Dr Ewan Mackenzie
Lecturer in Work and Employment
- Address: Newcastle University Business School
Floor 8, Room 8.08
5 Barrack Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
Ewan is interested in the socio-political aspects of work (both paid and unpaid) and applies sociological and critical approaches to the realities of work and society. He is interested in the convergence between how work is governed and everyday work and labour, and the possibilities and necessity for alternative ways in which to understand and organise work. His research aims to widen the possibilities for addressing prevailing rationalities on work and employment on the one hand, and the ways in which individuals and groups act, resist and respond to them in their ‘everyday’ life and work on the other.
PhD (Pass with no corrections)
MSc (Distinction)
BA (Hons)
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Orcid ID:
Research Interests:
Work (paid and unpaid)
Creative and cultural work and employment
Work and employment healthcare and public sectors
Foucauldian studies of work and organisation
Workplace conflict
A Just Transition
- Gibbs E, Phillips J, Mackenzie E, McKinlay A, McNulty D, Procter S. Rolls-Royce engineers and Deindustrialization in Scotland from the 1950s to the 2020s. Modern British History 2025. In Press.
- Garvey A, Mackenzie E. Hegemony and moralistic bullying in a contested UK public sector. Culture and Organization 2024, 30(2), 198-219.
- Gibbs E, Mackenzie E, McKinlay A, McNulty D, Phillips J, Procter S. Governing the factory: microhistories of the present. Management and Organizational History 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Kendrick H, Mackenzie E. Austerity and the shaping of the ‘waste watching’ health professional: A governmentality perspective on integrated care policy. Social Science and Medicine Qualitative Research in Health 2023, 3, 100255.
- Meyerricks S, Mackenzie E. Towards critical resilience: political and social dimensions of work in community projects. Justice Spatiale/Spatial Justice 2022, 17, 1-24.
- Mackenzie E, McKinlay A. Hope labour and the psychic life of cultural work. Human Relations 2021, 74(11), 1841-1863.
- Mackenzie E, McGovern T, Small A, Hicks C, Scurry T. 'Are they out to get us?': Power and the 'recognition' of the subject through a 'lean' work regime. Organization Studies 2021, 42(11), 1721-1740.
Book Chapter
- Mackenzie E, Barratt E. The freelance project manager as an agent of governmentality: evidence from a UK local authority. In: Hodgson, D; Freds, M; Bailey, S.J; Hall, P, ed. Routledge Critical Studies in Public Management: The Projectification of the Public Sector. Routledge, 2019.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- McKinlay A, Philips J, Mackenzie E, Gibbs E, Procter S, McNulty D. Workers’ Voice and Security in a Just Transition: Rolls Royce and Redundancies in Inchinnan, Scotland. In: The 13th European Regional Congress of the International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA). 2022, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona: International Labour and Employment Relations Association.
- Mackenzie E, Lloyd TP. “A floor that nobody can fall beneath”: Universal Basic Income activism in the COVID19 era. In: BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference: Connectedness, activism and dignity at work in a precarious era. 2021, Virtual: British Sociological Association.
- Mackenzie E, Wilson R, Go Jefferies J, Casey R, Martin M. Governing through neutrality: critiquing discourses of 'patient centred care' and 'integrated care' in the English NHS. In: 11th International Critical Management Studies Conference: Precarious Presents, Open Futures. 2019, Milton Keynes: The Open Univeristy.
- Mackenzie E, McKinlay A. Hope labour in cultural work: Reflecting on the limits and possibilities for collective action. In: BSA Annual Conference 2018: Identity, Community and Social Solidarity. 2018, Northumbria University: British Sociological Association.
Online Publications
- Mackenzie E. 'You have to be everybody’s best friend': how dreams and desires leave TV and film crew vulnerable to workplace exploitation. The Conversation, 2023. Available at:
- Mackenzie E. A Sense of Hope for Achieving Broader Change. Social Science Space: SAGE, 2018. Available at: