Professor Tom McGovern
Prof of Business History & Management
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 1712
- Address: Newcastle University Business School
Room 4.16, 5 Barrack Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tom has an interest in the integration of history and organisational studies. He is interested in taking a longitudinal, historical focus on strategy formation and implementation. He is particularly interested in industry emergence, organisational growth, decline and turnaround strategies. Tom is conducting research with Tom McLean on the growth and decline of companies in the North East of England from the mid-nineteenth century. This historical research is underpinned by a strong strategic and accounting focus. The two Toms are also investigating the development of Quaker-owned businesses in the North East.
Tom has been involved in several projects in the manufacturing, health and service sectors that have focused on transformational change and improving efficiency. This includes a KTP with Benfield Motors that was aimed at reducing costs and improving customer experience (with Chris Hicks, Tracy Scurry and Adrian Small). The KTP was rated as outstanding by Innovate UK and was classified as a best practice case study by the ESRC. Previous projects investigated transformational change in NHS North East (with Chris Hicks and Adrian Small). The North East Transformation System (NETS) was a region-wide strategy to transform the healthcare system in the North East. This was a joint project with the Wolfson Research Centre at Durham University that received funding of £500,000 from the National Institute for Health Research.
Tom is also working on a project with Chris Hicks that is evaluating the application of the 3P Lean design method in the NHS. The focus is on implementing participative design methods. The initiative was funded by the Health Foundation The research evaluated the development of a new design for the endoscopy ward and maternity unit at Gateshead Health Foundation Trust and the construction of an endoscopy unit at Sunderland Royal Hospital.
Tom and Chris were previously involved in the European Regions for Innovative Productivity (ERIP). This was a €3.3 million EU funded project to help small firms in the North Sea Region of Europe implement Lean processes.
Previous Roles and Responsibilities
Associate Director of the Leadership, Work and Organization Group.
Director of the Business, Accounting and Management History Research Group.
Director of the Management of Operations and Strategy Research Group
Chair of the LWO Undergraduate Exam Board.
Chair of the LWO Postgraduate Board of Studies
Member of the Work Allocation Model (WAM) group.
Member of the Research and Ethics Committee.
Member of the PEC Committee.
BSc Economics (Loughborough University), MSc (London School of Economics), PhD (Warwick University)
Academy of Management
Strategic Management Society
British Academy of Management
Association of Business Historians
Honours and Awards
KTP with Benfield Motors was awarded a grade A (Outstanding) by Innovate UK on 26 April 2016 and was made a best practice case by the ESRC on 20 October 2016.
Highly Commended Paper Award (2016) from Emerald Literi Network Awards for Excellence.
An Honourable Mention Award for Business History (2006) from the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada.
Informal Interests
Weight training, Kettlebell training.
Google Scholar: Click here.
Research Interests
I am a member of the following research groups: Strategy, International Business and Society (SIBS); Management & Organisation (M&O); and Applied Microeconomics. My research interests are in (i) industry emergence, organisational growth, decline and failure, and turnaround strategies (ii) the role of change agents, transformational change and the implementation of Lean in manufacturing and service sectors (including the health service).
I have an interest in the integration of history with organisation studies, particularly as it applies to industry/organisational emergence and decline.
Research Roles
I was previously:
Director of the Business, Accounting and Management History Research Group.
Director of the Management of Operations, Strategy and Technology Research Group.
Principal Investigator and chair of the Academic Research Group for the ERIP project.
Postgraduate Supervision
Fahad Alanazi (Full-time PhD graduates in December 2023).
Chudi Ojeme (Full-time PhD graduated in July 2023).
Fatma Al Zadjali (Full-time PhD graduated in January 2021).
Iain Smith (Part-time PhD graduated in December 2018)
Fokion Oikonomidis (Part-time PhD graduated in December 2018).
Andy Hill (Part-time PhD graduated in July 2017).
Sarah McCafferty (Part-time PhD graduated in July 2014).
Jie Ma (Full-time PhD graduated in July 2014).
Nan Supajit Panichsakpatana (Full-time PhD graduated in July 2013).
Wen Xie (Full-time PhD graduated in December 2011).
Teerawut Tunnukij (Full-time PhD graduated in December 2008).
Lu Hsin-Che (Full-time MPhil graduated in June 2008).
Rispiand Rispiand (Full-time MPhil graduated in June 2008).
Current PhD Students
Manli Zhang (Full-time PhD from January 2023).
Ellie Chadha (Full-time PhD from January 2022).
Lok-Sang (Orlando) Kuan (Full-time PhD from September 2021).
Qasim Zureigat (Full-time PhD from January 2019).
Sameh Danina (Full-time PhD from 2017).
Esteem Indicators
KTP with Benfield Motors was awarded a grade A (Outstanding) by Innovate UK on 26 April 2016 and was made a best practice case study by the ERSC on 20 October 2016.
Emerald Literati Network Award for Excellence (25 May 2016), Highly Commended paper in Journal of Health Organization and Management.
Chair of the Academic Research Group for the ERIP project.
Member of the Strategic Steering Committee for the ERIP project.
Honourable Mention Award for Business History (2006) from the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada.
External Examiner Leeds University Business School (2016 - ).
External Examiner Manchester Metropolitan University (2009 - 2013).
Business History; Critical Perspectives on International Business; International Journal of Production Economics; Human Relations; British Accounting Review; International Journal of Information Technology and Management; Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations E-Commerce Research and Applications; Management & Organizational History; Architectural Engineering and Design Management.
1. KTP Benfield Motors (£126,000) to instigate change and to improve effectiveness of operations.
2. The evaluation of service improvement through the design of space using the Lean 3P method (£40,950 grant from the Health Foundation)
3. European Regions for Innovative Productivity (ERIP) 3.3 million Euros (£2.6 million) from the Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme. In conjunction with One NorthEast and academic, regional development agencies, and industrial partners in Belgium, Holland, Germany, Norway and Sweden.
4. An Evaluation of the North East Transformation System: A Scoping Study (£120,000 grant from the North East Strategic Health Authority). A collaborative project between Newcastle University Business School, the Institute for Health and Society, and the Wolfson Research Institute at Durham University.
5.An Evaluation of the North East Transformation System (£500,000 grant from the NHS SDO). A collaborative project between Newcastle University Business School, the Institute for Health and Society, and the Wolfson Research Institute at Durham University.
6. Previous grants totalling £191,863 from the Teaching Company Directorate, Arts and Humanities Research Fund, and from industrial companies.
Industrial Relevance
My research supports the Business School's internationalisation strategy and its objective of contributing to the economic prosperity of the North East. The project with Benfield Motors contributed to implementing change and process improvement in a major regional company. Research conducted in the NHS in the region focused on transformational change and service improvement. A second project with the NHS adopted a participative design to develop patient centred facilities. The ERIP project established Innovative Productivity Centres (comprising company exemplars, regional development agencies and universities) in North East England, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Norway and Sweden. The research provided an opportunity for SMEs to learn best practice from exemplar companies, encouraged learning across sectors, and developed learning on an international basis.
Postgraduate Teaching
NBS8126 Strategic Management for the MBA programme.
NBS8078 Strategy for Managers for the MSc International Business Strategy programme.
- Abdelrehim N, McGovern T, McLean T, Oldroyd D, Tyson T. The contribution of the Stephenson Company, engine manufacturers to the genesis of the British railway industry c.1823-1840. Business History 2025, 67(1), 239-267.
- McLean T, McGovern T, Slack R, McLean M. Quaker accountability regimes: The case of the Richardson family networks, 1840-1914. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 2023, 36(3), 859-884.
- Albalwi W, McGovern T, Salama A. Pro-Social Policies and Impression Management: The American Arabian Oil Company (Aramco), 1932-1974. Enterprise and Society 2024, 25(3), 872-906.
- Wong ND, McGovern T. Entrepreneurial Strategies in a Family Business: Growth and Capital Conversions in Historical Perspective. Business History 2023, 65(3), 454-478.
- Maclean M, Harvey C, McGovern T, Shaw G. Elite solidarity, social responsibility, and the contested origins of Britain's first business schools. Academy of Management Learning & Education 2023, 22(2), 191-215.
- Mackenzie E, McGovern T, Small A, Hicks C, Scurry T. 'Are they out to get us?': Power and the 'recognition' of the subject through a 'lean' work regime. Organization Studies 2021, 42(11), 1721-1740.
- Smith I, Hicks C, McGovern T. Adapting Lean methods to facilitate stakeholder engagement and co-design in healthcare. British Medical Journal 2020, 368, m35.
- McGovern T, McLean T. The genesis of the electricity supply industry in Britain: A case study of NESCo from 1889-1914. Business History 2017, 59(5), 667-689.
- McGovern T, Small A, Hicks C. Diffusion of process improvement methods in European SMEs. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 2017, 37(5), 607-629.
- McLean T, McGovern T. Costing for strategy development and analysis in an emerging industry: the Newcastle upon Tyne Electric Supply Company, 1889-1914. British Accounting Review 2017, 49(3), 294-315.
- McLean T, McGovern T, Davie S. Management accounting, engineering and the management of company growth: Clark Chapman, 1864-1914. British Accounting Review 2015, 47(2), 177-190.
- Hunter DJ, Erskine J, Small A, McGovern T, Hicks C, Whitty P, Lugsden E. Doing transformational change in the English NHS in the context of "big bang" redisorganisation: Findings from the North East transformation system. Journal of Health Organization and Management 2015, 29(1), 10-24.
- Hicks C, McGovern T, Prior G, Smith I. Applying lean principles to the design of healthcare facilities. International Journal of Production Economics 2015, 170(Part B), 677-686.
- Hunter DJ, Erskine J, Hicks C, McGovern T, Lugsden E, Eccles M, Steen N, Whitty P. Give local solutions a chance to improve care: An evaluation of the North East Transformation System contains some important lessons for future large scale change initiatives in the NHS. Health Service Journal 2014.
- Hunter D, Erskine J, Hicks C, McGovern T, Small A, Lugsden E, Whitty P, Steen IN, Eccles M. A mixed-methods evaluation of transformational change in NHS North East. Health Services Delivery Research 2014, 2(47), 1-169.
- McGovern T, McLean T. The growth and development of Clarke Chapman from 1864 to 1914. Business History 2013, 55(3), 448-478.
- Erskine J, Hunter DJ, Small A, Hicks C, McGovern T, Lugsden E, Whitty P, Steen N, Eccles MP. Leadership and transformational change in healthcare organisations: A qualitative analysis of the North East Transformation System. Health Services Management Research 2013, 26(1), 29-37.
- Powell D, Hicks C, McGovern T, Small A. Bite-sized Lean. Lean Management Journal 2013, 3(5), 7-11.
- McGovern T. The decline of the British tyre industry: an evaluation of the policies of the Tyre Industry Sector Working Party. Business History 2011, 53(4), 600-616.
- Hicks C, McGovern T. Product life cycle management in engineer-to-order industries. International Journal of Technology Management 2009, 48(2), 153-167.
- Erskine J, Hunter DJ, Hicks C, McGovern T, Scott E, Lugsden E, Kunonga E, Whitty P. New development: First steps towards an evaluation of the North East Transformation System. Public Money and Management 2009, 29(5), 273-276.
- McGovern T. Why do Successful Companies Fail?: A Case Study of the Decline of Dunlop. Business History 2007, 49(6), 830-851.
- McGovern T, Hicks C. Specifications and supplier development in the UK electrical transmission and distribution equipment industry. International Journal of Production Economics 2006, 104(1), 164-178.
- McGovern T, Hicks C. How political processes shaped the IT adopted by a small make-to-order company: a case study in the insulated wire and cable industry. Information & Management 2004, 42(1), 243-257.
- McGovern T, Hicks C. Deregulation and restructuring of the global electricity supply industry and its impact upon power plant suppliers. International Journal of Production Economics 2004, 89(3), 321-337.
- Hicks C, Heidrich O, McGovern T, Donnelly T. A functional model of supply chains and waste. International Journal of Production Economics 2004, 89(2), 165-174.
- Hicks C, McGovern T, Earl CF. A Typology of UK Engineer-to-order Companies. International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications 2001, 4(1), 43-56.
- Hicks C, McGovern T, Earl CF. Supply chain management: A strategic issue in engineer to order manufacturing. International Journal of Production Economics 2000, 65(2), 179-190.
- Hicks C, Earl CF, McGovern T. An analysis of company structure and business processes in the capital goods industry in the U.K. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 2000, 47(4), 414-423.
- McGovern T, Hicks C, Earl CF. Modelling supply chain management processes in engineer-to-order companies. International Journal of logistics: Research and Applications 1999, 2(2), 147-159.
- Erskine J, Hicks C, Hunter D, McGovern T, Scott E, Lugsden E, Kunonga E, Whitty P. The North East Transformation System: A Scoping Study of the Background and Initial Steps. Durham, UK: Joint Research Team from the School of Health and Medicine, Durham University and Newcastle University Business School, 2008.
- Hicks C, McGovern T, Parry-Jones C. Productivity Needs Analysis of companies in North East England assisted by the North East Productivity Alliance. Newcastle: NA Consulting, 2007.