Dr Nicola Patterson
Senior Lecturer
I am a Senior Lecturer in Leadership Development within the Leadership, Work and Organisation (LWO) Subject Group. Prior to joining Newcastle University Business School in 2018, I was a Senior Lecturer in the Corporate and Executive Department at Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, specialising in designing and delivering work-based, experiential programmes and modules which took a blended learning approach. I have been Programme Leader for the Executive MBA and BA(Hons) Business Leadership and Corporate Management consecutively and led various leadership, research and employability modules at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Prior to academia I worked in enterprise development in the Careers Service at Newcastle University and in a small research consultancy firm.
My passion for entrepreneurship, leadership and diversity is rooted in my PhD which explored leader and follower perspectives of entrepreneurial leadership in small businesses from a gender perspective. Authentic leadership was at the core of Nicola’s conceptual framework, and has influenced her philosophy of learning, approach to career development and developing client relationships by placing values at the centre. As a qualified coach, I see reflection, reflexivity and social learning as an essential part of life-long learning and critical for leadership development.
Roles and responsibilities
- Degree Programme Director for the MSc Strategic Leadership & Strategic Leadership Level 7 Senior Leader Apprenticeship
- Co-founder and CoChair for Gender and Enterpreneurship North East (GENE)
- Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy, AdvanceHE, UK
- PhD, Entrepreneurial Leadership (Business), Northumbria University
- MA, Human Resource Management and Development, Northumbria University
- BA(Hons) Marketing and Management, Newcastle University
- PG Certificate in Higher Education Practice, Northumbria University
- Certificate in Coaching, Henley Business School, University of Reading
Previous Positions
- Senior Lecturer in Corporate and Executive Education, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University (2012-2018)
- Lecturer in Corporate and Executive Education, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University (2010-2012)
- Graduate Tutor, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University (2007-2010)
- Won the IFTDO Global HRD Overall Research Excellence Award based on paper with Prof Sharon Mavin, Dr Jannine Williams, Dr Trish Bryans, and Dr Nicola Patterson entitled “Become your own ‘Project’: Learning from Women Elite Leaders’ Reflections to Shape Women’s Future Careers” August 2015.
- Conference paper won Alan Moon Prize at University Forum for Human Resource Development (UFHRD) Conference at Napier University, Edinburgh 2014.
- Conference paper shortlisted and awarded runner-up certificate at University Forum for Human Resource Development (UFHRD) Conference at Gloucester University, 2011.
- Won Best Paper Prize in the Women and Family Enterprise Track at the International Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference, Glasgow, 2007
- Awarded a Doctoral Fellowship with the Northern Leadership Academy 2007.
- Fellow of Chartered Management Institute
- Member of ISBE Gender Enterprise Network Committee
I am currently the Degree Programme Director for the MSc Strategic Leadership & Strategic Leadership Level 7 Senior Leader Apprenticeship.
I am currently the module leader for:
- NBS8960 Leadership Perspectives
- NBS8968 Leadership for the Future of Work
- NBS8973 Challenging Practice Through Research
- Patterson N, Mavin S. When patriarchy and individualism collide: experiences of women entrepreneurial leaders. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Thomson R, Patterson N, Mavin S, Corlett S. Learning from poor leadership practice. Management Learning 2024, Epub ahead of print.
- Mavin S, James J, Patterson N, Stabler A, Corlett S. Flipping the normative: Developing and delivering a critical pedagogy for executive education in a UK business school. Management Learning 2024, 55(4), 528-552.
- Patterson N. Developing Inclusive and Collaborative Entrepreneuring Spaces. Gender in Management: An International Journal 2020, 35(3), 291-302.
- Williams J, Patterson N. New Directions for Entrepreneurship through a Gender and Disability Lens. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research 2019, 35(8), 1706-1726.
- Patterson N, Mavin S, Turner J. Unsettling the Gender Binary: Experiences of Gender in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Implications for HRD. European Journal of Training and Development 2012, 36(7), 687-711.
- Patterson N, Mavin S, Turner J. Envisioning Female Entrepreneurs-leaders Anew from a Gender Perpsective. Gender in Management 2012, 27(6), 395-416.
- Patterson N, Mavin S. Women Entrepreneurs: Jumping the Corporate Ship and Gaining New Wings. International Small Business Journal 2009, 27(2), 173-192.
Book Chapters
- Mavin S, Williams J, Bryans P, Patterson N. 'Woman as Project': Key issues for Women Who Want to Get On. In: Broadbridge AM; Fielden SL, ed. Handbook of gendered careers in management: Getting in, getting on, getting out. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2015, pp.305-321.
- McGuire D, Patterson N. Diversity in Organisations. In: Scott, L; Byrd, M.Y, ed. Handbook of Research on Workforce Diversity in Global Society. IGI Global, 2012. In Preparation.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Mavin S, James J, Patterson N, Stabler A, Davidson J, Hatt L. Exploring Critical Pedagogy in Executive Education. In: UFHRD 2022: Mind the Gap; Bridging Theory and Practice in the Post-Covid Era. 2022, Sheffield.
- Mavin S, James J, Patterson N, Stabler A, Davidson J, Hatt L. Critical Pedagogy in Executive Education. In: UFHRD Conference 2022. 2022, Sheffield, UK.
- Mavin S, James J, Patterson N, Stabler A, Davidson J, Hatt L. Articulating a Critical Pedagogy for Business School Education which delivers the UK Government Strategic Leadership Apprenticeship. In: University Forum for Human Resource Development (UFHRD 2022). 2022, Virtual.