Dr Lucy Hatt
Reader in Entrepreneurial Education
- Telephone: 0191 208 2379
- Personal Website:
- Address: Newcastle University Business School
5 Barrack Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am the MBA Programme Director, the joint Degree Programme Director for the Executive MBA and the PG (Dip) Management Studies. I am a Reader and a member of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Subject Group, teaching innovation, change and enterprise modules at post graduate level and for Senior Leader (L7) Apprentices. I research the value of the threshold concept approach in education, specifically in entrepreneurship curriculum development and evaluation. I am also interested in how senior leaders can develop entrepreneurial ways of thinking and the development of innovative organisational culture. I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and I sit on the Advocacy and Impact through Policy and Research Committee (AIPRC) of the EEUK (Enterprise Educators UK). I have a combined undergraduate Masters in Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing and Management from Birmingham University (1992) and PhD from Durham University School of Education (2020). Prior to moving into academia I worked in industry for 17 years.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Degree Programme Director MBA
- joint Degree Programme Director Executive MBA and PG (Dip) Management Studies
- Module Leader NBS8970 Innovation and Change (MSc Strategic Leadership)
- Module Leader NBS8983 Innovation and Enterprise (EMBA)
- Teach on and supervise projects for Business Challenge Research Projects (NBS8991) EMBA
- Newcastle Educational Practice Scheme (NEPS) Mentor
Qualifications and Certificates
- PhD "Using the threshold concept framework to enhance entrepreneurship curricula in higher education" (Durham University, School of Education, 2020)
- PG Cert Academic and Professional Learning, Northumbria University, 2011
- MEng & Man, Masters of Mechanical Engineering, Manufacture and Management with French, Birmingham University, 1992
- Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy
- Chartered Manager (CMI)
- Chartered Engineer (CEng)
- Coach U Core Essentials Graduate (CEG) International Coach Federation
- Level A & B Certificates (British Psychological Society) in Occupational Testing
- MBTI and Insights Discovery
- Team Mastery (Team Academy)
Previous Positions
- Senior Lecturer in Leadership Development, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, Newcastle
- Programme Leader: BA (Hons) Entrepreneurial Business Management and BA (Hons) Business Leadership and Corporate Management
- Head of Human Resources Nigel Wright Recruitment Ltd
- Procter & Gamble (UK) Ltd, Compensation and Benefits Manager, UK Corporate Learning and Organisational Development Manager, Production Manager
- 2023 Newcastle University Learning and Teaching Conference, Best Video submission.
- 2016 Highly Commended Enterprise Catalyst by EEUK (Enterprise Educators UK)
- 2016 Best Practitioner Development Workshop award at the ECSB (European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship) Enterprise Educators Conference.
- British Academy of Management
- Association of Management
- Higher Education Academy (Senior Fellow)
Current Work
My current research includes the application of the threshold concept approach in the development and evaluation of entrepreneurship education initiatives. I am exploring the relationship between personal values and meaning making, and the creation of value of all kinds as well as enterprise thinking and design thinking as pedagogical approaches. I lead an international group of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Educators (“ETIC” – Entrepreneurship Threshold Concept International Collaboration), established in 2020, interested in using the Threshold Concept Framework to inform curriculum development, stemming from my PhD research.
Main Expertise
My main expertise lies in conceptual, practice-based educational approaches to the development of entrepreneurial thinking in students of all disciplines. I completed my Doctorate part-time at Durham University in 2020, researching the use of the Threshold Concept Framework to enhance entrepreneurship curricula in Higher Education. I have conceived an innovative way of understanding the student perspective using concept mapping, and the involvement of external stakeholders in entrepreneurship curriculum development using a multi-method staged stakeholder curriculum inquiry.
Funding Received
- Evaluating Conception X - Northern Deeptech Hub, 2022 (£21,414.80)
- Animating threshold concepts in entrepreneurial thinking (Digital Innovation in the Curricula Fund, Newcastle University Business School, 2021, (£6,000)
- Enterprise Education and Research Project Fund (EERPF) with Dave Jarman at Bristol University, 2020/21 (£7,460) Identifying and Mapping Threshold Concepts of Entrepreneurship Across University Entrepreneurship Education Programmes
Esteem Indicators
- Keynote speaker at Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship, Educator Workshop Series. December 15th 2021. Value, Values and Impact in Entrepreneurship Education.
- Keynote speaker at Businet, an international network of educators in Portugal (2017)
- Speaker at Newcastle Startup Week1 (2017).
- Degree Programme Director MBA
- Module Leader: NBS8970 Innovation and Change (MSc Strategic Leadership)
- Hatt LE. Lighting the Labyrinth: enhancing student success through the 3Es. Advance HE Case Study Series: Employability 2024, 41-51.
- Hatt L, Nolan J, Watts C. How discipline shapes the meaning of value creation in higher education; implications for enterprise, entrepreneurship and employability. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability 2024, 15(1), 1-20.
- Hatt L, Davidson J, Carrion-Weiss J. Design Thinking as Pedagogy in Practice. International Journal of Management and Applied Research 2023, 10(2), 160-176.
- Hatt LE, Davidson J. “You what?!” – The impact of a relational approach to launching an executive MBA in the midst of a global pandemic. Project Leadership and Society 2022, 3, 100045.
- Hatt L. Threshold Concepts in Entrepreneurship – the Entrepreneurs’ Perspective. Education + Training 2018, 60(2), 155-167.
- Pugalis L, Round A, Blackwood T, Hatt L. The entrepreneurial middle ground: Higher Education entry decisions of aspiring entrepreneurs. Local Economy 2015, 30(5), 503-519.
- Blackwood A, Round A, Pugalis L, Hatt L. Making Sense of Learning: Insights from an Experientially-Based Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Programme. Industry and Higher Education 2015, 29(6), 445-457.
Book Chapters
- Geiger JM, Hatt L, Mizzi E, Kriedel R, Liening A, Kovács JK, Mountford-Brown V. Threshold Concepts in Entrepreneurship Education and their Implications for Teaching and Learning. In: J. H. Block, J. Halberstadt, N. Högsdal, A. Kuckertz, & H. Neergaard, ed. Progress in Entrepreneurship Education and Training: New Methods, Tools, and Lessons Learned from Practice. Springer, Cham, 2023, pp.355-373.
- Hatt L. What is distinctive about thinking like an entrepreneur and how can we educate students to do it?. In: P. Jones; N. Apostolopoulos; A. Kakouris; C. Moon; V. Ratten & A. Walmsley, ed. Universities and Entrepreneurship: Meeting the Educational and Social Challenges. Leeds: Emerald Publishing, 2021, pp.219-235.
- Hatt L. Learning enterprise and entrepreneurship through real business projects. In: D. Morley & M.G. Jamil, ed. Applied Pedagogies for Higher Education. Real world learning and innovation across the curriculum. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, pp.215-242.
- Hatt L. What does it mean to think as an entrepreneur? Using the Threshold Concept Framework to Inform Entrepreneurship Education. In: D. Higgins , P. Jones & P. McGowan, ed. Creating Entrepreneurial Space: Talking Through Multi-Voices, Reflections on Emerging Debates. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019, pp.27-44.
- Hatt L. Threshold Concepts at the Sharp Edge – Entrepreneurship Curriculum Redesign. In: J. A. Timmermans & R. Land, ed. Threshold Concepts on the Edge. Leiden: Brill: Sense, 2019, pp.213–227.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Mavin S, James J, Patterson N, Stabler A, Davidson J, Hatt L. Exploring Critical Pedagogy in Executive Education. In: UFHRD 2022: Mind the Gap; Bridging Theory and Practice in the Post-Covid Era. 2022, Sheffield.
- Mavin S, James J, Patterson N, Stabler A, Davidson J, Hatt L. Critical Pedagogy in Executive Education. In: UFHRD Conference 2022. 2022, Sheffield, UK.
- Mavin S, James J, Patterson N, Stabler A, Davidson J, Hatt L. Articulating a Critical Pedagogy for Business School Education which delivers the UK Government Strategic Leadership Apprenticeship. In: University Forum for Human Resource Development (UFHRD 2022). 2022, Virtual.
- Hatt L, Davidson J. You What?- Launching an Exec MBA in the midst of a Global Pandemic. In: BAM- Post Experience Symposium. 2021. In Preparation.