Dr Dean Pierides
Senior Lecturer in Management and Organisations
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- Address: 5 Barrack Road
Newcastle University Business School
Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 4SE
United Kingdom
Dean Pierides is Senior Lecturer in Management and Organisations at Newcastle University Business School.
Prior to this he was Lecturer in Organisations and Society at the University of Manchester, Visiting Scholar at Copenhagen Business School, Lecturer in Business and Management at the University of Stirling, Research Fellow in Organisations, Society and Markets at the University of Melbourne, Konrad Boehmer Research Fellow also at the University of Melbourne.
Roles and responsibilities
- Degree Programme Director for Management and Business Studies (Research) MA, PGDip
Qualifications and certificates
- PhD, University of Melbourne, Australia
- MEd, University of Melbourne, Australia
- DipEd, University of Melbourne, Australia
- BA, University of Pennsylvania, United States
- Executive board member for the Research Committee on the Sociology of Organizations (RC17) of the International Sociological Association (ISA)
Current work
My research is primarily about how organisations and institutions deal with uncertainty. This is relevant for all areas of management and organisation but I am particularly interested in 'surprises' - events that defy our expectations because they are wholly unanticipated.
Main expertise
My research has focused on
- government agencies and other organisations that are related to emergencies, disasters and crises, whether natural, industrial, financial or otherwise
- the contribution of new technologies to the financialisation of organisations that are not primarily finance organisations - e.g. algorithms in healthcare organisations such as the UK National Health Service (NHS)
- the use of statistical and probabilistic knowledge in research and social scientific reasoning
Other expertise
My fieldwork is primarily ethnographic but I am interested in a broad range of qualitative methods as well as the sociology, history, and philosophy of quantitative methods, especially their relationship to ethics.
Ongoing research
I am currently also researching
- the organisation and organisational communication of value in alternative organisations, especially building societies
- how diagnostic reasoning takes shape in different professions
- changes in the organisational purpose of government agencies, charities and social enterprises
Postgraduate supervision
I am currently available to supervise research students in all areas related to my research
Advanced International Business Management Dissertation (Dual Award with University of Groningen)
Master of Business Administration
- Bailey S, Lenglet M, Lord G, Pierides D, Tischer D. Parasitic universes: Organisational and technological meddling in the social. New Technology, Work & Employment 2023, 38(1), 41-58.
- Lenglet M, Pierides D, Taupin B. 'How to undo things with words?': Explication and the counterperformative effects of regulation. Organization 2023, 31(8), 1237-1261.
- Zyphur MJ, Hamaker EL, Tay L, Voelkle M, Preacher KJ, Zhang Z, Allison PD, Pierides DC, Koval P, Diener EF. From Data to Causes III: Bayesian Priors for General Cross-Lagged Panel Models (GCLM). Frontiers in Psychology 2021, 12(112), 612251.
- Zyphur M, Pierides D. Statistics and probability have always been value-laden: An historical ontology of quantitative research methods. Journal of Business Ethics 2020, 167(1), 1-18.
- Zyphur M, Pierides D. Making quantitative research work: From positivist dogma to actual social scientific inquiry. Journal of Business Ethics 2020, 167(1), 49–62.
- Zyphur MJ, Voelkle M, Tay L, Allison P, Preacher K, Zhang Z, Hamaker E, Shamsollahi A, Pierides D, Koval P, Diener E. From Data to Causes II: Comparing Approaches to Panel Data Analysis. Organizational Research Methods 2020, 23(4), 688-716.
- Zyphur MJ, Allison PD, Tay L, Voelkle MC, Preacher KJ, Zhang Z, Hamaker EL, Shamsollahi A, Pierides DC, Koval P, Diener E. From Data to Causes I: Building A General Cross-Lagged Panel Model (GCLM). Organizational Research Methods 2020, 23(4), 651-687.
- Bailey S, Pierides D, Brisley A, Weisshaar C, Blakeman T. Dismembering organisation: The coordination of algorithmic work in healthcare. Current Sociology 2020, 68(4), 546-571.
- Clegg SR, Pierides D. Sociology of organisation, honourable and deferential. Studi di Sociologia 2019, 1, 93-104.
- Bailey S, Pierides D, Brisley A, Weisshaar C, Blakeman T. Financialising acute kidney injury: From the practices of care to the numbers of improvement. Sociology of Health and Illness 2019, 41(5), 882-899.
- Bailey S, Checkland K, Hodgson D, McBride A, Elvey R, Parkin S, Rothwell K, Pierides D. The policy work of piloting: Mobilising and managing conflict and ambiguity in the English NHS. Social Science and Medicine 2017, 179, 210-217.
- Zyphur MJ, Pierides D. Is Quantitative Research Ethical? Tools for Ethically Practicing, Evaluating, and Using Quantitative Research. Journal of Business Ethics 2017, 143(1), 1-16.
- Pierides D, Woodman D. Object-oriented sociology and organizing in the face of emergency: Bruno Latour, Graham Harman and the material turn. British Journal of Sociology 2012, 63(4), 662-679.
- Pierides D. Multi-sited ethnography and the field of educational research. Critical Studies in Education 2010, 51(2), 179-195.
Book Chapters
- Pierides D, Clegg S, Cunha MP. The historical embeddedness of organizational paradoxes: Risk-related rituals and realities in emergency management. In: Bednarek, R; Cunha, M.P.; Schad, J.; Smith, W.K, ed. Interdisciplinary Dialogues on Organizational Paradox: Investigating Social Structures and Human Expression, Part B. Bingley: Emerald Publishing, 2021, pp.65-85.
- Pierides D, Sewell G. Mary Douglas and Institutions. In: Clegg S; Cunha MP, ed. Management, Organizations and Contemporary Social Theory. London: Routledge, 2019, pp.135-157.
- Zyphur MJ, Pierides D, Roffe J. Measurement and statistics in ‘organization science’: Philosophical, sociological and historical perspectives. In: Mir R; Willmott H; Greenwood M, ed. The Routledge Companion to Philosophy in Organization Studies. London: Routledge, 2015, pp.474-482.
- Lord G, Pierides D. A new history of management. Academy of Management Learning & Education 2019, 18(3), 521-525.
- Pierides D. Political economies of security for some time to come. Journal of Cultural Economy 2014, 7(3), 371-377.