Professor Natalia Yannopoulou
Professor of Marketing
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0)1912081720
- Address: Newcastle University Business School,
Room 4.12, 5 Barrack Road,
Newcastle upon Tyne,
Natalia Yannopoulou is Professor of Marketing at Newcastle University Business School. She has previously served at Nottingham University Business School, and affiliated with the Centre for Cultural Policy Studies at the University of Warwick, UK; University of Roehampton, UK; Hellenic Open University, Greece and ICN Business School, France.
She holds a Ph.D. in Marketing from Warwick Business School, U.K., an MBA from George Washington University, U.S.A. with specialization in Marketing, and a BSc. in Business Administration from Athens University of Economics & Business, Greece.
Natalia’s research interests are mainly in the areas of consumer behaviour, marketing communications and branding. Her work appears in journals such as Business History, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing and International Journal of Advertising, and has been presented in conferences such as Advances in Consumer Research (ACR), European Marketing Academy (EMAC) and International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA). She regularly reviews papers for a range of marketing related journals and conferences. She serves on the Editorial Boards of Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, International Journal of Services, Economics and Management, and Humanities & Social Sciences Communications. She is also the Chair of the UK chapter for Marketing Strategy and Corporate Policy Research Academy, and Deputy Chair of the Visual Methods' Special Interest Group at the Academy of Marketing.
Natalia also has extensive international consulting experience in services marketing and communication roles in companies such as The Webb Partnership in the UK, Deloitte & Touche Consulting in Ecuador, Citibank N.A., Global Consumer Banking in Greece, and Sofitel member of Accor’s hotels & resorts in the USA.
Natalia's language skills include English (excellent), French (excellent), Spanish (fluent), Chinese (introductory) and Greek (native).
Natalia’s Yannopoulou research examines how consumers understand and interpret market offerings, while focusing on the communication activities between companies and audiences. Natalia’s research interests are mainly in the areas of consumer behaviour, marketing communications and branding. More specifically and within branding, she is interested in concepts such as brand trust, brand crises and perceptions of authenticity of mainly food and fashion brands within emerging markets such as China, Vietnam and the Middle East. Within Marketing Communications, she is particularly interested in the symbolic meaning of communication and the role of social media.
Natalia has been appointed member of the Global Challenges Research Fund peer review group (GCRF), in order to assist with the review of applications to ESRC Global Challenges Research Fund calls based on a new five-year £1.5 billion funding stream. She serves on the Editorial Board of International Journal of Services, Economics and Management. She regularly reviews papers for a range of marketing related journals and conferences, while she has been assigned Book Reviewer for Routledge publishing on numerous books on Marketing Communications.
Natalia is welcoming PhD applications particularly on research areas related to fake news, misinformation, disinformation, greenwashing, cultural consumption, advertising and qualitative methodological approaches.
Natalia has been able to secure both internal and external funding for her research through various grant schemes. The most recent ones include:
- Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) - Innovate UK (2022-2024) on curating contemporary art in heritage with Vindolanda Trust -Interdisciplinary project between NUBS & School of Arts & Cultures. Awarded the 2024 Newcastle University Engagement and Place Award for engaging for cultural benefit.
- Arrow - UK Shared Prosperity Fund (2023) on brand extension through creative innovations with Little Buildings Live
- Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) - Innovate U.K. (2018-2021) on developing a B2B co-branding and digital marketing strategy based on data analytics. Interdisciplinary project between NUBS & School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics.
- Arrow - European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) - (2019) on brand storytelling with Powder Butterfly company.
- Arrow - European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) - (2019) on exploring perceptions of authenticity in the virtual reality context with WeLoveMedia company.
- Newton Fund British Council Project (2015-2017) that looks into adding value to the Vietnamese agri-food sector. Interdisciplinary project with colleagues from School of Natural and Environmental Sciences.
Natalia Yannopoulou has been teaching in the following modules in both the U/G and P/G level:
- Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotions - MKT3006
- International Marketing Communications Management - NBS8510
- Strategic Global Marketing - NBS8124 (MBA)
- Contemporary Trends in Marketing - NBS8562
Natalia has extensive teaching experience in marketing in various universities in the UK and abroad. During this time, she taught and developed modules for face to face, online and distance learning classrooms. In many occasions she had to coordinate modules offered in national, as well as, international campuses.
Her teaching is informed by her research, and often features guest speakers and real life projects. Natalia is continuously identifying real life projects involving strategic challenges faced by both local inspirational businesses and internationally well-established brands. Willow Burn Wood, and Always Wear Red are some of the local SMEs that she initiated collaboration with by developing, in partnership with their Executive teams, real life case studies on topical questions faced by the companies, and turning them into student group projects with immediate relevance and applicability. As a result, students were given the chance to apply theories learned, develop their skills and tailor their marketing suggestions against societal challenges such as ageing, sustainability and the digital economy. Natalia has also organised panel talks on Future of Marketing, and co-launched the MSc Marketing Debate between Newcastle University Business School & Durham University Business School.
Her teaching experience has been further enriched through the role of External Examiner at Nottingham University Business School, Kent Business School, Birmingham Business School, Strathclyde Business School, Lancaster University, and Hull University Business School.
- Chandrasapth K, Yannopoulou N, Boonyapranai K, Tantiprabha P. Building a City Brand for International Retirees: Case of Chiang Mai City, Thailand. Asia Pacific Business Review 2025, epub ahead of print.
- Yuan R, Luo J, Liu MJ, Sivarajah U, Yannopoulou N. Revitalizing Sustainable Reshoring Brands: Understanding the Customer Perspective on the Roles of Motivation Attributions and the Institutionalization Process. British Journal of Management 2024, 35(2), 893-913.
- Yannopoulou N, Chandrasapth K, Bian X, Jin B, Gupta S, Liu M. How disinformation affects sales: Examining the advertising campaign of a socially responsible brand. Journal of Business Research 2024, 182, 114789.
- Buckley A, Yannopoulou N, Gorton M, Lie S. Guilty displeasures? How Gen-Z women perceive (in)authentic femvertising messages. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising 2024, 45(4), 388-401.
- Weng C, Liu M, Luo J, Yannopoulou N. B2B social media use as a double-edged sword on trust: A social presence theory perspective. Industrial Management & Data Systems 2024, 42(8), 688-700.
- Yannopoulou N, Manika D, Chandrasapth K, Tajvidi M, Wells V. What we do know and don’t know about marketing communications on mature consumers. European Journal of Marketing 2023, 57(8), 1969-1995.
- Agnihotri A, Bhattacharya S, Yannopoulou N, Thrassou A. Foreign market entry modes for servitization under diverse macroenvironmental conditions: taxonomy and propositions. International Marketing Review 2023, 40(4), 561-584.
- Wang Zi, Yuan R, Luo J, Liu M, Yannopoulou N. Does personalized advertising have their best interests at heart? A quantitative study of narcissists’ SNS use among Generation Z consumers. Journal of Business Research 2023, 165, 114070.
- Sena V, Kanungo R, Ozdemir S, Yannopoulou N, Patel P. Are Reshoring Decisions Influenced by External Stakeholders and Country-Level Environmental Regulation?. British Journal of Management 2023, 34(3), 1184-1214.
- Kelsey D, Yannopoulou N, Whittle A, Heath T, Golossenko A, Soares AM. The (Army) Hero with a thousand faces: A Discourse-Mythological Approach to theorizing archetypal blending in contemporary advertising. Marketing Theory 2023, 23(1), 141-162.
- Bhattacharya S, Agnihotri A, Yannopoulou N, Sakka G. Technological knowledge and internationalization: evidence from India. International Marketing Review 2022, 39(3), 509-528.
- Ye D, Liu M, Luo J, Yannopoulou N. How to Achieve Swift Resilience: The Role of Digital Innovation–Enabled Mindfulness. Information Systems Frontiers 2022, 24(1).
- Chandrasapth K, Yannopoulou N, Bian X. Good Fortune and Its Influence on B2B Relationships: The Case of the Mae Manee Money Solution Campaign in Thailand. Industrial Marketing Management 2022, 101, 223-237.
- Agnihotri A, Bhattacharya S, Yannopoulou N, Liu MJ. Examining social media engagement through health-related message framing in different cultures. Journal of Business Research 2022, 152, 349-360.
- Chandrasapth K, Yannopoulou N, Schoefer K, Liu MJ. A Multimodal Discourse-Mythological Approach to Understanding Brand-Based Conflicts in Online Consumer Communities: The Case of Samsung vs. Huawei. Journal of Business Research 2022, 144, 1103-1120.
- Yuan R, Luo J, Liu MJ, Yannopoulou N. “I am proud of my job”: Examining the psychological mechanism underlying technological innovation's effects on employee brand ambassadorship. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 2022, 182, 121833.
- Chandrasapth K, Yannopoulou N, Schoefer K, Licsandru T, Papadopoulos T. Conflict in online consumption communities: A systematic literature review and directions for future research. International Marketing Review 2021, 38(5), 900-926.
- Yannopoulou N, Liu M, Bian X, Pereira Heath T. Exploring Social Change through Social Media: the case of the Facebook group Indignant Citizens. International Journal of Consumer Studies 2019, 43(4), 348-357.
- Huo F, Li B, Chong AYL, Yannopoulou N, Liu MJ. Understanding and predicting what influence online product sales? A neural network approach. Production Planning & Control 2017, 28(11-12), 964-975.
- Bian X, Wang K, Smith A, Yannopoulou N. New Insights into Unethical Counterfeit Consumption. Journal of Business Research 2016, 69(10), 4249-4258.
- Dermentzi E, Papagiannidis S, Osorio Toro C, Yannopoulou N. Academic engagement: Differences between intention to adopt Social Networking Sites and other online technologies. Computers in Human Behavior 2016, 61, 321-332.
- Liu M, Huang J, Chong A, Guan Z, Yannopoulou N. Fellow-townsmenship as the mechanism for exploring and exploiting business opportunities: A longitudinal reflection of the nineteenth century Ningbo entrepreneurs in Shanghai. Business History 2015, 57(6), 773-799.
- Liu MJ, Yannopoulou N, Bian XM, Elliott R. Authenticity Perceptions in the Chinese Marketplace. Journal of Business Research 2015, 68(1), 27-33.
- Yannopoulou N, Moufahim M, Bian X. User-Generated Brands and Social Media: Couchsurfing and AirBnb. Contemporary Management Research 2013, 9(1), 85-90.
- Bian X, Yannopoulou N, Wang KY, Liu S. Why Are Consumers Fans of Counterfeit Branded Products? - Consumer Psychological Motivations in Counterfeit Consumptions. Advances in Consumer Research 2012, 40, 1132-1132.
- Srivoravilai N, Melewar TC, Liu M, Yannopoulou N. Value Marketing through Corporate Reputation: An empirical investigation of Thai hospitals. Journal of Marketing Management 2011, 27(3-4), 243-268.
- Yannopoulou N, Koronis E, Elliott R. Media amplification of a brand crisis and its affect on brand trust. Journal of Marketing Management 2011, 27(5-6), 530-546.
- Yannopoulou N, Elliott R. The role of 'interpretive communities' in the interpretation of 'open text' advertisements. Advances in Consumer Research 2009, 36, 860-862.
- Yannopoulou N, Elliott R. Open versus Closed Advertising Texts & Interpretive Communities. International Journal of Advertising 2008, 27(1), 9-36.
- Elliott R, Yannopoulou N. The Nature of Trust in Brands : A Psychosocial Model. European Journal of Marketing 2007, 41(9/10), 988-998.
Book Chapters
- Yannopoulou N, Chandrasapth K. Funwashing Luxury Counterfeits on Social Media. In: Valentim C; Moreira A; Vale V, ed. Counterfeit Luxury and Consumption. London: Routledge, 2025. In Press.
- Agnihotri A, Bhattacharya S, Yannopoulou N. Hurdles to Efficient Digital Marketing. In: MacRury, I., & Manika, D, ed. Digital Advertising Evolution. London: Routledge, 2025.
- Chandrasapth K, Yannopoulou N. How disinformation affects consumer perceptions towards SCR branding. In: Gupta S; Patel P; De A, ed. Socially Responsible Business Models for International Brands. Singapore: World Scientific Press, 2024. In Press.
- Crinnion F, Yannopoulou N, Bhattacharya S. Fake news inside ideological social media echo chambers. In: Hartshorne R; Benson V, ed. Handbook of Social Media in Education Consumer Behavior and Politics. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2024, pp.139-187.
- Chandrasapth K, Yannopoulou N. Exploring the creative revolution brought by digital technologies in the production of advertising messages. In: Chen S, ed. Digital Globalization of Creative Industries. Edward Elgar, 2024. In Press.
- McFarlane A, Yannopoulou N, Kelsey D, Chandrasapth K, Jones S, Cronin J, Piacentini M, Cléret B, Porteous H, Wilson J, Hamilton K. Dissemination of Academic Research Using Visual Methods. In: Fatema Kawaf; Ofer Dekel-Dachs, ed. Visual Methods in Marketing and Consumer Research. London: Routledge, 2024, pp.165-166.
- Yannopoulou N, Chandrasapth K, Kelsey D. Conflicts over Authenticity and Overtourism in Destination Branding. In: Theodoropoulou I; Tovar, J, ed. Research Companion to Language and Country Branding. London: Routledge, 2021, pp.389-406.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Nguyen D, Lindridge A, Yannopoulou N. Intra-group fragmentation amongst a stigmatised immigrant group . In: Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC 2024). 2024, Hobart, Tasmania.
- Setthanandhaphokin P, Yu Q, Yannopoulou N. Exploring Tourism Safety and its Determinants. In: European Marketing Academy (EMAC). 2023, Odense, Denmark.
- Chandrasapth K, Yannopoulou N. The Role of Disinformation in Promoting CSR Conscious Brands. In: 2023 Academy of Marketing Science Conference. 2023, New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Yannopoulou N, Chandrasapth K, Bian X, Gupta S, Liu M, Luo M, Srisomwongse R. Student Experience for Authentic-Transparent Brand Communication. In: Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC). 2022, Perth: Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy.
- Nguyen S, Lindridge A, Yannopoulou N. Consumer Cultural Affiliation and Acculturation in Multicultural Marketplaces. In: Consumer Culture Theory Conference (CCT 2023). 2023, Lund, Sweden.
- Nguyen D, Lindridge A, Yannopoulou N. Consumer Cultural Affiliation and Acculturation Amongst Ethnic Minority Consumers: An Approach from Social Identity Theory. In: Academy of Marketing. 2023, Birmingham: Academy of Marketing.
- Nguyen D, Yu Q, Yannopoulou N. A Conceptualisation of Consumer Multiculturation. In: European Marketing Academy Annual Conference (EMAC 2022). 2022, Budapest, Hungary: European Marketing Academy.
- Chandrasapth K, Yannopoulou N, Schoefer K, Kelsey D. The power of collective brand defending in mitigating negative eWOM: The case of a Samsung Galaxy Note8 Club devoted Thai consumer-organized community. In: Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference. 2019, Vancouver, Canada: Academy of Marketing Science.
- Nuery N, Yannopoulou N, Manika D, Alamanos E. The difference in the impact of users' positive and negative caption accompanying a sustainability ad on social media. In: American Marketing Association (Winter AMA). 2019, Vancouver.
- Chandrasapth K, Yannopoulou N, Schoefer K, Kelsey D. Online conflicts regarding innovation-based brand positioning: The case of Samsung versus Huawei smartphones. In: 10th INEKA Conference. 2019, Verona, Italy: INEKA.
- Alomar N, Yannopoulou N, Schoefer K. Authentic Ethnic Advertisement Perceptions. In: AMSAC 2019: Marketing Opportunities and Challenges in a Changing Global Marketplace. 2019, Vancouver, Canada: Academy of Marketing Science.
- Chandrasapth C, Yannopoulou N, Schoefer K, Kesley D. The role of visual media when examining social conflicts in online consumption communities within a social network site. In: 51st Academy of Marketing Conference. 2018, Stirling, UK.
- Yannopoulou N, Theofanides F, Andrikopoulou A. How Positive and Negative consumer generated advertising messages affect brand attitude and buying intention. In: International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA). 2013, Zagreb.
- Yannopoulou N, Liu M, Bian X. Exploring what types of brand related information interest consumers within social media. In: European Marketing Academy (EMAC). 2013, Istanbul.
- Theofanides F, Yannopoulou N, Andrikopoulou A. Consumer Generated advertisements and how they affect brand attitude and buying intention. In: European Marketing Academy (EMAC). 2013, Istanbul.
- Braziotis C, Yannopoulou N. New product development within the Extended Enterprise and the Service-Dominant Logic. In: 17th International Symposium on Logistics. 2012, Cape Town: University of Nottinghambusine.
- Yannopoulou N, Moufahim M, Bian X. Brand building and social media: a discursive and visual analysis of User-Generated Brands. In: International Conference on Marketing Studies. 2012, Bangkok.
- Yannopoulou N, Liu M. Social Media and the generation of New Forms of Advertising. In: International Conference on Social Science. 2011, Shanghai, China.
- Yannopoulou N, Yalkin C, Liu M. Fashion through Time. In: Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research. 2011, Beijing, China: Association for Consumer.
- Sangue P, McCabe S, Yannopoulou N. Exploring Brand Confusion when choosing a Tourist Destination. In: 4th Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference. 2011, Maribor, Slovenia.
- Yannopoulou N, Liu M, Bian X. Perceptions of Authenticity within Emerging Markets. In: European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Regional Conference. 2010, Budapest, Hungary.
- Liu M, Yannopoulou N, Elliott R. Exploring consumers’ perceptions of product offering’s authenticity within contemporary Asian markets. In: European Advances in Consumer Research (EACR). 2010, London: Association for Consumer Research.
- Yannopoulou N, Liu M. Consumers’ Affective and Cognitive Reliance on Brand Trust when a Brand Crisis occurs in the Private or Public sphere. In: Global Marketing Conference. 2010, Tokyo, Japan.
- Yannopoulou N, Liu M, Spiteri-Cornish L, Srivoravilai N. Brand Trust: Consumers’ affective and cognitive reliance when brands are in crisis. In: European Marketing Academy (EMAC). 2009, Nantes, France.
- Yannopoulou N, Liu M. Exploring authenticity in the Chinese Consumer Market. In: All China Economics International Conference (ACE International Conference). 2007, Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong.
- Yannopoulou N, Elliott R. A Model of Trust in Brands. In: European Marketing Academy - 36th EMAC Annual Conference 2007. 2007, Reykjavik: Reykjavik University.
- Yannopoulou N, Elliott R. Interpreting Print Advertising. In: 5th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA). 2006, Bath, UK.
Edited Book
- Daskalopoulou A, Yannopoulou N, ed. Marketing Ethics and Consumer Society: Practising Inclusive, Responsible and Sustainable Marketing. London: Routledge, 2025. In Press.
- Mandler T, Luo J, Yannopoulou N, Wirtz J. Guest editorial: International marketing perspectives on digital platforms and their ecosystems. International Marketing Review 2024, 41(5), 849-855.