Dr David Grundy
Director of Digital Education
Digital Enthusiast, FT News Geek, Finance, Economics and Politics Nerd, Gamer & Academic.
Dr David Grundy in September 2019 joined Newcastle University Business School as Director of Digital Education. His research interests include investigating AI literacy, digital adoption, digital approaches to effective teaching and learning, blended learning, crowdfunding, widening participation, subscription based online business models and community building & management. David started as a Lecturer in 2002 after working in accounting roles in both the public sector and private sectors. He mainly teaches MBA Accounting & Finance and for his last decade in higher education has had a number of wide ranging leadership and management roles. In December 2010 Dr David Grundy was awarded his Doctorate examining online re-subscription decisions.
Research Interests
- AI Literacy and Digital Adoption
- Digital approaches to effective teaching and learning, blended learning
- Crowdfunding, supporting crowdfunding, membership and communities that surround crowdfunding
- eSports, eSport communities
- Widening participation in HE
Successful Doctoral Completions
Maria Ratz “How crowdfunding and crowd investing concepts could be an alternative investment model for professional sport clubs” (2015-2021)
Doctoral Examinations
Jose Ruiz del Portal Tranche (2023) “FinTech and the Make-or-Buy Decision: A Valuation Model for Retail Banks Facing Disruptive Innovation”
Sam Sittlington (2014) “What are the factors that influence the effectiveness of Anti-money laundering policy implementation in the UK?” Exploring Money Laundering Crime and Policy
Teaching Qualifications and Positions
2022 - Mentor for Newcastle Educational Practice Scheme (NEPS) & UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) Scheme (HEA Fellowships)
2021 onwards - Senior Fellow of the HEA (SFHEA)
2021- 2022 - Certified Business and Management Educator (Chartered Association of Business Schools) (CMBE)
2013 - Fellow of the HEA (FHEA)
2004 - Postgraduate Certification in Academic Practice (SEDA)
Current Teaching
MBA - Accounting and Finance
Masters Dissertation Supervision
Undergraduate Dissertation Supervision
Corporate Finance ACC2007 & ACC2008
- Grundy D, Ohmer C. German crowd-investing platforms: Literature review and survey. Cogent Business & Management 2016, 3, 1138849.
- Dancer H, Filieri R, Grundy D. eWOM in online customer support communities: Key variables in information quality and source credibility. Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice 2014, 15(4), 290-305.
- Grundy D. Research Note: The presence of stigma amongst users of the MMORPG RMT: a hypothetical case approach’. Games and Culture 2008, 3(2), 225-247.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Ratz M, Grundy D, Pfeffel F. Using Structural Equation Modelling to Identify Key Determinants of Fans’ Willingness to Invest into Crowdinvesting and Crowdlending. In: 27th EASM Conference. 2019, Seville, France.
- Ratz M, Grundy D, Pfeffel F. Factors influencing football fans' willingness to invest into crowdinvesting and crowdlending. In: 11th ESEA Conference on Sport Economics. 2019, Gijón.
- Grundy D. Confidence players? Young men commencing studies in UK business schools: Over-confident and under-performing. In: Foundation Year Network Annual Conference. 2019, Brighton.
- Ratz M, Grundy D. Empirical Evidence: Why Football Fans Invest Money into Their Club via Crowdlending and Crowdinvesting. In: ESAM 26th Annual Conference of the European Association for Sport Management. 2018, Malmo, Sweden: European Association for Sport Management.
- Ratz M, Grundy D, Pfeffel F, Hart D, Wandmacher R. Crowdinvesting and crowdlending as modern substitutes for fan bonds in german football. In: ESAM 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Sport Management. 2017, Bern, Switzerland.
- Ratz M, Grundy D, Pfeffel F, Hart D, Wandmacher R. Crowdfunding: A Strategy for Acquiring Money And Increasing Fan Loyalty?!. In: ESEA 9th European Conference on Sport Economics. 2017, Paderborn, Germany.
- Ratz M, Grundy D, Hart D, Pfeffel F. Fan-based financing: the caste of crowdinvesting and crowdlending in professional German football. In: 8th ESEA Conference on Sport Economics. 2016, Groningen: European Sport Economics Association (ESEA).
- Grundy D. Exploring contextual, situational and demographic influences on commitment to a massively multiplayer online game subscription relationship: a Commitment-Trust Theory approach. In: Academy of Marketing 2016 Conference. 2016, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Academy of Marketing.
- Ratz M, Grundy D, Hart D, Pfeffel F. Crowdinvesting and crowdlending as fan-based financing alternatives in professional german football. In: 24th European Association for Sport Management Conference (EASM 2016). 2016, Warsaw: EASM.
- Ratz M, Grundy D, Hart D, Pfeffel F. Crowdfunding – a solution for organisations in dangerous financial situations?!. In: BAM: British Academy of Management. 2016, Newcastle Upon Tyne.
- Grundy D, Sutherland M, Edwards N. An investigation into recognising value creation by customers and virtual communities in e-sports. In: Academy of Marketing Conference. 2016, Newcastle Upon Tyne.
- Grundy D. Success in Crowdfunding. In: British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Northern Area Group Conference. 2014, Newcastle Upon Tyne.
- Grundy D. Garbage In, Garbage Out? Questioning Key Variable Face Validity in Contemporary Quantitative Crowdfunding Research. In: ISBE 2014: Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference. 2014, Manchester: ISBE.
- Grundy D. Increasing active engagement in Finance through innovative continuous assessment: The use of blogging as an assessment tool to promote engagement and deep learning in Higher Education. In: BMAF; Business Management Accountancy and Finance Network Conference. 2011, Bournemouth.