Staff Profile
Dr Angela Mazzetti
Senior Lecturer in Management Practice & Degree Programme Director for the N200 Programme
I have been working in the education sector since 1996. Throughout my career I have worked with a wide range of students and I am passionate about motivating students to achieve their full learning potential. During my time in the education sector, I have led a number of funded research projects and initiatives related to widening participation; equality, diversity and inclusion; student belonging; and curriculum enhancement.
Newcastle University Business School
I joined Newcastle University Business School in June 2019 as a Senior Lecturer in Management Practice. Currently, I am the Degree Programme Director for the N200 BA (Hons) Business Management programme and the Deputy Subject Group Lead (People Development) for the Leadership, Work and Organisation subject group. I also teach across undergraduate and postgraduate modules in the areas of research methods, reflexive practice, responsible management and academic and professional skills.
Prior Work Experience in the Higher Education Sector
Prior to joining Newcastle University Business School, I was a Senior Lecturer in Management and Leadership at Northumbria University where I led the MBA and Senior Leader Apprenticeship suite of programmes. Before moving to the Newcastle area, I held various senior roles at Teesside University. Initially I worked in a widening participation role within the department for Lifelong Learning undertaking a range of collaborative projects aimed at enhancing access and attainment for underrepresented groups in the Teesside area. I then joined Teesside University Business School as a Senior Lecturer in Management to focus on widening access and attainment initiatives for the school.
Prior Work Experience in the Further Education Sector
Prior to joining the higher education sector, I worked in the further education sector. I led on a number of widening participation, curriculum development and quality enhancement projects which required significant multi-disciplinary partnership working and transformational leadership.
Prior Work Experience in the Utilities Sector
Before joining the education sector, I worked in the utilities sector. I led quality and enhancement projects for utilities operatives aimed at establishing professional standards within the sector.
Recognition for Teaching and Curriculum Leadership
I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Reviewer Roles
I am a reviewer for the following journals:
The Journal of Higher Education: Skills and Work-Based Learning
The Journal of Organizational Ethnography
The Irish Journal of Anthropology
The Journal of Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management
Professional Memberships
I am a member of the following professional membership organisations:
The Academy of Management
The British Academy of Management
The Irish Academy of Management
The European Group for Organizational Studies
The Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
The European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction
European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology
BA (Hons) Anthropology, Queen's University Belfast
PGCE, Open University, UK
TESOL, Trinity College London, UK
MSc Total Quality Management, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
PhD Anthropology, Queen's University Belfast
About Me
I am a keen gardener and spend any free time tending to my plants in my small raised bed garden.
I love swimming (although I am not that great) and managed to achieve my bucket list dream of swimming in Lake Geneva / Lac Léman.
I am an animal lover and have been a vegetarian for 45+ years.
I am a SUPER fan of 1970s and 19080s fashions.
I enjoy painting and photography.
I am a registered carer.
My research falls broadly into three streams:
Emotion, Stress and Coping Research: A 'Personal Ecology' Perspective
I am interested in how our 'personal ecology' influences what we consider to be stressful and the coping strategies and behaviours we adopt to deal with stressful conditions. I define personal ecology as the unique embeddedness of embodied individuals in dynamic socio-cultural and multi-sensorial environments that shift and evolve over time. This relational process comprises personal, environmental, and temporal dimensions. Personal factors include an individual’s sense of well-being and self-worth, and their access to resources in pursuit of salient aspirations and goals. Environmental factors include people’s social networks and wider social, cultural, economic, and political factors. Temporal aspects of the relationship between an individual and their environment are also explored, as interrelated personal and environmental dynamics shift and evolve over time. Through my academic research, I have explored themes such as adaptation and resilience; trauma, coping resources and reserves; recourse to intervention strategies; how stress is conceptualised and discussed; readiness and resistance to change; the long-term impact of career disruptions; and how stressful encounters are remembered and narrated. Publications related to this research can be found under 'Publications'.
A 'Scholarly Ecology' Perspective
This stream of research focuses on the concept of a 'scholarly ecology' which I define as the personal, temporal, and environmental factors that impact how individuals engage with their studies and the process through which they develop a sense of belonging to an academic community and a sense of scholarly identity. Through my research I have explored themes such as the transition from further education to higher education; the barriers to learning; belonging and identity; the role of compassionate educators; and perceptions of academic success and failure. Publications related to this research can be found under 'Publications'.
Contextual Ethics
This stream of my research focuses on the concept of 'contextual ethics' which I define as the additional ethical decisions that need to be considered when undertaking research in sensitive, extreme and transitional contexts. Through my research I have explored themes such as the emotional challenges of qualitative research; the inherent ethical challenges of ethnography; the positionality of the researcher; the use of drawings and photographs; the recording of interviews; and the limitations of engaging with home ethnography. Publications related to this research can be found under 'Publications'.
Research Funding
I have secured internal and external funding to conduct a range of scholarly research projects. These are summarised below.
Internal Research Funding
2019: Newcastle University Learning and Teaching funding to explore how educators impact UG student perceptions of final year research projects.
2022: Newcastle University Digital Innovation funding to develop a set of digital resources to support students with the final year research project.
External Research Funding
2007: Teesside University Lifelong Learning funding to develop a best practice toolkit for widening participation activities.
2008: Durham County Council funding to develop a 'new manager' programme for curriculum managers and teachers.
2008: North East Higher Skills Network funding to explore progression pathways from FE to HE.
2009: Association of Colleges funding to develop a best practice transition toolkit for FE colleges.
UG / PGT Research Supervisions
I have supervised many undergraduate and postgraduate research students on a range of people management and organisational behaviour topics.
PGR Research Supervisions
I am currently co-supervising a PhD student exploring the impact of gendered cultural expectations on career.
I am open to new PhD students wishing to engage in qualitative research related to: (1) cultural (organisational, occupational or national) influences on stress, emotion and coping; (2) cultural influences (organisational, occupational or national) on careers; (3) academic success and failure; (4) gendered language; and (5) learning and teaching in the higher education sector.
UK Doctoral Examinations
2022: Internal Examiner PhD Newcastle University
My Teaching
I teach across a range of people management, research methods, responsible management, and skills development modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Undergraduate Modules
I deliver on the following undergraduate modules:
BUS2040: Human Resource Management and the Future of Work
BUS2018: Research Methods
BUS3079: The Responsible Management Practitioner
Postgraduate Modules
I deliver on the following postgraduate modules:
NBS8646: Management Inquiry and Analysis
NBS8651: Managing in Extreme Contexts
NBS8288: The Reflexive HR Practitioner
Recognition for Teaching and Curriculum Leadership
I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Chartered Association of Business Schools Certified Management & Business Educator.
Teaching Nominations and Awards
I have been nominated for The Education Awards (TEAs) on three occasions. The TEAs is an annual event organised by Newcastle University Students’ Union (NUSU) that gives students the opportunity to nominate members of University staff who they believe have had a significant impact on their academic experience.
- Mazzetti AS. You can never go ‘home’ again: Reflections on the emotional impact of home ethnography. Journal of Organizational Ethnography 2025, epub ahead of print.
- Mazzetti AS. Mind the Gap: The Case for Adopting an Ethno-drama Writing Style in sensitive Organisational Ethnography. Irish Journal of Anthropology (IJA) 2019, 22(1), 72-86.
- Mazzetti AS. An exploration of the emotional impact of organisational ethnography. Journal of Organizational Ethnography 2016, 5(3), 304-316.
- Mazzetti AS. Children of the Troubles: The need to explore the long-term impact on appraisal and coping. Queen's Political Review 2015, 3(2), 54-64.
- Mazzetti AS, Blenkinsopp J. Evaluating a visual timeline methodology for appraisal and coping research. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 2012, 85(4), 649-665.
Book Chapters
- Mazzetti AS. Using Participant-Produced Drawings as an Alternative to Photographs in Ethnographic Research. In: Dodd, S, ed. Ethics and Integrity in Visual Research Methods. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020, pp.29-42.
- Mazzetti AS. Stepping off the career ladder: exploring the impact of career shocks on women’s career decisions in the UK. In: P. R. Kadiyil, A. Frorrier and M. B. Arthur, ed. Career Dynamics in a Global World: Indian and Western Perspectives. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020, pp.80-95.
- Mazzetti AS. The Emotional Nature of Qualitative Research. In: Ciesielska M; Jemielniak D, ed. Qualitative Methodologies in Organization Studies. Volume I Theories and New Approaches. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
- Mazzetti AS. Growing Up with the Troubles: Reading and Negotiating Space. In: Svasek, M; Komarova, M, ed. Ethnographies of Movement, Sociality and Space: Place-Making in the New Northern Ireland. Berg Publishing, 2018.
- Mazzetti AS. Occupational stress research: Considering the emotional impact for the qualitative researcher. . In: Perrewé, PL; Rosen, CC; Halbesleben, JRB, ed. The Role of Emotion and Emotion Regulation in Job Stress and Well Being. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2013, pp.283-310.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Mazzetti AS, Waters-Ajisafe F. The Benefits and Challenges of Adopting Duoethnography to Enrich and Enhance Educator Practice. In: Newcastle University Qualitative Special Interest Group Annual Symposium 2025. 2025, Newcastle University. In Preparation.
- Mazzetti AS. Contextual Ethics: When the Everyday Becomes the Sensitive. In: Newcastle University Qualitative Special Interest Group Annual Symposium 2025. 2025, Newcastle University. Submitted.
- Mazzetti AS. The Dream Walk . In: 2025 International Symposium on Autoethnography and Narrative. 2025, ONINE. In Press.
- Mazzetti AS. Living with the Little 'c'. In: International Symposium on Autoethnography and Narrative. 2024, virtual. Submitted.
- Mazzetti AS. Lipstick on a pig? The challenges of reorganizing public spaces from landscapes of conflict to landscapes of peace in post-conflict Northern Ireland. In: EGOS. 2024, Milan. Submitted.
- Mazzetti AS. Contextual Ethics: When the Everyday Becomes the Sensitive. In: RAI. 2024, London. Submitted.
- Mazzetti AS. You Can Never Go Home Again: My Lived Experience of the Enduring Impact of Forced Migration . In: EAWOP Small Group Meeting on Forced Displacement and Migration. 2024, Rome. Submitted.
- Mazzetti AS. ‘My Troubled Career: A Personal Ecology Perspective on the Proximal and Distal Impact of Conflict-related Career Shocks’. In: CarCon. 2024, Amsterdam. Submitted.
- Mazzetti AS. Thinking Like a Native? You Can Never Go Home Again. In: Annual Ethnography Symposium, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. 2023. Submitted.
- Jonassen L, Mazzetti AS. Partnership Working to Create Digitally Innovative Student Assessment Support. In: Advance HE Assessment and Feedback Symposium. 2023, Reading: Advance HE.
- Mazzetti AS. Engaging With and Writing Up Ethnographic Research: Key Areas for Consideration. In: NARTI Annual Doctoral Conference. 2023, Teesside University. Submitted.
- Mazzetti AS. Engaging the Disengaged in Serendipitous Scholarly Exchanges in a Post Covid Environment . In: Society for Research into Higher Education: HEC19 Summer Showcase. 2023, Online: Society for Research into Higher Education.
- Mazzetti AS. Conducting Qualitative Research in Transitional Contexts: When the Everyday Becomes the Sensitive. In: British Academy of Management. 2023. Submitted.
- Mazzetti AS. Adopting an Idioms of Distress Approach to Explore Firefighter Resistance to Stress Management Interventions . In: British Sociological Association, Work, Employment and Society Conference. 2023. Submitted.
- Mazzetti AS. ‘Narrating identity and memory’. In: European Studies virtual symposium, the University of Berkely California. 2020. Submitted.
- Mazzetti AS. ‘Exploring innovative initiatives for promoting a positive sense of academic and community identity’. In: Chartered Association of Business Schools Virtual Learning and Teaching Conference. 2020. Submitted.
- Mazzetti A, Reissner S. Developing more diverse and inclusive capstones for undergraduate management and business students. In: Curriculum Design Symposium: The Hidden Curriculum : Unpacking the academic practices critical for student success. 2019, York, England: Advance HE.
- Mazzetti AS. In Sickness and in Health. In: International Conference on the Changing Nature of Careers: Implications for a Sustainable World. 2018, Jamshedpur, India: Xavier School of Management.
- Mazzetti AS. The invisible sun: an ethnographic exploration of coping resilience and resource depletion. In: Multi-disciplinary Standpoints on Conflict Transformation. 2017, George Mitchell Institute, Queen's University Belfast.
- Mazzetti AS. The Ethnographic Rollercoaster: The Emotional Impact of Ethnographic Research. In: 11th Annual Ethnography Symposium. 2016, University of the West of England, Bristol.
- Mazzetti AS. ‘Growing Up with the Troubles: Reading and Negotiating Space’. In: Movement, Space and Conflict Symposium. 2016, Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation and Social Justice, Belfast.
- Mazzetti AS. The long-term impact of the Troubles on stress appraisal and coping. In: Explorations of Northern Irishness Symposium. 2015, Queens University Belfast.
- Mazzetti AS. The long-term impact of growing up during the ‘Troubles’ on coping. In: A Peculiar Society? Ireland, 1970s-1990s Symposium. 2015, National University of Ireland, Galway.
- Mazzetti AS. A Burning Issue: How ‘Stress Talk’ Impacts Recourse to Stress Management Interventions within the UK Fire and Rescue Service. In: 9th International Workshop on Management & Language. 2015, Helsinki: GEM&L (Groupe d'Etudes Management & Langage).
- Mazzetti AS. ‘Mind the Gaps’: Exploring conflicting expectations and values created by organisational change. In: European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management 8th Colloquium on Organizational Change and Development. 2013, Ghent.
- Mazzetti AS. Evaluating a visual timeline methodology for appraisal and coping research. In: Invisio Symposium: Advancing Visual Research in Organization Studies. 2012, University of Essex.
- Mazzetti AS. Using autoethnography to enrich our understanding of stress as it is felt and coped with. In: Ethnography Symposium. 2011, Cardiff.
- Mazzetti AS. Using visual research techniques in careers research. In: European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference. 2010, Rome.
- Mazzetti AS. The Dream Factory: Supporting managers during difficult change initiatives. In: British Academy of Management, Leadership and Leadership Development Special Interest Group. 2010, BAM, London.
- Mazzetti AS. The influence of occupational and industry sector culture on stress appraisal and coping. In: 24th Cardiff Employment Research Unit Annual Conference. 2009, Cardiff.
Digital or Visual Media
- Addison S, Reissner S, Mazzetti AS. Levelling the Playing Field: Enhancing Capstone Provision for Greater Opportunity?. 2022. Submitted.
- Mazzetti AS. Fear and Fire. Maynooth, Co. Kildare: Irish Journal Of Anthropology, 2020.
Online Publications
- Mazzetti AS. The Ethical Challenges of Conducting Research in Transitional Contexts. London: Sage Publications Ltd, 2024. Available at:
- Mazzetti AS. Conducting Life History Research. London: Sage Publications Ltd, 2024. Available at:
- Mazzetti AS. Writing Ethnography. London: SAGE Publications Inc, 2023. Available at:
- Mazzetti AS. Using Participant Observation in the Study of Organizational Culture. London: SAGE Publication Inc, 2023. Available at:
- Mazzetti A. Using Digital Reflective Journaling to Enhance Qualitative Data Analysis. London: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2022. Available at:
- Mazzetti AS. To Tape or Not to Tape? Reflections on the Complexities of Taping Ethnographic Interviews. SAGE, 2019. Available at:
- Mazzetti AS. Using a visual timeline method in stress research. Sage Publications Ltd, 2014. Available at:
- Mazzetti AS, Jonassen L. Working in partnership to develop student-centred support for an innovative assessment. York: Advance HE, 2024. Enhancing assessment and feedback: A case study compendium.
Working Papers
- Mazzetti AS. Researching in Post-Conflict Societies: Insights from the Northern Ireland Context. EGOS Annual Colloquium 2023. Submitted.
- Reissner S, Addison S, Mazzetti AS. Levelling the playing field: enhancing capstone provision for greater opportunity. British Academy of Management virtual conference 2021. Submitted.
- Mazzetti AS. ‘Procedural, contextual and relational ethics’. 2020. Submitted.