Melis Besen
Lecturer in Accounting & Finance
Melis is a Lecturer in the Accounting & Finance subject group as well as an Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) chartered accountant with varied experience in industry. Melis previously held financial management roles in both listed and family owned businesses in the region, including Bellway and General Electric.
Melis is working towards a PhD which explores the extent to which professional identities transcend a move from practice to industry for ICAEW accountants. Completion is expected in 2025.
Roles and responsibilities
- Module leader and lecturer on programme N400/N401 Accounting and Finance
- Stage one coordinator for N400/N401 Accounting and Finance
- Admissions selector for N400/N401 Accounting and Finance
- Chair of the Board of Examiners for N400/N401 Accounting and Finance
Qualifications and certificates
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA)
- Fellow of the ICAEW
- 1st class BA (Hons) Accounting degree from Northumbria University, including a one-year work placement within Durham University's internal audit function
Undergraduate modules
Melis is module leader for the following modules on programme N400/N401/N403 Accounting and Finance:
ACC2005: Intermediate Financial Accounting
ACC2000: Interpreting Company Accounts
ACC1012: Professional Skills for Accounting and Finance (module shared with Mathematics)
Supervisor for research projects - ACC4051: Dissertation / Consultant Report (Accounting, Finance and Strategic Investment)
Past teaching
ACC1000/1003 : Introduction to Accounting and Finance (service module for various programmes)
ACC2066: Financial Accounting for Business (programme NN14) - previous module leader
ACC3057: Financial Accounting and Reporting (programme NN14) - previous module leader
ACC3016: Accounting, Organisations and Society (programme N400/N401) - previous module leader
NBS8006: Accounting for Analysts (Accounting, Finance and Financial Analysis MSc)
Supervisor for research projects - ACC4051 : Contemporary Issues in Business, Accounting and Finance (programme NN14)
Supervisor for research projects - NBS8223: Dissertation / Consultant Report (Accounting, Finance and Strategic Investment)
Supervisor for research projects - NBS8004 Dissertation (Analyst Report) (Accounting, Finance and Financial Analysis)
Current work
Melis is currently working towards a PhD with completion expected in 2025. This looks at the extent to which professional identity transcends organisational boundaries for chartered accountants who move from training in practice to working in industry.
Funding received
Awarded PhD funding for 21-22, 22-23 and 23-24 from the Chartered Accountants’ Livery Charity.
PhD research presented at:
British Accounting and Finance Association South West Area Group - September 2022
British Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference - April 2023
Conference session chair at:
European Accounting Association - May 2023