Jo Clark
- Email:
- Telephone: +44(0) 191 208 1500
- Address: Newcastle University Business School
Barrack Road
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU
Newcastle University Business School, Lecturer Teaching and Scholarship
Director of Student Recruitment and deputy Degree Programme Director for MSc Global Human Resources Management (GHRM)
Jo is the deputy director of the full time GHRM programme with responsibility for external engagement and module leader on the GHRM practitioner and practice based dissertation modules.
Jo is also module leader of the MBA programme, Management Consultancy and Business in Action modules.
Jo graduated in Economics from Newcastle University followed by an EU research funded Post Graduate Diploma in European Financial Analysis, also at Newcastle. In her early career Jo worked as a Parliamentary Analyst at the London Stock Exchange advising members of parliament and backbench committees on Stock Exchange priorities.
Jo qualified as a Chartered Management Accountant (ACMA) whilst working at BT and has experience in financial planning and internal consultancy roles at both BT and BUPA.
As part of a global yacht racing team Jo investigated the characteristics of high performing teams in complex environments. This work was further supported by a research project into high performing leadership teams conducted at London Business School. This, research informed, approach to leadership development, Jo used extensively in her consultancy, work for large global organisations delivering consultancy interventions, leadership and management development assessment and development centres worldwide. Jo qualified as a level B practitioner with the British Psychological Society working with Prof. John Rust.
Jo then joined Newcastle University again, as Assistant Director of HR, in 2004 where she led a team delivering organisational and people development priorities.
Jo uses her knowledge of effective team work to support student teams on the MBA and GHRM programmes in achieving excellent academic results. Her business connections mean she includes practical business projects in much of her teaching, enhancing the employability agenda in the student experience. Her current research involves exploring forms of value gained during these University-Industry, teaching focused, business engagements.
Roles and Responsibilities
Director of Student Recruitment for the business school following a three year tenure as DPD for the MBA programme.
Deputy degree programme director on MSc Global Human Resources Management (GHRM) and Module Leader of the HR practitioner (NBS8288) and Practice Based Dissertation (NBS8799) option and seminar leader on Human Resources Development in a Global Economy (NBS8386) module.
Seminar leader Business Management, BUS2025/BUS2000
Module leader on the MBA Management Consultancy (NBS8130) and Business in Action (NBS8490).
Post Graduate Certificate in Education 2015
British Psychological Society Level A & B
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (ACMA)
Post Graduate Diploma, Newcastle University, European Financial Analysis
BA (Hons) Newcastle University, Economics.
Current Teaching:
MBA NBS8130 Management Consultancy (Module Leader)
MBA NBS8490 Business in Action(Module Leader)
MSc Global Human Resources Management
NBS8285 HR Theory and Practice
NBS8386 Human Resources Development in a Global Economy
NBS8288 The Reflexive HR Practitioner (Module Leader)
NBS8799 Practice Based project (Module Leader)
BUS2025/BUS2000 Managing Human Resources
Online Publication