Professor Matthew Gorton
Professor in Marketing
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 1576
- Address: 8th Floor, Room 8.03
Newcastle University Business School
5 Barrack Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
Roles and Responsibilities
Professor in Marketing
Deputy Director of the National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise
Co-ordinator of the H2020 Strength2Food Project
Co-investigator for the EU4Advice Project
BSc (Economics and Politics), University of Bristol
PhD (Small businesses), University of Plymouth
Certificate of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Newcastle University
Certified Member of the Market Research Society (CMRS)
Professional Memberships
Market Research Society
International Association of Agricultural Economists
European Association of Agricultural Economists
European Academy of Marketing
Research Groups at Newcastle University
National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise
Marketing Research Community
Innovation, Enterprise and Digital Business Research Community
Journal Roles
Associate Editor of the Journal of Agricultural Economics
Editorial Board member for Studies in Agricultural Economics
External Roles
Member of the external expert board for the EU H2020 SUFISA Project
ESRC Studentship Panel Member
Grant proposal and progress reviewer for the European Commission
External reviewer for UN FAO
Research Profiles
NBS8526 Principles of Marketing (module leader)
NBS8571 Principles of Marketing (module leader)
This module includes student teams working on the Greggs Marketing Challenge.
The module seeks to:
• evaluate and assess critically, the principles in marketing and core marketing theory.
• interpret marketing knowledge and analysis to critically evaluate current and formulate appropriate future marketing strategies, and produce coherent recommendations to achieve an organisation's strategic goals.
• enhance students' skills to effectively communicate the results of their strategic market analysis and to provide evidence based recommendations to a client.
• enhance students’ ability to work effectively, with flexibility and sensitivity, in multi-cultural teams.
Topics Covered:
What is Marketing?
Marketing Strategy
Marketing Environment
Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning.
Product and Brand Management including New Product Development
Services marketing
Marketing Communications
Dissertation Supervision
NBS8011 - Dissertation
NBS8523 - MBA Individual Project
NBS8512 Dissertation in Marketing
MKT3096 Marketing Dissertation
Current Research Interests
Agri-food supply chains and sustainability
Small businesses and rural development
Geographical Indications / Protected food names
Consumer food choice
Digital marketing
Research Groups
National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise
Marketing: Consumers, Communications and Services
Innovation, Enterprise and Digital Business Research Community
Current Projects
National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise (NICRE)
GI Smart -Assess and Strengthen the contribution of Geographical Indications to the EU “Farm to Fork” strategy
Hort2thefuture - Horticultural innovations in soil-friendly practices to ensure a sustainable future
Previous externally funded projects
Strength2Food (co-ordinator)
Creative Spark
Rural business aspirations, obstacles and support: an analysis of the Longitudinal Small Business Survey 2015. Enterprise Research Centre and BEIS. Led by Prof. Jeremy Phillipson.
COMPETE (International comparisons of product supply chains in the agro-food sectors: determinants of their competitiveness and performance on EU and international markets). EU FP7.
Drivers of rural business growth, decline and stability. Input for Frontier Economics project funded by Defra.
EU INTAS funded research project on Supporting the International Development of the CIS Agricultural Sector (SIDCISA). Study of agricultural marketing relationships in Armenia, Moldova and Ukraine.
SCARLED (Structural Change in Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods), 6th Framework project funded by the European Commission.
Water Resource Strategies and Drought Alleviation in Western Balkan Agriculture (WATERWEB). Funded by EU FPVI INCO West Balkans. Studies of agricultural water management in Serbia and Macedonia.
FOCUS-Balkans. Consumer food choice in the Balkans. EU FP7.
British Council Newton Fund - Adding Value to the Vietnamese agri-food sector
Sustainable agriculture in Central and Eastern European Countries (CEESA). EU FP5.
A Comparative Study of Agrifood Chains in Moldova, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, and Ukraine. For World Bank.
Agricultural Implications of CEEC Accession to the EU. EU FAIR (while at Wye College, University of London). Led by Professors Allan Buckwell and Sophia Davidova.
Impediments to efficiency in the agro-food chain in Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia OECD. (while at Wye College, University of London). Led by Professors Allan Buckwell and Sophia Davidova.
The research projects I have been involved with generated around £4.7m in research income to Newcastle University. Funders include: Research England, EU Framework 5, 6 and 7, H2020, Horizon Europe, ERDF Interreg, ESRC, The British Council, Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), Defra, and ONE North East.
Postgraduate supervision
I typically supervise one new PhD student per year, usually in the fields of:
Agri-food supply chains and sustainability
Small businesses and rural development
Protected food names / Geographical Indications
Consumer food choice
Digital marketing
- Nguyen T, Phillipson J, Wishart M, Roper S, Gorton M. Understanding rural business resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Rural Studies 2025, 114, 103580.
- Khafagy A, Nguyen T, Gorton M, Phillipson J. External finance and the growth of rural and urban SMEs in England. Journal of Small Business Management 2025, epub ahead of print.
- Filipovic J, Gorton M, Markovic S. Children Preferences for Global and Local Brands: An Empirical Study Drawing on Symbolic Self-Completion Theory. Psychology & Marketing 2025, Epub ahead of print.
- Czine P, Gorton M, Bauerné Gáthy A, Vuk A, Balogh P, Chou Y, Török Á. Bottling it? Consumer responses to less environmentally friendly products: A choice experiment for water in plastic packaging in the UK. Journal of Environmental Management 2025, 373, 123649.
- Kłoczko-Gajewska A, Malak-Rawlikowska A, Majewski E, Wilkinson A, Gorton M, Tocco B, Wąs A, Saïdi M, Török Á, Veneziani M. What are the economic impacts of short food supply chains? A local multiplier effect (LM3) evaluation. European Urban and Regional Studies 2024, 31(3), 281-301.
- Gorton M, Marek-Andrzejewska E, Pang G, Andrzejewski W, Lin Y. Users’ processing of online marketplace listings for high and low involvement goods. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 2024, 65, 101382.
- von Berlepsch D, Lemke F, Gorton M. The Importance of Corporate Reputation for Sustainable Supply Chains: A Systematic Literature Review, Bibliometric Mapping, and Research Agenda. Journal of Business Ethics 2024, 189, 9-34.
- Freeman R, Phillipson J, Gorton M, Tocco B. Social capital and short food supply chains: Evidence from Fisheries Local Action Groups. Sociologia Ruralis 2024, 64(3), 510-528.
- Panzone L, Tocco B, Brečić R, Gorton M. Healthy foods, healthy sales? Cross-category effects of a loyalty program promoting sales of fruit and vegetables. Journal of Retailing 2024, 100(1), 85-103.
- Buckley A, Yannopoulou N, Gorton M, Lie S. Guilty displeasures? How Gen-Z women perceive (in)authentic femvertising messages. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising 2024, 45(4), 388-401.
- Agnihotri A, Bhattacharya S, Gorton M. Founder's birth order and triple bottom line in B2B SMEs. Industrial Marketing Management 2024, 117, 1-13.
- Del Prete M, Golossenko A, Gorton M, Tocco B, Samoggia A. Consumer Disposition Toward Fairness in Agri-Food Chains (FAIRFOOD): Scale Development and Validation. Journal of Business Ethics 2025, 197, 391-421.
- De A, Kalavagunta A, Gorton M, Goswami M. Beyond profit margins: Orchestrating social, economic, and environmental sustainability within the Norwegian Salmon Food Supply Chain. Journal of Environmental Management 2024, 366, 121914.
- Bazi S, Filieri R, Gorton M. Social media content aesthetic quality and customer engagement: The mediating role of entertainment and impacts on brand love and loyalty. Journal of Business Research 2023, 160, 113778.
- Tiwasing P, Gorton M, Phillipson J, Maioli S. Rural Businesses and Levelling Up: A rural-urban analysis of business innovation and exporting in England’s north and midlands. Journal of Rural Studies 2023, 100, 103007.
- Gorton M, Kastenhofer K, Lemke F, Esquivel L, Nicolau M. Resource Dependencies and the Legitimatization of Grocery Retailer’s Social Evaluations of Suppliers. Journal of Business Ethics 2023, 192, 729–744.
- Newbery R, Roderick S, Sauer J, Gorton M, Robbins K. Exploring EO strategic performance measures: value-added versus efficiency outcomes. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 2023. In Press.
- Gorton M, Yeh CH, Chatzopoulou E, White J, Tocco B, Hubbard C, Hallam F. Consumers' willingness to pay for an animal welfare food label. Ecological Economics 2023, 209, 107852.
- Mattas K, Tsakiridou E, Karelakis C, Lazaridou D, Gorton M, Filipovic J, Hubbard C, Saidi M, Stojkovic D, Tocco B, Tregear A, Veneziani M. Strengthening the Sustainability of European Food Chains Through Quality and Procurement Policies. Trends in Food Science & Technology 2022, 120, 248-253.
- De A, Gorton M, Hubbard C, Aditjandra P. Optimization model for sustainable food supply chains: an application to Norwegian salmon. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 2022, 161, 102723.
- Amilien V, Discetti R, Lecoeur J-L, Roos G, Tocco B, Gorton M, Biasini B, Menozzi D, Duboys de Labarre M, Filipović J, Meyer K, Török Á, Veljković S, Wavresky P, Haugrønning V, Csillag P, Simons J, Ognjanov G. European food quality schemes in everyday food consumption: An exploration of sayings and doings through pragmatic regimes of engagement. Journal of Rural Studies 2022, 95, 336-349.
- Merrell I, Phillipson J, Gorton M, Cowie P. Enterprise hubs as a mechanism for local economic development in rural areas. Journal of Rural Studies 2022, 93, 81-91.
- Brecic R, Gorton M, Cvencek D. Development of children’s implicit and explicit attitudes toward healthy food: Personal and environmental factors. Appetite 2022, 176, 106094.
- Tran PNT, Gorton M, Lemke F. Buyers' perspectives on improving performance and curtailing supplier opportunism in supplier development: A social exchange theory approach. Industrial Marketing Management 2022, 106, 183-196.
- Tran PNT, Gorton M, Lemke F. When supplier development initiatives fail: identifying the causes of opportunism and unexpected outcomes. Journal of Business Research 2021, 127, 277-289.
- Gorton M, Tocco B, Yeh C-H, Hartmann M. What determines consumers' use of eco-labels? Taking a close look at label trust. Ecological Economics 2021, 189, 107173.
- Shahabi Ahangarkolaee S, Gorton M. The effects of perceived regulatory efficacy, ethnocentrism and food safety concern on the demand for organic food. International Journal of Consumer Studies 2021, 45(2), 273-286.
- Angell R, Gorton M, Bottomley P, Marder B, Erz A. The Animosity Transfer Process: consumer denigration of foreign sponsors and testing potential mitigation strategies. International Marketing Review 2021, 38(6), 1308-1330.
- Bellassen V, Arfini F, Antonioli F, Bodini A, Boehm M, Brečić R, Chiussi S, Csillag P, Donati M, Dries L, Drut M, de Labarre MD, Ferrer H, Filipović J, Gauvrit L, Gil GM, Gorton M, Hoàng V, Hilal M, Steinnes KK, Lilavanichakul A, Malak-Rawlikowska A, Majewski E, Monier-Dilhan S, Muller P, Napasintuwong O, Nikolaou K, Nguyen M, Quỳnh AN, Papadopoulos I, Peerlings J, Török A, Poméon T, Ristic B, Schaer B, Stojanovic Z, Tocco B, Maksan MT, Veneziani M, Vitterso G. Sustainability Performance of Certified and Non-certified Food. Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences 2021, 6(1), 1-22.
- Yan M, Filieri R, Raguseo E, Gorton M. Mobile apps for healthy living: factors influencing continuance intention for health apps. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 2021, 166, 120644.
- Yeh C-H, Hartmann M, Gorton M, Tocco B, Amilien V, Steinnes KK. Looking Behind the Choice of Organic: A Cross-country Analysis Applying Integrated Choice and Latent Variable Models. Appetite 2021, 167, 105591.
- Brečić R, Sinčić Ćorić D, Lučić A, Gorton M, Filipović J. Local food sales and point of sale priming: evidence from a supermarket field experiment. European Journal of Marketing 2021, 55(13), 41-62.
- Yan M, Filieri R, Gorton M. Continuance intention of online technologies: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Information Management 2021, 58, 102315.
- Angell R, Bottomley P, Brecic R, Filipovic J, Gorton M, Logkizidou M, White J. Configuring perceived fit to mitigate consumer animosity in the context of cross-border sport sponsorships. European Sport Management Quarterly 2021, 21(4), 605-624.
- Phillipson J, Gorton M, Turner R, Shucksmith M, Aitken-McDermott K, Areal F, Cowie P, Hubbard C, Maioli S, McAreavey R, Souza-Monteiro D, Newbery R, Panzone L, Rowe F, Shortall S. The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Implications for Rural Economies. Sustainability 2020, 12(10), 3973.
- Angell R, Gorton M, Bottomley P, White J, Bhaskar S, Marder B. News You Can Use! Evaluating the Effectiveness of Newsjacking Based Content on Social Media. Information Technology & People 2020, 33(2), 755-773.
- Bazi S, Filieri R, Gorton M. Customers’ motivation to engage with luxury brands on social media. Journal of Business Research 2020, 112, 223-235.
- Sauer J, Gorton M, Davidova S. What drives rural out-migration? Insights from Kosovo. Post-Communist Economies 2019, 31(2), 200-217.
- Chatzopoulou E, Gorton M, Kuznesof S. Understanding Authentication Processes and the Role of Conventions: a consideration of Greek ethnic restaurants. Annals of Tourism Research 2019, 77, 128-140.
- Phillipson J, Tiwasing P, Gorton M, Maioli S, Newbery R, Turner R. Shining a spotlight on small rural businesses: How does their performance compare with urban?. Journal of Rural Studies 2019, 68, 230-239.
- Fredriksson L, Bailey A, Davidova S, Gorton M, Traikova D. The Commercialisation of Subsistence Farms: Evidence from the New Member States of the EU. Land Use Policy 2017, 60, 37-47.
- Dawson P, Gorton M, Hubbard C, Hubbard L. Pricing-To-Market Analysis: The Case of EU Wheat Exports. Journal of Agricultural Economics 2017, 68(1), 301-315.
- Harvey D, Hubbard C, Gorton M, Tocco B. How Competitive is the EU’s Agri-Food Sector? An Introduction to a Special Feature on EU Agri-Food Competitiveness. Journal of Agricultural Economics 2017, 68(1), 199-205.
- Angell R, Gorton M, Bottomley P, White J. Understanding fans’ responses to the sponsor of a rival team. European Sport Management Quarterly 2016, 16(2), 190-213.
- Newbery R, Gorton M, Phillipson J, Atterton J. Sustaining business networks: Understanding the benefit bundles sought by members of local business associations. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 2016, 34(7), 1267-1283.
- Tregear A, Torok A, Gorton M. Geographical Indications and Upgrading of Small-scale Producers in Global Agro-food Chains: A Case Study of the Makó Onion PDO. Environment and Planning A 2016, 48(2), 433-451.
- Angell A, Gorton M, Sauer J, Bottomley P, White J. Don't Distract Me When I'm Media Multitasking: Toward a Theory for Raising Advertising Recall and Recognition. Journal of Advertising 2016, 45(2), 198-210.
- Balogh P, Békési D, Gorton M, Popp J, Lengyel P. Consumer willingness to pay for traditional food products. Food Policy 2016, 61, 176-184.
- Gorton M, Angell R, Dries L, Urutyan V, Jackson E, White J. Power, buyer trustworthiness and supplier performance: evidence from the Armenian dairy sector. Industrial Marketing Management 2015, 50, 69-77.
- Petrovici D, Shan Y, Gorton M, Ford J. Patriot games? Determinants of responses to Chinese and foreign sponsors of the Beijing Olympics. Journal of Business Research 2015, 68(6), 1324-1331.
- Sauer J, Gorton M, Davidova S. Migration and Farm Technical Efficiency: evidence from Kosovo. Agricultural Economics 2015, 46(5), 629-641.
- Dries L, Gorton M, Urutyan V, White J. Supply chain relationships, supplier support programmes and stimulating investment: evidence from the Armenian dairy sector. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal 2014, 19(1), 98-107.
- Gorton M, Salvioni C, Hubbard C. Semi-subsistence Farms and Alternative Food Supply Chains. EuroChoices 2014, 13(1), 15-19.
- Gorton M, Angell R, White J, Tseng Y-S. Understanding Consumer Responses to Retailers' Cause Related Voucher Schemes: Evidence from the UK Grocery Sector. European Journal of Marketing 2013, 47(11/12), 1931-1953.
- Sehib K, Jackson EL, Gorton M. Gender, social acceptability and the adoption of supermarkets: evidence from Libya. International Journal of Consumer Studies 2013, 37(4), 379-386.
- Newbery R, Sauer J, Gorton M, Phillipson J, Atterton J. Determinants of the performance of business associations in rural settlements in the United Kingdom: an analysis of members’ satisfaction and willingness-to-pay for association survival. Environment and Planning A 2013, 45(4), 967-985.
- Brecic R, Filipovic J, Gorton M, Ognjanov G, Stojanovic Z, White J. A Qualitative Approach to Understanding Brand Image in an International Context: Insights from Croatia and Serbia. International Marketing Review 2013, 30(4), 275-296.
- Milosevic J, Zezelj I, Gorton M, Barjolle D. Understanding the motives for food choice in Western Balkan countries. Appetite 2012, 58(1), 205-214.
- Davidova S, Fredriksson L, Gorton M, Mishev P, Petrovici D. Subsistence farming, incomes, and agricultural livelihoods in the New Member States of the European Union. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 2012, 30(2), 209-227.
- Sauer J, Gorton M, White J. Marketing, co-operatives and price heterogeneity: evidence from the CIS dairy sector. Agricultural Economics 2012, 43(2), 165-177.
- Gorton M, Sauer J, Supatpongkul P. Wet Markets, Supermarkets and the 'Big Middle' for Food Retailing in Developing Countries: Evidence from Thailand. World Development 2011, 39(9), 1624-1637.
- Gorton M, Zaric V, Lowe P, Quarrie S. Public and private agri-environmental regulation in post-socialist economies: evidence from the Serbian Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Sector. Journal of Rural Studies 2011, 27(2), 144-152.
- Hubbard MC, Gorton M. Placing Agriculture within Rural Development: Evidence from EU Case Studies. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 2011, 29(1), 80-95.
- Latruffe L, Davidova S, Douarin E, Gorton M. Farm Expansion in Lithuania after Accession to the EU: The Role of CAP Payments in Alleviating Potential Credit Constraints. Europe-Asia Studies 2010, 62(2), 351-365.
- Gorton M, Lowe P, Quarrie S, Zaric V. European rule adoption in Central and Eastern Europe: a comparative analysis of agricultural water management in Serbia. Environmental Politics 2010, 19(4), 578-598.
- Gorton M, Sauer J, Peshevski M, Bosev D, Shekerinov D, Quarrie S. Water Communities in the Republic of Macedonia: An Empirical Analysis of Membership Satisfaction and Payment Behavior . World Development 2009, 37(12), 1951-1963.
- Gorton M, Hubbard MC, Hubbard LJ. The Folly of European Union Policy Transfer: Why the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Does Not Fit Central and Eastern Europe. Regional Studies 2009, 43(10), 1305-1317.
- Tregear A, Gorton M. The challenges of sharing: brands as club goods. European Journal of Marketing 2009, 43(5/6), 826-842.
- Gorton M, White J. Export strategies and performance in the CIS: case study evidence from the dairy sector. Post-Communist Economies 2009, 21(4), 475-494.
- Gorton M, Tregear A. Government support to regional food producers: an assessment of England’s Regional Food Strategy. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 2008, 26(6), 1047-1060.
- Gorton M, Douarin E, Davidova S, Latruffe L. Attitudes to agricultural policy and farming futures in the context of the 2003 CAP reform: A comparison of farmers in selected established and new Member States. Journal of Rural Studies 2008, 24(3), 322-336.
- Gorton M, White J. The restructuring of agri-food supply chains in CEE and the CIS: Overview and policy implications. Outlook on Agriculture 2007, 36(4), 237-246.
- Iraizoz B, Gorton M, Davidova S. Segmenting farms for analysing agricultural trajectories: A case study of the Navarra region in Spain. Agricultural Systems 2007, 93(1-3), 143-169.
- Chaplin H, Gorton M, Davidova S. Impediments to the diversification of rural economies in central and eastern Europe: Evidence from small-scale farms in Poland. Regional Studies 2007, 41(3), 361-376.
- Gorton M, White J, Dries L, Ignat A, Sardaryan G, Skripnik A. Dairy farming and milk marketing relationships in the CIS. Eurasian Geography and Economics 2007, 48(6), 733-747.
- Gorton M, Dumitrashko M, White J. Overcoming supply chain failure in the agri-food sector: A case study from Moldova. Food Policy 2006, 31(1), 90-103.
- Phillipson J, Gorton M, Laschewski L. Local business co-operation and the dilemmas of collective action: Rural micro-business networks in the North of England. Sociologia Ruralis 2006, 46(1), 40-60.
- Zemeckis R, Lazauskas S, Gorton M. The Europeanisation of agri-environmental policy: A case study of water quality in the Lithuanian karst zone. Land Use Policy 2005, 22(3), 255-264.
- Gorton M, Lowe P, Zellei A. Pre-accession europeanisation: The strategic realignment of the environmental policy systems of Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia towards agricultural pollution in preparation for EU membership. Sociologia Ruralis 2005, 45(3), 202-223.
- Petrovici DA, Gorton M. An evaluation of the importance of subsistence food production for assessments of poverty and policy targeting: Evidence from Romania. Food Policy 2005, 30(2), 205-223.
- Phillipson J, Gorton M, Raley M, Moxey A. Treating farms as firms? The evolution of farm business support from productionist to entrepreneurial models. Environment and Planning C: Government & Policy 2004, 22(1), 31-54.
- Gorton M, Ignat G, White J. The evolution of post-Soviet labour processes: A case study of the hollowing out of paternalism in Moldova. International Journal of Human Resource Management 2004, 15(7), 1249-1261.
- Gorton M, Davidova S. Farm productivity and efficiency in the CEE applicant countries: A synthesis of results. Agricultural Economics 2004, 30(1), 1-16.
- Zaharieva E, Gorton M, Lingard J. An evaluation of marketing practices and market orientation in the Bulgarian wine industry. Post-Communist Economies 2004, 16(2), 229-243.
- Chaplin H, Davidova S, Gorton M. Agricultural adjustment and the diversification of farm households and corporate farms in Central Europe. Journal of Rural Studies 2004, 20(1), 61-77.
- Davidova S, Gorton M, Iraizoz B, Ratinger T. Variations in farm performance in transitional economies: Evidence from the Czech Republic. Journal of Agricultural Economics 2003, 54(2), 227-245.
- Gorton M, White J, Chernyshova S, Skripnik A, Vinichenko T, Dumitrasco M, Soltan G. The reconfiguration of post-soviet food industries: Evidence from Ukraine and Moldova. Agribusiness 2003, 19(4), 409-424.
- Zaharieva E, Gorton M, Lingard J. Procurement mechanisms and the emergence of new governance structures in the CEECs: Evidence from the Bulgarian wine industry. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 2003, 9(5-6), 235-245.
- Gorton M, Kovacs B, Mizik T, Davidova S, Ratinger T, Iraizoz B. An analysis of the performance of commercially oriented farms in Hungary. Post-Communist Economies 2003, 15(3), 401-416.
- Ness M, Gorton M, Kuznesof S. The student shopper: Segmentation on the basis of attitudes to store features and shopping behaviour. British Food Journal 2002, 104(7), 506.
- Laschewski L, Phillipson J, Gorton M. The facilitation and formalisation of small business networks: evidence from the North East of England. Environment and Planning C: Government & Policy 2002, 20(3), 375-391.
- Gorton M, Davidova S. The international competitiveness of CEEC agriculture. World Economy 2001, 24(2), 185-200.
- Gorton M. Agricultural land reform in Moldova. Land Use Policy 2001, 18(3), 269-279.
- Gorton MJ, Davidova S, Ratinger T. The competitiveness of agriculture in Bulgaria and the Czech Republic vis-à-vis the European Union (CEEC and EU agricultural competitiveness). Comparative Economic Studies 2000, 42(1), 59-86.
- Gorton M. Spatial variations in markets served by UK-based small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 1999, 11(1), 39-55.
Book Chapters
- Gorton M, Tocco B, Csillag P, Filipović J, White J. Trends in consumer preference for locally-sourced food products. In: M. Garcia Martinez, ed. Consumers and food: Understanding and shaping consumer behaviour. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, 2023.
- Arfini F, Antonioli F, Donati M, Gorton M, Mancini MC, Tocco B, Veneziani M. Conceptual Framework. In: Arfini, F. and Bellassen, V, ed. Sustainability of European Food Quality Schemes: Multi-Performance, Structure, and Governance of PDO, PGI, and Organic Agri-Food Systems. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp.3-21.
Online Publication
- Maioli S, Tiwasing P, Gorton M, Phillipson J, Newbery R. Spatial disparities in SMEs productivity in England. Enterprise Research Centre, Warwick University, 2020. Available at:
- Nguyen T, Phillipson J, Gorton M, Roper S, Dwyer J, Mole K, Hotopp U, Maioli S. The cost-of-doing-business crisis: rural impacts and adaptation. Newcastle upon Tyne: National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise, 2023. State of Rural Enterprise Report, No 4.
- Davidova S, Bailey A, Dwyer J, Erjavec E, Gorton M, Thomson K. Semi-subsistence Farming - Value and Directions of Development. Brussels, Belgium: European Parliament, 2013. Directorate-General For Internal Policies IP/B/AGRI/IC/2012-65.