Dr Josephine Go Jefferies
Senior Lecturer in Marketing
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 1500
- Address: Newcastle University Business School
Room 8.21
5 Barrack Rd
Newcastle upon Tyne
I joined Newcastle University in October 2016 in my first academic post as a Lecturer in Marketing (T&R) after a diverse career in the private, public and Third Sectors. My research focuses on service innovation through increased participation to improve health and well-being. Participation can be through individual consumption (e.g. use of self-service and digital technologies) and cross-sector collaboration at the organisational and societal levels. It also happens through research that is designed to be participatory by involving target beneficiaries and the public.
I actively contribute to building a vibrant and supportive research culture based on collegiality, knowledge exchange, peer mentoring, and developing a strong academic writing practice. In 2017 I co-founded and continue to lead the weekly meeting of the NUBS Early Career Researcher Writing Club and annual Writing Retreats to help colleagues develop and flourish.
I proactively develop international collaborations (including the United Nations, among others) as Project Lead, Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator. Since joining Newcastle University I have been a Co-I for projects securing more than £4.3 million of research funding.
My research outputs include publications in Journal of Service Research, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Journal of Business Review, Marketing Theory, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Journal of Services Marketing, Public Policy & Administration, and Sustainable Materials and Technologies.
Current role
Director of the Northern Ireland and North East (NINE) Doctoral Training Partnership at Newcastle University (2025 - 2028)
Previous roles
2023 Ethics, Responsibility, and Sustainability Acting Group Lead
2022 MOS Representative for the NUBS Strategic Development Group
2020 Degree Programme Director for NN52 BSc Marketing and Management; promoted to Senior Lecturer in Marketing
- 2019 Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- 2016 PhD Business & Management (Pass without conditions) University of Nottingham
- 2012 MRes Business & Management (Distinction) University of Nottingham
- 2009 MBA Corporate Social Responsibility (Distinction) University of Nottingham
- 2001 MA Criticism & Theory (Merit) University of Exeter
- 2000 BA (Hons) English Studies (2:1) University of Exeter
Awards, Grants and Esteem Indicators
- 2024 Invited Panellist, Roundtable on 'Marketing, Technology and Mental Health'. Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Nashville, USA
- 2024 NUBS Impact Fund (£7500). 'Understanding support needs for managing neurodiversity at work in multilateral organisations', and for co-leading a 'Neurodiversity Think Tank' in Washington DC.
- 2024 Invited Presenter, NUBS Industry Insights Event. 'Inclusive Marketing: Aligning People, Purpose and Profit'
- 2023 Neurodiversity research featured in NUBS Reach Magazine
- 2023 Co-I, EPSRC NortH Futures Digital Health Hub (£4.17 million)
- 2023 Co-I, Zayed University, Neurodiversity and technology for services (£44,000)
- 2023 Invited Discussant, Neurodiversity in a Capitalist Era, English Language Learning and Neurodiversity (ELLEN) Erasmus+ Funded Project
- 2023 Invited Panellist, II Symposium on current trends in consumer research, University of Stirling
- 2023 Nominated for Newcastle University Engagement & Place Award
- 2023 Nominated for The Education Awards - UG teaching category
- 2022 NUBS School Impact Fund: Marketing and neurodiversity (£6225 including £1800 HaSS impact funding to commission an infographic)
- 2022 Two ESRC Festival of Social Science Grants for "Assessing Local Knowledge of Plastic Waste" (£400) and "Marketing and neurodiversity" (£400)
- 2022 NUBS Research Festival -- Winner of Business School Outstanding Research Citizenship Prize (£100)
- 2022 ACM SIG CHI Conference, Honorable Mention Award for Bowyer et al. 'Human-GDPR Interaction: Practical Experiences of Accessing Personal Data'
- 2020 NUBS Research Festival Digital -- Winner of Business School Outstanding Research Citizenship Prize (£100)
- 2020 NUBS Internationalisation Funding (£2150) to present my research at seminars at University of Melbourne and Monash University
- 2019 Nominated for The Education Awards in the Contribution to Student Employability Category
- 2017 NHS North East Commissioning Service, Programme Evaluation, Sharing and Spreading New Models of Care (£65,000)
- 2016 Loughborough University Centre for Services Management Doctoral Colloquium Best Paper Award (£50)
- 2015 ESRC & SAGE Writing Competition - Highly Commended (£500)
- 2015 University Endowed Award (Dean Moore Postgraduate Prize) for outstanding 3rd year PhD student (£120)
- 2015 Association for Consumer Research Transformative Consumer Research Travel Grant (USD 800)
- 2015 Doctoral Training Centre Researcher-Led Interdisciplinary Collaboration Project Award (£1500) 'Seeding a Seed' an interdisciplinary research project on antimicrobial resistance
- 2015 University of Nottingham Competitive Graduate School Travel Prize (£600)
- 2014 Interdisciplinary Summer School: Social Sciences Meet Health Care - Inclusive Health Care Innovation (Guest of Technische Universität Dresden & Germany's Excellence Initiative - Full Scholarship including €250 travel bursary)
- 2013 Foundation for Sociology of Health & Illness International Conference Travel Award (£600)
- 2013 UK Primary Care Research Network National Portfolio (PhD study adopted)
- 2011-2015 ESRC DTC 1+3 MRes and PhD Business & Management Studentship (£76,000)
- 2009 Nottingham University Business School (NUBS) Association of MBAs & The Independent's 'MBA Student of the Year'
- 2008 International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility MBA Scholarship (£31,000)
- 2006 UFI Ltd Business Challenge Award (eLearning Best Commercial Solution)
- 2001 AHRB British Academy Scholarship for MA Criticism & Theory (£10,000)
Memberships & Affiliations
- Fellow of Newcastle University's Faculty of Medical Sciences
- Visiting researcher (Karlstad University Center for Service Research)
- NUBS Marketing: Consumers, Communications and Services Research Community
- Academy of Management
- ACR Transformative Consumer Research
- Consumer Culture Theory
- European Sociological Association
- NUBS Early Career Researcher Writing Club (Co-founder)
- Editorial Board: Journal of Marketing Management
- Journal of Service Research
- Journal of Services Marketing
- Journal of Business Research
- Journal of Product Innovation Management
- Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
- Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
- Marketing Theory
- Journal of Marketing Management
- Public Administration Review
- Public Management Review
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An international journal
- European Journal of Marketing
- Technological Forecasting & Social Change
- Policy Sciences
- ACR Conference
- CCT Conference
- Academy of Marketing Conference
- Academy of Marketing Science Review
- Special issue of the Journal of Marketing Management on 'Service research in an age of crises: (Re)building sustainable services'. Guest Editors: Josephine Go Jefferies, Mekhail Mustak, Loïc Plé and Per Skålén
Google scholar: Click here.
ORCID: Click here.
Scopus ID: 57205572071
My research focuses on disempowered and marginalised consumers and their use of technology, especially in a service context, to improve their own and others' health and well-being. This involves studying complex interactions between human and non-human actors at multiple levels to identify and characterise the role of sociotechnical and environmental affordances in expert service ecosystems. The aim of my wider research programme is to inform and engage different audiences including marketing researchers, practitioners and policy makers about the use of technology for well-being, sustainability and social justice.
I use ethnographic interviews, observations and participatory research methods, as well as netnographic and multimodal analysis of publicly available online data. I have utilised thematic and content analysis, social network analysis, machine learning and topic modelling of large unstructured data sets.
I have particular expertise in the following contexts: interdisciplinary research, coproduction of expert services, digital healthcare, mental health and marketing, family caregiving, and the role of the market and cross-sector collaborations, including multilateral organisations, to address gaps in public service provision for improved public value in different cultural contexts.
Among my current research projects, I am employing a mix of advanced qualitative methods to assess how family, expert services and work contexts affect the need to manage neurodiversity for well-being across different welfare regime types in a digital era.
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of
- Digital health services
- Neurodiversity and Mental Health Marketing
- Consumer resistance and responsibilization
- Service innovation to reduce plastic waste
- Family Caregiver Wellbeing, ageing and autism
PhD Student Completions
- Alex Bowyer: Human-data interaction (EPSRC Digital Civics PhD Scholarship)
- Saadet Meltem Hut: Food, Time & Wellbeing: Unpacking the Complexities of a Multi-Dimensional Relationship (Goldman PhD Scholarship)
- Tongyue Li: How UK-based SMEs use social media for their innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic
Current PhD Students
- Samira Jamaloo: Autism and Job Satisfaction
Research Funding
2025 Devolved Faculty Impact Fund, 'Managing neurodiversity at work in multilateral organisations' £2394
2024 ACR-AMA Grant, 'Beautiful Minds: Marketing in the Age of Neurodiversity' (Co-Investigators with Dr Jane Machin) $1832
2024 NUBS Impact Fund, 'Managing neurodiversity at work in multilateral organisations' (Principal Investigator) and 'Neurodiversity Think Tank' (Co-Lead) £7500
2023 EPSRC Northern Health Futures (NortHFutures) Digital Health Hub (£4.13 million, PI Prof Abi Durrant)
2023 Zayed University in Dubai, 'Researching technology-based services for neurodiversity' (Co-Investigator, PI Dr Saif Alimamy) £44,000
2018 Innovate UK: ICURe Cohort 14, Commercialising University Research, 'Organ Perfusion' (Co-Investigator, PI: Dr Bill Scott III) £35,000
2017 Collaborating for Emergency Medical Services in the UK and Italy (Co-Investigator, PI: Dr May Seitanidi) £7500
2017 NHS Innovation Project Evaluation for North East Commissioning Support (NECS) (Co-Investigator, PI: Prof Rob Wilson) 'Assessing the role of middle managers in sharing and spreading new care models' £65,000
2017 Diagnostic Evidence Co-operative Newcastle - Market Research for a Sepsis Point-of-Care Test (Consultant) £3500
2013-2016 Nottingham City (NHS) CCG and CityCare Partnership - Patient Experience Evaluation (Principal Investigator) £50,000
2015 NNZ (UK) Ltd - Strategic marketing report for fresh produce net packaging multinational (consultancy project with Dr Anastasios Pagiaslis) £10,000
2015 Hexagon Consultants (Ecuador) - Recommendations Report: Design Criteria for Multi-Sector Collaborations for the Social Good (with Dr May Seitanidi) £7000
2013-2015 Kent Business School - Emergency Medical Services: partnerships with the voluntary sector (with Dr May Seitanidi) £5000
2011-2012 Nottingham University Business School / ICCSR: EU FP7 Work Programme 3: 'CSR Impact' - Case studies of impact from two leading UK supermarkets' Corporate Social Responsibility Agendas
2010-2011 NHS East Midlands Regional Innovation Fund Project. 'A framework for evidence-based decision-making': social marketing and prevention of childhood overweight and obesity using the National Chlldhood Measurement Programme Data and Experian's 'MOSAIC' geodemographic analysis. Research partners: East Midlands CLAHRC, Experian, NHS, Nottingham University Business School.
2009-2010 UK Sustainable Investment & Finance (UKSIF) Green Paper on 'Barriers to Growth of Innovative Pro-Development Financial Products'. National Ethical Investment Week Roundtable Discussion.
Invited Speaker and Conference Presentations
2025 'From Satisfaction to Sustainability: Introducing Sustainable Consumer Well-being'. Machin, Go Jefferies, Crosby, Adkins Ross, Mirabito, Rutelione and Alcoforado. AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Washington DC (June 20-22)
2025 Invited Speaker, 'The view through a refractive neurodiversity lens: seeing marketing differently', University of Liverpool Management School EDI Seminar (18 March)
2024 Invited Co-Lead, 'Neurodiversity Think Tank', AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Washington DC (6-8 June)
2024 Invited Speaker, 'Neurodiversity at Work', the Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity Forum, University of York, 14 March
2024 Invited Speaker, 'Neurodiversity, masking and consumption', a work in progress presented to the People, Organisations and Marketing Research Group, University of York, School for Business and Society, 14 March.
2024 Invited Panellist, 'Roundtable on Marketing, mental health and technology' at Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Nashville, TN (6-9 March)
2024 Invited Panellist, 'Industry Insights: Inclusive Marketing: Aligning People, Purpose and Profit', Newcastle University Business School, explaining market segmentation based on invisible differences.
2023 Invited Discussant, 'Neurodiversity in a Capitalist Era', Erasmus+ ELLeN Project Seminar
2023 'Netnography and Co-designed Mental Health Research: Applying an Ethic of Care to Patient and Public Involvement'. Netnography Conference (Netnocon), University of Salford (28-30 July). Go Jefferies, J. & Ahmed, W..
2023 Invited collaboration, 'Consumer Mental Well-being'. Transformative Consumer Research Conference Track 2, Royal Holloway University of London (18-20 June).
2022 "Introducing an Arendtian Perspective of Responsibilized Consumer Heroes" 11th Workshop for Interpretive Consumer Research, University of Liverpool Management School (9-10 June).
2022 'Understanding family caregiver wellbeing within an ecology of care', 13th SERVSIG Conference, Strathclyde University, Glasgow (16-18 June). Hibbert, S., Downey, H., Go Jefferies, J., Kelleher, C., Penaloza, L., Luca, N., Ozanne, L., Jenhaug, L.
2022 'From Surviving to Thriving: a Conceptual Introduction to Mental Well-being (MWB)' Workshop and Presentation, 41st Annual Association for Marketing and Health Care Research, Park City, Utah (9-12 March).
2022 WELLBECARE: A framework for caregiver well-being'. Kelleher, C., Go Jefferies, J., Penaloza, L., Luca, N., Ozanne, L., Downey, H., Jenhaug, L., Hibbert, S. QUIS17 Valencia, Spain (12-15 January)
2021 'WELLBECARE: Taking Care of Caregiver Well-being'. Kelleher, C., Go Jefferies, J., Penaloza, L., Luca, N., Ozanne, L., Downey, H., Jenhaug, L., Hibbert, S. ANZMAC (29 Nov - 1 Dec)
2021 'Explaining my Neurodiversity research'. ACR Conference 2021. Knowledge Forum on Mental Health and the Marketplace. (28-30 Oct).
2021 ‘Fresh Perspectives on Consumer Journeys in Healthcare and Well-being’. Azzari, C., Anderson, L., Mende, M., Go Jefferies, J., Downey, H., Ostrom, A. Special Session presentation. AMA Marketing & Public Policy Conference (24-26 June).
2021 ‘Consumers on the Job: Contextualization Crafting in Expert Services’. Azzari, C., Anderson, L., Mende, M., Go Jefferies, J., Downey, H., & Ostrom, A. Frontiers in Service Conference.
2021 ‘Food Consumption and Time: Meanings and Processes Underlying Choices’. Hut, M., Manika, D., Go Jefferies, J. & Papagiannidis, S. 2021 European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference. Public Sector and Non-Profit Marketing track. ESIC Business & Marketing School. 25-28 May 2021, Madrid, Spain.
2021 ‘Food Well-Being and Time’. Hut, M., Manika, D., Go Jefferies, J. & Papagiannidis, S. 2020 European Social Marketing Conference. Thessaloniki, Greece. Rescheduled to October 2021.
2020 'Digital Objectification' Go Jefferies, J., Hibbert, S., and Bishop, S. 6th Organizational Frontlines Research Symposium, American Marketing Association Winter Conference, San Diego, CA 12-16 Feb.
2019 'Places of consumer activism: the affordances of everyday service systems' Go Jefferies, J., Bishop, S. and Hibbert, S. Academy of Marketing 2019 Conference Workshop. Regent's University London, 2-4 July.
2019 'Consumers on the Job: Coproduction Crafting in Expert Services', Spanjol, J., Nations, C., Anderson, L., Mende, M., Downey, H. Go Jefferies, J., Ostrom, A. QUIS 16, Karlstad, Sweden, 10-13 June.
2019 Exploring E-TCR. Transformative Consumer Research Dialogical Conference, Florida State University, Tallahassee 19-22 May.
2018 'Institutional logics and the co-creation of value through self-service healthcare technology'. Go Jefferies, Bishop & Hibbert. Frontiers in Service Conference 2018, Austin, Texas, 5-9 September.
2018 'Design and Institutional Affordances: the co-creation of value in public services'. Go Jefferies & Bishop. 22nd Annual IRSPM Conference, Centre for Service Excellence, University of Edinburgh Business School.
2018 'Extending the role of Institutional Design in Lean Collaborative Governance under extreme conditions: Emergency Medical Service Provision in the UK'. Seitanidi, Go Jefferies, Emmanouilidou & Palmer. 22nd Annual IRSPM Conference, Centre for Service Excellence, University of Edinburgh Business School.
2017 ‘Institutional logics and the co-creation of value through self-service health care technology’. Go Jefferies, Hibbert & Bishop. Bringing Institutional Theory to Marketing. ISC Paris, 29-30 May.
2017 ACR Transformative Consumer Research Dialogical Conference. Transforming Patient Experience Track. Cornell University, 18-20 June.
2017 Newcastle University Open Lab: Lab Talks. ‘Telehealth Ninjas: A study of the mastery of technologies for chronic disease care’, 17 March.
2016 Invited Panellist, ‘Psychological and Social Determinants of Health in Healthcare Services’ (with Laurel Anderson, Per Skålén, Lars Witell, Ray Fisk, Daniele Mathras), ‘TSR Discourses in Well-being’, Special Session, SERVSIG International Research Conference, Maastricht University (17-19 June)
2016 Invited Speaker, British Sociology Association, East Midlands Medical Sociology Event, De Montfort University (4 April) ‘Telehealth Ninjas: A study of technology mastery for chronic disease care’.
2016 Centre for Services Management Doctoral Colloquium, Loughborough University, ‘Telehealth Ninjas: A study of technology mastery for chronic disease care’. Best Paper Award.
2015 Academy of Management 75th Annual Meeting – Health Care Management Division Paper, ‘Improving Health Outcomes: Applying the Socio-Technical Imaginary toward a Program Theory for Antimicrobial Resistance and Telehealth Agendas’
2015 Centre for Health Innovation Leadership & Learning, Nottingham, Research Seminar with Prof Ewan Ferlie, ‘Patient experience of telehealth for chronic disease self-management: applying a value co-creation framework’
2015 Prof Rod Brodie’s Workshop on Customer Engagement, ‘Patient experience of telehealth for chronic disease self-management: applying a value co-creation framework’
2015 ‘Can you be your own boss with DIY healthcare? The paradoxical perversion of empowerment in the provision of Innovative Healthcare Services’ (ACR Transformative Service Research Dialogical Conference)
2014 ‘Exploring Patient Experience of Telehealth for Self-management of Chronic Disease: Applying a value co-creation framework’ (Technische Universität Dresden Interdisciplinary Summer School)
2014 Centre for Health Innovation, Leadership & Learning (CHILL) Brownbag Seminar, ‘Patient experience of telehealth for chronic disease self-management: applying a value co-creation framework’
2014 ‘Exploring Patient Experience of Telehealth for Self-management of Chronic Disease: Using Feminist Perspectives to Analyse Discursive Change in the Healthcare Servicescape’ (Association for Consumer Research Gender, Marketing & Consumer Behaviour, Helsinki)
2014 ‘An exploratory study of X-PERT Educators’ views of Diabetes Self-management and Structured Education’ (Health Services Research Network, Nottingham)
2014 (Go Jefferies & Helliwell), ‘Ways of improving health outcomes: Antimicrobial resistance and Telehealth Agendas’ (International Philosophy of Nursing Conference, Nottingham)
2014 ‘Patient experience of telehealth for chronic disease self-management: why a value co-creation framework?’ (Midlands Regional Doctoral Colloquium Nottingham)
2013 ‘An exploratory study of healthcare professionals’ views of Diabetes Self-management and Structured Education: The role of context on professional agency and the spread of innovation’ (European Sociology Association, Turin, Italy)
My approach to teaching in the classroom (and through my public engagement activities) focuses on providing opportunities for understanding and applying marketing theory in practice. This typically involves using research-led case study teaching methods to present students with realistic scenarios in which to practice theory-informed decision-making. Thus classroom activities and group learning help students apply marketing thinking in complex human and organisational contexts.
Case study teaching also helps students to consider different perspectives on the systemic factors affecting marketing, including the role of culture, politics, regulations, education, social and environmental relations and technological innovation. Developing their critical thinking helps students consider the ethics of decisions related to a portfolio of novel and relatively untested digital marketing techniques.
When teaching qualitative research methods, I encourage critical thinking about how evidence is constructed and evaluated. This knowledge if is central to developing an appropriately nuanced understanding of the use of digital analytics in evidence-based decision-making.
Module Leader
- MKT2008 - MKT2044 - MKT2045 Services Marketing
- NBS8236 - NBS8946 Customer Relationship Management
- NBS8062 - NBS8367 - NBS8901 Research Methods
Contribution to Current or Past Teaching
- MKT3014 - MKT3100 New Service Development
- MKT3006 Global Advertising and Brand Promotion
- MKT3096 Marketing Dissertation
- NBS8124 Marketing (MBA)
- UG and PG Dissertation Supervision
Examples of student feedback
2024 Teaching and Public Engagement
I'm a postgrad student studying MSc International Marketing at Newcastle University and I've attended a couple of lectures where you taught contemporary trends in marketing (which is one of my compulsory modules) and I got the opportunity to listen to you talk about neurodiversity in marketing. To be honest it was overwhelming for me because at that very moment, I was thanking my stars for having professors like you, who are immensely talented, wise, and its like you know almost everything about the industry.
MKT2008 (20/21 remote delivery)
I think MKT2008 is great - the variety of cases are brilliant and the amount of topics covered are brilliant. Josephine is lovely, takes all points on board and always offers constructive ways to improve knowledge going forward. The amount of work given is enough to challenge us to properly learn about strategies, without being too much, and the structure of the weeks are something that I really like in comparison to other modules I study, as by setting out all of the work that will be covered during the semester allows me to properly schedule and plan when I will be doing my prep work, a couple of weeks in advance. In terms of the actual delivery of the module, I think MKT2008 is fantastic.
The module leader is extremely interactive, without making students uncomfortable. When asking questions, the leader will help those along who are unsure of the answer, whilst developing the students knowledge when they do provide an answer. I personally appreciate the fact that the module leader has a friendly approach, as the environment within both seminars and discussion boards are extremely informative but relaxed.
MKT2008 (21/22 in person delivery)
I loved this module and thought Josephine Go Jefferies was a great module leader. The structure of watching online lectures then going to in person lectures to discuss the content and also having smaller group seminars to do a case study or questions was great. There was a bit of confusion at first that that was the structure as every module does it differently. However, I and some of my friends thought the assignment essay questions were not great. Both of them we didn't understand at first and didn't always see how it related to what we had learnt in the lectures. They also were so packed with different elements I found it so hard to get everything in she wanted while meeting the word count.
Thanks for my in-depth assignment feedback, I am thoroughly pleased with my result, considering I found myself overthinking the essay several times while writing. Additionally, I would just like to bring to your attention to how much I have enjoyed MKT2008 this academic year! I found the content extremely interesting and engaging, and the seminars really motivated me to learn all the content in fear of getting picked on to contribute, so I hope that was reflected within my work and contributions throughout the course of the year.
I would just like to say thank you again for letting me on the module this year, I have really enjoyed studying services marketing and think the module is run very well.
MKT2044 (20/21 in person delivery)
Good - A lot of example ! really interesting
This module was very interesting, especially as it is essentially based on study cases.
I strongly loved module leader lectures since that was really interesting and easy to understand
The lecturers were interesting and engaging. I also appreciated the inclusion of a guest lecturer form XXX and his professional input.
Learning about services, which are present in our daily life. The teacher made the subject interesting because of real case examples and the seminars were participative.
I loved this subject area because the marketing I already had was focus on object only. Here, I've learned all the attributes regarding services. It inspired me for my final thesis.
This course gave me the envy to study more in details the marketing of services in my future studies. The lecturer was fascinating thanks to her experiences and her wish to teach us what she knows, in the best way she can.
MKT2045 (20/21 remote delivery)
The style of the teaching and the atmosphere during meetings are really enjoyable.
MKT2045 (21/22 in person delivery)
This module was really good, a really good teacher, dynamic, with the desire to involve its students, to give relevant examples, it was really interesting.
This module was very complete with a lot of information to take in. It was the first time for me that I really had a course on service marketing so I was able to discover the whole dimension of services, the relationship with the customer... The seminar topics were very interesting and complete. The Canvas was complete and well organised which allowed me to follow the module successfully.
Has presented the marketing needed for intangible goods such as services which I had never considered when thinking about marketing.
- Go Jefferies J, Rhoads M, Vogus T, Satornino C, Broderick A. A Neurodiversity Perspective on Fostering Marketplace Inclusion By Bridging Ability Mismatches. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 2025, 44(2), 234-236.
- Novakovic K, Thumbarathy D, Peeters M, Geoghegan M, Go Jefferies J, Hicks C, Manika D, Dai S. Zero-waste circular economy of plastic packaging: The bottlenecks and a way forward. Sustainable Materials and Technologies 2023, 38, e00735.
- Go Jefferies J. An Arendtian Perspective on Responsibilized heroes: Why marketing needs a new model of heroic action. Marketing Theory 2022. In Press.
- Go Jefferies J, Ahmed W. Marketing #neurodiversity for well-being. Journal of Consumer Marketing 2022, 39(6), 632-648.
- Azzari C, Anderson L, Mende M, Go Jefferies J, Downey H, Ostrom A, Spanjol J. Consumers on the Job: Contextualization Crafting in Expert Services. Journal of Service Research 2021, 24(4), 520-541.
- Daskalopoulou A, Go Jefferies J, Skandalis A. Transforming technology-mediated healthcare services through strategic sense-giving. Journal of Services Marketing 2020, 34(7), 909-920.
- Gallan A, McColl-Kennedy JR, Barakshina T, Figueiredo B, Go Jefferies J, Gollnhofer J, Hibbert S, Luca N, Roy S, Spanjol J, Winklhofer H. Transforming community well-being through patients' lived experiences. Journal of Business Research - Special issue on Transformative Consumer Research 2019, 100, 376-391.
- Go Jefferies J, Bishop S, Hibbert S. Service innovation through resource integration: an empirical examination of co-created value using telehealth services. Public Policy and Administration 2019, 36(1), 69-88.
- Go Jefferies J, Bishop S, Hibbert S. Customer boundary work to navigate institutional arrangements around service interactions: Exploring the case of telehealth. Journal of Business Research 2019, 105, 420-433.
- Anderson L, Spanjol J, Go Jefferies J, Ostrom A, Nations Baker C, Bone SA, Downey H, Mende M, Rapp J. Responsibility and Well-Being: Resource Integration Under Responsibilization in Expert Services. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 2016, 35(2), 262-279.
Book Chapter
- Gallan A, Go Jefferies J. Value Co-creation and its Meaning for Customers. In: Eileen Bridges and Kendra Fowler, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Service Research Insights and Ideas. Routledge, 2020.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Kelleher C, Go Jefferies J, Peñaloza L, Luca N, Ozanne L, Downey H, Jenhaug L, Hibbert S. WELLBECARE: a framework for caregiver well-being. In: 17th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management (QUIS17). 2022, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València.
- Bowyer A, Holt J, Go Jefferies J, Wilson R, Kirk D, Smeddinck JS. Human-GDPR Interaction: Practical Experiences of Accessing Personal Data. In: CHI '22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA: Association of Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA.
- Kelleher C, Go Jefferies J, Peñaloza L, Luca N, Ozanne L, Downey H, Jenhaug L, Hibbert S. WELLBECARE: Taking Care of Caregiver Well-being. In: ANZMAC 2021. 2021, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia and online.
- Hut M, Manika D, Go Jefferies J, Papagiannidis S. Understanding the Concept of Time for Food Wellbeing. In: 25th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications. 2021, virtual: University of Granada.
- Hut SM, Manika D, Go Jefferies J, Papagiannidis S. The hedonic or eudaimonic way: Understanding the impact of subjective time an wellbeing motives on healthy food choice. In: 5th International Conference of Marketing, Strategy & Policy 2021. 2021, Newcastle upon Tyne: MSP.
- Hut M, Manika D, Go Jefferies J, Papagiannidis S. Food consumption and time: Meanings and processes underlying choices. In: 50th Annual Conference of The European Marketing Academy. 2021, Virtual: European Marketing Academy.
- Go Jefferies J, Bishop S, Hibbert S. Places of Consumer Activism: The Affordances of Everyday Service Systems. In: Academy of Marketing 52nd Annual Conference. 2019, Regent's University London, UK.
- Mackenzie E, Wilson R, Go Jefferies J, Casey R, Martin M. Governing through neutrality: critiquing discourses of 'patient centred care' and 'integrated care' in the English NHS. In: 11th International Critical Management Studies Conference: Precarious Presents, Open Futures. 2019, Milton Keynes: The Open Univeristy.
- Spanjol J, Nations C, Mende M, Anderson L, Downey H, Go Jefferies J, Ostrom A. Consumers on the Job: Coproduction Crafting in Expert Services. In: Quality in Service (QUIS) Symposium 16. 2019, Karlstad, Sweden: Karlstad University.
- Go Jefferies J, Hibbert S, Bishop S. Institutional logics and the co-creation of value through self-service health care technology. In: 2018 Frontiers in Service Conference. 2018, Austin, TX, USA.
- Go-Jefferies J, Hibbert S, Bishop S. Institutional logics and the co-creation of value through self-service health care technology. In: Bringing Institutional Theory to Marketing. 2017, ISC Paris, France.
- Anderson L, Spanjol J, Go-Jefferies J, Ostrom AL, Baker CN, Bone SA, Downey H, Mende M, Rapp JM. Responsibilization in Services and Consumer Well-Being: A Role Theory Perspective. In: Marketing and Public Policy Conference: Fostering Change for Communities and Society. 2016, San Luis Obispo, California (USA): American Marketing Association.
- Go-Jefferies J, Bishop S, Hibbert S. Creating value through resource integration: an empirical examination of the co-creation of value using telehealth services. In: The Individual and the State: co-production and interdependency in the mixed economy of public service consumption. 2016, University of Nottingham. In Preparation.
- Go-Jefferies J, Helliwell R. Improving Health Outcomes: Program Theory for Antimicrobial Resistance and Telehealth Policies. In: Academy of Management 75th Annual Meeting. 2015, Vancouver, Canada.
Online Publications
- Wilson R, Mackenzie E, Go-Jefferies J, Casey R, Martin M. Advancing Innovation with Managers in the NHS organisational environment (AIMING) project. NHS North of England Commissioning Support Unit (NECS), 2017. Available at:
- Go-Jefferies J. They know how much oxygen I breathe, which is fine by me. London, UK: The Guardian, 2015. Available at:
- Hibbert S, Go-Jefferies J, Callaghan F, Soultana L. "Turning customer insight into targeted and effective service delivery", in NHS East Midlands Regional Innovation Fund.. 2011.