Dr Emily Yarrow
Senior Lecturer
Dr Emily Yarrow is a Senior Lecturer in Management and Organisations, in the Leadership, Work and Organisation Subject Group. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and Academic Member of the CIPD (MCIPD).
Emily's scholarly work focusses on and contributes to contemporary understandings of gendered organisational behaviour, women's experiences of organisational life, and the future of work. Her research interests broadly include organisational theory, gender and inequality regimes, impact, and governance in higher education.
Emily earned her doctorate at the Centre for Equality and Diversity (CRED) at Queen Mary, University of London, UK. She also holds an MA in International Business Management from Newcastle University Business School.
She has contributed to leading journals including: Gender, Work and Organization; Work, Employment and Society; Public Management Review; The British Educational Research Journal, and Academy of Management Learning and Education. Emily is an Editorial Review Board Member of: Gender, Work and Organization; Work, Employment and Society; and Group & Organization Management.
Emily currently serves as Chair of the Board of Examiners for Undergraduate study, and is the Degree Programme Director for MSc Global Human Resource Management (CIPD Accredited Programme). Emily is also a currently serving elected member of Newcastle University Senate.
Bringing both academic and blue-chip commercial experience, Emily has worked for organisations such as Procter and Gamble as a Buyer, and Scottish Widows (Lloyds Banking Group), as well as having been involved in research projects for the Scottish Government, and Diageo.
Emily is available for media comment on any of her research interests, including in print, radio, or television; she is aware of the need to respond to journalists in a timely manner. Areas of her expertise include:
- Gender equality
- Gender pay gap
- Organisational inequalities and social justice
- Employment and evaluation issues in Higher Education
Emily has supervised student dissertations (from undergraduate to PhD) and is interested in working collaboratively on projects that fit her areas of expertise. She is happy to hear from prospective PhD students, particularly those with an interest in equality, diversity, and inclusion, strategic HRM, and higher education.
Core areas of research:
- Gendered organisational behaviour
- Women’s lived experiences of organisational life
- Developing [equitable and sustainable] work futures
- Critical organisational theory
- Governance in higher education
- Research impact and inequalities
Emily is passionate about social justice in education and equality of opportunity in a multitude of organisational settings, and possesses a fervent interest in management and organisational theory overall, particularly surrounding women’s career development, vertical gender segregation and [gendered] power dynamics in organisations.
Emily is also interested in the algorithmic perpetuation of inequality and is keen to develop potential global collaborations in this domain.
To date, her research has focused on the impact of research evaluation on female academic careers, research impact, women’s lived experiences of organisational life, and the experiences of older workers.
Emily has a wide range of teaching experience at all levels including MBA, with a focus on Human Resource Management, Global Human Resource Management, and Research Methods. Having taught for over ten years at a range of Universities, including Queen Mary University of London; The University of Edinburgh, and Portsmouth Business School, Emily has a passion for inclusive teaching, student engagement, and fostering independent learning.
Emily currently teaches at both the Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels in the Business School.
She is Degree Programme Director for Global Human Resource Management MSc (2022-)
and Module Leader for:
NBS8386 : Human Resource Development in a Global Economy (Postgraduate)
BUS2018: Research Methods (Undergraduate)
Emily also teaches on NBS8326: Managing Organisations and People (Postgraduate)
- Abdellatif A, Gatto M, O'Shea S, Yarrow E. Ties that bind: An inclusive feminist approach to subvert gendered “othering” in times of crisis. Gender, Work and Organization 2024, 31(4), 1463-1478.
- Johnston K, Yarrow E. Active representation and identity taxation: unintended outcome of representative labour?. Public Management Review 2024, 26(4), 970-987.
- Yarrow E, Davies J. A typology of sexism in contemporary business schools: Belligerent, benevolent, ambivalent, and oblivious sexism. Gender, Work and Organization 2024, 31(5), 2019-2039.
- Yarrow E, Johnston K. Athena SWAN: "Institutional peacocking" in the neoliberal university. Gender, Work and Organization 2023, 30(3), 757-772.
- Smolović Jones O, Smolović Jones S, Taylor S, Yarrow E. Theorizing gender desegregation as political work: The case of the Welsh Labour Party. Gender, Work and Organization 2022, 29(6), 1747-1763.
- Johnston K, Danho EJ, Yarrow E, Cameron R, Dann Z, Ekinsmyth C, Busoi G, Doyle A. Governance and public policies: Support for women entrepreneurs in France and England?. International Review of Administrative Sciences 2022, 89(4), 1097-1115.
- Yarrow E, Pagan V. Reflections on front‐line medical work during COVID‐19 and the embodiment of risk. Gender, Work and Organization 2021, 28(S1), 89-100.
- Yarrow E. Knowledge hustlers: Gendered micro-politics and networking in UK universities. British Educational Research Journal 2021, 47(3), 579-598.
- Smolović Jones O, Smolović Jones S, Taylor S, Yarrow E. I Wanted More Women in, but . . .: Oblique Resistance to Gender Equality Initiatives. Work, Employment and Society 2021, 35(4), 640-656.
- Abdellatif A, Aldossari M, Boncori I, Callahan J, Na Ayudhya UC, Chaudhry S, Kivinen N, Sarah Liu S-J, Utoft EH, Vershinina N, Yarrow E, Pullen A. Breaking the mold: Working through our differences to vocalize the sound of change. Gender, Work and Organization 2021, 28(5), 1956-1979.
- Yarrow E. Book Review: Delivering Impact in Management Research. When Does It Really Happen?. Academy of Management Learning and Education 2021.
- Chaudhry S, Yarrow E, Aldossari M, Waterson E. An NHS doctor's lived experience of burnout during the first wave of Covid-19. Work, Employment and Society 2021, 35(6), 1133-1143.
- Davies J, Yarrow E, Syed J. The curious under-representation of women impact case leaders: Can we disengender inequality regimes?. Gender, Work and Organization 2020, 27(2), 129-148.
Book Chapters
- Yarrow E, Anderson V. The Future of HRD in a changing, complex, and ambiguous world. In: Rocco TS; Morris ML; Poell RF, ed. The Sage Handbook of Human Resource Development. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE, 2024, pp.710-720.
- Yarrow E, Birrell Ivory S. Organizational culture and change management. In: Sarah Birrell Ivory and Emma Macdonald, ed. Introduction to Management: Functions and Challenges. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024, pp.157-189.
- Yarrow E. The Ideological, Theoretical, and Socio-Economic Context of Critical HRD: A Foundational Introduction. In: Joshua C. Collins, Jamie L. Callahan, ed. The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Human Resource Development. Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2022, pp.29-53.
- French R, Yarrow E. Organisational design and effective working practices. In: Rees G; French R, ed. Strategic People Management and Development Theory and Practice (sixth edition). London: Kogan Page, 2022, pp.251-276.
- Yarrow E. The power of networks in the gendered academy. In: Mahat,M, ed. Surviving and Thriving in Academia. Melbourne, Australia: Emerald, 2021, pp.200.
- Smolovic-Jones O, Smolovic-Jones S, Taylor S, Yarrow E. Men researching women’s experiences of sexism and discrimination: An impossible position?. In: Just SN; Risberg A; Villesèche F, ed. The Routledge Companion to Organizational Diversity Research Methods. London: Taylor and Francis, 2020, pp.50-58.
- Yarrow E. Gender and the research excellence framework. In: Robertson J; Williams A; Jones D; Isbel L; Loads D, ed. EqualBITE Gender equality in higher education. Leiden: Brill, 2017, pp.63–68.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
- Scurry T, Carnegie S, Yarrow E. Get Sust! Working in partnership with students to co-develop a board game for raising student awareness of sustainable development. In: Chartered Association of Business School's Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Conference. 2022, Belfast.
- Danho EJ, Dann Z, Ekinsmyth C, Johnston K, Murzacheva E, Yarrow E, Busoi G. Baseline Report 3: The Impact of Participating in the External Committee: The Perspective of the External Committee (EC) Volunteer Members Who Are Representatives of Organisations in the Formal Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. London: Accelerating Women’s Enterprise (AWE), 2021. 3.
- Danho EJ, Dann Z, Doyle A, Ekinsmyth C, Huang S, Johnston K, Pickernell DG, Yarrow E. Baseline Report 1 - Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in France and the UK: The perspectives of disadvantaged female entrepreneurs and stakeholders in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Interreg; Accelerating Women's Enterprise; European Union; University of Portsmouth, 2021.
- Loretto W, Airey L, Yarrow E. Older people and employment in Scotland: research. An examination of attitudes and issues surrounding an older workforce. Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2017. Social Research series.
- Yarrow E. Book Review: 'Queer precarities in and out of higher education' by Emily Yarrow, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2023, pp. 1–216. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 2024, 28(2), 109-110.
- Yarrow E. Data Feminism By D’Ignazio, Catherine and Klein, Lauren F., Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England: The MIT Press, 2020. ISBN: 978-0-262-04400-4. Gender, Work and Organization 2023, 30(3), 1148-1151.
- Yarrow E. Book Review: Nicole Brown (ed.) Lived Experiences of Ableism in Academia: Strategies for Inclusion in Higher Education. Work, Employment and Society 2023, 37(3), 814 - 815.
- Yarrow Emily. Book Review The equality machine: Harnessing digital technology for a brighter, more inclusive future. By Orly Lobel, New York: Public Affairs. 2022. $30.00 US. ISBN: 9781541774759. Gender, Work and Organization 2023, 30(6), 2201-2203.
- Yarrow E. ‘LGBTQ Leadership in Higher Education’ edited by Raymond E. Crossman (2022) [Book review by Emily Yarrow]. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 2023, 27(2), 92-93.