Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Professor of Economics
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 1672
- Address: Frederick Douglass Centre, room 3.13
Newcastle Helix
2 Science Square
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am a Professor of Economics. My main research area is economics of safety policy and risk and thus the fundamental issue of valuing (risks to) human life. In addition, my research focuses on methodological issues in stated preference techniques and how the use of economic experiments can contribute to the development of more robust methods for policy evaluation.
I joined Newcastle University in September 2011, first as a Lecturer until 2014, Senior Lecturer until 2020, and Reader until 2024. Before coming to the UK, I was an Assistant Professor at the University of Southern Denmark (Institute of Public Health – The Research Unit of Health Economics) where I also completed my PhD in 2008.
Bibliographic links
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Project participation
EU Horizon project: ‘PRUDENT: Planning of Resources for sUstainable DENTistry (2023-ongoing)
Public preferences for multi-cancer early detection tests (MCED). Funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Applied Research Collaboration North East and North Cumbria (2021-2024)
Scoping study on the valuation of risks to life and health: the monetary value of a life year (VOLY) (2018-2020), funded by Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Department of Health and Social Care, Department for Transport, the Food Standards Agency, Food Standards Scotland, the Health and Safety Executive, and the Home Office
Three- generation household allocation. An experimental investigation (2017- 2024). Funded by the Polish Research Council and carried out in collaboration with A. Bartczak, Warsaw University, S. Chilton, Newcastle University and R. McDonald, Birmingham University
Improving road safety – Developing a basis for socio-economic prioritising of road safety measures. Collaboration between Technical University of Denmark, University of Copenhagen and University of Southern Denmark. (2010-2014)
Valuing changes in physical risk (2010-2011). Funded by the Independent Danish Research Council (PI)
Establishing a European value of a QALY, EuroVaQ project (EU 6th framework). Coordinator; Cam Donaldson, Newcastle University (2007-2010)
EVA (Economic Valuation of Air pollution). Coordinator; Professor Mikael Skou Andersen, NERI, University of Aarhus (2002-2008)
New Energy Externalities Development for Sustainability, NEEDS (EU 6th framework). Work Package leader; Prof. Brigitte Desaigues, Université Paris 1, France (2004-2008)
Danish Centre of Excellence, AIRPOLIFE(Air Pollution in a Life Time Health Perspective). Funded from the Danish Strategic Research Council. Coordinator, Professor Steffen Loft, University of Copenhagen (2004-2008)
Valuing gains in life expectancy related to air pollution (2006-2007). Funded by Helsefonden, Denmark (PI)
Undergraduate Teaching
ECO2013 - Economic Evaluation and Investment
ECO3005 - Behavioural economics and experimental methods
Previous teaching
ECO1001 - Economic Analysis
ECO2004 - Microeconomic Analysis
ECO2003 – Economic Modelling
- Beeson M, Chilton S, Metcalf H, Nielsen JS. Citizen Preferences and BCA: A Model of Willingness-to-Pay behind a Veil of Ignorance. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis 2025, epub ahead of print.
- Mussio I, Chilton S, Duxbury D, Nielsen JS. A risk-risk trade-off assessment of climate-induced mortality risk changes. Risk Analysis 2024, 44(3), 536-552.
- Chilton S, Duxbury D, Mussio I, Nielsen JS, Sharma S. A double-bounded risk-risk trade-off analysis of heatwave-related mortality risk: Evidence from India. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 2024, 68, 1-23.
- Nielsen JS, Gyrd-Hansen D, Kjaer T. Sample restrictions and the elicitation of a constant WTP per QALY. Health Economics 2021, 30(5), 923-931.
- Bartczak A, Budzinski W, Chilton S, McDonald R, Nielsen JS. Altruism and Efficient Allocations in Three-Generation Households. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 2021, 62, 113–135.
- Nielsen JS, Chilton S, Metcalf H. Improving the Risk-Risk Trade-Off Method for Use in Safety Project Appraisal Responses. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 2019, 21(1), 61-86.
- Beeson M, Chilton S, Jones-Lee M, Metcalf H, Nielsen JS. Can a 'veil of ignorance' reduce the impact of distortionary taxation on public good valuations?. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 2019, 58(2-3), 245-262.
- Kjaer T, Nielsen JS, Hole AR. An investigation into procedural (in)variance in the valuation of mortality risk reductions. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 2018, 89, 278-284.
- Nielsen JS, Bech M, Christensen K, Kiil A, Hvidt NC. Risk aversion and religious behaviour: Analysis using a sample of Danish twins. Economics and Human Biology 2017, 26, 21-29.
- Taylor M, Chilton S, Ronaldson S, Metcalf H, Nielsen JS. Comparing increments in utility of health: An individual-based approach. Value in Health 2017, 20(2), 224-229.
- Gyrd-Hansen D, Kjær T, Nielsen JS. The value of mortality risks reductions. Pure altruism - a confounder?. Journal of Health Economics 2016, 49, 184-192.
- Jones-Lee M, Chilton S, Metcalf H, Nielsen JS. Valuing gains in life expectancy: clarifying some ambiguities. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 2015, 51(1), 1-21.
- Nielsen JS, Gyrd-Hansen D, Kjær T. Valuation of morbidity and mortality risk reductions. Does context matter?. Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012, 48, 246-253.
- Gyrd-Hansen D, Kjær T, Nielsen JS. Scope insensitivity in contingent valuation studies of health care services: Should we ask twice?. Health Economics 2012, 21(2), 101-112.
- Nielsen JS. Use of the Internet for willingness-to-pay surveys: A comparison of face-to-face and web-based interviews. Resource and Energy Economics 2011, 33(1), 119-129.
- Desaigues B, Ami D, Bartczak A, Braun-Kohlová M, Chilton S, Czajkowski M, Farreras V, Hunt A, Hutchison M, Jeanrenaud C, Kaderjak P, Máca V, Markiewicz O, Markowska A, Metcalf H, Navrud S, Nielsen JS, Ortiz R, Pellegrini S, Rabl A. Economic valuation of air pollution mortality: A 9-country contingent valuation survey of value of a life year (VOLY). Ecological Indicators 2011, 11(3), 902-910.
- Nielsen JS, Kjær T. Does question order influence sensitivity to scope? Empirical findings from a web-based contingent valuation study. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 2011, 54(3), 369-381.
- Seested-Nielsen J, Chilton S, Jones-Lee M, Metcalf H. How would you like your gain in life expectancy to be provided? An experimental approach. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 2010, 41(3), 195-218.
- Nielsen JS. Approaching the value of a life year. Empirical evidence from a Danish contingent valuation survey. Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift [Journal of the Danish Economics association] 2010, 148, 67-85.
- Chilton S, Nielsen JS, Wildman J. Beyond COVID‐19: How the ‘dismal science’ can prepare us for the future. Health Economics 2020.
- Chilton S, Jones-Lee M, Metcalf H, Nielsen JS, Baker R, Donaldson C, Mason H, McHugh N, McDonald R, Spackman M. A scoping study on the valuation of risks to life and health: the monetary value of a life year (VOLY). Health and Safety Executive, 2020.