Professor Susan Kirk
Professor of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour; Joint Head of Leadership, Work and Organisation
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Dr Susan Kirk joined Newcastle University Business School in 2018 and is a Professor of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour. She is the Joint Subject Group Head of the Leadership, Work and Organisation Subject Group (2024-2025) within Newcastle University Business School, Newcastle University. She is currently interim Associate Dean of Research NUBS (sabbatical cover). She is also the Research, Scholarship and Impact Co-Lead for the Subject Group. Susan graduated with an upper second class degree in Business Studies (Hons) from Nottingham Trent University (NTU) in 1992 and a Masters in Human Resource Management with merit in 1995. She has an ESRC-funded PhD in Sociology, also from NTU. Susan's areas of research interest are; mobility, talent management, identity studies and, more broadly, organisational behaviour and human resource management. She has published her work in journals such as Work, Employment and Society, Global Networks, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Review and the European Management Review.
Currently, she involved in several projects including a project exploring the global mobility of academics; research examining identity, place and mobility in the Derbyshire Peak District and a project exploring hybrid identities of Advanced Clinical Practitioners with a colleague at University College London and Gdansk University.
Roles and Responsibilities
As a Joint Subject Group Head, Susan is responsible for all people management issues within the SG including performance, reward, recruitment and selection and development. She is currently interim Associate Dean of Research within NUBS (sabbatical cover) and is responsible for all research and impact related activities within the School.
As the Research, Scholarship and Impact Co-Lead, Susan provides academic leadership for her colleagues with respect to all aspects of research, scholarship and impact.
Susan is also the Co-Lead for the Transport, Society and Place theme in the Transport and Mobility Newcastle Centre of Research Excellence.
Susan is a member of the editorial board for Work, Employment and Society and The International Human Resource Management Journal.
She is a reviewer for a number of leading, peer-reviewed journals and international conferences, where she has also been a stream convenor. S
Susan is a member of the British Sociological Association (BSA), the British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA) and the British Academy of Management (BAM). She was the Co-Track Chair for the Human Resource Management Special Interest Group of the British Academy of Management (BAM) (2016-2019) and she is now the Secretary for the SiG.
She is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA).
Previous Positions
2018-2019 N200 Degree Programme Director, Newcastle University Business School, NCL.
2016-2018 Deputy Chair of the University Research Degrees Committee reporting to Head of Doctoral School and Senior Pro-VC Research, Nottingham Trent University (NTU).
2014-2018 Doctoral Programmes Director (Doctorate in Business Administration), NTU.
2010-2016 Divisional Quality Representative - HRM Department, NTU
2005-2007 Course Leader MSc Human Resource Management, NTU.
1998-2003 Course Leader Certificate in Personnel Practice (CPP), Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, NTU.
1996-1998 Joint Course Leader Certificate in Management, MBA, NTU.
1993-1995 Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour & Human Resource Management, NTU.
Member of the British Sociological Association (BSA) 2022-
Certified Management and Business Educator, The Chartered Institute of Business Schools 2022-
Member of the British Academy of Management (BAM) 2015-
Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (FCIPD) 1994-
Member of British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA) 1996-
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) 2002-
Elected Member of the Executive Leadership Team of the Women’s Council of the International Leadership Association (ILA) 2019-2022
Member of the International Leadership Association 2019-2022
Member of the International Leadership Association Research Group 2019-2022
Secretary British Academy of Management HRM Special Interest Group 2019-
Track Co-Chair British Academy of Management HRM Special Interest Group 2016-2019
Member of the University of Surrey Centre for Management Learning 2014-2018
Member of the Association of Business Schools DBA Steering Group 2015-2018
Member of the Institute of Directors 2014-2016
Current Work
2022 - Provided the research data that underpinned a successful £15 million Levelling Up Bid for the regeneration of Ashbourne in Derbyshire with Professor Carley Foster, University of Derby.
2021 – Research Project: Identity, Mobility and Place. A study of The Peak District with Professor Carley Foster, University of Derby.
2021- Research Project: Global Mobility and Academics with Dr Tracy Scurry, Professor Karin Sanders (University of New South Wales), Professor Greg Bamber (University of Melbourne) and Professor Mark Smith (University of Stellenbosch).
2021 – Research Project: Fostering a Positive Research Culture, Newcastle University Business School.
2021 -Research project: Hybrid identities and Liminality: A Study of Advanced Clinical Practitioners with Professor Julie Davies, University College London and Dr Joanna Szulc,
Gdansk University.
Main Expertise
I am an interpretivist researcher who is fascinated by how individuals make sense of their working lives. Accordingly I have conducted research on a range of topics, including:
- Mobility
- Talent management
- Identity
- Ethics
I am part of the LWO Human Resource Management, Work and Employment Research Community and a member of the British Academy of Management Human Resource Management Special Interest Group.
Other Expertise
I am a practitioner Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and have considerable experience and expertise in consultancy work for both public and private sector organisations.
Funding Received
Source of funds: National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise (UKRI). Project Title: Exploring Identity, Place & Worker Attraction & Retention in Rural
Source of funds: HaSS Faculty Preparation Bid. Project Title: The Hidden Mobility of Academics
Source of funds: QR Enhancing Research Culture Fund. Project Title: Developing inclusive research and scholarship cultures through a
coaching/mentoring culture
Postgraduate Supervision
Doctoral Completions (10 students)
2022 DBA - Workforce Localisation and Business Competitiveness in the Gulf Countries: Case Study of a Multinational Bank in the United Arab Emirates
2022 PhD - Investigating Formation of Social Capital Benefits for Value Creation and Strategy Enhancement: The Case of SMEs in the UK’s Construction Industry
2020 DBA – Exploring the Relationships Between HCNs and Italian Expatriates in Nigeria: A Social Exchange Perspective
2018 MPhil - Management development of solicitors in Ireland
2017 PhD – Social Capital in Jordan: The Impact of Wasta on Employee Selection in Banks Operating in Jordan
2017 DBA - Reputation and Risk in Higher Education Institutions
2016 DBA – Motivating workplace creativity in the Chinese context
2007 –DBA Team performance management in the Irish healthcare sector
2006 DBA Managing teams in the retail sector
2005 DBA An ethical tool for decision making
Esteem Indicators
Editorial Board membership: Work, Employment and Society and the International Human Resource Management Journal.
Invited to provide the research data that underpinned a successful £15 million Levelling Up Bid for the regeneration of Ashbourne in Derbyshire, 2023.
Co-hosted collaborative event ‘Transport and Health: Moving in the same Direction’
with North East Public Health, North East Transport as Co-Director of the Transport, Society and Place theme of Mobility and Transport Newcastle University Centre of Research Excellence, Newcastle, 2022.
Invited Speaker at University College London (UCL): ‘Emergent Hybrid Professionals in New Occupational Roles: Institutional Support in Emancipatory and Anxiety-Inducing Transitions’, London, 2022.
Presenter of Excellence in Leadership Award at the Northeast Branch of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Awards, 2022.
Invited discussant on a panel on multidisciplinary research at the University of Southern Denmark, 2022.
Theme Co-Lead Transport, Society and Place, NCL Mobility & Transport NUCoRE.
Co-Lead Research, Scholarship & Impact, LWO.
Invited external panel member on research irregularity hearing in a UK HE institution – June 2021.
Member of organising panel for the International Leadership Association (ILA) Conference 2022
Member of the organising panel for a Women’s Colloquium for the International Leadership Association (ILA) – June 2021.
Member of the conference organising panel for the ILA Conference 2022 – at Portsmouth University.
Nominated Member of Newcastle University Business School (NUBS) Development Group overseeing strategic change initiative - January 2021-
Member of the Executive DBA Council (EDBAC) Election Council 2018 and 2019
Member of PhD judging panel for the Academy of Management, Human Resource International Conference, Sydney 2016.
Invited Speaker: ‘Maximising Outcomes for the DBA’, Association of Business Schools & British Academy of Management Doctorate in Business Administration Symposium, Cranfield October 2016.
Member of UK HR Division Academy of Management (AoM) research project entitled ‘International Aspects of Job design’ 2016-
Kirk, S. & Caven, V., Bauschke-Urban, C., Godfroy, S., Sagebiel, F, Showunmi, V. & Vázquez-Cupeiro, S. ‘Gendered career paths in uncertain and insecure international environments.’ Stream Convenors, Gender, Work & Organisation Conference 2016.
Member of British Academy of Management (BAM) organising committee for BAM/Centre for People, Innovation and Performance. Publishing in 4* journals event 2016.
Reviewer for British Academy of Management (BAM) Centre for People, Innovation and Performance. Publishing in 4* journals event 2015.
Industry Relevance
I have worked in industry for a number of years prior to joining academia. This includes working for Marconi Instruments, ESPA Ltd. (Grote und Hartman) and Celestion Textiles.
Undergraduate Teaching
I am currently teaching on the Managing Change and the HRM and the Future of Work modules at UG level.
Postgraduate Teaching
I currently teach on the Global HRM module on the MSc HRM and Leading Organisational Change on the MBA.
Main Expertise
I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and having been in academia for 30 years. I have many years of experience teaching at doctoral, PGT, UG and corporate levels. I have extensive experience of programme leadership and module and course design and quality assurance processes. I supervise students at UG, PG (taught) and doctoral levels. I have 10 doctoral completions and am currently supervising two PhD students and am interested in supervising doctoral projects relating to issues of mobility, identity, ethics and talent.
I have considerable experience as an external examiner for programmes, including:
External Examiner for the Master’s in Human Resource Management (HRM) at Cranfield University Business School (2022-)
External examiner for the Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) at Portsmouth University (2018-2021)
External examiner for HRM modules at Anglia Ruskin University (2014-2017)
- Pagan V, Kirk S. World-makers and social justice: Strategies of (in)action? . Strategic Change 2024, 33(5), 371-381.
- Irudhaya Rajesh J, Prikshat Verma, Kirk Susan, Saeed Mohtsham, Patel Parth, Sheheryar Khan Malik. Public service leadership: follower interpersonal communication satisfaction in transformational leadership and growth satisfaction, job stress and burnout. Journal of Asia Business Studies 2023, 17(6), 1183-1204.
- Foster C, Kirk S, Kougiannou K, Scurry T. Mind the gap: DBA students, knowledge generation, transfer and impact. Studies in Higher Education 2023, 49(4), 623-638.
- Foster C, Kirk S, Kougiannou N, Scurry T. Mind the Gap: DBA students, knowledge generation, exchange and impact . Studies in Higher Education 2023, 49(4), 623-638.
- Howe-Walsh L, Kirk S, Oruh E. Are People the Greatest Asset: Talent Management in SME Hotels in Nigeria during the Covid-19 Crisis. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 2023, 35(8), 2708-2727.
- BalaKuki M, Kirk S, Ridgway M. Social capital, language and host country nationals (HCNs) as global talent. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance 2021, 8(4), 370-386.
- Ridgeway M, Kirk S. Home Sweet Home: Creating a Sense of Place in Globally Mobile Working Lives. Global Networks 2021, 21(4), 749-768.
- Kirk S, Howe-Walsh L, Scurry T. Guest editorial - Re-imagining GTM? Considering the implications of context for research and practice. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance 2021, 8(4), 349-352.
- Kirk S. Sticks and Stones: The Naming of Global Talent. Work, Employment and Society 2020, n/a, n/a.
- Kirk S. Sticks and Stones: the Naming of Global Talent. Work, Employment and Society 2020, 00(0), 1-18. In Preparation.
- Painter-Morland M, Kirk S, Deslandes G, Tansley C. Talent Management: The Good, the Bad, and the Possible. European Management Review 2019, 16(1), 135-146.
- Kirk S. Identity, Glass Borders and Globally Mobile Female Talent. Journal of Global Mobility 2019, 7(3), 285-299.
- Tansley C, Kirk S. You've Been Framed—Framing Talent Mobility in Emerging Markets. Thunderbird International Business Review 2018, 60(1), 39-51.
- Kirk S. Career capital in global Kaleidoscope Careers: the role of HRM. International Journal of Human Resource Management 2016, 27(6), 681-697.
- Tansley C, Kirk S, Williams H, Barton H. Tipping the scales: ambidexterity practices on e-HRM projects. Employee Relations 2014, 36(4), 398-414.
- Tansley C, Kirk S, Fisher C. Navigating the ethical maze through design action research. European Journal of Training and Development 2014, 38(5), 456-482.
- Tansley C, Kirk S, Tietze S. The currency of talent management—A reply to “talent management and the relevance of context: Towards a pluralistic approach”. Human Resource Management Review 2013, 23(4), 337-340.
Book Chapters
- Howe-Walsh L, Kirk S, Pagan V. Business Schools, Accrediting Agencies and Gender: Washing or Spinning?. In: Gardiner, R; Elliott, C; Fox-Kirk, W; Stead, V, ed. Genderwashing in Leadership: Power, Policies and Politics. Leeds, UK: Emerald, 2024, pp.216.
- Kirk S, Howe-Walsh L. Global Mobility in the Asia-Pacific Region and Role of Talent Management and International HRM. In: Sinha, P; Patel, P; Prikshat, V, ed. International HRM and Development in Emerging Market Multinationals. London and New York: Routledge, 2022.
- Kirk S, Howe-Walsh L. Global Mobility in the Asia-Pacific Region and Role of Talent Management and International HRM. In: Sinha, P., Parth, P. & Prikshat, V, ed. Emerging Market Multinationals and Strategic Management. Routledge, 2021, pp.16.
- Howe-Walsh L, Kirk S. Self-initiated expatriates and the role of International Human Resource Management. In: Andresen, M; Brewster, C; Suutari, V, ed. Self-Initiated Expatriates in Context. Recognizing Space, Time and Institutions. New York: Routledge, 2020, pp.195-213.
- Tansley C, Kirk S. Exploratory learners, HR ambidexterity and e-HRM projects. In: Helen Shipton, Pawan Budhwar, Paul Sparrow, Alan Brown, ed. Human Resource Management, Innovation and Performance. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, pp.130-144.
- Caven V, Kirk S, Wang-Cowham C. Expatriation and repatriation: case study in the Asia-Pacific. In: International Human Resource Management. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp.179-193.
- Myers J, Kirk S. Managing Process of Human Resource Development. In: Leopold, J. & Harris, L, ed. The Strategic Managing of Human Resources. 2009.
- Kirk S, Leopold J. Employee Involvement, Participation and Communication. In: Leopold, J., Harris, L. & Watson, T, ed. The Strategic Managing of Human Resources. 2005. In Preparation.
- Kirk S, Leopold J. Employee Involvement, Participation and Communication. In: Leopold, J., Harris, L. & Watson, ed. Strategic Human Resourcing: Principles, Perspectives and Practices in HRM. 1999. In Preparation.
- Foster C, Kirk S, Kyle P. Attracting and retaining staff in rural areas: A Toolkit for employers. NICRE: University of Derby & Newcastle University Business School, 2024.