Professor Sharon Mavin
Professor of Leadership and Organization Studies
- Personal Website:
- Address: Newcastle University Business School, 5 Barrack Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
NE1 4SE.
Professor Sharon Mavin is Professor of Leadership and Organization Studies and was Director of Newcastle University Business School 2017-2020. Sharon previously held the Director role at Roehampton Business School, University of Roehampton, London and was Dean and Associate Dean Research at Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University.
Sharon was awarded the British Academy of Management Medal for Leadership in 2021 and added to the Northern Power Woman Power List, 2022. She is an international scholar in gender, women's leadership, identity, learning, dirty work and organization studies. A Fellow of the Institute of Professional Development, Academy of Social Sciences, the Royal Society of Arts,the British Academy of Management, CIPD and HEA, Sharon is past-Chair of the Chartered Association of Business School's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee and past-Chair of the University Forum for Human Resources and Development (UFHRD).
Sharon was a Consulting Editor and Associate Editor of the International Journal of Management Reviews and was Co-Editor of Gender in Management. She sits on a number of journal editorial advisory boards. Sharon’s recent research on women leaders in top positions in organisations has been published in journals such as human relations, Management Learning, British Journal of Management and Gender, Work and Organization.
Research into gendered media representations of women leaders and professionals was funded through an ESRC Seminar Series (2014-2017) has been published in Gender in Management: An International Journal and an edited book Gender, Media and Organisation: Challenging (Mis)Representations of Women Leaders and Managers. This research project was shortlisted for a Global Diversity Award (2017).
Throughout her academic career Sharon has continued to be passionate about and engage in practice, organisational innovation and impact through leadership research, engagement and consultancy and is an Executive Coach. Sharon is supports the MSc Strategic Leadership programme at Newcastle University Business School. She was instrumental in the start-up, development and delivery of the Corporate and Executive Development activities at Northumbria University. Sharon completed a Board Apprenticeship with JP Morgan Claverhouse Investment Trust Plc through the international Board Apprentice scheme which aims to increase diversity on company boards. She was nominated for Northern Power Women Awards (2018, 2019, 2021).
Sharon has successfully supervised 20 PhD, Professional Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) and Professional Doctorate in Business Leadership (DBL) students and has examined over 20 Doctoral theses.
Bibliographic links
Research gate:
Google scholar:
Scopus Author ID: 56086374900
Orchid ID:
Women Leaders' Experiences of Work-caused Trauma:
Principal Investigator, qualitative study with women leaders exploring their experiences of work-caused trauma, adding new research concepts and terrains to business and management studies. Published work to date: Qualitative Research in Organisations and Management (2022).
Senior Women At Work:
Principal Investigator with Dr. Jannine Williams (Bradford/QUT Australia), Dr. Patricia Bryans (Sunderland/Texas USA) and Dr. Nicola Patterson (Northumbria/Newcastle), Professor Gina Grandy (Regina/Calgary, Canada) and Marina Yusupova (Newcastle/Edinburgh Napier) investigating experiences of 81 women leaders at Board level (FTSE companies), political leaders in Government and women identified as ‘Influential Leaders’ in Newspaper Supplements. Published research focuses on Competition and Gender, Respectable Business Femininity, Abject Appearance, Woman as Project: Senior Women's Key issues for Women Who Want to Get On, Women's Relationships with other Women and Intra-gender Micro-violence. Special Issues for Gender in Management: An International Journal.
Gendered Media Mis(s)Representations of Women Leaders and Professionals:
Continued research examining gendered media representations following ESRC Funded Seminar Series with Professor Carole Elliott (Durham/Roehampton/Sheffield), Dr. Valerie Stead (Lancaster), Dr. Jannine Williams (NU/Bradford/QUT Australia) to develop rigorous methodologies to interrogate gendered media by bringing together academics from journalism, media and sociology with business and management academics. Published research includes an edited book and journal Special Issue.
Dirty Work, Vulnerability and Identity:
Research collaborations with Professor Gina Grandy (Regina/Calgary, Canada) into dirty work, identity and gender and women's leadership and stigma, focusing on empirical research into non-traditional organizations e.g. franchise erotic dancing clubs (Newcastle, UK) and Church leadership (Canada). Also collaborating with Dr. Sandra Corlett (Northumbria/Newcastle) into identity work and vulnerability. Published research focuses on vulnerability and learning, doing gender well and differently, learning from marginalized and devalued work, morally stigmatized work, management as struggle, organizational image and identity, intersectionality and reflexivity.
Executive Coach.
Research advisor for Global Bank.
Key note presentations for Global IT company and Global Charity.
Member of North East Women Leaders Board.
International Grant Reviews:
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada Grant review (2022).
The Dutch Research Council (NWO Research Funder) (2020).
Past-Chair, University Forum for Human Resource Development (Europe) collaborating with Academy of HRD (USA).
Research interview for Coqual American global, nonprofit think tank on Gender and women in leadership (2023)
Podcast for Academy of HRD (US) HRD Masterclass Podcast Episode, Gender in HRD (2022).
Podcast for Barclays Corporate Utube Channel Women Leading Women and Intersectionality, with Marie O’Riordan previous Editor of Marie Claire and Elle Magazine and Julian Batson, Head of Government and Local Authorities, Barclays Corporate Banking (2021).
Key note Virgin Money Masterclass, Women in Leadership with GLT Partners (2021).
Co-author and Co-Investigator Professor Gina Grandy Professor (Strategy & Leadership), Dean and RBC Women in Leadership Scholar, Paul J. Hill School of Business University of Regina, Canada.
Co-Presenter, the Academy of Management (AoM) Academy of Management Critical Management Studies InTouch webinar series. Speaking a Secret Language: Challenging the Patriarchy through Forms of Communication 28th January (2021).
Co-Chair International Think-Tank Theorizing Women's Leadership (SAMS funded) University of Roehampton, London.
Co-presenter at European HRD conference and symposium Dr. Julia Storberg-Walker George Washington University USA.
Organisational Sponsor of ESRC Gendered Media Research Project Julie Burton, Womens Media Centre Washington USA.
Numerous International Conference Paper Presentations
Editorial and Reviewing
Consulting Editor, International Journal of Management Reviews (2020-2021)
Associate Editor, International Journal of Management Reviews (2014-2020)
Co-Editor, Gender in Management: An International Journal (2010-2017)
Academic Journal Referee
Human Relations, Organization, Organization Studies, Organization, British Journal of Management, International Journal of Management Reviews, Business Ethics: A European Review, Management Learning, Gender, Work and Organization, Personnel Review, Sex Roles, Gender in Management: An International Journal, Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology.
Esteem Indicators
Awarded the British Academy of Management Medal for Leadership 2021.
The British Academy of Management Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Respect Advisory Board Member (2020-date)
Nurture HE Advisory Board Member (2019-date)
Nominated for a Northern Power Women Award (Agent of Change) 2018, 2019. 2021.
Nominated for a Global Diversity Award (for research in the public sector) 2017.
Guest of the President at the Women Media Awards New York(resulting from collaboration on ESRC funded Women's Media Missrepresentations research) 2017.
Invited speaker Roehampton University Student Union Women’s Day Conference 8th March 2017.
Keynote speaker International Women’s Day event, CIPD South West London Branch, Wimbledon 7th March 2017.
Co-chair of ESRC Seminar on Gendered Media at The House of Commons, hosted by Ruth Cadbury MP 15th November 2016.
Keynote speaker ‘New Ways of Working: Make Yourself the Project, Academy of Medical Sciences Career Development Conference, Birmingham 9th November 2016.
Chair and organiser of the Class of 2020 Challenge Day Liberate the Leader in You! with Rt Hon Justine Greening Secretary of State for Education and 175 young women, University of Roehampton London October 2016.
Co-Chair of the International Think Tank-Theorizing Women’s Leadership SAMS funded, University of Roehampton London June 2016.
Invited speaker to London Higher executive group and to VCs, Chairs of Senates/Council regarding the Board Apprentice Scheme 2016.
Invited speaker at the House of Lords ‘Board Apprentice’ Launch sponsored by Harvey Nash Chair of JP Morgan Claverhouse Investment Trust July 2015.
Invited to speak at the Chartered Association of Business Schools Annual Women's Lunch in Westminster Business School (2015).
Board Apprentice for JP Morgan Claverhouse Investment Trust and Board Apprentice Ambassador.
Keynote speaker at the Gender Diversity and Leadership conference, by The Susanna Wesley Foundation for Ministry, Management and Organisation London 18th June 2015.
Mavin, S. (2015) Research presentation & paper to The Watched Body: Gender Roles, Body Image & Public Intrusions Government Equalities Office Report, M.P. for Women & Equality Jo Swinson, London.
Mavin, S. (2015) Research contribution to Body Confidence Campaign Progress Report, Government Equalities Office, M.P. for Women & Equality Jo Swinson, London.
Ross, K. and Mavin, S. (February 2015) Co-Chairs of Inspiring and Shaping the Future – Progress towards gender equality conference, Government Equality Office and UN Women with the Right Honourable Secretary of State Nicky Morgan and Helene Reardon-Bond Government Equality Office, Northumbria University.
Invited Keynote to Maths Conference for 100 Young Women, Framwellgate School Durham, February 2015.
Invited presentation 'Gendered Bodies and Appearance: Women Managers and Leaders' at Government Equality Office gender seminar chaired by Professor Susie Orbach and presented to MP for women and equality Jo Swinson, London 2014.
Executive Coaching
MSc in Strategic Leadership:
- Critical Reflexivity and Mastering Practice
- Leadership for the Future of Work
- Challenging Practice through Research - Capstone Project
- Patterson N, Mavin S. When patriarchy and individualism collide: experiences of women entrepreneurial leaders. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Grandy G, Mavin S. The Trifecta Trajectory of Moral Taint Contagion: Women (church) leaders making work dirty. Gender Work and Organization 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Mavin, S. No one Deserves Professional Annihilation: Learning from Women’s Experiences of Leadership Work-Caused Trauma. Management Learning 2024. In Press.
- Thomson R, Patterson N, Mavin S, Corlett S. Learning from poor leadership practice. Management Learning 2024, Epub ahead of print.
- Mavin S, Yusupova M. Jostling Discourses of Competition: Women Leaders Self-Positioning . Organization Studies 2024, 45(6), 801-823.
- Mavin S, James J, Patterson N, Stabler A, Corlett S. Flipping the normative: Developing and delivering a critical pedagogy for executive education in a UK business school. Management Learning 2024, 55(4), 528-552.
- Stead V, Mavin S, Elliott C. Angela Rayner (Member of Parliament) and the “Basic Instinct Ploy”: Intersectional misrecognition of women leaders' legitimacy, productive resistance and flexing (patriarchal) discourse. Gender Work and Organization 2024, 31(1), 152-170.
- Ridgeway M, Oldridge L, Mavin S. ‘Leading’ by example? Gendered language in Human Resource job adverts. Human Resource Management Journal 2025, 35(1), 1-24.
- Vinnicombe S, Mavin S. Reflections on Women’s Progress into Leadership in the UK and Suggested Areas for Future Research. Gender in Management 2023, 38(2), 248-254.
- Mavin S, Yusupova M. ‘I'm competitive with myself’: A study of women leaders navigating neoliberal patriarchal workplaces. Gender, Work & Organization 2023, 30(3), 881-896.
- Mavin S. Women leaders' work-caused trauma: vulnerability, reflexivity and emotional challenges for the researcher. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management 2022, 17(4), 442-458.
- Corlett S, Ruane M, Mavin S. Learning (not) to be different: The value of vulnerability in trusted and safe identity work spaces. Management Learning 2021, 52(4), 424-441.
- Mavin S, Yusupova M. Competition and gender: Time’s up on essentialist knowledge production. Management Learning 2021, 52(1), 86-108.
- Grandy G, Mavin S. Informal and socially situated learning: gendered practices and becoming women church leaders. Gender in Management: An International Journal 2020, 35(1), 61-75.
- Mavin S, Yusupova M. Gendered Experiences of Leading and Managing through COVID-19: Patriarchy and Precarity. Gender in Management: an International Journal 2020, 35(7/8), 737-744.
- James J, Mavin S, Corlett S. A Framework of Modes of Awareness for Team Coaching Practice. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring 2020, 18(2), 4-18.
- Mavin S, Grandy G. Women Leaders, Self-Body-Care and Corporate Moderate Feminism: An [im]perfect place for feminism. Gender, Work & Organization 2019, 26(11), 1546-1561.
- Corlett S, Mavin S, Beech N. Reconceptualising vulnerability and its value for managerial identity and learning. Management Learning 2019, 50(5), 556-575.
- Mavin S, Elliott C, Stead V, Williams J. Economies of Visibility as a Moderator of Feminism: “Never mind Brexit. Who won Legs-it!”. Gender, Work & Organization 2019, 26(8), 1156-1175.
- Grandy G, Lewis P, Mavin S. Homage to Professor Ruth Simpson. Gender in Management: An International Journal 2017, 32(7), 454-460.
- Mavin S, Grandy G. Women Elite Leaders Doing Respectable Business Femininity: How Privilege is Conferred, Contested and Defended through the Body. Gender, Work & Organization 2016, 23(4), 379-396.
- Bessant C, Mavin S. Neglected on the front line: Tensions and challenges for the first-line manager-academic role in UK business schools. Journal of Management Development 2016, 35(7), 916-929.
- Mavin S, Grandy G. A theory of Abject Appearance: Women elite leaders’ intra-gender ‘management’ of bodies and appearance. Human Relations 2016, 69(5), 1095-1120.
- Grandy G, Simpson R, Mavin S. What we can learn from de-valued and marginalised work/research. Qualitative Research in Organisations and Management: An International Journal 2015, 10(4), 344-349.
- Corlett S, Mavin S. Intersectionality, identity and identity work: shared tenets and future research agendas for gender and identity studies. Gender in Management: An International Journal 2014, 29(5), 258-276.
- Mavin S, Grandy G, Williams J. Experiences of Women Elite Leaders Doing Gender: Intra-gender Micro-violence between Women. British Journal of Management 2014, 25(3), 439-455.
- Robson F, Mavin S. Evaluating training and development in UK universities: staff perceptions. European Journal of Training and Development 2014, 38(6), 553-569.
- Grandy G, Mavin S. Emotion management as struggle in dirty work: the experiences of exotic dancers. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion 2014, 6(2), 131-154.
Book Chapters
- Mavin S, Gandy G. Theorizing Women Leaders' Negative Relations with Other Women. In: Madsen, SR, ed. Handbook of Research on Gender and Leadership. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024, pp.340-356.
- Elliott C, Mavin S, Stead V. The Legitimacy Trap for Women Leaders: Why Leadership Legitimacy is Unstable for Women . In: Knights, D., Liu, H., Smolović-Jones, O. and Wilson, S, ed. The Routledge Critical Companion to Leadership Studies. New York, OXON: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2024, pp.175-186.
- Mavin S. Genderwashing (or Genderbleaching) in UK Historic Universities: A Veil for Gender-Based Violence . In: Gardiner, R.A., Fox-Kirk, W., Elliott, C.J. and Stead, V, ed. Genderwashing in Leadership: Power, Policies and Politics. Leeds: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2024, pp.15-32.
- Grandy G, Mavin S, Gagnon E. Dressing to Be(come) a Business School Dean: Autoethnographic Accounts. In: Broadbridge, A, ed. The Emerald Handbook of Appearance in the Workplace. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2023, pp.155-168.
- Stead V, Elliott C, Mavin S. Introduction to the Handbook of Research Methods on Gender and Management. In: Stead, V; Elliott, C; Mavin, S, ed. Handbook of Research Methods on Gender and Management. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021, pp.1-10.
- Grandy S, Mavin S. Sinners and Saints: Morally Stigmatized Work. In: Thomson, SB; Grandy G, ed. Stigmas, work and organizations. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, US, 2018, pp.101-121.
- Corlett S, Mavin S. Reflexivity and Researcher Positionality. In: Cassell C; Cunliffe A; Grandy G, ed. The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Business and Management Research Methods. London: Sage, 2018, pp.377-389.
- Mavin S, Grandy G. How Postfeminism Plays Out for Women Elite Leaders. In: Lewis P; Simpson R; Benschop Y, ed. Postfeminism and Organization. New York: Routledge, 2018.
- Mavin S, Gina G, Jannine W. Theorizing women leaders’ negative relations with other women. In: Susan R. Madsen, ed. Handbook of Research on Gender and Leadership. USA: Edward Elgar, 2017, pp.328-343.
- Mavin S, Williams J, Bryans P, Patterson N. 'Woman as Project': Key issues for Women Who Want to Get On. In: Broadbridge AM; Fielden SL, ed. Handbook of gendered careers in management: Getting in, getting on, getting out. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2015, pp.305-321.
- Mavin S, Williams J. Key issues for gender research in HRD: a Multi-Stakeholder Framework for analysing gendered media constructions of women leaders. In: Saunders M; Tosey P, ed. The Handbook of Research Methods on Human Resource Development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2015, pp.340-357.
- Mavin S, Williams J, Grandy G. Negative Intra-gender Relations between Women: Friendship, Competition and Female Misogyny. In: Kumra S; Simpson R; Burke RJ, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Gender in Organizations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Mavin S, James J, Patterson N, Stabler A, Davidson J, Hatt L. Exploring Critical Pedagogy in Executive Education. In: UFHRD 2022: Mind the Gap; Bridging Theory and Practice in the Post-Covid Era. 2022, Sheffield.
- Mavin S, James J, Patterson N, Stabler A, Davidson J, Hatt L. Critical Pedagogy in Executive Education. In: UFHRD Conference 2022. 2022, Sheffield, UK.
- Mavin S, James J, Patterson N, Stabler A, Davidson J, Hatt L. Articulating a Critical Pedagogy for Business School Education which delivers the UK Government Strategic Leadership Apprenticeship. In: University Forum for Human Resource Development (UFHRD 2022). 2022, Virtual.
- James J, Mavin S, Corlett S. Party Host or Trapeze Artist? Weaving relational narrative in organisational teams. In: UFHRD Annual Conference 2018. 2018, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University.
- James J, Mavin S, Corlett S. Taking a Metaphorical View: A Framework for Team Coaching. In: 18th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe. 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.
Edited Book
- Elliott C, Stead V, Mavin S, Williams J, ed. Gender, Media and Organization: Challenging Mis(s)representations of Women Leaders and Managers. Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing Inc, 2016.
- Mavin S, Elliot C, Stead V, Grandy G. Women-in-leadership research and feminist futures: new agendas for feminist research and impact on gender equality. Gender in Management: An International Journal 2023, 38(2), 153-165.
- Mavin S, Elliott C, Stead V, Williams J. Women Managers, Leaders and the Media Gaze: Learning from popular culture, autobiographies broadcast and media press. Gender in Management: An International Journal 2016, 31(5/6), 314-321.
- Williams J, Mavin S. Guest Editorial: Progressing Diversity in HRD Theory and Practice. Human Resource Development Review 2014, 13(2), 127-132.