Professor Josephine McLaren
Professor of Accounting and Finance
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 1549
- Address: Floor 6, Room 6.14
Newcastle University Business School
5 Barrack Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
Josie McLaren is a Professor of Accounting and Finance and Co-Lead for Research and Impact in the Accounting and Financial Management Subject Group. She is a former Head of the Accounting and Finance subject group (2017-2021), Deputy Head of the Accounting and Finance subject group (2016-17) and Degree Programme Director for the BSc Accounting and Finance programme (2007-2016). Her research interests lie at the interface of Accounting and Finance, with a focus on using accounting information for accountability, valuation and benchmarking. She is particularly interested in issues around sustainability and the SDGs.
Josie is dedicated to research that is of relevance to the academy, practitioners and the accounting profession. She has received funding from CIMA (a leading professional body), as well as University and School funding, including from the Newcastle Institute of Social Renewal and Newcastle University Business School to undertake a project entitled 'The Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare: Business, Regulatory and Reputation Risk?'. This project involves case study investigation of large scale supermarkets, restaurants and food producers that are subject to the Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare. Journal articles published in Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal and Critical Perspectives on Accounting are based on this work. Current projects include Investor Benchmarks (supported by the NUBS Impact Fund, with Prof Louise Crawford and Dr Bella Liu) and Accounting for Food Loss and Waste (supporting by Faculty Research Fund, companion project with Prof Lisa Jack and Dr Roza Sagitova, University of Portsmouth).
Josie completed her PhD in 2012 and in 2016 she published a paper in The British Accounting Review (BAR) based on her PhD work on the Economic Valued Added Management Control System. For this paper Josie was awarded the British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) prize for the most outstanding accounting paper published in The British Accounting Review in 2016. She has over 10 publications on EVA and she has presented papers at conferences in the UK and abroad. Josie is also interested in the performance of state-owned and regulated enterprises in New Zealand, the UK and China. Interest in New Zealand companies arises from her EVA work. UK interests include mergers and acquisitions analysis and cost of capital determination, where she has collaborated on projects with external parties, including the Regulatory Policy Institute, Oxford. Her finance-focussed research is on China, particularly the trading behaviour of investors in times of structural or regulatory change. Her research has centred on the impact of the Split Share Structure Reform in 2005, including the market reaction to the reform process (Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2015). In 2017 she organized a research symposium entitled 'China in the Global Economy', held at Newcastle University.
Josie's teaching interests lie in the areas of finance, financial management and microeconomics teaching on ACC3006 International Financial Management/ACC3020 The Financial Manager and NBS8005 Corporate Strategy and Valuation. She has previously served as lecturer/module leader on several postgraduate modules including NBS8001 International Finance and Capital Markets, NBS8002 Techniques for Data Analysis, NBS8003 Financial Information Analysis, NBS8004 Dissertation, NBS8235 Financial Planning and Investment. Previous undergraduate teaching includes Professional Skills for Accounting and Finance (stage 1), Quantitative Methods (stage 1), Financial Control (stage 2), Income Measurement (stage 2), Analysis and Interpretation of Company Accounts (stage 2), Financial Accounting (stage 3), Accounting, Organization and Society (stage 3), and Management Accounting (stage 3).
Prior to being Professor, Josie was a Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance. As Degree Programme Director she was instrumental in the introduction of the N401 BSc (Honours) Accounting and Finance with Business Placement and N403 BSc (Honours) Accounting and Finance with Study Abroad programmes in Newcastle and the BSc (Honours) Accounting and Finance programmes in London.
Josie is passionate about leadership and mentoring - she currently serves on the ICAEW Research Advisory Board (2023 - present) and is a former member of the ICAEW Academia and Education Advisory Group (2020-2023). She has completed the Newcastle University/Durham University Academic Leaders' Programme (2019) and the University Women's Coaching and Mentoring Programme (2016).
Bibliographic Links
Google Scholar:
Roles and Responsibilities
Co-Lead for Research and Impact, Accounting Subject Group (2024 - present)
Head, Accounting and Finance subject group (November 2017-August 2021)
Deputy Head, Accounting and Finance subject group (2016-November 2017)
Degree Programme Director, N400/N401/N403 (Newcastle) (2007-2016)
Chair, Board of Examiners (BA (Honours) Accounting and Finance and Graduate Diploma in Finance, Accounting and Business) (2011-2015)
PhD (Ncl) 2012
B.A. (Honours) Accounting and Financial Analysis (Ncl) 1990
Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy (2019)
British Accounting Association
European Accounting Association
Esteem Indicators
British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) prize for the most outstanding accounting paper published in The British Accounting Review in 2016
Member, ICEAW Research Advisory Board (2023-present)
Academic member of the ICAEW Academia and Education Advisory Group (2020-2023)
External Examining Positions
University of Huddersfield (2008-2011) - External Examiner, undergraduate programmes
University of Portsmouth (2009-2015) - External Examiner, postgraduate programmes
University of Sheffield (2023) - PhD examiner
University of Huddersfield (2014) - PhD examiner
University of Dundee (2024 - present) - External Examiner, undergraduate programmes
Research Interests
My current research interests centre on accountability, valuation and investor benchmarks. Under this theme I have a number of live projects centring on food companies and the food industry, including: management and reporting of farm animal welfare in global food companies in response to the Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare; investors' response to corporate accountability benchmarks; and accounting food loss and waste in the UK food sector. Projects link to the UN SDGs and are supported by School impact funds and University Faculty/Institutes. Work on farm animal welfare has led to publications in Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal (2020) and Critical Perspectives on Accounting (2022).
I am also interested in public sector valuation, reporting and accountability, with a current project examining University reporting and decision-making through Covid-19 and the transition to the UN SDGs. This research has stemmed from earlier work on Economic Value Added (EVA) as a performance measure in public sector and listed companies. I have extensive experience through engagement with EVA users in New Zealand - where I conducted research in major EVA companies. In 2012 I completed my PhD in this area and I have published my EVA work in The British Accounting Review (winning the British Accounting and Finance Association Prize for the most outstanding Accounting paper published in The British Accounting Review in 2016, in recognition for the paper's important contribution to accounting research), as well as presenting papers at conferences in the UK and abroad.
I am willing to consider PhD applications from potential students in the broad areas of sustainability and accountability, particularly involving the food sector. Please get in touch with me if you would like to discuss your proposal.
2 grants from CIMA (£11,000) looking at EVA in New Zealand companies
Newcastle Institute for Social Renewal (£760)
University Teaching Committee Fund: Transition of International Students (£7,500)
Faculty Research Fund (£3990)
Newcastle University Business School Impact Fund (£2186)
Newcastle University Business School Research Fund (£1296)
Undergraduate Teaching
ACC3006 International Financial Management
ACC3020 The Financial Manager
Postgraduate Teaching
NBS8005 Corporate Strategy and Valuation
Past Teaching
ACC1009 Quantitative Business Methods
ACC1012 Professional Skills for Accounting and Finance
ACC2003 Financial Control
ACC2005 Intermediate Financial Accounting (formerly Income Measurement - Module Leader)
ACC2007 Corporate Finance
ACC2060 Business Finance
ACC3001 Financial Accounting (Module Leader)
ACC3002 Management Accounting (Module Leader)
ACC3016 Accounting, Organization and Society
ACC3017 Derivative Markets (Module Leader)
NBS8001 International Finance and Capital Markets
NBS8002 Techniques for Data Analysis
NBS8003 Financial Information Analysis (Module Leader)
NBS8235 Financial Planning and Investment (Module Leader)
- Elnahass M, Alharbi R, Mohamed T, McLaren J. Women Directors' Attributes and Demographics: New Insights into Bank Risk. Research in International Business and Finance 2024, 71, 102444.
- Rhee Y, McLaren J, Jang D, Liu LYJ. What Drives Management Accounting Innovations? A Survey of Activity-Based Costing Journal Publications. Journal of Industrial Studies 2024, 48(2), 49-89.
- Elnahass M, Alharbi R, Mohamed T, McLaren J. The Nexus among board diversity and bank stability: Implications from gender, nationality and education. Emerging Markets Review 2023, 57, 101071.
- Nguyen OTK, LIU LYJ, Haslam J, McLaren J. The moderating effect of perceived environmental uncertainty and task uncertainty on the relationship between performance management system practices and organizational performance: evidence from Vietnam. Production Planning & Control 2023, 34(5), 423-441.
- Alharbi R, Elnahass M, McLaren J. Women Directors and Market Valuations: What are the "Wonder Women" Attributes in Banking?. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 2022, 80, 101611.
- McLaren J, Appleyard T. Social movements, identity and disruption in organizational fields: Accounting for farm animal welfare. Critical Perspectives on Accounting 2022, 84, 102310.
- McLaren J, Appleyard T. Improving accountability for farm animal welfare: the performative role of a benchmark device. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal 2020, 33(1), 32-58.
- McLaren J, Appleyard T, Mitchell F. The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting Systems: A Case Study Investigation of EVA™. The British Accounting Review 2016, 48(3), 341-358.
- Zeng Y, McLaren JA. The impact of large public sales of Government assets: empirical evidence from the Chinese stock markets on a gradual and offer-to-get approach. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 2015, 45(1), 137-173.
- McLaren JA. Implementing the EVA Business Philosophy: Management Accounting Evidence from New Zealand. CIMA Research Executive Summaries Series 2005, 1(5).
- McLaren JA. The EVA Business Philosophy: Management Accounting Evidence from New Zealand. Pacific Accounting Review 2004, 16(1), 1-31.
- McLaren JA. EVA and the Benefit Sharing Philosophy: Management Accounting Evidence from New Zealand. Financial Management 2003, (July/August), 18-19.
- McLaren JA. Can EVA Ensure Shareholder Wealth Maximisation?. International Accountant 2001, 11.
- McLaren J. Just How Good is EVA?. Chartered Accountants Journal of New Zealand 2000, 79(4), 57-62.
- McLaren J. A Strategic Perspective on Economic Value Added. Management Accounting: Magazine for Chartered Management Accountants 1999, 77(4), 30-32.
- McLaren J. Economic Value Added: A Means of Creating Sustainable Value?. Chartered Accountants' Journal of New Zealand, April 1998, pp. 59-63 1998.
- Appleyard AR, McLaren JA, Yarrow GK, Keyworth T. Effects of the proposed merger between Bass and Carlsberg-Tetley: an assessment of capital market expectations. Report submitted to the Monompolies and Mergers Commission, 27pp 1996.
- McLaren J, AR Appleyard and GK Yarrow. The Consequences of Diversification by Public and Private Monopolies. EBPR, Oxford University, 1994 1994.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Rhee Y, Liu LYJ, McLaren J. Push and pull of management accounting innovation: survey of Activity-Based Costing and Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing. In: 42nd Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association. 2019, Paphos, Cyrpus: European Accounting Association.
- Liu LYJ, Rhee Y, McLaren J. Development of Activity-Based Costing and Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing: a Survey of Literature. In: BAFA Annual Conference 2018. 2018, London: British Accounting & Finance Association.
- McLaren J, Appleyard T. Creating Networks and Making Markets through Financial Reporting: A Study of the Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare. In: British Accounting and Finance Association Financial Reporting and Business Communication Conference. 2017, Durham: British Accounting and Finance Association.
- Zeng Y, McLaren J, Cai N. The lock-up expiration of government shares - Evidence from the Share Split Structure Reform in China. In: 4th European Conference on Banking and the Economy (ECOBATE 2016). 2016, University of Winchester, UK: Association for Research on Banking and the Economy.
- McLaren JA, Appleyard AR. The Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare: Stakeholder Governance and Trust?. In: Investigating Animals and Organizations. 2014, Worcester.
- Liu LYJ, Sumkaew N, McLaren J. Changes in Management Accounting Practices in Thailand 2001-2012: some Empirical Evidence. In: British Accounting & Finance Association (BAFA) Annual Conference. 2014, London School of Economics, London, UK.
- McLaren J, Appleyard A, Mitchell F. Learning and Adapting: Economic Value Added in three New Zealand companies. In: European Accounting Association. 2013, Paris, France. Submitted.
- McLaren J, Appleyard A, Mitchell F. Examining the implementation, evolution and decline of Economic Value Added in three New Zealand companies: A dynamic contingency perspective. In: 49th BAFA (British Accounting and Finance Association) Annual Conference. 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Liu LYJ, Sumkaew N, McLaren J. Changes in Management Accounting Practices during Economic Crises: a Longitudinal Study of Thailand from 2001 to 2012. In: Management Accounting Research Group Conference. 2013, Aston Business School, Birmingham, UK.
- Sumkaew N, Liu L, McLaren J. Benefits and Use of Management Accounting Practices in Thailand. In: World Business Research Conference. 2012, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Liu LYJ, McLaren JA. Transition of International Partner Students to the UK. In: International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2009). 2009, Kuching, Malaysia.
- McLaren J, Liu L. The Transition of International Partners Students to Newcastle University Business School. In: UTLC Transition fund conference. 2009.
- McLaren JA, Appleyard T. The EVA® Performance Management System: A Position Study. In: International Conference on the Review of Results of Management Accounting Research. 2009, Shanghai, China.
- McLaren JA. The EVA Performance Management System: A Position Study. In: International Conference on the Review of Results of Management Accounting Research. 2008, Shanghai, China.
- Appleyard AR, McLaren JA, Miller AD. An Empirical Evaluation of Beta Degearing Formulas Using the Pure Play Technique. In: British Accounting Association Annual Conference. 1998, Manchester, UK.
Online Publication
- Miller AD, Appleyard AR, Mclaren JA. An Empirical Evaluation of Beta Degearing Formulas Using the Pure Play Techniques: Preliminary Results. University of Newcastle upon Tyne: Department of Accounting & Finance, 1999. Discussion Paper 99/1.
- Appleyard AR, McLaren JA, Yarrow G. Appleyard, A, Yarrow, G and McLaren, J. (1997) The Acquisition of Carlsberg-Tetley by Bass plc: A Case for the Acquisition. Monopolies and Mergers Commission, 1997.
- Appleyard AR, McLaren JA, Miller AD. The Regulation of BT: BT's Cost of Capital. Oxford: Hertford College: Regulatory Policy Institute, 1992. Position Paper Series.