Dr Deborah Harrison
Research Associate
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 2579
- Address: Newcastle University Business School
Room 3.50, Frederick Douglass Centre
Newcastle Helix
2 Science Square
Roles and Responsibilities
Deborah is an Alcan-funded Research Associate focusing on the 'future of work'.
Deborah's background is in public sector research, policy and service development. She has worked with a wide range of organisations including local authorities, NHS, social care providers, emergency services, armed forces and the voluntary and community sector (VCS). Before joining Newcastle University, Deborah worked in a variety of academic and third sector positions including Coordinator of the North East Child Poverty Commission (NECPC), Research and Development Lead for the North of England Mental Health Development Unit (NEMHDU) and Service Designer for the national homeless charity Crisis.
Deborah's research interests span a breadth of issues related to work, inequalities and social justice. Recent research topics include: career pathways and the future workforce 'pipeline' in health and social care; supporting better work in adult domiciliary care; employee voice in the future of work; public procurement and decent work; workforce sustainability in the Fire and Rescue Service; and place-based approaches to systems change in the homelessness sector. She is passionate about participatory methods and the involvement of people with lived experience in research, service development and policymaking.
PhD in health services research, Newcastle University, 2012 (Thesis title: 'Redefining the Role of 'Non-Professionally Affiliated' Workers in Community Mental Health Care: A Qualitative Exploration of Co-Worker and Client Relationships')
BSc (Hons) Psychology, Newcastle University, 2006
Research Interests
Deborah's research interests span a range of issues related to work, inequalities and social justice. These include:
- Work quality/decent work
- The 'future of work' in frontline public services, particularly health and social care
- Employee voice and representation
Current Work
- Understanding the future health and care workforce 'pipeline': Recruitment, retention and representation (Newcastle Health Innovation Partners, 2024-25)
- Supporting decent work in UK social care: Local responses, employment relations and frontline experience (HASS Faculty Research Fund, 2023-24)
- Understanding and enhancing productivity in an organisational context (The Productivity Institute/ESRC, 2023-24)
Recent Work
- Engineering Futures (Alex Ferry Foundation, 2020-22)
- Procurement Practices as a Route to Fulfilling Work (Carnegie UK Trust, 2018-20)
- Measuring and improving workplace culture at Cleveland Fire Brigade (2019-20)
- Newcastle Health Innovation Partners - Supporting the future health and care workforce in Newcastle: Recruitment, retention and representation - £50k, 2024-25
- The Productivity Institute - Understanding and Enhancing Productivity in an Organizational Context: Creating Value and Inclusive Growth for UK plc - £19k, 2023-24
- Newcastle University Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) Faculty Research Fund - Supporting decent work in UK social care: Local responses, employment relations and frontline experience - £4k, 2023-24
- National Institute for Health Research - North East Applied Research Collaboration (NE-ARC) - Mapping 'Making Every Contact Count' (MECC) implementation across the North East and Cumbria: A comparative analysis of delivery models, service reach and system-level relationships - £48k, 2020-22
- Carnegie UK Trust - Making Procurement Work for All (Stage 3 advocacy work) - £15k, 2019-20
- Cleveland Fire Brigade - Improving and Measuring Workplace Culture in Cleveland Fire Brigade - £40k, 2019
- Gateshead Council - Evaluation of Gateshead Council's 'Making Every Contact Count' programme - £37k, 2019
- Carnegie UK Trust - Procurement and Fulfilling Work: Research and development project - £38k, 2018-19
- Big Lottery Reaching Communities Fund - A Day Out, Not a Handout: North East 2017 Summer Holiday Project, £380k, 2017-18
- Millfield House Foundation - Strategic Partnership: Provision of research and policy support to the North East Child Poverty Commission - £120k, 2016-19
- North East Child Poverty Trust - Regional child poverty feasibility study - £10k, 2015-16
- Middlesbrough and Stockton Mind - Research input and evaluation of the Middlesbrough and Stockton Mind 'Living Life' service - £15k, 2014-15
- Finchale Training College - Evaluation of the Finchale College mental health 'Transitions' programme - £40k, 2014-16
- Middlesbrough and Stockton Mind - User-focused evaluation of the Middlesbrough and Stockton Mind Carers' Support Service - £10k, 2014
Deborah currently teaches on undergraduate modules Research Methods (BUS2018) and HR to Improve Working Lives (BUS2035).
- Rodrigues AM, Nichol B, Wilson R, Charlton C, Gibson B, Finch T, Haighton C, Maniatopoulos G, Giles E, Harrison D, Orange D, Robson C, Harland J. Mapping regional implementation of ‘Making Every Contact Count’: mixed-methods evaluation of implementation stage, strategies, barriers and facilitators of implementation. BMJ Open 2024, 14(7), e084208.
- Egdell V, Hussein R, Harrison D, Bader AK, Wilson R. 'I Find it Daunting... That I'm Gonna Have to Deal with This until 60': Extended Working Lives and the Sustainable Employability of Operational Firefighters. Work, Employment and Society 2023, 37(3), 721-739.
- Procter S, Harrison D, Pearson P, Dickinson C. Theorising worker–client relations in front-line service work: Understanding the experience of non-professionally affiliated workers in UK mental health services. New Technology, Work and Employment 2022, 37(1), 124-145.
- Harrison D, Wilson R, Graham A, Brown K, Hesselgreaves H, Ciesielska M. Making every contact count with seldom-heard groups? A qualitative evaluation of voluntary and community sector (VCS) implementation of a public health behaviour change programme in England. Health and Social Care in the Community 2022, 30(5), e3193-e3206.
- Procter S, Harrison D, Pearson P, Dickinson C. The non‐professionally affiliated (NPA) worker as co‐producer of public services: how is the role experienced in UK mental health services?. Industrial Relations Journal 2018, 49(3), 211-226.
- Gray A, Wilson R, Jenkings KN, Harrison D, Martin M. Information Sharing in Services for Military Personnel in Transition to Civilian Life. Public Money and Management 2017, 37(1), 15-22.
- Procter S, Harrison D, Pearson P, Dickinson C, Lombardo C. New Ways of Working in UK mental health services: developing distributed responsibility in community mental health teams?. Journal of Mental Health 2016, 25(2), 126-130.
- Harrison D, Procter S, McKinlay A. Engineering Futures. London: Alex Ferry Foundation, 2022.
- Wilson R, Harrison D, Gray A, Martin M, Jenkings KN. Evaluation of Information Sharing Practice in the North East mixed economy of service provision for ex-services personnel. London, UK: Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT), 2015.