Dr Nosheen Khan
Lecturer in Human Resource Management
- Telephone: 0191 208 1608
- Address: Newcastle University Business School
5 Barrack Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
Dr Nosheen Jawaid Khan is a Lecturer in Human Resource Management (LWO group).
Her research focuses on exploring the role of external agents/agencies in promoting women in employment. The research infers various forms and activities of third-sector organisations (termed as external agencies) that helped to compare the impact of one organisation over others. Specifically, the research uses Bourdieusian and CR framework to examine the interactions and relationships inside and outside the organisation that leverage resources, such as knowledge, skills, abilities (KSAs), status (visibility and position) and networks of women, to give them access to employment and leadership positions.
Her main research interests are:
- Gender, careers, and the workplace
- Gender, work, and employment relations
- Equality, diversity, and inclusion
- Diversity and sustainability
- Third sector organisation, impact and gender in employment
- Agency and Activism
Nosheen has teaching experience in Pakistan. Before joining the academia, she worked as a Relationship Manager in multi-national banks (e.g., Citibank). Her professional and personal experiences shaped her interest in gender inequality in the workplace and motivated her to pursue her PhD in this area. She is now keen on exploring different aspects of diversity and how it relates to different fields, such as employment, organisation, and sustainability. She also looks forward to doing community engagement work with third-sector organisations to evaluate the effectiveness of their work and initiatives.
Dr Nosheen Khan is a PhD in Management from Newcastle University, UK. She was awarded a Research Excellence Award (REA) and Postgraduate Studentship Award for her PhD program at Newcastle University Business School, UK. She also holds a double Masters from renowned institutes in Pakistan and a Bachelors in Computer Science (with Honours) from Government College University, Pakistan.
Nosheen is passionate about equality, diversity, and inclusion. Her research focuses on the role of external agencies (third-sector organisations (TSOs), formal and informal networks), and external agents (individual women and men) that affect outcomes for women in work by acting at the individual-level, the organizational-level, and the policy-level. The main contribution of her research is a typology of organisations that classifies them in terms of how they are differently organised and structured to positively impact career outcomes for women. She is developing a paper on the typology of organisations with renowned academics from Newcastle University Business School. Her future research will focus on the agency of individual women, which was somewhat superficial in her PhD research. She is keen to explore the identities, motivations, and subjective experiences of activists of women and how their identities and motivations combine to inform their actions. Recently, she has developed an interest in diversity management and sustainability, which is in the initial stage and further requires development and focus.
Nosheen is also excited to work with equality and diversity advocates on academic papers and blogs. She is interested in collaborating with TSOs to gauge the effectiveness of their professional development programs run (such as mentoring programs), especially for women. This area has a great potential for impact research to inform organisations on how they can improve their programs, where they lack and what they can do better to create more impact. She is writing a funding big (with a colleague) to realise this project.
Nosheen is currently co-authoring two papers that are almost ready to submit:
- What workers want and why they don’t get it: An exploration of employee participation through a qualitative case study of employee-ownership
- Dark side of EDI Initiatives
- Experiences of LGBT employees in Pakistan
Nosheen has contributed to various research activities listed as follows:
Current Research Projects:
Project Lead on Project Title: Ethnic Minority Experience and Work Integration: A Newcastle University Case Study (2024) Funded by Newcastle University EDI Fund. Co-leads Dr Komal Kalra and Dr Victoria Pagan
Co-Lead on Project Title: The role of cross-mentoring programmes [or mentoring] for women: A qualitative case study research on third-sector organisations. (2023) Funded by HEIF budget and Participatory research funds, Newcastle University. Project lead: Dr Ana Lopes, Newcastle University Business School (NUBS), UK.
Project Lead on Project Title: Women Organizations and Typologies (2023) Funded By School Impact Fund, Newcastle University Business School
Past Research Projects:
· Research Assistant (Jun 2022- Sep 2022)
Parents and Carers Research Project, Newcastle University Business School, UK
· Research Assistant (Jun 2022- Sep 2022)
Parents and Carers Research Project, Newcastle University Business School, UK
· Research Assistant (Jun 2022- Sep 2022)
Parents and Carers Research Project, Newcastle University Business School, UK
· Research Assistant (Mar 2022- July 2022)
Research Culture Project, Newcastle University Business School, UK
· Research Assistant (Apr 2022- July 2022)
Improving women’s labour market outcomes in UK social care work, Funded by NUBS Research and Scholarship fund (RSF)and Faculty Impact Fund (FIF) Award, Newcastle University Business School, UK
· Research Assistant (2019)
Conference Papers:
- Nosheen Khan, “The Role of External Agents/Agencies in the Progression of Women in Employment: A Relational and Multilevel Perspective in the UK”, PhD work, presented at three conferences:
- Gender, Work, and Organization Conference, UK, 30th June-2nd JUL 2021
- European Sociological Association (ESA), UK, 20th-23rd AUG 2019
- Gender Issues in Business School (GiBS), UK, 10th &11th SEP 2018
- Nosheen Khan, Meryem Altaf & Dr. Atif Hassan, “Impact of HR Professional’s Competencies and High Performance HR Practices as Innovation in Banking Sector of Pakistan”, presented at, MASCON, 3rd and 4th FEB 2016, Pakistan
- Nosheen Khan & Mobin-ul-Haq, Market, “Orientation and Innovation: A Moderating Role of an Intellectual Capital”, presented at 3rd Asian Business Research Conference (2014), INSEAD, Abu Dhabi.
- Nosheen Khan, Concept of Ummah and Globalization: Theoretical Perspective, presented at 4th International Conference on Business Management (ICOBM 2014), IBA, Pakistan
- Nosheen Khan, Important Determinants of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX), presented at 4th International Conference on Business Management (ICOBM 2014), IBA, Pakistan
She is a Track Chair of the Standing Track 'Women, Organizations and Beyond in the Special Interest Group (Gender, Race and Diversity in Organizations), European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference 2024. She is also a founding member of Gender Issues in Business School (GiBS) conference for PhD students and Early Career Researchers (ECRs) started at Newcastle University Business School in year 2018 and ran for three consecutive years.
Nosheen has been a part of various teaching activities during her PhD. After graduating, she joined the business school as an Associate Lecturer and taught modules relating to Management and Diversity Management.
She has recently joined as a full-time Lecturer (Teaching and Research) and contributes to modules relating to Human Resource Management and Diversity Management.
She is also supervising the management dissertation of 10 students in module BUS3051.
- Khan N, Azhar S, Hayat Z. Strategic approach to job design: an issue in strategy implementation. International Journal of Human Resource Studies 2015, 5(1), 48-68.
Book Chapters
- Vincent S, Lopes A, Monroe J, Kozhevnikov A, Khan N. Pandemic Precarities and Gendered Biopolitics within the Neoliberal University. In: Meliou E; Vassilopoulou J; Ozbilgin MF, ed. Diversity and precarious work during socio-economic upheaval: exploring the missing link. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024, pp.12-35.
- Altaf M, Khan N. Business Ecosystem and Sustainable Innovative Practices. In: Vu Trinh, ed. Climate Governance and Corporate Eco-innovation: A Framework for Sustainable Companies. Cham: Springer, 2024, pp.261-288.
Online Publication
- Altaf, M, Khan, N. Indexicality, Accountability, and Reflexivity in Ethnomethodology: Sense-making of Social Actions of Stakeholders for Sustainable Outcomes. London: Sage Publications, Inc, 2024. Available at:
- Khan N. Asian women leadership: A cross‐national and cross‐sector comparison. Chin‐Chung Chao and Louisa Ha (Eds.) Abingdon: Routledge. Gender, Work and Organization 2020. In Preparation.