Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Marketing at Newcastle University Business School.
PhD (International Marketing) University of Newcastle
- Email:
- Address: NUBS 1.05, Newcastle University Business School, 5 Barrack Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne , NE1 4SE
Dan’s research was applied in the food, fashion and health sectors, covering Asia, Europe and the UK, South and North America. Business engagement was with many organisations (e.g. English Heritage, Santander, Shepherd Neame, Fudge Kitchen, Eureko group, Locate in Kent).
Before joining NUBS, Dan worked at University of Kent where he led the Research Signature Theme on Environment, Food Systems and Natural Resources. Prior to joining academia, Dan worked in industry (Fessel-GfK). Dan’s external engagement is evidenced by numerous appointments (Co-Chair of the Academy of Marketing Science’s World Marketing Congress; Expert, European Commission; Rapporteur on Food Safety/Security to the National Authority of Scientific Research and the Cabinet Office, Romania; Eurostat Consultant).
He was Visiting Scholar at numerous leading universities in countries such as Austria, France, Spain, Germany, Canada and Japan.
He has published in scholarly academic journals such as Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Ethics, International Marketing Review, European Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Innovation Management, International Journal of Advertising.
Dan is passionate about research that addresses complex societal and global problems and has a transformative impact on society and the environment. Using both qualitative and particularly quantitative methodologies, Dan’s work aims to improve our understanding of how consumers process information, embrace more sustainable consumption/brands and healthier lifestyles and adopt new technologies.
Dan’s research agenda is in the interface between international marketing, behavioural economics and psychology. His research crosses over several fields:
- Persuasion in marketing communications (digital advertising, comparative advertising, product placement, sponsorship, advertising to children)
- Consumer behaviour (innovation and the adoption of new technologies, branding, ethical and sustainable consumption, online consumer behaviour, food consumer behaviour, patient behaviour, decision making, emotions, habits and behavioural change)
-Cross-cultural marketing (validation of marketing models across nations)
Dan’s record of research output is reflected by numerous successful funding applications as PI or CI, over thirty published peer-reviewed articles in international journals, over sixty peer-reviewed conference papers, several policy reports and contributions to several books. Dan reviews for many leading journals and belongs to the Advisory Board of International Marketing Review. Further information about Dan's research can be found on Google Scholar.
Dan is interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- Digital marketing
- Marketing communications (processing of information, platform, source & message framing effects)
- Consumer behaviour and behavioural change (motivations, attitudes, emotions, threats)
- Cross-cultural marketing (cultural effects, invariance of scales)
NBS8509: International Brand Management
NBS8562: Contemporary Trends in Marketing
MKT2001: Global Marketing
- Petrovici DA, Lassar W, Hertelendy A, Parthasarathy M. Patient perceptions of healthcare service quality in Romania: Public versus private hospitals - Implications for developed and developing healthcare systems. Journal of Hospital Administration 2024, 13(1), 16-24.
- Christofi M, Manika D, Hadjielias E, Kvasova O, Petrovici D, Lowe B. Guest editorial: psychological perspectives on consumer obesity. European Journal of Marketing 2022, 56(1), 2829-2832.
- Petrovici DA, Obal M, Walton B, Fearne A. The role of market knowledge type on product innovation performance. International Journal of Innovation Management 2020, 24(5). In Preparation.
- Petrovici D, Golden L, Orazbek D. Direct and indirect brand comparisons, message framing and gender effects in advertising. Journal of Market Development and Competitiveness 2019, 13(5), 9-21.
- Hasan R, Lowe B, Petrovici DA. An empirical comparison of consumer innovation adoption models: Implications for subsistence marketplaces. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 2019, 38(1), 61-80.
- Davidova S, Fredriksson L, Gorton M, Mishev P, Petrovici D. Subsistence farming, incomes, and agricultural livelihoods in the New Member States of the European Union. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 2012, 30(2), 209-227.
- Petrovici D, Ritson C. Population, health and risk factors in a transitional economy. Journal of Consumer Policy 2006, 29(3), 279-300.
- Petrovici DA, Ritson C. Factors influencing consumer dietary health preventative behaviours. BMC Public Health 2006, 6(222).
- Petrovici DA, Ritson C, Ness M. Exploring disparities and similarities in European food consumption patterns. Cahiers d'Economie et Sociologie Rurales 2005, 75(2), 23-49.
- Petrovici DA, Ritson C, Ness M. The theory of reasoned action and food choice insights from a transitional economy. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing 2004, 16(1), 59-87.
- Ritson C, Petrovici D. Food consumption patterns in Romania. British Food Journal 2000, 102(4), 290-308.
Book Chapter
- Petrovici DA, Golden L, Laroche M, Liu Q. The vividness effect on indirect comparative advertising response. In: Gunina, D; Waiguny, MKJ, ed. Advances in Advertising Research: Frontiers in advertising: Reconsidering its shapes and forms. Springer, 2024. In Preparation.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
- Popa A, Hubbard MC, Gorton M, Petrovici D. Consumer perceptions of organic food in Romania: A qualitative approach. In: Joint FAO - IAMA workshop on "Agribusiness and Agro-industries Development in Central and Eastern Europe". 2010, Budapest, Hungary: FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia.