Professor Iain Munro
Prof of Leadership & Org Change
- Address: Newcastle University Business School
Room 5.05,
5 Barrack Rd,
Newcastle upon
Tyne NE1 4SE
Iain is Professor of Leadership and Organization at Newcastle Business School. He has previously worked at the universities of Warwick (1994-2000), St Andrews (2000-2009), and Innsbruck (2009-2013). He has diverse research interests and has published articles in Organization Studies, Human Relations, Organization, the Journal of the Operational Research Society and the Journal of Business Ethics. He has written a monograph on "Information Warfare in Business: Strategies of Control and Resistance".
Editorial Positions:
- Editorial board member of Human Relations
- Editorial board member of Organization Studies.
- Associate Editor of Organization
Google scholar: Click here.
I am engaged in the following areas of research:
* Organizer and convenor, Newcastle University, May 2019, ‘Whistleblowing, Human Rights and the Media’, speakers including John Kiriakou (CIA whistleblower), Craig Murray (UK Foreign Office whistleblower), Robert Tibbo (Edward Snowden’s lawyer) and Andrew Fowler (Investigative Journalist See
* Co-organizer and speaker, The Shard, London January 2020, ‘Whistleblowing, Transparency and Activism’, speakers including Katharine Gun (GCHQ whistleblower), Mark Curtis (National Security historian), Iain Munro, and Professor Kate Kenny. See
* 'Transformations in Networked Whistleblowing'. The event was hosted by the Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation at Oxford, Saïd Business School, March 2020,
* Invited panelist at York University, July, 2020 - ‘To blow the whistle or not? An online symposium on complicity and compliance in economic and social wrongdoing.” See
* Convenor of 'Whistleblowing, Investigative Journalism, Freedom, Democracy and Solidarity', May 2021, speakers John Kiriakou (CIA whistleblower), Jeffrey Sterling (CIA whistleblower), Chamira Gamage (Amnesty International), Stephen Rohde (American Civil Liberties Union), Michael Albert, Max Blumenthal, Jimmy Dore, Joe Lauria. See
* Organizer and co-convenor, 'Whistleblowing, human rights and social justice', speakers include Professor Robert Tibbo, Professor David Lewis andProfessor Kate Kenny. The event was co-hosted on 15th March 2022 by the Newcastle University Business School, the Newcastle University Forum for Human Rights and Social Justice and the Irish Centre for Human Rights. See
* "Julian Assange, state secrecy and cover-ups." The event was hosted by the Labour Party Conference, September, 2022, with Dr Deepa Driver (legal observer in the Assange case, Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers). Speakers: Stella Assange (human rights lawyer), Professor Iain Munro (expert on whistleblowers), Craig Murray and Ögmundur Jonasson (the Icelandic minister who refused to aide the FBI in framing Assange).
* Co-organizer and host of "The emerging role of whistleblowers in democracies" by Professor Robert Tibbo. The event was part of the Newcastle University Insights public lecture series, November, 2022.
BUS3054 Strategy, Organizations & Society
BUS3347 Strategy, Organizations & Society (Study Abroad Sem 1)
BUS3017 Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics
BUS3062 Corporate Communications and Social Media
NBS8556 Core Readings in Management and Business Studies
- Munro I, Kenny K. Whistleblower as activist and exile: The case of Edward Snowden. Organization 2024, 31(6), 994-1008.
- Boussebaa M, Munro M, Rhodes C. Transnational corporate power, neocolonialism and investigative journalism: A conversation with Matt Kennard. Critical Perspectives on International Business 2024, Epub ahead of print.
- Driver DG, Andenæs M, Munro I. An inconvenient dissident: Human rights activism in the case of Julian Assange. Organization 2024, 31(5), 829-845.
- Munro I. The Crisis of the Commons: An Inquiry into ‘Technologies of the Commons’ as Tools for Organizing. Journal of Openness, Commons & Organizing (JOCO) 2023, 1(2), 12-22.
- Dallyn S, Checchi M, Prado P, Munro I. Conscientisation and Communities of Compost: Rethinking management pedagogy in an age of climate crises. Management Learning 2023, 55(1), 104-123.
- Trittin-Ulbrich H, Scherer AG, Munro I, Whelan G. Exploring the dark and unexpected sides of digitalization: Towards a critical agenda. Organization 2021, 28(1), 8-25.
- de Vaujany F, Leclercq-Vandelannoitte A, Munro I, Yeah N, Holt R. Control and Surveillance in Work Practice: Cultivating Paradox in ‘New’ Modes of Organizing. Organization Studies 2021, 42(5), 675–695.
- Rhodes C, Munro I, Thanem T, Pullen A. Dissensus! Radical Democracy and Business Ethics. Journal of Business Ethics 2020, 164, 627-632.
- Pina e Cunha M, Rego A, Munro I. Dogs in Organizations. Human Relations 2019, 72(4), 778-800.
- Munro I. An Interview with Chelsea Manning’s Lawyer: Nancy Hollander on Human Rights and the Protection of Whistleblowers. . Organization 2019, 26(2), 276-290.
- Munro I, Thanem T. The Ethics of Affective Leadership: Organizing Good Encounters Without Leaders. Business Ethics Quarterly 2018, 28(1), 51-69.
- Wegerer P, Munro I. Ethics of Ambivalence in Corporate Branding. Organization 2018, 25(6), 695-709.
- Munro I, Thanem T. Deleuze and the Deterritorialization of Strategy. Critical Perspectives in Accounting 2018, 53, 69-78.
- Munro I. An interview with Snowden’s lawyer Robert Tibbo on whistleblowing, mass surveillance and human rights activism. Organization 2018, 25(1), 106-122.
- Munro I. Whistleblowing and the politics of truth: mobilizing 'truth games' in the WikiLeaks case. Human Relations 2017, 70(5), 519-543.
- Munro I. Organizational resistance as a vector of deterritorialization: The case of WikiLeaks and secrecy havens. Organization 2016, 23(4), 567-587.
- Clegg S, PinaeCunha M, Munro I, Rego A, OomdeSousa M. Kafkaesque Power & Bureaucracy. Journal of Political Power 2016, 9(2), 157-181.
- Labatut J, Munro I, Desmond J. Animals and organizations. Organization 2016, 23(3), 315-329.
- Munro I. Organizational Ethics and Foucault's 'Art of Living': Lessons from Social Movement Organizations. Organization Studies 2014, 35(8), 1127-1148.
- Huber C, Munro I. "Moral Distance" in Organizations: An Inquiry into Ethical Violence in the Works of Kafka. Journal of Business Ethics 2014, 124(2), 259-269.
- Maréchal G, Linstead S, Munro I. The Territorial Organization: History, Divergence and Possibilities. Culture and Organization 2013, 19(3), 185-208.
- Munro I, Jordan S. 'Living Space' at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe: Spatial tactics and the politics of smooth space. Human Relations 2013, 66(11), 1497-1525.
- Munro I. The Management of Circulations: Biopolitical Variations After Foucault. International Journal of Management Reviews 2012, 14(3), 345-362.
- Weiskopf R, Munro I. Management of Human Capital: Discipline, Security and Controlled Circulation in HRM. Organization 2012, 19(6), 685-702.
- Munro I, Huber C. Kafka's mythology: Organization, bureaucracy and the limits of sensemaking. Human Relations 2012, 65(4), 523-543.
- MacKay B, Munro I. Information Warfare and New Organizational Landscapes: An Inquiry into the ExxonMobil–Greenpeace Dispute over Climate Change. Organization Studies 2012, 33(11), 1507-1536.
- Munro I. Nomadic Strategies in the Network Society: From Lawrence of Arabia to Linux. Scandinavian Journal of Management 2010, 26(2), 215-223.
- Randall J, Munro I. Institutional Logics and Contradictions: competing and collaborating logics in a forum of medical and voluntary practitioners. Journal of Change Management 2010, 10(1), 23-39.
- Randall J, Munro I. Foucault's care of the self: A case from mental health work. Organization Studies 2010, 31(11), 1485-1504.
- Munro I. Defending the Network Organization: An Analysis of Information Warfare with Reference to Heidegger. Organization 2010, 17(2), 199-222.
- Munro I, Randall J. 'I don't know what I'm doing. How about you?': Discourse and identity in practitioners dealing with the survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Organization 2007, 14(6), 887-907.
- Dibben M, Munro I. Applying Process Thought in Organization Studies. Process Studies 2003, 32(2), 183-195.
- Munro I, Mingers J. The Use of Multimethodology in Practice ‑ Results of a Survey of Practitioners. Journal of the Operational Research Society 2002, 53(4), 369-378.
- Munro I. Non‑Disciplinary Power and the Network Society. Organization 2000, 7(4), 679-695.
- Ballantine J, Levy M, Martin A, Munro I, Powel P. An Ethical Perspective on Information Systems Evaluation. International Journal of Agile Management Systems 2000, 2(3), 233-242.
- Munro I. Man Machine Systems: People and Technology in OR. Systems Practice and Action Research 1999, 12, 513-532.
- Munro I. An exploration of three emancipatory themes within OR and systems thinking. Journal of the Operational Research Society 1997, 48(6), 576-584.
- Ballantine J, Bonner M, Levy M, Martin A, Munro I, Powel P. The 3D Model of Information Systems Success: the Search for the Dependent Variable Continues. Information Resources Management Journal 1996, 9(4), 5-14.
Authored Book
- Munro I. Information Warfare in Business: Strategies of Control and Resistance. London: Routledge, 2005.
Book Chapters
- Munro I. Whistleblowing. In: McCann, L; Bozkurt, O; Finn, R; Granter, E; Hunter, C; Kivinen, N; Kumar, A; Wierman, B, ed. Elgar Encyclopedia of Critical Management Studies. Edward Elgar, 2025. In Preparation.
- Munro I, Kenny K. Networked Whistleblowing, Counter-Hegemony and the Challenge to Systemic Corruption. In: Gabbioneta C; Minoja M; Greenwood R, ed. Organizational Wrongdoing as the "Foundational" Grand Challenge : Consequences and Impact. Bingley: Emerald Publishing, 2022, pp.121-140.
- Munro I, MacKay B. Information War. In: Dr. Chris Rojek, ed. Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd Edition. John Wiley, 2019. In Preparation.