Professor Stephen Chen
Prof of International Management
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- Address: Newcastle University Business School
5 Barrack Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
Stephen Chen is Professor of International Management in the Newcastle University Business School. Before joining Newcastle University, he was Professor of International Business at the University of Newcastle, Australia and he held other academic positions in the UK, Australia and the USA including Macquarie University, the Australian National University, Manchester Business School, City University, Henley Business School and UCLA. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Management from Imperial College, London, an M.B.A. degree from Cranfield School of Management and a B.Sc. degree from King’s College, London. Prior to his academic career he worked in industry in IT, market research, management and consultancy roles.
His research interests include global strategies, digital business and corporate social responsibility. His articles have appeared in journals such as Journal of World Business, Management International Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Business Research and Journal of Business Ethics, among others. He is currently an Associate Editor at the Journal of Business Research and Journal of General Management and he regularly reviews for other leading management journals such as Journal of World Business and Journal of Business Ethics.
He teaches mainly in the areas of strategic management and international business and he has a strong interest in research methods, having served as Assistant Dean Research Training in the University of Newcastle Business School, Australia where he won a Vice-Chancellor’s award for Excellence in Research Supervision.
My research can be broadly categorized into 3 related streams:
• Globalization and Internationalization Strategies
This research examines broadly the factors enabling and constraining internationalization by firms. Past projects have examined the effects of country risk on foreign direct investments, internationalization in knowledge-based industries, and the internationalization strategies of family firms and new ventures.
• Non-market Strategies and Corporate Social Responsibility
This research focuses on non-market influences on firms’ strategies including political, cultural and social pressures. Past projects include research on the effect of the institutional environment on CSR in different countries, the effect of firms’ political connections on the economic and social performance of Chinese firms and the effect of social networks on entrepreneurship success.
• Technological disruption and tech entrepreneurs
This research focuses on how new technologies disrupt old business models and create entrepreneurial opportunities, in particular, how digital technologies have enabled new e-business models and tech entrepreneurs. Past projects include research on technological disruption in the media and entertainment industries and technology-mediated outsourcing by knowledge-based firms.
A recent multidisciplinary project (2016-2019) that combines all three research streams is 'The economic and cultural value of Australian Music Exports', funded by the Australian Research Council, the Australia Council for the Arts and Australasian Performing Rights Association Ltd.($326,845).The project investigated the nature and characteristics of Australian music exports within the context of globalization and digitization, and how cultural and economic value are created by music exports. A book based on the research was published in 2021 by Routledge.
- BUS3051 Management Dissertation
- BUS3052 International Business Management Dissertation
- NBS8045/8945 Global Business Environment
- NBS8223 Dissertation (Consultant Report)
- NBS9495 Emerging Economies: Challenges and Opportunities
- NBS8599 Research-based Dissertation for International Business Management
- Zhang J, Chen S, Tan H. The Internationalization-Environmental Performance Relationship: Does it Differ between MNEs in Advanced and Less Advanced Economies?. Business Strategy and the Environment 2024, 33(7), 6125-6138.
- Zhang J, Chen S, Tan H. Is there a relationship between environmental performance and outward FDI? A study of Chinese MNEs. Multinational Business Review 2024, 32(1), 1-19.
- Bai T, Chen S, Xu Y. Formal and informal influences of the state on OFDI of hybrid state-owned enterprises in China. International Business Review 2021, 30(5), 101864.
- Alofan F, Chen S, Tan H. National cultural distance, organizational culture, and adaptation of management innovations in foreign subsidiaries: A fuzzy set analysis of TQM implementation in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Business Research 2020, 109, 184-199.
- Chen S, Lin N. Culture, productivity and competitiveness: disentangling the concepts. Cross Cultural and Strategic Management 2020, 28(1), 52-75.
- Chen S, Lin N. The effect of inter- and intra-organizational distances on success of offshored outsourced innovation: A configurational approach. Journal of Business Research 2019, 103, 519-529.
- Elango B, Chen S, Jones J. Sticking to the social mission: Microinsurance in bottom of the pyramid markets. Journal of General Management 2019, 44(4), 209-219.
- Chen S, Elango S, Jones J. Necessary conditions for social enterprise: The case of the microinsurance sector. Social Business 2019, 9(4), 395-412.
- Du J, Bai T, Chen S. Integrating corporate social and corporate political strategies: Performance implications and institutional contingencies in China. Journal of Business Research 2019, 98, 299-316.
- Bai T, Chen S, He X. How Home-Country Political Connections Influence the Internationalization of Service Firms. Management International Review 2019, 59, 541-560.
- Zhou L, Zhao S, Tian F, Zhang X, Chen S. Visionary leadership and employee creativity in China. International Journal of Manpower 2018, 39(1), 93-105.
- Chen S. Multinational Corporate Power, Influence and Responsibility in Global Supply Chains. Journal of Business Ethics 2018, 148, 365-374.
- Chen S. Profiting from FDI in conflict zones. Journal of World Business 2017, 52(6), 760-768.
- Millar C, Chen S, Waller L. Leadership, knowledge and people in knowledge-intensive organisations: implications for HRM theory and practice. International Journal of Human Resource Management 2017, 28(2), 261-275.
- Lin N, Tan H, Chen S. Global Offshoring Portfolio Diversity and Performance Implication. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 2017, 47(2/3), 114-136.
- Scholes L, Mustafa M, Chen S. Internationalization of Small Family Firms: The Influence of Family from a Socioemotional Wealth Perspective. Thunderbird International Business Review 2016, 58(2), 131-146.
- Chen S, Lin N. Global dispersion of offshore service providers: an information processing perspective. Journal of Knowledge Management 2016, 20(5), 065-1082.
- Mustafa M, Ramos HM, Chen S. Internationalisation pathways of small Singaporean family firms: a socio-cultural perspective. International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business 2013, 5, 290-311.
- Chen S, Tan H. Region effects in the internationalization-performance relationship in Chinese firms. Journal of World Business 2012, 47, 73-80.
- Elango B, Chen S. Learning to Manage Risk in International R&D Joint Ventures Through Ownership Decisions. Management Decision 2012, 50, 1425-1445.
- Chen S. Creating sustainable international social ventures. Thunderbird International Business Review 2012, 54, 131-142.
- Chen S. New Challenges for International Business Research: Back to the Future. Multinational Business Review 2011, 19, 94-97.
- Chen S. The Role of Ethical Leadership Versus Institutional Constraints: A Simulation Study of Financial Misreporting by CEOs. Journal of Business Ethics 2010, 93, 33-52.
- Chen S. Bolstering Unethical Leaders: The role of the media, financial analysts and shareholders. Journal of Public Affairs 2010, 10, 200-215.
- Mustafa M, Chen S. The Strength of Family Networks in Transnational Immigrant Entrepreneurship. Thunderbird International Business Review 2009, 52, 97-103.
- Chen S, Bouvain P. Is Corporate Responsibility Converging? A Comparison ofCorporate Responsibility Reporting in the USA, UK, Australia, and Germany. Journal of Business Ethics 2009, 87, 299-317.
- Chen S. Corporate Responsibilities in Internet-Enabled Social Networks. Journal of Business Ethics 2009, 90, 523-536.
- Mustafa M, Chen S. Not what you know, who you know. Monash Business Review 2008, 4, 24-26.
- Chen S. Testing Regional Effects in the Internationalization-Performance Relationship in Asian Service Firms. Research in Global Strategic Management 2007, 13, 337-358.
- Chen S. Are Internet Firms Global?. Advances in International Marketing 2007, 17, 319-345.
- Chen S, Geluykens R, Choi CJ. The importance of language in global teams: A linguistic perspective. Management International Review 2006, 46, 679-696.
- Kim JB, Choi CJ, Chen S. Innovation management and intellectual property in knowledge-oriented economies. International Journal of Technology Management 2006, 36.
- Chen S. Task partitioning and learning in new product development. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 2005, 22, 291-314.
- Millar C, Choi CJ, Chen S. Globalization Rediscovered: The Case of Creative Industries. Management International Review 2005, 45, 121-128.
- Chen S. A social exchange perspective on business ethics: An application to knowledge exchange. Journal of Business Ethics 2005, 62, 1-11.
- Hilton B, Choi CJ, Chen S. The ethics of counterfeiting in the fashion industry: Quality, credence and profit issues. Journal of Business Ethics 2004, 55, 345-354.
- Cheng P, Choi C, Chen S, Ibrahim Eldomiaty T, Millar CCJM. Knowledge repositories in knowledge cities: Institutions, conventions and knowledge subnetworks. Journal of Knowledge Management 2004, 8, 96-106.
- Choi CJ, Chen S. Creating a knowledge-based city: The example of Hsinchu Science Park. Journal of Knowledge Management 2004, 8, 73-82.
- Chen S. Valuing intellectual capital using game theory. Journal of Intellectual Capital 2003, 4, 191-201.
- Chen S. The real value of "e -business models". Business Horizons 2003, 46, 27-33.
- Chen S. Strategic decision making by e-commerce entrepreneurs. International Journal of Management and Decision Making 2003, 4, 1331-42.
- Millar C, Choi CJ, Chen S. Global Strategic Partnerships Between MNEs and NGOs: Drivers of change and ethical issues. Business and Society Review 2003, 109, 395-414.
- Chen S, Ning J. Constraints on Electronic Commerce in Less-developed Countries: the case of China. Electronic Commerce Research 2002, 2, 31-42.
- Chen S. Assessing the impact of the Internet on brands. Journal of Brand Management 2001, 8, 288-302.
- Chen S, Leteney F. Get Real! Managing the Next Stage of Internet Retail. European Management Journal 2000, 18, 519-528.
- Chen S. A new paradigm for knowledge-based competition: Building an industry through knowledge sharing. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 1997, 9, 437-452.
Authored Books
- Chen S, Homan S, Redhead T, Vella R. The Music Export Business: Born Global. Abingdon: Routledge, 2021.
- Chen S. Strategic Management of e-business. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2006.
- Chen S. Strategic Management of e-business 2e. Chichester: Wiley, 2005.
- Chen S. Strategic Management of e-business. Chichester: Wiley, 2001.
Book Chapters
- Kahupi I, Yakovleva N, Chen S. The Significance of SDG16 “Strong Institutions” Toward the Adoption of Circular Economy Approaches for Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: de Souza Campos LM; Vazquez-Brust D, ed. The Social Dimensions of the Circular Economy. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2023, pp.171-200.
- Chen S. Effects of Geographic, Institutional and Linguistic Regions on FDI Performance. In: Impact of International Business Challenges and Solutions for Policy and Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, pp.11-24.
- Tan H, Chen S. Services offshoring: location choice and subnational regional advantages in China. In: The Handbook of Service Innovation. London: Springer, 2015, pp.621-640.
- Chen S, Bouvain P. Adoption of the Global Reporting Initiative by the FT500 firms: Overcoming the Liability of Foreigness. In: Temouri Y; Jones C, ed. International Business and Institutions after the Financial Crisis. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, pp.130-147.
- Chen S. Indian clothing industry: Ethical and social responsibility dilemmas. In: Cases in Corporate Sustainability and Change. Prahran: Tilde University Press, 2011, pp.60-66.
- Chen S. CEOs and financial misreporting. In: Ethical Leadership: Global Challenges and Perspectives. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp.61-92.
- Chen S, Bouvain P. A Comparison of Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in the United States, Germany and Australia. In: Strange, R; Jackson, G, ed. Corporate Governance and International Business. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, pp.266-279.
- Chen S. How much does urban location matter? A comparison of three science parks in China. In: Carillo, F, ed. Knowledge Cities Approaches, Experiences and Perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge, 2006, pp.191-204.
- Chen S. A micro-political perspective of strategic management. In: Vigoda-Gadot, E; Dory, E, ed. Handbook of Organizational Politics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2006, pp.209-229.
- Chen S. The Evolution of Management Theories in China: an Eliasian analysis. In: van Iterson, A, ed. The Civilized Organization. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002, pp.131-149.