Professor Tracy Scurry
Joint Head of Leadership, Work and Organisation/ Professor of Work and Employment
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Dr Tracy Scurry is a Professor of Work and Employment, in the Leadership, Work and Organisation Subject Group. She is an Academic Fellow of the CIPD (AFCIPD).
Current Roles and Responsibilities
- Joint Head of Leadership, Work and Organisation Subject Group (2024 - 2025)
- Leadership, Work and Organisation Subject Leadership Team - Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Lead (2022 - )
Previous Roles and Responsibilities
- Associate Dean Learning and Teaching Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS) Faculty (2017 - 2021)
- HaSS Faculty Representative on UNSDGs subcommittee of Executive Board - Co-lead for Education Strand (2019 -2024)
- Academic representative University Reward Forum (2019 -2021)
- ONEPlanet Research Fund Reviewer (2019 - 2021)
- Deputy Chair HaSS Faculty Education Committee (2017-2021)
- Chair of INTO Newcastle University Academic Board of Studies (2017 - 2021)
- Chair of the Regulations Working Group for Taught Programmes Sub- Committee (2020 -2021)
- Deputy Chair of and HaSS Faculty Representative on the University Taught Programme Sub-Committee of UEC (2018 -2021)
- HaSS Faculty Representative on the University Technology Enhanced Subcommittee of UEC (2018-2021)
- Invited member of the following University Education Committee Task and Finish groups: Review of the Academic Year; Online Student Induction; Personal Extenuating Circumstances Regulations Review (2018 -2020)
- University Real Living Wage Task and Finish Group (2018 -2021)
- Deputy Subject Group Head, (Leadership, Work and Organisation) 2013 -2016
- Chair of the Board of Studies (Leadership, Work and Organisation) 2013- 2016
- HASS Faculty representative for the University Standing Committee on Collaborative Provision
External Roles
2022 - ongoing Network Convenor for the Society for Research in Higher Education Employability, Enterprise and Workbased Learning Network
2022 - ongoing Member of the QAA Advisory group for the 2022 review of the Business and Management Subject Benchmark Statement
2020 - ongoing AGCAS Research and Knowledge Committee Member
2019 - ongoing Chartered Association of Business Schools CMBE Professional Standards Board Member
2019 - ongoing QAA Institutional and Subject specialist reviewer (Business Management)
2012 - 2013 Advisory group member for BIS funded Graduate Success Project AGCAS/AGR
2011 - 2012 Panel member for the OUVS Revalidation of MA Management with Pathways at Regent's College
Research Esteem Indicators
Emerald Literati Award 2022 – Outstanding Reviewer for Career Development International.
Editorial responsibilities
2020 - 2021 Special Issue Co-Editor with Dr Sue Kirk (Newcastle) and Dr Liza Howe-Walsh (Portsmouth), Journal of Organisational Effectiveness, People and Performance, ‘Reimagining
Global Talent Management? Considering the implications of context for research and practice’. Special issue available here:
2013 - ongoing Editorial Advisory Board Member, Personnel Review
2008 - 2013 Book Reviews Editor, Personnel Review
Invited keynote presentations and seminars
2022 February - Invited research seminar at Pearson University London
2019 July – Invited Keynote at the AGCAS Research Conference
2014 Invited research seminar at Centre for Lifelong Learning, Warwick University, 21 May 2014
2014 Invited research seminar at Grenoble University, April 2014
External Examiner appointments
2014 - 2018 Centre for Lifelong Learning, Warwick University, UK: MA/PGD/PGC/PGA Career Education Information and Guidance in Higher Education MA/PGD/PGC/PGA Career Development
and Coaching Studies
2014 - 2018 Warwick Business School, Warwick University, UK: Postgraduate Award in Career Development
International Doctoral Examinations
2014 - External examiner DBA: Grenoble Ecole de Management, France
2012 - External examiner PhD: Auckland University, New Zealand
UK Doctoral Examinations
2010 - External examiner DBA: Teesside University, UK
2019 - External examiner PhD: Northumbria University
2019 - External examiner PhD: Teesside University
2022 - Internal examiner PhD: Newcastle University
Bibliographic links
Google Scholar:
Scopus Author ID: 16417822100
Dr Tracy Scurry is Professor of Work and Employment at the Newcastle University Business School, where she is responsible for the strategic and academic leadership of learning, teaching and the student experience in the Leadership, Work and Organisation Subject Group. She has made significant, senior level contributions to management and leadership, most notably as Associate Dean Learning and Teaching for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences where she was responsible for leading on several strategic priorities including student partnership working, students as researchers, technology enhanced learning (TEL), virtual mobility and supporting graduate outcomes. Her responsibilities have involved engagement in faculty and institutional level academic governance structures including roles in Learning and Teaching Reviews, Education Committee, Student Experience Committee, University Appeals Adjudicator and fitness for practice procedures.
Significant recent contributions in teaching and scholarship focus on the strategic leadership of academic practice and development. As Associate Dean she worked with students and colleagues across the institution to enhance student experience and championed an integrated approach to academic practice. Dr Scurry provided leadership and support across the HaSS Faculty for substantial curriculum review, new interdisciplinary provision and degree level apprenticeships.
Dr Scurry also has substantial experience of teaching in higher education and the delivery and design of a wide range of modules and programmes across the Business Management portfolio at Newcastle University Business School. Her experiences range from first year undergraduates to executive MBAs and PhD supervision, using both traditional teaching and supervision methods and innovative technology-enhanced learning approaches. She has experience of external professional and statutory recognition body accreditation processes having served as a panel member for school (EFMD Quality Improvement System –EQUIS; Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business - AACSB and Association of MBAs – AMBA) and programme accreditations (Chartered Institute of Personnel Development - CIPD). She is an Academic Fellow of the CIPD.
She has experience of overseeing, managing and delivering higher education provision in a range of positions within Newcastle University and has assessed academic quality and standards across the sector in a range of providers including universities, colleges and alternative providers as a QAA assessor and through external examining and external reviewer/advisory roles. She has conducted research for policy makers (BIS and the North East Local Economic Partnership) and acted as an expert for professional bodies (e.g. Association for Careers and Guidance Services). She has been a QAA reviewer since 2019. She was also a member of the QAA Advisory Panel for the review of the Subject Benchmark Statements for Business and Management.
She has a sustained commitment to CPD as a means to advance the quality of higher education. As a member of the Chartered Association of Business Schools Professional Standards Board, she has been responsible for ongoing review and evaluation of the Certified Business and Management Educator (CMBE) scheme.
Management and Leadership Roles in Learning and Teaching
2022 - Learning, teaching and student experience lead for LWO
2019 - 2021 Associate Dean Learning and Teaching (Undergraduate) (HaSS Faculty)
2017 - 2019 Associate Dean for Learning and Teaching (HaSS Faculty)
2017 - 2021 Deputy Chair HaSS Faculty Education Committee
2017 - 2021 Chair of INTO Newcastle University Academic Board of Studies
2020 - 2021 Chair of the Regulations Working Group for Taught Programmes Sub- Committee
2018 - 2021 Deputy Chair of and HaSS Faculty Representative on the University Taught Programme Sub-Committee of UEC
2018 - 2021 HaSS Faculty Representative on the University Technology Enhanced Subcommittee of UEC
2018 - 2021 Invited member of the following University Education Committee Task and Finish groups: Review of the Academic Year; Online Student Induction; Personal Extenuating
Circumstances Regulations Review
2013 - 2016 Deputy Subject Group Head for Leadership, Work and Organisation (LWO)
2013 - 2016 Chair of the Board of Studies for Leadership, Work and Organisation (LWO)
2011 - 2014 Degree Programme Director for Dual Masters AIBM/AIBMM with University of Groningen
2012 -2014 Chair of the Board of Examiners Dual Masters AIBM/AIBMM/OPS with University of Groningen
2009 - 2011 Dual Masters Programme development and approval
2008 - 2011 Degree Programme Director for the MA IBM
Current Teaching
BUS1016 Academic and Professional Skill Development
BUS2040 HRM and the Future of Work
BUS3006 Managing Diversity
BUS3003 Advanced Business Practice
BUS3009 Management Research Briefing for Sustainable Organisational Futures
NBS8383 Diversity in a Global Context
Research Interests
Current research embraces: graduate careers (notably graduates in ‘non-traditional’ graduate employment), identity narratives of global workers and career development programmes. Her work seeks to reframe understandings about graduate careers by demonstrating their multi-level and relational nature. She is interested in exploring how individual and societal factors interplay to influence outcomes, current research examines how imbalances and inequalities frame career experiences. She has an established track record of attracting research funding (British Academy, Department of Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) and N8) and engaging with non-academic stakeholders in a variety of forms (KTP and ESRC Seminar Series). She has conducted research for policy makers (BIS and the North East Local Economic Partnership), acted as an expert for professional bodies (e.g. Association for Careers and Guidance Services) and has worked with regional branches of the Chartered Institute for Personnel Development (CIPD) and the North East Chambers of Commerce (NECC) to engage members with research and organise events.
She has also worked with a number of public sector organisations evaluating the processes and impact of organisational change related to the implementation of flexible working practices and work life balance initiatives. Work to date has adopted a multi-stakeholder perspective, examining both the organisational and individual implications of the practices for all those involved.
Keywords: careers, subjective careers, career success, graduate careers, career management, global careers, resilience, dual careers
External Research Funding
2018 -2019 Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Scoping Award: Graduate Resilience: A review of the literature and future research agenda. With C. Burke (University of Derby) University).
2017 -2018 Higher Education Careers Services Unit (HECSU): Developing Graduates' Career Resilience. With PI Ann Smart (Northumbria University Careers Service) Prof. J Blenkinsopp (Newcastle Business School) and Dr. C. Burke (Derby)
2014 – 2016 ESRC Knowledge Transfer Partnership Funding: Transformational Change at Benfield Motor Group – PI: Chris Hicks. CIs: T Scurry and T McGovern. Received outstanding rating and featured as an ESRC Impact Case Study:
2013-2015 ESRC Seminar Series: 'Regulation of Work and Employment: Towards a multidisciplinary, multilevel framework' - PI: J Rodriguez, CIs: T. Scurry, S. Johnstone and S. Hughes (Newcastle), G. Bamber (Monash) and P. Stewart (Strathclyde) (Grant Ref: ES/L000660/1).
2012 -2013 Institute for Local Governance and Gateshead Council: Accelerating Implementation of Apprenticeship Priotities for Gateshead (With Dr John Blenkinsopp, Dr Ruth Helyer, Dr Paul Smith, Steven Pattinson).
2012 -2012 Department for Business Innovation and Skills :Graduate Recruitment to SMEs.(NUBS Principal Investigator) with Leigh Sear SFEDI , Dr Janine Swail NUBS, Professor Simon Down Anglia Ruskin and Stu Anderson NUBS. Report available here:
2010 - 2012 British Academy Small Research Grant : What is a graduate job? Insights from undergraduate students of expected graduate employment outcomes (Principal Investigator. With Dr John Blenkinsopp)
2010 – 2010 Institute for Local Governance CA100: Securing the region’s future workforce requirements The Process of Recruiting, Training & Deploying Apprentices (With Dr John Blenkinsopp, Dr Jon Scott and Dr Roberts)
Internal Research Funding
2014 -2015 KITE Internship for NELEP Regional Skills Survey.
2012 - 2013 NUBS Engaged Research Funding: Graduate development programmes in the public sector – changing notions of career success? (Principal Investigator)
2007 – 2008 Faculty Research Grant : 'An exploration of the influence of social class on career expectations and aspirations' (with Dr Yvette Taylor - GPS)
2006 – 2007 HASS Faculty Futures Programme Grant: 'Intersections, divisions and distinctions: an exploration of students’ experiences within Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS), Newcastle University' (with Dr. Bernadette Buckley and Dr. Yvette Taylor)
Activities, events and wider engagement since 2015
2021 June – Practitioner workshop at AGCAS with Gayle Leach (Newcastle University Careers Service).
2021 June - Invited to act as a judge for the Target Connect National Graduate Recruitment Awards - Employer Social Mobility Award
2021 Invited to deliver a seminar at the Career Development Institute Practitioner Research Conference.
2020 Member of AGCAS Alternative Conference Committee
2020 January - Invited to act as a judge for the annual AGCAS Excellence Awards
2019 July - Invited keynote presentation at the AGCAS Research Conference for Careers and Employability Professionals
2019 June - Co-delivered workshop on Low Carbon Careers with Virgin Money and Professor John Blenkinsopp at the People Power event Northumbria University
2019 June - Delivered workshop for North East careers and employability professionals at Northumbria University based on joint HECSU funded career resilience research project
2018 September - Delivered practitioner workshop at AGCAS Conference with A. Smart (Northumbria)
2017 April - Invited presentation on Graduate Retention and Attraction in the North East at the CIPD North East Regional Conference.
2016 Development of CIPD Regional Skills Panel event 23rd February 2016 with Sarah Carnegie and NELEP.
2015 Designed and implemented a Regional Skills Survey with the NELEP, NECC and FSB.
- Burke C, Scurry T. Reconceptualising graduate resilience – an integrated multi-level framework for future research. British Journal of Sociology of Education 2024, 45(7-8), 1125-1145.
- Foster C, Kirk S, Kougiannou N, Scurry T. Mind the Gap: DBA students, knowledge generation, exchange and impact . Studies in Higher Education 2023, 49(4), 623-638.
- Scurry T, Clarke M. Navigating dual-careers: the challenge for professional couples. Personnel Review 2022, 51(7), 1823-1840.
- Speed F, Scurry T, Edward P, Moufahim M. Networks amongst Syrians: Situated Migrant Positionalities and the Impact on Relational Embedding. Social Inclusion 2021, 9(4), 243-253.
- Kirk S, Howe-Walsh L, Scurry T. Guest editorial - Re-imagining GTM? Considering the implications of context for research and practice. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance 2021, 8(4), 349-352.
- Mackenzie E, McGovern T, Small A, Hicks C, Scurry T. 'Are they out to get us?': Power and the 'recognition' of the subject through a 'lean' work regime. Organization Studies 2021, 42(11), 1721-1740.
- Clarke M, Scurry T. The role of the psychological contract in shaping graduate experiences: a study of public sector talent management programmes in the UK and Australia. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 2020, 31(8), 965-991.
- Burke C, Scurry T, Blenkinsopp J. Navigating the graduate labour market: The impact of social class on student understandings of graduate careers and the labour market. Studies in Higher Education 2020, 45(8), 1711-1722.
- Scurry T, Burke C, Blenkinsopp J, Smart A. Maintaining the promise without killing the dream: developing resilience for future 'graduate' careers. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling 2020, 44(1), 36-43.
- Rodriguez JK, Scurry T. Female and Foreign: An intersectional exploration of the experiences of skilled migrant women in Qatar. Gender, Work & Organization 2019, 26(4), 480-500.
- Photiou CA, Scurry T, Smith M. Employee ‘Line of Sight’: the key to unlocking human capital potential?. Business Leadership Review 2014, 12(1), 6-22.
- Rodriguez JK, Scurry T. Career capital development of self-initiated expatriates in Qatar: cosmopolitan globetrotters, experts and outsiders. International Journal of Human Resource Management 2014, 25(1-2), 190-211.
- Scurry T, Rodriguez JK, Bailouni S. Narratives of Identity of Self-Initiated Expatriates in Qatar. Career Development International 2013, 18(1), 12-33.
- Scurry T, Blenkinsopp J. Under-employment among recent graduates: a review of the literature. Personnel Review 2011, 40(5), 643-659.
- Taylor Y, Scurry T. Intersections, divisions, and distinctions: Exploring widening participation and international students' experiences of Higher Education in the UK. European Societies 2011, 13(4), 583-606.
- Tietze S, Musson G, Scurry T. Homebased work: a review of research into themes, directions and implications. Personnel Review 2009, 38(6), 585-604.
- Blenkinsopp J, Scurry T. "Hey GRINGO!": The HR challenge of graduates in non-graduate occupations. Personnel Review 2007, 36(4), 623-637.
Book Chapters
- Scurry T, Blenkinsopp J. Life in the graduate graveyards: making sense of underemployment in graduate careers. In: Burke C; Christie C, ed. Graduate Careers in Context: Research, Policy and Practice. Routledge, 2019, pp.110-124.
- Burke C, Scurry T, Blenkinsopp J, Graley K. Critical perspectives on graduate employability. In: Tomlinson, M. and Holmes, L, ed. Graduate Employability in Context: Theory, Research and Debate. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, pp.87-107.
- Blenkinsopp J, Scurry T, Hay A. Exploring issues of authenticity in early career: the case of underemployed graduates. In: Baugh, S.G., Sullivan, S.E, ed. Research in Careers: Searching for Authenticity. North Carolina, USA: Information Age Publishing, 2015.
- Rodriguez JK, Scurry T. The Global Talent Challenge of Self-Initiated Expatriates. In: Al Ariss, A, ed. Global Talent Management: Challenges, Strategies, and Opportunities. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 2014, pp.93-105.
- Rodriguez JK, Scurry T, Bailouni S. Carreiras globais e narrativas de identidade: O caso dos migrantes qualificados no Catar. In: Jacob Lima, ed. Outras sociologias do trabalho: flexibilidades, emoções e mobilidades. São Carlos, Brasil: Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2013, pp.73-99.
- Scurry T, Blenkinsopp J, Hay A. Global Careers: Perspectives from the United Kingdom. In: Baruch, Y., Reis, C, ed. Careers without Borders: Critical Perspectives. Oxford: Routledge, 2012, pp.31-54.
- Tietze S, Musson G, Scurry T. Improving Services. Balancing Lives? A Multiple Stakeholder Perspective on the Work-Life Balance Discourse. In: Blyton, P., Blunsdon, B., Reed, K., Dastmalchian, A, ed. Work Life Integration: International Perspectives on the Balancing of Multiple Roles. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, pp.180-195.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
- Scurry T, Carnegie S, Yarrow E. Get Sust! Working in partnership with students to co-develop a board game for raising student awareness of sustainable development. In: Chartered Association of Business School's Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Conference. 2022, Belfast.
- Powney, J., Hamilton, S., Wilson, V., Kirk, S., Edward, S., Proctor, J., Cloonan, M., Bryson, C., Caven, V. and Scurry, T. Appointment, Retention and Promotion of Academic Staff in Higher Education Institutions. 2003. HEFCE.
Online Publications
- Smith M, Clarke M, Scurry T. Première ministre et jeune maman : ce que révèle le cas de Jacinda Ardern. The Conversation, 2018. Available at:
- Smith M, Clarke M, Scurry T. It's only a baby, right? Prime ministers, women and parenthood. London: The Conversation, 2018. Available at:
- Scurry T, Renaud V. Turbulent transitions: graduate unemployment and underemployment. Prospects, 2022. What do graduates do? 2021/22.
- Green G, Scurry T. Expanding Understandings of Value and Success. Prospects, 2022. What do Graduates do? 2021/22.
- Scurry T, Smart A, Burke C, Blenkinsopp J, Stephenson S. Developing and Enhancing Graduates' Career Resilience; Perspectives from Higher Education Careers Professionals. Higher Education Careers Service Unit, Prospects, 2020. Higher Education Careers Service Unit, Prospects.
- Burke C, Scurry T. Graduate Resilience: A review of the literature and future research agenda. Society for Research in Higher Education, 2019. SRHE Research Awards.
- Sear L, Scurry T, Swail J, Down S. Graduate recruitment to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). London: Department for Business, Innovation & Skills, 2013. Research and Innovation Department for Business Innovation and Skills BIS/13/546.
- Scurry T, Sear L, Uglebjerg A. Graduate Employment in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Results from an AGCAS member survey. Sheffield, UK: AGCAS, 2012.
- Tietze S, Musson G, Scurry T. Invisible aspects of homeworking practices: an empirical investigation in two case organisations. Bradford, UK: Bradford University School Of Management, 2006. Working Paper Series 06/14.
- Blenkinsopp J, Scurry T. Strategic Human Resource Management - Edited by Randall S. Schuler and Susan E. Jackson. Industrial Relations Journal 2008, 39(4), 335-337.