Dr Rafael Corredoira
Reader in International Business
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- Address: 5 Barrack Road
Rafael A. Corredoira is Reader in International Business at Newcastle University Business School. His work sits at the intersection of international business and innovation strategy.
His primary research interest is to understand how organizations develop their innovative capabilities with the help of external actors, often from an international and comparative perspective. He examines the importance of social networks, industry associations, and country’s formal and informal institutions in the firm’s ability to identify opportunities and to address problems when they have no experience to lean on.
Rafael has published in many leading journals including Academy of Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Strategic Management Journal, Harvard Business Review, and Research Policy. His research received the 2021 Panmure House Prize (UK), the 2007 International Management Division Best Paper Award at the Academy of Management Meeting, and funding from the National Science Foundation (USA).
Rafael received his PhD in Strategy and International Management from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He has 10 years of business experience at Compañía Bão, the largest and oldest household product firm in Uruguay at the time, where, as CEO and COO, he led the firm in its technological reconversion, organizational restructuring, M&A and foreign market expansion during the creation of MERCOSUR.
My goal as a scholar is to conduct high quality research on important questions that impact managers and society at large. My work sits at the intersection of international business and innovation strategy. My primary research interest is to understand how organizations develop their innovative capabilities with the help of external actors, often from an international and comparative perspective. I examine the importance of social networks, industry associations, and country’s formal and informal institutions in the firm’s ability to identify opportunities and address problems when they have no experience to lean on.
This perspective has taken my work to span across international business, strategy, and technological evolution. I have been studying (1) how external agents facilitate the development of firm’s innovative capabilities in emerging economies, and (2) how a variety of factors drive the quality of inventions and firm’s inventive efforts. As I see my research, my work has contributed to the literature to further our understanding of:
- Innovation in Emerging Markets, the role of networks, government, and other non-market actors (Corredoira & McDermott, 2014; McDermott & Corredoira, 2010; McDermott, Corredoira, & Kruse, 2009)
- the antecedents driving invention technological significance (Corredoira & Banerjee, 2015; Corredoira, Goldfarb, & Shi, 2018), and
- the role of inventor mobility on knowledge flows (Corredoira & Rosenkopf, 2010).
Rafael A. Corredoira's Google Scholar
International Business, Knowledge transfer, Innovation, Technology, Evolutionary theory, Economic Development, Entrepreneurship, Social networks.
2021 Panmure House Prize Winner ($75,000)
(Best research proposal on the topic of long-term funding of innovation in the spirit of Adam Smith. Panmure House, Edinburgh, Scotland) for:
- Corredoira, R.A., B.D. Goldfarb, R. Sampson, and Y. Shi. Missing the Forest for the Tree: Short-termism & Technological Influence of US Firms. Panmure House, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 2021
2021 IM Division Willamette U. Award Finalist (Best paper in international Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainability) for:
- Yavic, Z., R.A. Corredoira, and M. Makhija Does Institutional Context Matter for How Gender Influences Innovation? The Heterogeneous Impact of Gender Diversity on Technological Evolution. Academy of Management Conference, online, August 2021
2007 International Management Division Best Paper Award and Doug Nigh Award Finalist (Best multidisciplinary paper) for:
- McDermott, G. A, R.A. Corredoira, and G. Kruse Public-Private Networks as Sources of Knowledge and Upgrading Capabilities: A Parametric Stroll through Argentine Vineyards. Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, PA, August, 2007
National Science Foundation. (2016-2019)
- Public R&D and the Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity Co-Principal Investigator: $ 591,337
CIBER Research Awards Program for Faculty (2017)
- Internationalization of SME Wineries, understanding family ownership, non-market actors and regionalism: $7,000
CIBER Research Awards Program for Faculty (2011): $4,000
Peer Reviewed Journals
Corredoira, R.A. and G. A. McDermott, (2020) Does size still matter? How micro firms and SMEs vary in network learning. Industry and Innovation (Innovation and Micro-Geography Special Issue, 27(8), 920-952),
Corredoira, R.A., B. D. Goldfarb, and Y. Shi (2018) Federal Funding and the Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity, Research Policy, 47 (9), 1777-1800.
Corredoira, R.A. and P. M. Banerjee (2015) Measuring Patent’s Influence on Technological Evolution: A Study of Knowledge Spanning and Subsequent Inventive Activity, Research Policy, 44(2), 508-521.
Corredoira, R.A. and G. A. McDermott, (2014). Adaptation, Bridging, and Firm Upgrading: How Non-Market Institutions and MNCs Facilitate Knowledge Recombination in Emerging Markets, Journal of International Business Studies, 45(6): 699-722 (Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in International Business, Special Issue, Spring 2014)
Corredoira, R. A., J. A. Chilingerian, and J. R. Kimberly (2011) Analyzing Performance in Addiction Treatment: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis to the State of Maryland System, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 41(1):1-13
McDermott, G. A., and R.A. Corredoira (2010). Network Composition, Collaborative Ties, and Upgrading in Emerging Market Firms: Lessons from the Argentine Autoparts Sector, Journal of International Business Studies 41, 308–329
Corredoira, R. A. and L. Rosenkopf (2010) Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot? The Reverse Transfer of Knowledge through Mobility Ties, Strategic Management Journal 31 (2): 159-181
McDermott, G. A., R.A. Corredoira and G. Kruse (2009) Public-Private Institutions as Catalysts of Upgrading in Emerging Market Societies, Academy of Management Journal 52(6): 1270-1296
Knott, A.M., R.A Corredoira, and J.R. Kimberly (2008). Improving Consistency and Quality of Service Delivery: Implications for the Addiction Treatment Field, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 35(2): 99-108
Corredoira, R. A. and J. R. Kimberly (2006) Industry Evolution through Consolidation: Implications for Addiction Treatment, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Special Issue, 31: 255-265
Partovi, F.Y., and R. A. Corredoira (2002) QFD: For the Good of Soccer, European Journal of Operational Research, 137(3): 642-656
Maragah, H. D., and R. A. Corredoira (2002) Al Gore’s Initiative of Reinventing the Government: The Real Story of Total Quality Management in the Federal Government, Quality Engineering, 14 (2): 277-289
Other Publications
Banerjee, P. M. and R. A. Corredoira (2013) From Individual to Collective Boundary Spanning: Knowledge outcomes from Recombinative Actions, in Boundary Spanning in Organizations: Network, Influence and Conflict, (J. Langan-Fox and C.L. Cooper, eds.), NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
McDermott, G. A., and R.A. Corredoira (2011). Recombining to Compete: Public-Private Institutions, Shifting Networks, and the Remaking of the Argentine Wine Sector, in Innovation and catching up: The changing geography of wine production, (E. Giuliani, A. Morrison and R. Rabellotti, eds.), Edward Elgar: Cheltenham,UK
McDermott, G. A., and R.A. Corredoira (2010). Recombinar para Competir: las Instituciones Público-Privadas y la Transformación del Sector Vitivinícola Argentino, in:
- Innovación Regional y Clusters: Lecciones para Chile y Latinoamérica, (C. Felzensztein y J. Olavarría, eds.), Andrés Bello: Santiago, Chile.
- Desarrollo Económico, vol. 51, No. 202-203 (Julio-Diciembre 2011)
Corredoira, R.A. (2009) Learning from those who left, in Entrepreneurship Research@Smith 2009-2010, (R. Baum, ed.), 8-12, Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship: College Park, MD
Rosenkopf, L. & Corredoira, R. A. (2008). What You Can Gain When You Lose Good People. Harvard Business Review, 86(4): 24-28
McDermott GA, Corredoira RA, Kruse G. (2007). Public-Private Networks as Sources of Knowledge and Upgrading Capabilities: A Parametric Stroll through Argentine Vineyards. Academy of Management Proceedings: 1-6. Academy of Management
Rafael has taught Strategic Management and International Business at the University of Maryland and Ohio State University, catering to Masters,Undergraduate, and Executive Education levels. Currently at the Newcastle University Business School, he oversees the NBS8599 Research-based Dissertation for International Business Management, and makes contributions to the NBS8126 Strategic Management module within the masters programme. In addition, he is module leader for BUS3054 Strategy, Organizations & Society in the undergraduate programme.
With a focus on promoting global educational collaboration, Rafael created and taught an experiential learning course, endorsed by the US Department of Education and the Uruguayan Embassy in Washington, where teams of students from University of Maryland and schools in Chile, Turkey, and Uruguay tackled international business challenges faced by firms in those countries. This course aimed to foster cross-cultural understanding and prepare students for the expanding globalized international business arena.
Rafael's teaching approach is characterized by dynamic strategies that incorporate real-world examples and course materials to enhance students' ability to solve problems. This methodology equips individuals with the necessary skills and global perspectives essential for navigating the intricacies of the interconnected contemporary world.
Rafael has also supervised PhD dissertations and remains open to collaborative projects within his specific areas of expertise.