Dr Jungho Kim
Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
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Jungho Kim is a Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Newcastle University Business School (NUBS).
Prior to joining the NUBS, he had experience in both academia and practice for twelve years after his PhD at KAIST Business School.
He was an Assistant Professor at Konkuk University and Sunchon National University in South Korea and a Research Fellow (Academic Level B, the level of Lecturer) in the Centre for Transformative Innovation in the School of Business at Swinburne University of Technology in Australia. He taught a variety of courses for innovation and technology management, strategic management, venture management, and quantitative analysis at the undergraduate and postgraduate (PGT and PGR) levels. He also supervised PGR (Master's and PhD) students.
He worked as an Associate Research Fellow (project manager level) at the Korea Institute for Industrial and Economics and Trade (KIET) and at the Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI). While working for the professional thinktanks, he led a variety of research projects for industry, innovation, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). He also conducted field studies, case analyses and interviews of industries, firms, startups and venture capitals, program assessment and consulting, and grant/subsidy application review and provided professional services for public and private organisations.
He participates in the U.K. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) peer review group and the editorial board of Asia Pacific Journal of Small Business. He has been a reviewer for international journals, including Research Policy, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, R&D Management, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Managerial and Decision Economics, Industry and Innovation, and Global Economic Review, and for the Korean journals in the fields of innovation, entrepreneurship, strategy and policy. He is an ongoing (lifetime) member of the Korean Academic Society of Business Administration and the Korean Association of Small Business Studies.
He has been a member of advisory, planning and assessment committees for public policy, officially nominated by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and the Ministry of Science and ICT in South Korea.
PhD in Management Engineering focused on innovation economics and strategy, KAIST Business School (2011)
MA in Economics with an interdisciplinary major in technology policy, Seoul National University (2003)
BS in Mechanical Engineering, KAIST (2001)
Research Interests and Areas
His research interests cover topics in the fields of innovation, strategic management and entrepreneurship.
His research focuses on the topics and issues including (not limited to):
- The impacts of innovation capability, strategy and technological resources on market performance
- Growth determinants, scaleup path and patterns of new firms (startups)
- Adoption of Industry 4.0 technology; corporate entrepreneurship (venture/new biz development)
- The determinants, roles and impacts of entrepreneurial finance (VC backing, seed capital, etc.)
- Organisational / founder / CEO experience, learning and innovation
- Inter-firm relationships and alliances for innovation
- Regional entrepreneurship, intra- / inter-industry spillovers, and agglomeration
- Industrial and innovation policy
- Technological regimes and industrial / firm-level dynamics
- University-industry technology transfer and commercialization
His research seeks a balance between academic contribution and practical implications as well as academic excellence.
His papers have been published in leading journals such as Research Policy (ABS 4*, FT Top 50 journal), Industrial and Corporate Change (ABS 3), Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Managerial and Decision Economics, International Journal of Innovation Management, and Applied Economics Letters.
His research works have been presented at renowned conferences, including the Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, the International Schumpeter Society (ISS) Conference, the Strategic Management Society (SMS) Conference, the DRUID Conference, and the Asia Pacific Innovation Conference.
Refer to this: Jungho Kim - Google Scholar
Recent External Funding and Grant
- Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) Catalyst Fund in partnership with the British Academy: 20,000 CAD as the principal investigator, 2024-2026 (total project funding: 50,000 CAD)
- ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation Fund: 5,000 USD as the chief editor, 2024-2025 (total project funding: 20,000 USD)
PhD Supervision
Jungho Kim welcomes prospective PhD students who are interested in quantitative research in the areas of innovation, entrepreneurship, and related strategy and policy, either in relation to the specific research topics above or more broadly.
NBS8498 Managing for Innovation
NBS9131 Entrepreneurial Strategy
NBS8323 Digital Start-up
MKT2004 Research Methods for Management and Marketing
NBS8523 MBA Individual Project
- Kim J. Cooperative innovation with buyers: how subcontractors and non-subcontractors differ. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 2024, 36(6), 1179-1193.
- Kim J, Oh I. Adoption of emerging technologies and growth of manufacturing firms: the importance of technology types and corporate entrepreneurship. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 2024, 36(10), 2476-2488.
- Kim, J. Subcontracting and firm growth: disentangling the effects of innovation type, level, and appropriability. Applied Economics Letters 2023, 30(8), 177-1081.
- Oh, I, Kim, J. Frontiers and laggards: Which firms benefit from adopting advanced digital technologies?. Managerial and Decision Economics 2023, 44(2), 753-766.
- Cho, Y, Kim, J. Strategic Alliances between Foreign-Owned Firms and Local Firms: The Role of Partner and Industry Types. Global Economic Review 2022, 51(4), 355-376.
- Kim, J. Innovation failure and firm growth: dependence on firm size and age. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 2022, 34(2), 166-179.
- Kim, J, Kollmann, T, Palangkaraya, A, Webster, E. Does local technological specialisation, diversity and dynamic competition enhance firm creation?. Research Policy 2022, 51(7), 104557.
- Kim, J. Local multipliers in new firm creation: Inter-sectoral spillovers of entrepreneurship and startup agglomeration. Global Economic Review 2021, 50(3), 213-234.
- Jo Y, Kim J. The impact of experience on private target acquisition in high-technology industries. Sustainability 2019, 11(6), 1603.
- Kim J. Economic Catch-up and Technological Leapfrogging: The Path to Development and Macroeconomic Stability in Korea by Keun Lee, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2016, Pp. 371 + xiv. ISBN: 978 1785 36792 2. Asian-Pacific Economic Literature 2019, 33(2), 145-147.
- Kim J. Does foreign direct investment matter to domestic entrepreneurship? The mediating role of strategic alliances. Global Economic Review 2019, 48(3), 303-319.
- Kim J, Lee CY. Technological regimes and firm survival. Research Policy 2016, 45(1), 232-243.
- Kim J, Lee CY, Cho Y. Technological diversification, core-technology competence, and firm growth. Research Policy 2016, 45(1), 113-124.
- Han J, Kim J. Empirical analysis of technology transfer in Korean universities. International Journal of Innovation Management 2016, 20(8), 1640018.
- Kim J, Lee C-Y. Technological regimes and the persistence of first-mover advantages. Industrial and Corporate Change 2011, 20(5), 1305-1333.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Cho Y, Kim J. Foreign Ownership Share and Strategic Alliance Formation: The Larger the Better?. In: Academy of Management Conference (AOM 2019). 2019, Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Academy of Management.
- Kim, J. The impact of foreign greenfield vs acquisition investment on domestic new firm creation: Accounting for types of industries and strategic alliances. In: 2018 Asia-Pacific Productivity Conference. 2018.
- Kim J. Differential effects of foreign direct investment and strategic alliances on domestic entry: A cross-industry comparison. In: The 17th International Schumpeter Society (ISS) Conference. 2018.
- Doran P, Thomson R, Kim J. To what extent does corporate research contribute to basic scientific advance?. In: The 8th Asia Pacific Innovation Conference (APIC). 2017.
- Kim, J, Palangkaraya, A, Jo, Y. Experience matters: the impact of early VC-backing and prior M&A on private target acquisitions by public firms. In: The 8th Asia Pacific Innovation Conference (APIC). 2017.
- Kim J, Jo Y. Early VC-backing, M&A experience, and acquisitions of private firms by high-tech firms. In: The 2017 Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference. 2017.
- Kim J, Cho Y, Lee C-Y. Technological diversification, core technology competence, and firm growth. In: The 9th International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC). 2011.
- Kim J, Lee C-Y. Technological regimes and the patterns of firm survival. In: The Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics (DRUID) Society 2010 Summer Conference. 2010.
- Kim J, Lee C-Y. The relationship between R&D and market share: The Schumpeterian hypothesis revisited and its implications. In: The 6th International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC). 2008.
- Kim J, Lee C-Y. The persistence of first-mover advantages: A re-examination and its link with technological regimes. In: The 6th International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC). 2008.
- Kim, J, Lee, C-Y. R&D-based model of firm growth. In: The 34th European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) Conference. 2007.
- Kim J, Lee C-Y. Two faces of learning in new-firm survival. In: The 4th International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC). 2006.
- Kim J, Lee C-Y. Effects of learning and technological regimes on firm survival. In: The 11th International Schumpeter Society (ISS) Conference. 2006.
- Kim J, Ajmone Marsan G, Dung TT, Huabsomboon S. Bolstering Deep Tech Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development in the ASEAN+3 Countries. ASEAN Plus Three Startup Program, 2025.