Charles Dennis is Professor of Digital Marketing at Newcastle University (UK). His main teaching and research areas are (e)retail and (e-)consumer behaviour. Charles qualified as a Chartered Marketer, elected Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing for helping to modernise marketing teaching. He was awarded the Vice Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence for improving the interactive student learning experience at Brunel University. He has over 110 publications in refereed journals and books (plus many book chapters and editorials), including British Journal of Management, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Business Research; Psychology & Marketing; Information Technology & People; International Journal of Electronic Commerce; European Journal of Marketing, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, International Journal of Consumer Studies, International Journal of Hospitality Management and Studies in Higher Education. Books include Smart Retailing: Technologies and Strategies; and research monograph Objects of Desire: Consumer Behaviour in Shopping Centre Choice. His publications have over 12,000 citations, top in the UK for Consumer Behaviour (h-index=53, Google Scholar) Charles enjoys a particular focus of his work on mentoring, with satisfying outcomes. His research into shopping styles has received extensive coverage in the popular media including TV appearances with Sir Trevor McDonald OBE and Adrian Edmondson. Pure research into why people buy has led to applied research projects on business and public funded research, making contributions to knowledge and impact of commercial value to the real world of business and the community, including for example, informing government policy on digital inclusion; and improving wellbeing and productivity through dance. Current research focuses on (e-)consumer behaviour, especially in relation to consumer wellbeing, responses to technological advances and digital exclusion.
Charles Dennis's research areas concern (e-)shopping behaviour and (e-)retailing, especially concerning shopping centres. His current research focuses on (e-)consumer behaviour, especially in relation to consumer wellbeing, responses to technological advances and digital exclusion.
Charles welcomes research students in those and related areas.
Charles Dennis's teaching areas concern (e-)retailing and (e-)consumer behaviour, plus also research methods, especially structural equation modelling (SEM) with IBM SPSS AMOS.
Currently teaching omni-channel retailing.
- Shao Z, Ho JSY, Tan GW-H, Ooi K-B, Dennis C. Will social media celebrities drive me crazy? Exploring the effects of celebrity endorsement on impulsive buying behavior in social commerce. International Journal of Consumer Studies 2024, 48(3), e13047.
- Ueno A, Yu C, Curtis L, Dennis C. Job demands-resources theory extended: stress, loneliness, and care responsibilities impacting UK doctoral students’ and academics’ mental health. Studies in Higher Education 2024, Epub ahead of print.
- Paul J, Ueno A, Dennis C, Alamanos E, Curtis L, Foroudi P, Kacprzak A, Kunz W, Liu J, Marvi R, Nair SLS, Ozdemir O, Pantano E, Papadopoulos T, Petit O, Tyagi S, Wirtz J. Digital Transformation: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective and Future Research Agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies 2024, 48(2), e13015.
- Foroudi P, Turan CP, Melewar TC, Dennis C, Tzempelikos N. Corporate identity management: A study of employees’ perceptions in the context of the retail and the hospitality and tourism sectors. International Journal of Hospitality Management 2024, 122, 103876.
- Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E, Bourlakis M, Dennis C. The pandemic consumer response: A stockpiling perspective and shopping channel preferences. British Journal of Management 2023, 34(2), 664-691.
- Hussain S, Pascaru O, Priporas CV, Foroudi P, Melewar TC, Dennis C. Examining the effects of celebrity negative publicity on attitude to, and reputation of, brand and corporation, directly and based on moderating factors. European Business Review 2023, 35(4), 469-499.
- Sharma P, Ueno A, Dennis C, Turan CP. Emerging digital technologies and consumer decision-making in retail sector: Towards an integrative conceptual framework. Computers in Human Behavior 2023, 148, 107913.
- Ueno A, Dennis C, Dafoulas GA. Digital exclusion and relative digital deprivation: Exploring factors and moderators of internet non-use in the UK. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 2023, 197, 122935.
- Foroudi P, Marvi R, Cuomo MT, Bagozzi R, Dennis C, Jannelli R. Consumer Perceptions of Sustainable Development Goals: Conceptualization, Measurement and Contingent Effects. British Journal of Management 2023, 34(3), 1157-1183.
- Vecchi M, Elf P, Ueno A, Dilmperi A, Dennis C, Devereux L. Shall We Dance? Recreational Dance, Well-Being and Productivity Performance During COVID-19: A Three-Country Study. Journal of International Marketing 2022, 30(2), 56-72.
- Pantano E, Dennis C, Alamanos E. Retail Managers’ Preparedness to Capture Customers’ Emotions: A New Synergistic Framework to Exploit Unstructured Data with New Analytics. British Journal of Management 2022, 33(3), 1179-1199.
- Pantano E, Viassone M, Boardman R, Dennis C. Inclusive or exclusive? Investigating how retail technology can reduce old consumers’ barriers to shopping. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 2022, 68, 103074.
- Yousef W, Foroudi P, Hussain S, Yousef N, Melewar TC, Dennis C. Impact of the Strength of Religious Beliefs on Brand Love in the Islamic Market. Corporate Reputation Review 2022, 25, 1-18.
- Alqayed Y, Foroudi P, Kooli K, Foroudi MM, Dennis C. Enhancing value co-creation behaviour in digital peer-to-peer platforms: An integrated approach. International Journal of Hospitality Management 2022, 102, 103140.
- McLeay F, Olya H, Liu H, Jayawardhena C, Dennis C. A multi-analytical approach to studying customers motivations to use innovative totally autonomous vehicles. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 2022, 174, 121252.
- Pantano E, Dennis C, De Pietro M. Shopping centers revisited: The interplay between consumers’ spontaneous online communications and retail planning. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 2021, 61, 102576.
- Francioni B, Curina I, Dennis C, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E, Bourlakis M, Hegner SM. Does trust play a role when it comes to donations? A comparison of Italian and US higher education institutions. Higher Education 2021, 82(1), 85-105.
- Dennis C, Brakus JJ, Ferrer GG, Mcintyre C, Alamanos E, King T. A Cross-National Study of Evolutionary Origins of Gender Shopping Styles: She Gatherer, He Hunter?. Journal of International Marketing 2018, 26(4), 38-53.
- Dennis C, Bourlakis M, Alamanos E, Papagiannidis S, Brakus J. Value co-creation through multiple shopping channels: The interconnections with social exclusion and wellbeing. International Journal of Electronic Commerce 2017, 21(4), 517-547.
- Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M, Alamanos E, Dennis C. Preferences of smart shopping channels and their impact on perceived wellbeing and social inclusion. Computers in Human Behaviour 2017, 77, 396-405.
- Dennis C, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E, Bourlakis M. The role of brand attachment strength in higher education. Journal of Business Research 2016, 69(8), 3049-3057.
- Dennis C, Alamanos E, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M. Does social exclusion influence multiple channel use? The interconnections with community, happiness and well-being. Journal of Business Research 2016, 69(3), 1061-1070.
- Al-Qeisi K, Dennis C, Alamanos E, Jayawardhena C. Website design quality and usage behavior: Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. Journal of Business Research 2014, 67(11), 2282–2290.
- Dennis C, Brakus J, Gupta S, Alamanos E. The effect of digital signage on shoppers' behavior: The role of the evoked experience. Journal of Business Research 2014, 67(11), 2250–2257.
- Dennis C, Brakus J, Alamanos E. The Wallpaper Matters: The Influence of the Content of Digital Ads on Customer in-Store Experience. Journal of Marketing Management 2013, 29(3-4), 338-355.
- Dennis C, Michon R, Brakus J, Newman A, Alamanos E. New insights into the impact of digital signage as a retail atmospheric tool. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 2012, 11(6), 454–466.
Authored Books
- Foroudi P, Dennis C. Researching and Analysing Business: Research Methods in Practice. London: Routledge, 2024.
- Melewar TC, Dennis C, Foroudi P. Building Corporate Identity, Image and Reputation in the Digital Era. London: Routledge, 2021.
Book Chapters
- Foroudi P, Dennis C. Introduction. In: Researching and Analysing Business: Research Methods in Practice. London: Routledge, 2024, pp.1-6.
- Alqayed Y, Foroudi P, Dennis C, Foroudi MM, Kooli K. Value co-creation behaviour: Antecedents and consequences. In: TC Melewar, Charles Dennis, Pantea Foroudi, ed. Building Corporate Identity, Image and Reputation in the Digital Era. London: Routledge, 2021, pp.218-259.
- Melewar TC, Dennis C, Foroudi P. Introduction: Building corporate identity, image and reputation in the digital era. In: TC Melewar, Charles Dennis, Pantea Foroudi, ed. Building Corporate Identity, Image and Reputation in the Digital Era. London: Routledge, 2021, pp.3-8.
- Zha D, Marvi R, Foroudi P, Dennis C, Ueno A, Jin Z, Melewar TC. An assessment of customer experience concept: Looking back to move forward. In: TC Melewar, Charles Dennis, Pantea Foroudi, ed. Building Corporate Identity, Image and Reputation in the Digital Era. London: Routledge, 2021, pp.260-288.
- Alamanos E, Papagiannidis S, Dennis C, Bourlakis M. The Value of Shopping Channels and the Relationship with Social Exclusion and Perceived Well-Being: An Abstract. In: Krey N; Rossi P, ed. Back to the Future: Using Marketing Basics to Provide Customer Value: Proceedings of the 2017 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference. Berlin: Springer Nature, 2018, pp.409-410.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Durmaz G, Melewar TC, Dennis C, Dilmperi A. Emotional Value and Brand Attachment Towards Private Label Brands: The Influence on Value Cocreation Behaviour and Customer Engagement. In: 11th International Conference on Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing. 2024, Oxford, UK: Springer.
- Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E, Dennis C, Bourlakis M. The pandemic consumer journey: A stockpiling perspective. In: 4th International Conference of Marketing, Strategy & Policy. 2020, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
- Dennis C, Alamanos E, Brakus C, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M. Customer Happiness in the Retail Customer Journey: An Abstract. In: Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress: Enlightened Marketing in Challenging Times. 2019, Edinburgh, UK: Academy of Marketing Science.
- Francioni B, Curina I, Dennis C, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E, Bourlakis M. The brand identity role and attitude toward donations: an American-Italian comparison in the higher education context. In: 44th European International Business Academy Conference. 2018, Poznań, Poland: EIBA.
- Dennis C, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E, Bourlakis M. The role of brand attachment strength in higher education. In: 23rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science, EIRASS. 2016, Edinburgh. In Preparation.
- Dennis C, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E, Bourlakis M. The role of brand attachment and its antecedents in brand equity in higher education. In: Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference. 2016, Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA: Academy of Marketing Science.
- Alamanos E, Dennis C, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M. Value Co-Creation, Shopping Channels, Social Exclusion and Wellbeing. In: 22nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science. 2015, Montreal, Canada.
- Alamanos E, Dennis C, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M. Value Co-Creation through multiple shopping channels: The interconnections with social exclusion and wellbeing. In: AMA/ACRA Triennial Conference. 2015, Florida, USA.
- Quartier K, Petermans A, Melewar TC, Dennis C. Design, Branding and Marketing: Experience and Value Creation in Design, Branding, Marketing, Corporate Reputation and Identity. Corporate Reputation Review 2024, 27(2), 90-92.
- Paul J, Ueno A, Dennis C. ChatGPT and consumers: Benefits, Pitfalls and Future Research Agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies 2023, 47(4), 1213-1225.
- Quartier K, Petermans A, Melewar TC, Dennis C. Correction to: Design, Branding and Marketing: Experience and Value Creation in Design, Branding, Marketing, Corporate Reputation and Identity (Corporate Reputation Review, (2024), 27, 2, (90-92), 10.1057/s41299-024-00187-1). Corporate Reputation Review 2024, 27(2), 89-89.
- Koohang A, Nord JH, Ooi K-B, Tan GW-H, Al-Emran M, Aw EC-X, Baabdullah AM, Buhalis D, Cham T-H, Dennis C, Dutot V, Dwivedi YK, Hughes L, Mogaji E, Pandey N, Phau I, Raman R, Sharma A, Sigala M, Ueno A, Wong L-W. Shaping the Metaverse into Reality: A Holistic Multidisciplinary Understanding of Opportunities, Challenges, and Avenues for Future Investigation. Journal of Computer Information Systems 2023, 63(3), 735-765.