Staff Profile
Professor David Higgins
Prof of Accounting & Finance
- Email:
- Address: Floor 7, Room 7.01
Newcastle University Business School
5 Barrack Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
Educational background:
As an undergraduate I read economics and economic history at the University of Aberdeen and graduated with First Class Honours in 1987. I then moved to St. Catharine's College, Cambridge, and was an awarded an M. Phil in economics in 1988, and received my PhD in 1991. My doctoral thesis, supervised by Professor Barry Supple CBE, FBA was 'Structure-Conduct-Performance: Lancashire Spinning Firms, c. 1945=-c. 1965'.
Employment history:
After year working in the City as an investment analyst, I returned to academia in 1991 as a Lecturer in economics at the University of Sheffield (Senior lecturer in 2001).
In 2005 I was appointed to a 40th Anniversary Readership in economics and management at the University of York, and was promoted to a Personal Chair in Business History and Managerial Economics in 2010.
Since 1 January, 2014, I have been a Professor in the Accounting and Finance division, Newcastle University Business School.
Professional Activities:
Member of the Economic History Society (since 1993);
Council member of the Economic History Society (2001-2004; 2013-2016);
Member of the Executive Council of the Economic History Society (2016-2022);
Chair of the Public Engagement Committee, Economic History Society (2016-2022);
Formerly Secretary and Treasurer to the Association of Business Historians (2009-2011; 2012-2013);
Member of the editorial board, Business History, (2009-2014; 2019-);
Associate Editor, Business History, (2011-2014);
Pathway lead for Economic & Social History, NINE DTP, (2016-2018);
Elected Fellow of the Royal Historical Society in 2007;
Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in 2016
I have refereed articles for: Australian Economic History Review; British Journal of Management; Business History; Business History Review; Economic History Review; Enterprise & Society; European Economic History Review; Essays in Business & Economic History; Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, and Organisation Studies.
Module leader for:
ACC 2002: Managerial Economics (second year course)
NBS 8301 (Managerial Economics and Organisational Architecture)
I also lecture on:
NBS 8005 (Corporate Strategy and Valuation)
My main areas of research are: intellectual property, especially the evolution and protection of merchandise marks and trade marks; corporate governance, with particular relevance to the 'staple industries', and general aspects of British business and economic history from the mid-nineteenth century.
I am happy to supervise PhD students in these areas as well as in the broad area of modern business and economic history.
Some of this research has been financed with grants from the ESRC; Leverhulme Trust; Nuffield foundation, and the Pasold Fund.
- Bower J, Higgins DM. Working behind the scenes: The Scotch Whisky Association and the US liquor market c1950–c1970. Business History 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Higgins DM, Velkar A. 'Storm in a Teacup': Empire Products, Blended Teas, and Origin Marking Debates in 1920s Britain. Business History 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Cooper E, Higgins DM. Crime, Trade Marks, and Soft Trade Policy in the Inter-War Era: Market Realities and the Merchandise Marks Act 1926. Journal of Legal History 2024, 45(2), 197-231.
- Bower J, Higgins DM. Litigation and Lobbying in Support of the Marque: The Scotch Whisky Association, c.1945-c.1990. Enterprise & Society 2023, 24(1), 286-316.
- Higgins DM, Varian BD. Britain's Empire Marketing Board and the failure of soft trade policy, 1926-33. European Review of Economic History 2021, 25(4), 780-805.
- Clayton D, Higgins DM. 'Buy British' An analysis of UK attempts to turn a slogan into government policy in the 1970's and 1980's. Business History 2020, 64(7), 1260-1280.
- Barnes F, Higgins DM. Brand Image, Cultural Association, and Marketing: 'New Zealand' Butter and Lamb Exports to Britain, c.1920-1938. Business History 2020, 62(1), 70-97.
- Higgins DM, Velkar A. “Spinning a Yarn”: Institutions, Law, and Standards c.1880–1914. Enterprise & Society 2017, 18(3), 591-631.
- Higgins D, Toms S, Uddin M. Vertical Monopoly Power, Profit and Risk: The British Beer Industry, c.1970-c.2004. Business History 2016, 58(5), 667-693.
- de Jong A, Higgins D, van Driel H. Towards a New Business History?. Business History 2015, 57(1), 5-29.
- Higgins D, Toms S, Filatotchev I. Ownership, financial strategy and performance: the Lancashire cotton textile industry, 1918–1938. Business History 2015, 57(1), 97-121.
- Bowden S, Higgins DM. Investment decision-making and industrial performance: The British wool industry during the interwar years. Business History 2015, 57(2), 224-240.
- Higgins DM, Mordhorst M. Bringing Home the "Danish" Bacon: Food Chains, National Branding and Danish Supremacy Over the British Bacon Market, c. 1900-1938. Enterprise & Society 2015, 16(1), 141-185.
- Higgins D, Tweedale G. 'A Chequered (and Mated) Scientific Career': Robert Case and the Politics of Occupational Bladder Cancer. Social History of Medicine 2015, 28(4), 789-804.
- Kuvandikov A, Pendleton A, Higgins DM. Employment Change after Takeovers: The Role of Executive Ownership. British Journal of Industrial Relations 2014, 52(2), 191-236.
- Higgins DM. "Forgotten Heroes and Forgotten Issues": Business and Trademark History during the Nineteenth Century. Business History Review 2012, 86(2), 261-285.
- Higgins DM, Toms S. Explaining Corporate Success: the Structure and Performance of British firms, 1950-84. Business History 2011, 53(1), 85-118.
- Higgins DM, Gangjee D. 'Trick or Treat?' The Misrepresentation of American Beef Exports in Britain During the Nineteenth Century. Enterprise & Society 2010, 11(2), 203-241.
- Higgins DM, Tweedale G. Oil on the water: Government 'Regulation' of a carcinogen in the Lancashire Cotton Spinning Industry. Business History 2010, 52, 695-712.
- Higgins DM, Verma S. The Business of Protection: Bass & Co., and Trade mark defence, c. 1870 - c. 1914. Accounting, Business & Financial History 2009, 19, 1-19.
- Higgins DM, Mordhorst M. Reputation and Export Performance: Danish butter Exports and the British market, c. 1880- c.1914. Business History 2008, 50, 185-204.
- Higgins DM, Toms S. Financial Institutions and Corporate Strategy: David Alliance and the Transformation of British Textiles, c. 1950-c.1990. Business History 2006, 48, 453-78.
- Bowden S, Higgins DM, Price C. A Very Peculiar Practice: Under-Employment in Britain During the Inter-War Years. European Review of Economic History 2006, 10, 89-108.
- Higgins DM. Mutton Dressed as Lamb? The Misrepresentation of Australian and New Zealand Meat in the British Market, c.1880-c.1914. Australian Economic History Review 2004, 44, 161-84.
- Higgins DM, Toms S. Financial Distress, Corporate Borrowing and Industrial Decline: The Lancashire Cotton Spinning Industry, 1918-1938. Accounting, Business & Financial History 2003, 13, 1-26.
- Higgins DM. British Manufacturing Financial Performance, 1950-79: Implications for the Productivity Debate and the Post-War Consensus. Business History 2003, 45, 52-71.
- Higgins DM, Toms S. Public Subsidy and Private Divestment: The Lancashire Cotton Textile Industry, c.1950-c.1970. Business History 2000, 42, 60-85.
- Bowden S, Higgins DM. Productivity on the Cheap? the More Looms Experiment and the Lancashire Weaving Industry During the Inter-War Years. Business History 1999, 41, 21-41.
- Bowden S, Higgins DM. Short-Time Working and Price Maintenance: Collusive Tendencies in the Cotton Spinning Industry, 1919-1939. Economic History Review 1998, 51, 319-43.
- Higgins DM, Toms S. Firm Structure and Financial Performance: the Lancashire Spinning Industry, c.1880-c.1960. Accounting, Business & Financial History 1997, 7, 195-232.
- Higgins DM, Tweedale G. Asset or Liability? Trade Marks in the Sheffield Cutlery and Tool Trades. Business History 1995, 37, 1-27.
- Higgins DM. Rings, Mules and Structural Constraints in the Lancashire Textile Industry, c. 1945-c.1965. Economic History Review 1993, 46, 342-62.
Authored Book
- Higgins DM. Brands, Geographic Origin, and the Global Economy: A History from the Nineteenth Century to the Present. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
Book Chapters
- Bower J, Higgins DM. Scotch whisky: Provenance, authenticity, and ownership . In: Catherine NG, Titilayo Adebola, Abbe Brown, ed. Place-Branding Experiences – perspectives from intellectual property owners, users, and lawyers. London: Edward Elgar, 2024. In Preparation.
- Higgins DM. "Pure Genius"? Guinness and Trade Mark Protection, c.1890-1914. In: Robert Bone and Lionel Bently, ed. Research Handbook on the History of Trade Mark Law. London: Edward Elgar, 2024, pp.284–326.
- Higgins DM. It’s Made in the USA, but it can’t be branded ‘Made in the USA’. In: Glover, N Higgins, DM, ed. National Brands and Global Markets: An Historical Perspective. Abingdon: Routledge, 2023, pp.136-151.
- Glover N, Higgins DM. Conceptualizing ‘Made in’ as a historical phenomenon. In: Nikolas Glover, David M. Higgins, ed. National Brands and Global Markets: An Historical Perspective. Abingdon: Routledge, 2023, pp.1-23.
- Higgins DM. ‘Made in Britain’ or Made in Britain?. In: Glover, N, Higgins, DM, ed. National Brands and Global Markets: An Historical Perspective. Abingdon: Routledge, 2023, pp.223-242.
- Higgins DM. Trademarks and Infringement in Britain, c.1875-c.1900. In: Teresa da Silva Lopes and Paul Duguid, ed. Trademarks, Brands, and Competitiveness. Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge, 2010, pp.102-118.
- Higgins DM. The making of modern trade mark law: the UK, 1860-1914: a business history perspective. In: Lionel Bently, Jennifer Davis and Jane C. Ginsberg, ed. Trade Marks and Brands. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp.42-61.
- Higgins DM. 'Made in Sheffield': Trade Marks, the Cutlers' Company, and the defence of 'Sheffield'. In: Clyde Binfield and David Hey, ed. Mesters to Masters: a History of the Company of Cutlers in Hallamshire. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997, pp.85-114.
Edited Books
- Glover N, Higgins DM, ed. National Brands and Global Markets: An Historical Perspective. London: Routledge, 2023.
- Cabras I, Higgins DM, ed. The History of the Beer and Brewing Industry. London: Routledge, 2017.
- Higgins D, Toms S, ed. British Cotton Textiles: Maturity and Decline. London: Routledge, 2017.
- Cabras I, Higgins D, Preece D, ed. Brewing, Beer and Pubs: A Global Perspective. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
- Cabras I, Kogler DF, Davies RB, Higgins D. Beer, brewing, and regional studies. Regional Studies 2023, 57(10), 1905-1908.
- Cabras I, Higgins D. Beer, brewing, and business history. Business History 2016, 58(5), 609-624.
- de Jong A, Higgins DM. Introduction to Special Issue: New business history?. Business History 2015, 57(1), 1-4.