Fiona Thompson
Senior Lecturer
Experienced Educator/Senior Lecturer in Marketing with over 18 years of teaching marketing and related subjects in both Further and Higher Education across 3 regional universities. Additionally possesses 13 years of commercial marketing experience so can contextualise the theoretical into a positive student learning experience. PGCE, Senior Fellow of the HEA combined with various educational qualifications enables a deep understanding of the learning process. Also commercially insightful, working with Live Clients across two UG modules in order to engage and develop an excellent student learning experience. Able to develop excellent working relationships to progress the economic development with SMEs, regional and national organisations.
Please get in touch by emailing me on:
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Senior Lecturer in Marketing - Senior Fellow of the HEA (Since 2018)
Module Leader and Lecturer on MKT2010 - Integrated and Digital Marketing Communications working with Live Clients in Semester 2.
Module Leader and Lecturer on MKT3097 - Marketing Consultancy Project working with Live Clients (a capstone instead of a dissertation)
Personal Tutor UG/PG
NEPS/HEA Staff Mentor (Faculty Role)
Admissions Selector - N500/NN52 (NUBS role)
T & S Contract but progressing research into various educational themes with a view of future publications.
My research interests include Marketing Communications (both traditional media and Digital). Employability and various education themes including the benefits of students working on Live Client projects and their professional and personal development.
I have worked with over 80 Live Clients in the past 5/6 years across MKT2010 and MKT3097. Please contact Fiona on if you would like a list of all the Live Clients which include Charities, Not for Profit, Start-ups, larger organisations across many different and diverse market sectors.