Staff Profile
Dr Jonathan Jones
Senior Lecturer (Economics)
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- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 1550
- Address: Room 3.02
Newcastle University Business School
5 Barrack Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
Jonathan Jones is a lecturer in Economics at Newcastle University Business School. His research interests are in empirical microeconomics that are applied specifically to foreign direct investment where he has developed an international reputation within the cross-disciplinary area of economics, regional science, geography and international business. This is from publication in a number of economics and regional science journals and being the co-author of books on Foreign Direct Investment and the Regional Economy and Understanding the Location of Foreign Direct Investment. He is a co-investigator for the Creative Industries Policy & Evidence Centre and has also been involved as an affiliate of the ESRC/UK government funded Spatial Economics Research Centre (SERC).
PhD, Economics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne: 'The Nature and Performance of Inward Investment in North-East England: 1985-98'
MA(Economics), University of Liverpool
BA(Hons), Economics/Accounting & Finance, University of Manchester
Bibliographic links
Google Scholar:
Research Interests
Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Geography, Regional Economics, International Business
Postgraduate Supervision
Daviana Ruan: FDI,Innovation and Environmental Impacts
Alex Li: E-commerce, International Trade and FDI
Neha Tengur: Partisan Budget Cycles and Electoral Accountability in the European Union
Putu Sudiana: Foreign Direct Investment Location and Tax Incentive Policy in Indonesia
Qianyi Zhou: Location of BRICS FDI within the European Union
Ilona Serwicka: European Economic and FDI Location: The Fifth Enlargement
Abdulaziz Almahmood: Foreign Direct Investment in Saudi Arabia
Creative Industries Policy & Evidence Centre (PEC) Reports:
Foreign Direct Investment in the UKs Creative Industries
UK Trade in a Global Creative Economy - Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre
Creative Industries Policy & Evidence Centre (PEC) Discussion Papers:
The Motives of Inbound Foreign Direct Investors in the UK Creative Industries
The Nature of Foreign Direct Investment in the Creative Industries
Spatial Economics Research Centre Discussion Papers:
On the Relative Importance of Agglomeration Economies in the Location of FDI Across British Regions
The Dynamics of FDI Location: A Markov Analysis for British Regions
FDI Location Across British Regions and Inward Investment Policy
Foreign Direct Investment and Prospects for the Northern Region
Re-Investment and the Survival of Foreign-Owned Plants
Module Leader
ECO2011 Economics of Regulation
ECO3026 Industrial Economics and Policy
ECO3098 Placement Related Project
Previous Teaching
ECO2003 Economic Modelling
ECO2004 Microeconomic Analysis
ECO106 Statistics for Economists
ECO110 Mathematics for Economics
ECO312 Public Economics
BSM824 Applied Time Series Modelling and Forecasting
- Serwicka IE, Jones J, Wren C. European Integration and FDI Location: Is there a Border Effect within the Enlarged EU?. Annals of Regional Science 2024, 72, 85-106.
- Jones J, Serwicka I, Wren C. The Motives for FDI Location in Europe and EU Enlargement. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 2020, 52(8), 1681-1699.
- Jones J, Serwicka I, Wren C. Economic integration, border costs and FDI location: Evidence from the fifth European enlargement. International Review of Economics and Finance 2018, 54, 193-205.
- Jones J. Agglomeration Economies and the Location of Foreign Direct Investment: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Regional Science 2017, 57(5), 731-757.
- Jones J, Wren C. Does Service FDI Locate Differently to Manufacturing FDI? A Regional Analysis for Great Britain. Regional Studies 2016, 50(12), 1980-1994.
- Wren C, Jones J. FDI Location across British Regions and Agglomerative Forces: A Markov Analysis. Spatial Economic Analysis 2012, 7(2), 265-286.
- Wren C, Jones J. Assessing the Regional Impact of Grants on FDI Location: Evidence from U.K. Regional Policy, 1985-2005. Journal of Regional Science 2011, 51(3), 497-517.
- Wren CM, Jones J. Re-investment and the survival of foreign-owned plants. Regional Science and Urban Economics 2009, 39(2), 214-223.
- Jones J, Wren C. Foreign Inward Investment and Regional Prospects. Northern Economic Review 2008, 38, 61-79.
- Jones J, Tomaney J, Pike A, Wren C. Memorandum to the Welsh Affairs Select Committee Inquiry into Trade and Manufacturing Policy Impact on Wales. House of Commons Parliamentary Papers 2004.
- Jones J, Wren C. Inward foreign direct investment and employment: A project-based analysis in north-east England. Journal of Economic Geography 2004, 4(5), 517-543.
- Jones J, Wren C. Do inward investors achieve their job targets. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 2004, 66(4), 483-513.
Authored Books
- Wren C, Jones J. Understanding the Location of Foreign Direct Investment. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016.
- Jones J, Wren C. Foreign Direct Investment and the Regional Economy. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005.
Book Chapters
- Jones J, Wren C. The Dynamics of Service FDI Location: A Disaggregated Industry Analysis for Great Britain. In: Beerepoot,N; Lambregts,B; Kleibert,J, ed. Globalisation and Services-driven Economic Growth : Perspectives from the Global North and South. London: Routledge, 2016, pp.90-104.
- Wren C, Jones J. Grants and the Location of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from the UK Regions. In: Farschi M; Janne O; McCann P, ed. Technological Change and Mature Industrial Regions: Firms, Knowledge, and Policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2009, pp.299-320.
Online Publications
- Jones J, Maioli S. The Motives of Inbound Foreign Direct Investors in the UK Creative Industries. 2023. Available at:
- Jones J, Fazio G. The Nature of Foreign Direct Investment in the Creative Industries. Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre, 2022. Available at:
- Fazio G, Jones J, Maioli S, Simandjuntak D. UK Trade in a Global Creative Economy. Newcastle upon Tyne: Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (Creative PEC), 2024. Creative PEC State of the Nations Research Series.
- Jones J, Simandjuntak D, Maioli S, Fazio G. Foreign Direct Investment in the UK's Creative Industries. 2024. Creative PEC State of the Nations Research Series.
- Wren C, Jones J. Quantitative Evaluation of the LEAD Programme, 2004-11. Lancaster: Institute for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development, Lancaster University, 2012.
- Jones J, Wren C. On the Relative Importance of Agglomeration Economies in the Location of FDI Across British Regions. London: Spatial Economics Research Centre, LSE, 2011. SERC Discussion Paper 89.