improve the methods, models and ethics of coaching, leadership and management development learning activities through practice-based research. My MSc dissertation (University of Wales, 2003) explored the application of psychotherapeutic principles to management development practice. I developed a code of ethics for development practitioners and a model of the developmental alliance.
I undertook my Doctorate In Professional Studies (Middlesex University, 2015) whilst working full time as a Lead for Organisational Development at South Tees Hospitals. This involved insider practitioner research, and the conduct of a realist evaluation of my work with a clinical team in difficulty. This research project led to the creation of new team coaching methods, and I was awarded the Alan Moon Memorial Prize for Best European HRD Paper 2017 by the University Forum for HRD.
Research Awards:
- Action Learning: Research and Practice Award for Best Refereed Paper, 2021, for James, J. and Stabler, A. 'A Practice Framework for Facilitated Action Inquiry to support Collaboration in a Community System' at the Symposium, Making a Contribution in a Practice Field: Action Learning in a Changing World, 21st April 2021
- Alan Moon Memorial Prize for the Best Paper in European HRD, 2017, for Stabler, A. 'Moving Beyond the Team Coach as a Knowing Subject: the Role of Reflexivity, Reciprocity and Relationality in Creating Psychological Safety for a Team in Difficulty.' In: University Forum for HRD European Conference Proceedings, 2017.
Research Funding:
- Co-I, Leadership for safe and inclusive research cultures: Funded by a £1M Wellcome Trust award, this 30-month project aims to build leadership capacity for creating psychologically safe and inclusive environments. The Newcastle University project team comprises academic and professional services colleagues spanning People Services, Organisational Development, the Business School, and Research Strategy and Development, 2024-2026.
- Led Qualitative Study 1, in JUC Public Administration Committee for Small Research Grant funded two part mixed methods research project into career transitions with colleagues from Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, 2018-2019.
- Led Action Research Evaluation Consultancy for the Innovation SuperNetwork (Innovate NE Ltd) Women in Innovation Pilot project, 2018.
- I teach a number of modules on the Strategic Leadership MSc and Senior Leader Apprenticeship which is a part-time, flexible and blended learning programme for professionals seeking to develop advanced professional practice.
- I am Module Leader for Exploring Theory in Practice, NBS8972. I teach on Leadership Perspectives, NBS8960.
- I supervise MSc Practice-based Research Projects on the Challenging Practice Through Research module, NBS8973.
Bespoke External CPD:
- Whilst at Newcastle University Business School, with Dr Joanne James, I have co-designed and delivered bespoke Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in coaching and mentoring for RTC North Ltd and Newcastle Universities Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
- Stabler A, James J. Reflexivity and reciprocity to maintain trusting relationships in organisational coaching: a practice framework. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring 2023, 21(2), 88-101.
- Mavin S, James J, Patterson N, Stabler A, Corlett S. Flipping the normative: Developing and delivering a critical pedagogy for executive education in a UK business school. Management Learning 2024, 55(4), 528-552.
Book Chapter
- Stabler A. Building Healthy Teams: Digital Storytelling in NHS Organisations. In: Hardy, P; Sumner, T, ed. Cultivating Compassion: How Digital Storytelling is Transforming Healthcare. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp.229-239.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Stabler A, James J. The Working Alliance in Organisational Team Coaching. In: 23rd International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe UFHRD 2023. 2023, Dublin.
- Mavin S, James J, Patterson N, Stabler A, Davidson J, Hatt L. Critical Pedagogy in Executive Education. In: UFHRD Conference 2022. 2022, Sheffield, UK.
- Mavin S, James J, Patterson N, Stabler A, Davidson J, Hatt L. Articulating a Critical Pedagogy for Business School Education which delivers the UK Government Strategic Leadership Apprenticeship. In: University Forum for Human Resource Development (UFHRD 2022). 2022, Virtual.
- James J, Stabler A. A practice framework for facilitated action inquiry to support collaboration in a community system. In: UFHRD Symposium Making a Contribution in a Practice Field: Action Learning in a Changing World. 2021, Liverpool Business School.
- Stabler A, Blanks E. Mainstreaming Gender Diversity as a Form of Business Support. In: Institute for Small Business And Entrepreneurship (ISBE 2019). 2019, Newcastle, UK: ISBE.
- Stabler A. A study of the ways that coaching supports navigating organisational complexity through narrative and interpretation. In: 20th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe. 2019, Nottingham, UK: UFHRD.
- Stabler A. “You’re not on the ledge, you’re on the kerb!” Exploring pragmatic reconstruction of leader identity in a business mentoring scheme. In: UFHRD 19th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice. 2018, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University.
- Callahan JL, Stabler A, Coetsee J. “And proceeding until apprehended”: A study of the processes of disruption and transformation in a women’s leader development programme. In: UFHRD 19th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice. 2018, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
- Stabler A. Moving beyond the team coach as knowing subject: the role of reflexivity, reciprocity and relationality in creating psychological safety for a team in difficulty. In: 18th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe. 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.
Online Publication
- Stabler A, Kempton L. Putting Systems Leadership in its Place. London, UK: National Leadership Centre, Cabinet Office, 2020. Available at:
- Stabler A. Women in Innovation: Removing barriers to growth in North East businesses by addressing unconscious bias. Key learning from the Innovation Supernetwork Pilot Project. 2019. Submitted.