Dr Paul Liu
Degree Programme Director for 5145F MSc International Marketing
Prior to the academic career, I had worked as top management in the real estate industry for various organisations in several emergent economies. For example, Singapore, India, Vietnam and China. The unique global working experiences had brought a border cultural, behavioural, and integral marketing perspectives to my research interests, which relates to the influences of human factors in B2B relationship developments. Despite the passion for research, I am also enthusiastic in teaching, and disseminating my research findings and rich industrial experiences.
Doctoral degree from Nottingham University Ningbo
Mater degree in Business Administration from Nottingham University Business school
Honour Bachelor degree in Business Administration from University College of the Cariboo
NBS8512 Dissertation in Marketing
NBS8604 Marketing Analytics
PG Dissertation supervisions
NBS8604 Marketing Analytics
NBS 8510/8910 International Marketing Communication
MKT 1002 Introduction of Marketing
3 MBA Supervisions
10 PG Dissertation supervisions
10 UG Dissertation supervisions
BUS 1020 Digital Business
MKT 1002 Introduction of Marketing
MKT3014 New Product and Service Development
3 MBA Supervisions
10 UG Dissertation supervisions
B2B Marketing
- Liu PCY, Wang W, Wang Z, Yang Y. Will artificial intelligence undermine the effects of guanxi on relationship performance? Evidence from China's banking industry. Industry Marketing Management 2024, 116, 12-25.
- Liu, PCY, Zhu, F, Wang, J. The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree: parenting styles and its effect on family business succession intention. Journal of Business Research 2023. In Preparation.
- Weng C, Liu M, Ye D, Huang J, Liu PCY. Platform success in the international marketplace: reconfiguring digital resources for marketing agility. International marketing Review 2024, 41(5), 856-871.
- Liu PCY, Yuan R, Luo J, Balaji MS. Evolution of B2B Relationship Stages in China: A Study of Confucianism Philosophy. Industrial Marketing Management 2021, 96, 1-17.
Book Chapter
- Liu PCY, Zhu F, Wang J. From Nobody to Somebody: A resource-based view Approach for the branding of a Manufacture. In: Martin J. Liu and Jun Luo, ed. China Branding: Cases from Zhejiang. Singapore: Palgrave and Macmillan, 2019, pp.31-43.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
- Liu PCY. An Explorative Study of a Missing Psychological Link in Family Business Succession. In: EURAM 2020. 2020, Dublin, Republic of Ireland; Online: EURAM.