Dr Martí Lopez Andreu
Senior Lecturer in HRM and Employment Relations
I am a Senior Lecturer in HRM and Employment Relations. I hold Lecturer positions at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the University of Huddersfield, the University of Leicester and the University of Manchester before joining Newcastle University.
My research interests are in the field of the sociology of work, employment relations and labour studies. I have a special interest in precarity and insecurity at work, trends in employment relations, new dynamics in working lives, and emerging forms of labour organisation. My research has a strong comparative approach and it has been funded by the European Commission, the British Academy and the Director of Labour Market Enforcement, among others.
I am a fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
My areas of interest include:
- Changes in employment regulation institutions and the impact of neo-liberal policies.
- Industrial relations, including union practices and emerging forms of protest/collective action.
- Precarious work, precarious workers and insecurity in the workplace.
Research projects (funded):
- 'Understanding the impact of ‘bogus’ self-employment in working lives during and after COVID-19', Faculty Research Fund, University of Newcastle Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, March-September 2023, PI.
- 'Trade Union Leadership and Political Change: Spain 1960s-2018',School Research Fund, Alliance Manchester Business School, Co-I.
- 'The price of bogus self-employment: Analysing the impact of the individualisation of risks on working lives', BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants 2017-18 Round, May 2018-May 2021, PI.
- 'The impact of the individualisation of resources on the self-employed', College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities Research Fund, University of Leicester, PI
- ‘The fissuring of the Employment relationship in the Hotel industry’, Director of Labour Market Enforcement (BEIS), 09/2018-12/2018., PI
- 'Gender pay-gap as a multidimensional phenomenon. Analysis of the institutional, organisational and cultural barriers' (La brecha salarial como fenómeno multidimensional. Análisis de barreras institucionales, organizacionales y culturales), Recercaixa Program, 15/02/2016-15/02/18. Co-Investigator, PI: Pilar Carrasquer (UAB), Co-I
- 'Lost in transition: Employment insecurity and its effects in younger adult’s life courses in times of austerity in the UK and Spain', Beatriu de Pinós Fellowhsip (Marie Curie Cofund, contract number 600385), 7th Framework programme, European Commission - Government of Catalonia, October 2015-October, PI.
- Labour trajectories in UK and Spain. Analysis of capabilities in transitions using a mixed-method approach (TRANSICAP), Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship, 7th Framework programme, European Commission, ref. FP7-328223, May 2013-May 2015, PI (supervisor: Prof. Jill Rubery)., PI
Postgraduate supervision
I am interested in supervising research students on projects related to my areas of interest. Current PhD students:
- Hussain Yousef A Alqatifi
- Reem Albalwi
Undergraduate teaching:
- BUS3066: Critical Issues Human Resource Management: Pragmatic Dilemmas in Managing the Workplace of the Future
Postgraduate teaching:
- NBS8287: Global Employment Relations
- NBS8387: HRM in Cross-National Contexts
- Lopez-Andreu M, Martinez Lucio M. The obscure object of desire: The role of political reflections, strategic calculations and informal networks in the development of national social dialogue across time in Spain over five decades. The Journal of Industrial Relations 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Mustchin S, Johnson M, Lopez-Andreu M. Civil society organisations in and against the state: Advice, advocacy and activism on the margins of the labour market. Industrial Relations Journal 2023, 54(2), 117-131.
- Papadopoulos O, Lopez-Andreu M, Jamalian M. Violation and lack of awareness of employment rights in the United Kingdom's hotel industry: Isolation, fragmentation and barriers to labour enforcement. Industrial Relations Journal 2021, 52(4), 315-330.
- López-Andreu M, Rubery J. Austerity and women’s employment trajectories in Spain and the UK: A comparison of two flexible labour markets. Economic and Industrial Democracy 2021, 42(2), 289-313.
- López-Andreu M, Verd JM. The Impact of Neoliberal Policies During the Great Recession on Youth Transition Regimes in Spain and the UK. Critical Sociology 2020, 46(6), 835-850.
- López-Andreu M. Neoliberal trends in collective bargaining and employment regulation in Spain, Italy and the UK: From institutional forms to institutional outcomes. European Journal of Industrial Relations 2019, 25(4), 309-325.
- López-Andreu M. La movilización como mecanismo para romper la fragmentación. El desarrollo de una identidad colectiva durante la huelga de técnicos de Movistar. Sociologia del Trabajo 2019, 95, 73-88.
- López-Andreu M. Employment Institutions under Liberalization Pressures: Analysing the Effects of Regulatory Change on Collective Bargaining in Spain. British Journal of Industrial Relations 2019, 57(2), 328-349.
- López-Andreu M. Breaking fragmentation through mobilization. The development of a collective identity during Movistar’s contractors’ and technicians’ strike in Spain. Work, Employment and Society 2019, 34(4), 661-677.
- López-Andreu M. All precarious? Institutional change and turning points in labour market trajectories in Spain: Insights from narrative biographies. Employee Relations 2017, 39(3), 408-422.
- López-Andreu M, Verd JM. Employment Instability and Economic Crisis in Spain. Effects on Labour Market trajectories of Younger Adults. European Societies 2016, 18(4), 315-335.
- López-Andreu M. Economic crisis, austerity and its effects on labour market transitions in flexible employment models.: The case of Spain and the United Kingdom. Anuari de l’Institut d’Estudis del Treball 2016, 31, 113-127.
- Verd JM, López-Andreu M. Crisis del empleo y polarización de las trayectorias laborales. El caso de los adultos jóvenes en Cataluña [Employment crisis and polarisation of labour market trajectories. The case of young adults in Catalonia]. Papers. Revista de Sociologia 2016, 101(1), 5-30.
- López-Andreu M. El desempleo como potencial punto de inflexión. Un análisis biográfico de trayectorias laborales’ [Unemployment as a potential turning point: A biographical analysis of labour trajectories]. Sociologia del Trabajo 2014, (81), 27-49.
- López-Andreu M, Verd JM. Employers’ strategies, capabilities and career development in Spain. A comparative case analysis at two service firms. International Journal of Manpower 2013, 34(4), 345-361.
- Bartelheimer P, Verd JM, Lehwes-Litzmann R, López-Andreu M, Schmidt T. Unemployment, intervention and capabilities. A comparative study of Germany and Spain. Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research 2012, 18(1), 31-44.
- Verd JM, López-Andreu M. ‘La inestabilidad del empleo en las trayectorias laborales. Un análisis cuantitativo’ [The instability of employment in labour trajectories. A quantitative analysis”]. Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas 2012, (138), 135-148.
- Verd JM, López-Andreu M. The rewards of a qualitative approach to life-course research. The example of the effects of social protection policies on career paths. Forum: Qualitative Social Research 2011, 12(3).
- López-Andreu V, Verd JM. Les effets de la formation diffèrent selon les parcours sur le marché du travail: l’exemple catalán. Formation Emploi 2011, (113), 63-79.
- Verd JM, Vero J, López-Andreu M. Trayectorias laborales y enfoque de las capacidades: Elementos para una evaluación longitudinal de las políticas de protección social’ [Labour trajectories and capabilities approach. Elements for a longitudinal evaluation of social policies]”. Sociologia del Trabajo 2009, (67), 125-150.
- López-Andreu M. ‘La reforma de la prestació d’atur a Espanya en el marc de la Estratègia Europea d’Ocupació’ [The reform of unemployment benefit in Spain in the framework of the European Employment Strategy]. Papers. Revista de Sociologia 2008, (88), 11-30.
- López Andreu M, Lope A, Verd JM. 'El empleo subvencionado: entre las políticas activas de empleo y la mutación del salario’ [Subsidized employment: between Active labour Market policies and wage transformation]. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales 2007, 25(12), 151-178.
Book Chapters
- Lopez-Andreu M. The political uncoupling of industrial relations and labour market change in Southern Europe. In: Carlos J. Fernández Rodríguez and Miguel Martínez Lucio, ed. Work and Employment Relations in Southern Europe. Cheltenham - Northampton: Edward Elgar publishing, 2023, pp.113-136.
- Verd JM, Lopez Andreu M. Capabilities as an assessment tool for social policies – The example of the effects of non-formal training measures in Spain. In: Otto H-U; Ziegler H, ed. Critical Social Policy and the Capability Approach. Farmington Hills, Michigan: Barbara Budrich, 2014, pp.207-230.
- López-Andreu M, Lope A, Verd JM. New Employment Forms. Reducing the Scope of Wage. In: Clasquin,B;Friot,B, ed. The wage under attack. Brussels: PIE-Peter Lang, 2013.
- Bartelheimer P, Verd JM, Büttner R, López-Andreu M, Schmidt T. Action publique et liberté de choix pour les chômeurs : étude contrastée de l’Allemagne et de l’Espagne. In: Salais,R, ed. Le travail réinventé. Un défi pour l’Europe. Nantes: Cabinet Martinez, 2011. In Preparation.
Online Publication
- López-Andreu M. Bogus self-employment and COVID-19: an added layer of insecurity. Manchester: University of Manchester, 2020. Available at:
- López-Andreu M, Papadopolous O, Jamalian M. How has the UK hotels sector been affected by the fissuring of the worker–employer relationship in the last 10 years?. London: Director of Labour Market Enforcement, 2019.
- López-Andreu M. Book Review Symposium: Maurizio Atzeni and Immanuel Ness (eds), Global Perspectives on Workers’ and Labour Organizations. Work, Employment and Society 2020, 35(1), 197-198.
- López-Andreu M. Sergio Bologna, The Rise of the European Self-Employed Workforce [Book review]. Work, Employment and Society 2019, 33(6), 1071-1073.
- López-Andreu M. European Social Models From Crisis to Crisis: Employment and Inequality in the Era of Monetary Integration, edited by Jon Erik Dølvik and Andrew Martin [Book review]. British Journal of Industrial Relations 2018, 56(1), 234-236.
Working Paper
- López-Andreu M. Recesión, austeridad y sus efectos en las situaciones de desarrollo del curso vital. Un análisis comparativo de los jóvenes adultos de España y el Reino Unido. QUIT Working paper series 2016, 20.