Staff Profile
Dr Nikolaos Papanikolaou
Senior Lecturer in Finance
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 2197
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- Address: Newcastle University
Newcastle University Business School
Frederick Douglass Centre, room 3.17
Newcastle Helix
2 Science Square
Newcastle upon Tyne
I joined Newcastle University in October 2020 as a Senior Lecturer in Finance. I hold various academic positions at the University of Glasgow, University of Bath, and University College London (UCL). I formerly served as a Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance at Bournemouth University and, before that, as Assistant Professor of Banking and Finance at the University of Sussex. I have also held the posts of Post-doc researcher and Lecturer at the University of Luxembourg as well as visiting academic positions at Stern School of Business at New York University in US, the Department of Economics at the University of Illinois in US, and the Department of Banking and Finance at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand.
My research has been published in a number of highly-ranked (ABS 3*) academic journals (Journal of Banking and Finance; Journal of Financial Stability; Journal of Financial Services Research; Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments; Business Strategy and the Environment; Economics Letters; European Journal of Finance, etc.). I have presented my research in numerous international conferences and other high-impact events. In this context, I have received several awards and distinctions.
I accept expressions of interest from prospective PhD applicants - please email me at:
My research interests are:
• Financial institutions: green banking; responsible banking; environmental risks; ESG principles; reputational risk; biodiversity; greenwashing; open banking; board gender equality and diversity; financial inclusion.
• Financial stability: systemic risk; credit risk; liquidity; contagion; compliance; bank stress tests; procyclicality; bank regulation & supervision; media and financial stability; Covid-19 pandemic.
• Finance: financial innovation; Fintech; alternative finance; green financing instruments; corporate governance and culture; corporate environmental performance.
• Financial accounting: transparency; disclosure; accounting discretion; earnings management; data manipulation; accounting scandals and fraud.
ACC1052 Financial Environment (BSc module)
NBS8203 Retail and Investment Banking (MSc module)
NBS8567 Topics in Finance (PhD module)
- Papanikolaou N, Liu P, Song C. Hedging strategies using green financial instruments. 2025. In Preparation.
- Gounopoulos D, Ongena S, Papanikolaou N. Creating a dictionary for stress-tested banks. 2025. In Preparation.
- Papanikolaou N, Liu J, Song C. Corporate Environmental Performance and Stock Price Crash Risk. The Financial Review 2024. Submitted.
- Grammatikos T, Papanikolaou N. Applying Benford’s law to detect accounting data manipulation in the banking industry. Journal of Financial Services Research 2021, 59, 115-142.
- Chithambo L, Papanikolaou N, Tauringana V, Tingbani I. Board gender diversity, environmental committee and greenhouse gas voluntary disclosures. Business Strategy and the Environment 2020, 29(6), 2194-2210.
- Papanikolaou N. How changes in market conditions affect screening activity, credit risk, and the lending behaviour of banks. The European Journal of Finance 2019, 25(9), 856-875.
- Papanikolaou N. To Screen or Not to Screen: Let the Competition decide. Economics Letters 2018, 170, 175-178.
- Papanikolaou N. To Be Bailed Out or To Be Left to Fail? A Dynamic Competing Risks Hazard Analysis. Journal of Financial Stability 2018, 34, 61-85.
- Papanikolaou N. A dual early warning model of bank distress. Economics Letters 2018, 162, 127-130.
- Papanikolaou N, Grammatikos T. "Too-Small-To-Survive" versus "Too-Big-To-Fail" banks: The two sides of the same coin. Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments 2018, 27(3), 89-121.
- Papanikolaou N, Wolff C. The role of on- and off-balance-sheet leverage of banks in the late 2000s crisis. Journal of Financial Stability 2014, 14, 3-22.
- Papanikolaou N, Wolff C. Financial stability, bank risk, and regulation in the light of the crisis. Journal of Financial Stability 2014, 14, 1-12.
- Delis M, Papanikolaou N. Determinants of bank efficiency: Evidence from a semi-parametric methodology. Managerial Finance 2009, 35(3), 260-275.
- Brissimis S, Delis M, Papanikolaou N. Exploring the nexus between banking sector reform and performance: evidence from newly acceded EU countries. Journal of Banking and Finance 2008, 32, 2764-2683.
Book Chapters
- Papanikolaou N. The road towards the establishment of the European Banking Union. In: Essays in Honour of Professor Panayiotis I. Kanellopoulos. Greece: Sakkoulas Publications, 2015, pp.709-723.
- Papanikolaou N. Bank off-balance-sheet leverage: Some lessons to be learned from the financial crisis. In: Managing Systemic Exposures: A Risk Management for SIFIs and their markets. London: Incisive Media, 2013, pp.Chapter 5.
Digital or Visual Media
- Papanikolaou N. The role of the banking system in preserving biodiversity. Newcastle University, Newcastle University Business School, 2023.